void IntervalOutput::Print(T_AlignmentCandidate &alignment, std::ostream &outFile)

    int mapQV = alignment.mapQV;
    int lastBlock = alignment.blocks.size() - 1;
    if (lastBlock < 0) return;

    outFile << alignment.qName << " " << alignment.tName << " " << alignment.score << " "
            << alignment.pctSimilarity << " " << alignment.qStrand << " " << alignment.QAlignStart()
            << " " << alignment.QAlignEnd() << " " << alignment.qLength << " " << alignment.tStrand
            << " " << alignment.TAlignStart() << " "
            << (alignment.tAlignedSeqPos + alignment.tPos + alignment.blocks[lastBlock].tPos +
            << " " << alignment.tLength << " " << mapQV << std::endl;
    //Remove the last four fields from m4 format.
    //<< " " << alignment.nCells << " " << alignment.clusterScore
    //<< " " << alignment.probScore << " "
    //<< alignment.numSignificantClusters
Пример #2
void SAMOutput::PrintAlignment(T_AlignmentCandidate &alignment,
        T_Sequence &read,
        std::ostream &samFile,
        AlignmentContext &context,
        SupplementalQVList & qvList,
        Clipping clipping,
        bool cigarUseSeqMatch) {

    std::string cigarString;
    uint16_t flag;
    T_Sequence alignedSequence;
    DNALength prefixSoftClip = 0, suffixSoftClip = 0;
    DNALength prefixHardClip = 0, suffixHardClip = 0;

    CreateCIGARString(alignment, read, cigarString, clipping, prefixSoftClip, suffixSoftClip, prefixHardClip, suffixHardClip, cigarUseSeqMatch);
    SetAlignedSequence(alignment, read, alignedSequence, clipping);
    BuildFlag(alignment, context, flag);
    samFile << alignment.qName << "\t" 
            << flag << "\t" 
            << alignment.tName << "\t";   // RNAME
    if (alignment.tStrand == 0) {
      samFile << alignment.TAlignStart() + 1 << "\t"; 
      // POS, add 1 to get 1 based coordinate system
    else {
      samFile << alignment.tLength - (alignment.TAlignStart() + alignment.TEnd()) + 1 << "\t"; // includes - 1 for rev-comp,  +1 for one-based
    samFile << (int) alignment.mapQV << "\t"// MAPQ
            << cigarString << "\t"; // CIGAR
      // Determine RNEXT

    std::string rNext;
    rNext = "*";
    if (context.hasNextSubreadPos == false) {
      rNext = "*";
    else {
      if (context.rNext == alignment.tName) {
        rNext = "=";
      else {
        rNext = context.rNext;
    samFile << rNext << "\t"; // RNEXT
    DNALength nextSubreadPos = 0;
    if (context.hasNextSubreadPos) {
      nextSubreadPos = context.nextSubreadPos + 1;
    samFile << nextSubreadPos << "\t"; // RNEXT, add 1 for 1 based
                                           // indexing

    //DNALength tLen = alignment.GenomicTEnd() - alignment.GenomicTBegin();
    //SAM v1.5, tLen is set as 0 for single-segment template
    samFile << 0 << "\t"; // TLEN
    // Print the sequence on one line, and suppress printing the
    // newline (by setting the line length to alignedSequence.length
    (static_cast<DNASequence*>(&alignedSequence))->PrintSeq(samFile, 0);  // SEQ
    samFile << "\t";
    if (alignedSequence.qual.data != NULL && qvList.useqv == 0) {
        alignedSequence.PrintAsciiQual(samFile, 0);  // QUAL
    else {
      samFile <<"*";
    samFile << "\t";
    // Add optional fields
    samFile << "RG:Z:" << context.readGroupId << "\t";
    samFile << "AS:i:" << alignment.score << "\t";

    // "RG" read group Id
    // "AS" alignment score
    // "XS" read alignment start position without counting previous soft clips (1 based) 
    // "XE" read alignment end position without counting previous soft clips (1 based) 
    // "XL" aligned read length 
    // "XQ" query sequence length
    // "XT" # of continues reads, always 1 for blasr 
    // "NM" edit distance 
    // "FI" read alignment start position (1 based) 
    DNALength qAlignStart = alignment.QAlignStart();
    DNALength qAlignEnd = alignment.QAlignEnd();

    if (clipping == none) {
      samFile << "XS:i:" << qAlignStart + 1 << "\t";
      samFile << "XE:i:" << qAlignEnd + 1 << "\t";
    else if (clipping == hard or clipping == soft or clipping == subread) {
        DNALength xs = prefixHardClip;
        DNALength xe = read.length - suffixHardClip;
        if (alignment.tStrand == 1) {
            xs = suffixHardClip;
            xe = read.length - prefixHardClip;
        samFile << "XS:i:" << xs + 1 << "\t"; // add 1 for 1-based indexing in sam
        assert(read.length - suffixHardClip == prefixHardClip + alignedSequence.length);
        samFile << "XE:i:" << xe + 1 << "\t";
    samFile << "YS:i:" << read.subreadStart << "\t";
    samFile << "YE:i:" << read.subreadEnd << "\t";
    samFile << "ZM:i:" << read.zmwData.holeNumber << "\t";
    samFile << "XL:i:" << alignment.qAlignedSeq.length << "\t";
    samFile << "XT:i:1\t"; // reads are allways continuous reads, not
                        // referenced based circular consensus when
                        // output by blasr.
    samFile << "NM:i:" << context.editDist << "\t";
    samFile << "FI:i:" << alignment.qAlignedSeqPos + 1;
    // Add query sequence length
    samFile << "\t" << "XQ:i:" << alignment.qLength;

	// Write out optional quality values.  If qvlist does not 
	// have any qv's signaled to print, this is a no-op.
	// First transform characters that are too large to printable ones.
	qvList.PrintQVOptionalFields(alignedSequence, samFile);

    samFile << std::endl;