BOOL SplineData::HitTestCrossSection(GraphicsWindow *gw, HitRegion hr, SplineMapProjectionTypes projType, Tab<int> &hitSplines, Tab<int> &hitCrossSections) { hitSplines.SetCount(0); hitCrossSections.SetCount(0); DWORD limit = gw->getRndLimits(); gw->setRndLimits(( limit | GW_PICK) & ~GW_ILLUM); gw->setHitRegion(&hr); //loop through splines for (int splineIndex = 0; splineIndex < mSplineElementData.Count();splineIndex++) { if (mSplineElementData[splineIndex]->IsSelected()) { for (int crossSectionIndex = 0; crossSectionIndex < NumberOfCrossSections(splineIndex); crossSectionIndex++) { SplineCrossSection section = mSplineElementData[splineIndex]->GetCrossSection(crossSectionIndex); Matrix3 crossSectionTM = section.mTM; gw->setTransform(crossSectionTM); gw->clearHitCode(); mSplineElementData[splineIndex]->DisplayCrossSections(gw, crossSectionIndex,projType ); if (gw->checkHitCode()) { hitSplines.Append(1,&splineIndex,10); hitCrossSections.Append(1,&crossSectionIndex,10); } } } } return hitSplines.Count(); }
void Unreal3DExport::WriteTracking() { Tab<Point3> Loc; Tab<Quat> Quat; Tab<Point3> Euler; Loc.SetCount(FrameCount); Quat.SetCount(FrameCount); Euler.SetCount(FrameCount); for( int n=0; n<TrackedNodes.Count(); ++n ) { IGameNode* node = TrackedNodes[n]; for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t ) { // Progress CheckCancel(); // Set frame int curframe = FrameStart + t; pScene->SetStaticFrame(curframe); // Write tracking GMatrix objTM = node->GetWorldTM(); Loc[t] = objTM.Translation(); Quat[t] = objTM.Rotation(); float eu[3]; QuatToEuler(Quat[t],eu); Euler[t]=Point3(eu[0],eu[1],eu[2]); Euler[t] *= 180.0f/pi; eu[1] *= -1; EulerToQuat(eu,Quat[t],EULERTYPE_YXZ); } for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t ) { _ftprintf( fLog, _T("%sLoc[%d]=(X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)\n"), node->GetName(), t, Loc[t].x, Loc[t].y, Loc[t].z ); } for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t ) { _ftprintf( fLog, _T("%sQuat[%d]=(W=%f,X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)\n"), node->GetName(), t, Quat[t].w, Quat[t].x, Quat[t].y, Quat[t].z ); } for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t ) { _ftprintf( fLog, _T("%sEuler[%d]=(X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)\n"), node->GetName(), t, Euler[t].x, Euler[t].y, Euler[t].z ); } } }
void AFRMod::ModifyObject (TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState *os, INode *node) { Interval iv = FOREVER; float f, p, b; int backface; Point3 pt1, pt2; pblock->GetValue(PB_FALLOFF,t,f,iv); pblock->GetValue(PB_PINCH,t,p,iv); pblock->GetValue(PB_BUBBLE,t,b,iv); pblock->GetValue(PB_BACKFACE,t,backface,iv); p1->GetValue(t,&pt1,iv,CTRL_ABSOLUTE); p2->GetValue(t,&pt2,iv,CTRL_ABSOLUTE); if (f==0.0) { os->obj->UpdateValidity(GEOM_CHAN_NUM,iv); return; } Tab<Point3> normals; if (backface) { // Need to get vertex normals. if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) { TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj; AverageVertexNormals (tobj->GetMesh(), normals); } else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf (polyObjectClassID)) { PolyObject *pobj = (PolyObject *) os->obj; MNMesh &mesh = pobj->GetMesh(); normals.SetCount (mesh.numv); Point3 *vn = normals.Addr(0); for (int i=0; i<mesh.numv; i++) { if (mesh.v[i].GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) vn[i]=Point3(0,0,0); else vn[i] = mesh.GetVertexNormal (i); } #ifndef NO_PATCHES } else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf (patchObjectClassID)) { PatchObject *pobj = (PatchObject *) os->obj; normals.SetCount (pobj->NumPoints ()); Point3 *vn = normals.Addr(0); for (int i=0; i<pobj->NumPoints(); i++) vn[i] = pobj->VertexNormal (i); #endif } } if (normals.Count()) { AFRDeformer deformer(mc,f,p,b,pt1,pt2,&normals); os->obj->Deform(&deformer, TRUE); } else { AFRDeformer deformer(mc,f,p,b,pt1,pt2); os->obj->Deform(&deformer, TRUE); } os->obj->UpdateValidity(GEOM_CHAN_NUM,iv); }
void Water::ReInit() { float c[3], d; if (count!=waves.Count()) { waves.SetCount(count); waves.Resize(count); } // Reseed random number generator srand(randSeed); // Compute wave centers on sphere with radius size for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { WaveDesc &wv = waves[i]; c[0] = frand(); c[1] = (type == 0) ? frand() : 0.0f; c[2] = frand(); d = size/(float)sqrt(c[0]*c[0]+c[1]*c[1]+c[2]*c[2]); wv.cent[0] = c[0]*d; wv.cent[1] = c[1]*d; wv.cent[2] = c[2]*d; wv.period = (((float)(rand()&0x7FFF))/32768.0f)* (maxperiod-minperiod)+minperiod; wv.rate = (float)sqrt(maxperiod/wv.period); } }
void BonesDefMod::RebuildPaintNodes() { //this sends all our dependant nodes to the painter MyEnumProc dep; EnumDependents(&dep); Tab<INode *> nodes; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count(); i++) { ObjectState os = nodes[i]->EvalWorldState(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime()); if ( (os.obj->NumPoints() != painterData[i].bmd->VertexData.Count()) || (painterData[i].bmd->isPatch) || (painterData[i].bmd->inputObjectIsNURBS) ) { int ct = painterData[i].bmd->VertexData.Count(); Tab<Point3> pointList; pointList.SetCount(ct); Matrix3 tm = nodes[i]->GetObjectTM(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime()); for (int j =0; j < ct; j++) { pointList[j] = painterData[i].bmd->VertexData[j]->LocalPosPostDeform*tm; } pPainterInterface->LoadCustomPointGather(ct, pointList.Addr(0), nodes[i]); } } pPainterInterface->UpdateMeshes(TRUE); }
void UVW_ChannelClass::CloneFaces(Tab<UVW_TVFaceClass*> &t) { int ct = f.Count(); t.SetCount(ct); for (int i =0; i < ct; i++) t[i] = f[i]->Clone(); }
void PolyOpExtrudeEdge::Do (MNMesh & mesh) { MNChamferData chamData; chamData.InitToMesh(mesh); Tab<Point3> tUpDir; tUpDir.SetCount (mesh.numv); // Topology change: if (!mesh.ExtrudeEdges (MN_USER, &chamData, tUpDir)) return; // Apply map changes based on base width: int i; Tab<UVVert> tMapDelta; for (int mapChannel=-NUM_HIDDENMAPS; mapChannel<mesh.numm; mapChannel++) { if (mesh.M(mapChannel)->GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) continue; chamData.GetMapDelta (mesh, mapChannel, mWidth, tMapDelta); UVVert *pMapVerts = mesh.M(mapChannel)->v; if (!pMapVerts) continue; for (i=0; i<mesh.M(mapChannel)->numv; i++) pMapVerts[i] += tMapDelta[i]; } // Apply geom changes based on base width: Tab<Point3> tDelta; chamData.GetDelta (mWidth, tDelta); for (i=0; i<mesh.numv; i++) mesh.v[i].p += tDelta[i]; // Move the points up: for (i=0; i<tUpDir.Count(); i++) mesh.v[i].p += tUpDir[i]*mHeight; }
bool GetComponents() { fSelectedNodes.ZeroCount(); fSharedComps.ZeroCount(); Interface *ip = GetCOREInterface(); int nodeCount = ip->GetSelNodeCount(); if (nodeCount == 0) return false; // Get the components shared among the selected nodes int i; fSelectedNodes.SetCount(nodeCount); for (i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) fSelectedNodes[i] = ip->GetSelNode(i); INodeTab sharedComps; if (plSharedComponents(fSelectedNodes, sharedComps) == 0) return false; // Put the shared components in a list fSharedComps.SetCount(sharedComps.Count()); for (i = 0; i < sharedComps.Count(); i++) fSharedComps[i] = ((plMaxNode*)sharedComps[i])->ConvertToComponent(); return true; }
IOResult ParticleMesherObject::Load(ILoad *iload) { IOResult res = IO_OK; ULONG nb; SimpleObject2::Load(iload); // Default names int ct = 0; while (IO_OK==(res=iload->OpenChunk())) { switch (iload->CurChunkID()) { case TMCOUNT_CHUNK: { int ct; iload->Read(&ct,sizeof(ct),&nb); tmList.SetCount(ct); break; } case TMDATA_CHUNK: { Matrix3 tm; tm.Load(iload); tmList[ct++] = tm; break; } } iload->CloseChunk(); if (res!=IO_OK) return res; } return IO_OK; }
void Water::SetNum(int i, TimeValue t, BOOL init) { count = i; waves.SetCount(count); waves.Resize(count); // pblock->SetValue(PB_NUM, t, i); pblock->SetValue(water_num, t, i); if (init) ReInit(); }
void EditFaceDataModData::SynchSize (int numFaces) { if (numFaces<0) { // We're supposed to get the right size from the cache. if (mpCacheMesh) numFaces = mpCacheMesh->numFaces; if (mpCacheMNMesh) numFaces = mpCacheMNMesh->numf; if (numFaces<0) return; // do nothing if cache missing. } mFaceSel.SetSize (numFaces, true); mFacesAffected.SetSize (numFaces, true); mtNewFaceValues.SetCount (numFaces); }
void SplineData::CopyCrossSectionData(Tab<SplineElementData*> &data) { data.SetCount(mSplineElementData.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < mSplineElementData.Count(); i++) { if (mSplineElementData[i]) { data[i] = new SplineElementData(mSplineElementData[i]); } } }
void Unreal3DExport::Prepare() { // Optimize if( bMaxResolution && Points.Count() > 1 ) { pInt->ProgressUpdate(Progress, FALSE, GetString(IDS_INFO_OPT_SCAN)); Point3 MaxPoint = Points[0]; Point3 MinPoint = MaxPoint; // get scene bounding box for( int i=1; i<Points.Count(); ++i ) { if ( Points[i].x > MaxPoint.x ) MaxPoint.x = Points[i].x; else if ( Points[i].x < MinPoint.x ) MinPoint.x = Points[i].x; if ( Points[i].y > MaxPoint.y ) MaxPoint.y = Points[i].y; else if ( Points[i].y < MinPoint.y ) MinPoint.y = Points[i].y; if ( Points[i].z > MaxPoint.z ) MaxPoint.z = Points[i].z; else if ( Points[i].z < MinPoint.z ) MinPoint.z = Points[i].z; } // get center point OptOffset = MaxPoint+MinPoint; OptOffset *= 0.5; // center bounding box MaxPoint -= OptOffset; MinPoint -= OptOffset; // See FMeshVert OptScale.x = 1023.0f / max(fabs(MaxPoint.x),fabs(MinPoint.x)); OptScale.y = 1023.0f / max(fabs(MaxPoint.y),fabs(MinPoint.y)); OptScale.z = 511.0f / max(fabs(MaxPoint.z),fabs(MinPoint.z)); // apply adjustments pInt->ProgressUpdate(Progress, FALSE, GetString(IDS_INFO_OPT_APPLY)); for( int i=0; i<Points.Count(); ++i ) { Point3& p = Points[i]; p -= OptOffset; p *= OptScale; } } // Convert verts Verts.SetCount(Points.Count(),TRUE); for( int i=0; i<Points.Count(); ++i ) { Verts[i] = FMeshVert(Points[i]); } }
void SplineData::GetSelectedSplines(Tab<int> &selSplines) { selSplines.SetCount(0); for (int i = 0; i < mSplineElementData.Count(); i++) { if (mSplineElementData[i]->IsSelected()) { selSplines.Append(1,&i,10); } } }
IOResult Composite::Load(ILoad *iload) { IOResult res; ULONG nb; Param1 = TRUE; while (IO_OK==(res=iload->OpenChunk())) { int id = iload->CurChunkID(); if (id>=MAPOFF_CHUNK&&id<=MAPOFF_CHUNK+0x1000) { mapOn[id-MAPOFF_CHUNK] = FALSE; } else switch(id) { case SUBTEX_COUNT_CHUNK: { int c; iload->Read(&c,sizeof(c),&nb); subTex.SetCount(c); mapOn.SetCount(c); for (int i=0; i<c; i++) { subTex[i] = NULL; mapOn[i] = TRUE; } break; } case MTL_HDR_CHUNK: res = MtlBase::Load(iload); break; case PARAM2_CHUNK: Param1 = FALSE; break; } iload->CloseChunk(); if (res!=IO_OK) return res; } CompTexPostLoadCallback* comptexplcb = new CompTexPostLoadCallback(this,Param1,mapOn); iload->RegisterPostLoadCallback(comptexplcb); return IO_OK; }
void Unreal3DExport::GetAnim() { // Export vertex animation int lastvert = 0; FMeshVert nullvert = FMeshVert(); Points.SetCount(VertsPerFrame*FrameCount,TRUE); for( int t=0; t<FrameCount; ++t ) { // Progress CheckCancel(); ProgressMsg.printf(GetString(IDS_INFO_ANIM),t+1,FrameCount); pInt->ProgressUpdate(Progress+((float)t/FrameCount*U3D_PROGRESS_ANIM), FALSE,; // Set frame int frameverts = 0; int curframe = FrameStart + t; pScene->SetStaticFrame(curframe); // Write mesh verts for( int n=0; n<Nodes.Count(); ++n ) { CheckCancel(); IGameMesh * mesh = (IGameMesh*)Nodes[n]->GetIGameObject(); if( mesh->InitializeData() ) { int vertcount = mesh->GetNumberOfVerts(); for( int i=0; i<vertcount; ++i ) { Point3 p; if( mesh->GetVertex(i,p) ) { Points[lastvert++] = p; } } frameverts += vertcount; } Nodes[n]->ReleaseIGameObject(); } // Check number of verts in this frame if( frameverts != VertsPerFrame ) { ProgressMsg.printf(GetString(IDS_ERR_NOVERTS),curframe,frameverts,VertsPerFrame); throw MAXException(; } } Progress += U3D_PROGRESS_ANIM; }
void Composite::SetSubTexmap(int i, Texmap *m) { if (i>=subTex.Count()) { int n = subTex.Count(); subTex.SetCount(i+1); pblock->SetCount(comptex_tex,i+1); for (int j=n; j<=i; j++) subTex[j] = NULL; } ReplaceReference(i+1,m); ivalid.SetEmpty(); if (paramDlg) paramDlg->UpdateSubTexNames(); }
void Composite::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid) { if (!ivalid.InInterval(t)) { ivalid.SetInfinite(); int n = pblock->Count(comptex_ons); if (n!=mapOn.Count()) mapOn.SetCount(n); for (int i=0; i<subTex.Count(); i++) { pblock->GetValue(comptex_ons,0,mapOn[i],valid,i); if (subTex[i]) subTex[i]->Update(t,ivalid); } } valid &= ivalid; }
void UVW_ChannelClass::BuildAdjacentGeomEdgesToVerts(Tab<AdjacentItem*> &verts) { verts.SetCount(geomPoints.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < geomPoints.Count(); i++) { verts[i] = new AdjacentItem(); } for (int i = 0; i < gePtrList.Count(); i++) { int a = gePtrList[i]->a; verts[a]->index.Append(1,&i,5); a = gePtrList[i]->b; verts[a]->index.Append(1,&i,5); } }
void UnwrapMod::fnFlattenMapNoParams() { Tab<Point3*> normList; normList.SetCount(6); normList[0] = new Point3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); normList[1] = new Point3(-1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); normList[2] = new Point3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); normList[3] = new Point3(0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f); normList[4] = new Point3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); normList[5] = new Point3(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f); fnFlattenMap(flattenAngleThreshold, &normList, flattenSpacing, flattenNormalize, 2, flattenRotate, flattenCollapse); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) delete normList[i]; }
void EditPolyData::ApplyAllOperations (MNMesh & mesh) { #ifdef __DEBUG_PRINT_EDIT_POLY DebugPrint (_T("EditPolyData::ApplyAllOperations\n")); #endif if (mpOpList) { // Preallocate if possible. (Upon first application, this will do nothing.) PolyOperationRecord* pOpRec = NULL; int newFaces(0), newVertices(0), newEdges(0); Tab<int> newMapVertices; newMapVertices.SetCount (mesh.numm + NUM_HIDDENMAPS); for (int mp=-NUM_HIDDENMAPS; mp<mesh.numm; mp++) newMapVertices[mp+NUM_HIDDENMAPS] = 0; for (pOpRec=mpOpList; pOpRec != NULL; pOpRec=pOpRec->Next()) { newFaces += pOpRec->Operation()->NewFaceCount(); newVertices += pOpRec->Operation()->NewVertexCount(); newEdges += pOpRec->Operation()->NewEdgeCount (); for (int mp=-NUM_HIDDENMAPS; mp<mesh.numm; mp++) { if (mesh.M(mp)->GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) continue; newMapVertices[mp+NUM_HIDDENMAPS] += pOpRec->Operation()->NewMapVertexCount(mp); } } mesh.VAlloc (mesh.numv + newVertices); mesh.EAlloc (mesh.nume + newEdges); mesh.FAlloc (mesh.numf + newFaces); for (int mp=-NUM_HIDDENMAPS; mp<mesh.numm; mp++) { MNMap *map = mesh.M(mp); if (map->GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) continue; map->VAlloc (map->numv + newMapVertices[mp+NUM_HIDDENMAPS]); map->FAlloc (map->numf + newFaces); } for (pOpRec=mpOpList; pOpRec != NULL; pOpRec=pOpRec->Next()) { #ifdef __DEBUG_PRINT_EDIT_POLY DebugPrint (_T("EditPolyData::Applying %s\n"), pOpRec->Operation()->Name()); #endif pOpRec->Operation()->SetUserFlags (mesh); bool ret = pOpRec->Operation()->Apply (mesh, pOpRec->LocalData()); if (ret && pOpRec->Operation()->CanDelete()) mesh.CollapseDeadStructs (); } } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MNMeshLoopAdvancerEdge // TODO int MNMeshLoopAdvancerEdge::SetupFront(int startid, Tab<MNMeshLoopFront> &fronts) { // first previous is root // set initial connectors MNEdge *edge = m_mesh->E(startid); fronts.SetCount(0); int outcount = 0; for (int o = 0; o < 4; o++){ if (m_disableFlag & 1<<o) continue; int connector = -1; int contype; int nextid; if (o < 2){ // loop contype = 0; connector = o ? edge->v1 : edge->v2; nextid = MNMeshLoop_nextEdgeLoop(m_mesh,startid,connector); } else{ // ring contype = 1; connector = o%2 ? edge->f1 : edge->f2; nextid = connector >= 0 ? MNMeshLoop_nextEdgeRing(m_mesh,startid,connector) : -1; } if (nextid >= 0){ MNMeshLoopFront advance; advance.previndex = 0; advance.nextid = nextid; advance.connector = connector; advance.contype = contype; advance.crossed = FALSE; outcount++; fronts.Append(1,&advance); } } return outcount; }
void SplineData::GetSelectedCrossSections(Tab<int> &selSplines, Tab<int> &selCrossSections) { selSplines.SetCount(0); for (int i = 0; i < mSplineElementData.Count(); i++) { if (mSplineElementData[i]->IsSelected()) { for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfCrossSections(i); j++) { if (CrossSectionIsSelected(i,j)) { selCrossSections.Append(1,&j,10); selSplines.Append(1,&i,10); } } } } }
//+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ //| From IPFTest | //+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ bool PFTestSplitBySource::Proceed(IObject* pCont, PreciseTimeValue timeStart, PreciseTimeValue& timeEnd, Object* pSystem, INode* pNode, INode* actionNode, IPFIntegrator* integrator, BitArray& testResult, Tab<float>& testTime) { if (pNode == NULL) return false; bool exactStep = IsExactIntegrationStep(timeEnd, pSystem); int conditionType = pblock()->GetInt(kSplitBySource_conditionType, timeStart); // acquire absolutely necessary particle channels IParticleChannelAmountR* chAmount = GetParticleChannelAmountRInterface(pCont); if (chAmount == NULL) return false; // can't find number of particles in the container int count = chAmount->Count(); bool isSelectedSource = false; int i, systemHandle = pNode->GetHandle(); for(i=0; i<pblock()->Count(kSplitBySource_sources); i++) { if (systemHandle == pblock()->GetInt(kSplitBySource_sources, 0, i)) { isSelectedSource = true; break; } } // test all particles testResult.SetSize(count); testResult.ClearAll(); testTime.SetCount(count); if (exactStep) { if ((isSelectedSource && (conditionType == kSplitBySource_conditionType_selected)) || (!isSelectedSource && (conditionType == kSplitBySource_conditionType_notSelected))) { testResult.SetAll(); for(i=0; i<count; i++) testTime[i] = 0.0f; } } return true; }
int MNMeshLoopAdvancerVertex::SetupFront(int startid, Tab<MNMeshLoopFront> &fronts) { // first previous is root // set initial connectors Tab<int> &connected = m_mesh->vedg[startid]; int outcount = connected.Count(); // for each direction fronts.SetCount(outcount); for (int o = 0; o < outcount; o++){ MNMeshLoopFront *advance = fronts.Addr(o); int nextid = m_mesh->E(connected[o])->OtherVert(startid); advance->previndex = 0; advance->nextid = nextid; advance->connector = connected[o]; advance->crossed = FALSE; } return outcount; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MNMeshLoopAdvancerFace int MNMeshLoopAdvancerFace::SetupFront(int startid, Tab<MNMeshLoopFront> &fronts) { // first previous is root // set initial connectors MNFace *face = m_mesh->F(startid); int outcount = face->deg; // for each direction fronts.SetCount(outcount); for (int o = 0; o < outcount; o++){ MNMeshLoopFront *advance = fronts.Addr(o); int nextid = m_mesh->E(face->edg[o])->OtherFace(startid); advance->previndex = 0; advance->nextid = nextid; advance->connector = face->edg[o]; advance->crossed = FALSE; } return outcount; }
void UVW_ChannelClass::BuildAdjacentUVFacesToVerts(Tab<AdjacentItem*> &verts) { verts.SetCount(v.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < v.Count(); i++) { verts[i] = new AdjacentItem(); } for (int i = 0; i < f.Count(); i++) { if (!(f[i]->flags & FLAG_DEAD )) { int deg = f[i]->count; for (int j = 0; j < deg; j++) { int a = f[i]->t[j]; verts[a]->index.Append(1,&i,5); } } } }
//+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ //| From IPFTest | //+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ bool PFTestGoToNextEvent::Proceed(IObject* pCont, PreciseTimeValue timeStart, PreciseTimeValue& timeEnd, Object* pSystem, INode* pNode, INode* actionNode, IPFIntegrator* integrator, BitArray& testResult, Tab<float>& testTime) { int conditionType = pblock()->GetInt(kGoToNextEvent_conditionType, timeStart); bool exactStep = IsExactIntegrationStep(timeEnd, pSystem); // get channel container interface IChannelContainer* chCont; chCont = GetChannelContainerInterface(pCont); if (chCont == NULL) return false; // acquire absolutely necessary particle channels IParticleChannelAmountR* chAmount = GetParticleChannelAmountRInterface(pCont); if (chAmount == NULL) return false; // can't find number of particles in the container IParticleChannelPTVR* chTime = GetParticleChannelTimeRInterface(pCont); if (chTime == NULL) return false; // can't read timing info for a particle int count = chAmount->Count(); if (count <= 0) return true; testResult.SetSize(count); testTime.SetCount(count); if((conditionType == kGoToNextEvent_conditionType_all) && exactStep) { testResult.SetAll(); for(int i=0; i<count; i++) testTime[i] = 0.0f; } else { testResult.ClearAll(); } return true; }
//+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ //| From IPFTest | //+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ bool PFTestSplitSelected::Proceed(IObject* pCont, PreciseTimeValue timeStart, PreciseTimeValue& timeEnd, Object* pSystem, INode* pNode, INode* actionNode, IPFIntegrator* integrator, BitArray& testResult, Tab<float>& testTime) { bool exactStep = IsExactIntegrationStep(timeEnd, pSystem); int conditionType = pblock()->GetInt(kSplitSelected_conditionType, timeStart); // acquire absolutely necessary particle channels IParticleChannelAmountR* chAmount = GetParticleChannelAmountRInterface(pCont); if (chAmount == NULL) return false; // can't find number of particles in the container int count = chAmount->Count(); IParticleChannelPTVR* chTime = GetParticleChannelTimeRInterface(pCont); if (chTime == NULL) return false; // can't read timing info for a particle IParticleChannelBoolR* chSelect = GetParticleChannelSelectionRInterface(pCont); // test all particles testResult.SetSize(count); testResult.ClearAll(); testTime.SetCount(count); for(int i=0; i<count; i++) { bool selected = (chSelect != NULL) ? chSelect->GetValue(i) : false; bool sendOut = ((selected && (conditionType == kSplitSelected_conditionType_selected)) || (!selected && (conditionType == kSplitSelected_conditionType_notSelected))); if (sendOut && exactStep) { testResult.Set(i); testTime[i] = 0.0f; } } return true; }
void Composite::SetNumMaps(int n) { int ct = subTex.Count(); if (n!=ct) { if (n<ct) { for (int i=n; i<ct; i++) { // Tell mtledit to deactivate texture map in UI if (subTex[i]) subTex[i]->DeactivateMapsInTree(); ReplaceReference(i+1,NULL); } } subTex.SetCount(n); // [dl | 01oct2003] Bug#525010. Initialize the new elements in the tab or pblock->SetCount() // may try to deference an invalid pointer from this tab. for(int j = ct; j < n; ++j) { subTex[j] = NULL; } // mapOn.SetCount(n); pblock->SetCount(comptex_tex,n); macroRec->Disable(); // JBW 4/21/99, only record one count change pblock->SetCount(comptex_ons,n); macroRec->Enable(); if (n>ct) { for (int i=ct; i<subTex.Count(); i++) { subTex[i] = NULL; pblock->SetValue(comptex_ons,0,TRUE,i); // mapOn[i] = TRUE; } } NotifyChanged(); } }