Пример #1
bool TeSQLite::insertPolygon(const string& table, TePolygon &p)
	errorMessage_ = "";

	std::string objectId = p.objectId();

	char* wkb = 0;
	unsigned int wkbSize = 0;

	TeWKBGeometryDecoder::encodePolygon(p, wkb, wkbSize);

	std::string command = "INSERT INTO ";
	command += table;
	command += " (object_id, lower_x, lower_y, upper_x, upper_y, spatial_data)"; 
	command += " VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6)";

	sqlite3_stmt* recordSet = 0;
	int retValue = sqlite3_prepare_v2(_conn, command.c_str(), -1, &recordSet, 0);

	if(retValue != SQLITE_OK)
		errorMessage_ = errorMessage();
		return false;

	sqlite3_bind_text(recordSet, 1, objectId.c_str(), objectId.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
	sqlite3_bind_double(recordSet, 2, p.box().x1());
	sqlite3_bind_double(recordSet, 3, p.box().y1());
	sqlite3_bind_double(recordSet, 4, p.box().x2());
	sqlite3_bind_double(recordSet, 5, p.box().y2());
	sqlite3_bind_blob(recordSet, 6, wkb, wkbSize, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);

	delete wkb;

	retValue = sqlite3_step(recordSet);
	if(retValue != SQLITE_DONE)
		return false;


	//int newId = getMaxValue(this, table, "geom_id");
	int newId = getLastInsertedSerial();
	if(newId >= 0)

	return true;
Пример #2
bool TeSQLitePortal::fetchGeometry(TePolygon& geom, const unsigned int& initIndex)
	errorMessage_ = "";
	const char* bValue = (const char*) sqlite3_column_blob(_recordSet, initIndex + 6);
	unsigned int size = (unsigned int)sqlite3_column_bytes(_recordSet, initIndex + 6);	

	TeWKBGeometryDecoder::decodePolygon(bValue, geom, size);

	geom.geomId(getInt(initIndex + 0));
	geom.objectId(getData(initIndex + 1));

	return fetchRow();
Пример #3
bool TeSQLite::updatePolygon(const string& table, TePolygon &p)
	errorMessage_ = "";

	std::string command = "UPDATE " + table + " SET ";
	command += "object_id=?";
	command += ", lower_x=?, lower_y=?, upper_x=?, upper_y=?, "; 
	command += ", spatial_data=? WHERE geom_id = " + Te2String(p.geomId());

	std::string objectId = p.objectId();

	char* wkb = 0;
	unsigned int wkbSize = 0;

	TeWKBGeometryDecoder::encodePolygon(p, wkb, wkbSize);

	sqlite3_stmt* recordSet = 0;
	int retValue = sqlite3_prepare_v2(_conn, command.c_str(), -1, &recordSet, 0);

	if(retValue != SQLITE_OK)
		errorMessage_ = errorMessage();
		return false;

	sqlite3_bind_text(recordSet, 1, objectId.c_str(), objectId.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
	sqlite3_bind_double(recordSet, 2, p.box().x1());
	sqlite3_bind_double(recordSet, 3, p.box().y1());
	sqlite3_bind_double(recordSet, 4, p.box().x2());
	sqlite3_bind_double(recordSet, 5, p.box().y2());
	sqlite3_bind_blob(recordSet, 6, wkb, wkbSize, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);

	delete wkb;

	retValue = sqlite3_step(recordSet);
	if(retValue != SQLITE_DONE)
		return false;


	return true;
Пример #4
bool TeExportPolygonSet2SHP( const TePolygonSet& ps,const std::string& base_file_name  )
    // creating files names
    std::string dbfFilename = base_file_name + ".dbf";
    std::string shpFilename = base_file_name + ".shp";

    // creating polygons attribute list ( max attribute size == 25 )
    TeAttributeList attList;
    TeAttribute at;
    at.rep_.type_ = TeSTRING;               //the id of the cell
    at.rep_.numChar_ = 25;
    at.rep_.name_ = "object_id_";
    at.rep_.isPrimaryKey_ = true;
    /* DBF output file handle creation */
	DBFHandle hDBF = TeCreateDBFFile (dbfFilename, attList);
	if ( hDBF == 0 )
		return false;
    /* SHP output file handle creation */
    SHPHandle hSHP = SHPCreate( shpFilename.c_str(), SHPT_POLYGON );
    if( hSHP == 0 ) 
      DBFClose( hDBF );
      return false;
    /* Writing polygons */
    int iRecord = 0;
    int totpoints = 0;
    double  *padfX, *padfY;
    SHPObject       *psObject;
    int posXY, npoints, nelem;
    int nVertices;
    int* panParts;

    TePolygonSet::iterator itps;
    TePolygon poly;

    for (itps = ps.begin() ; itps != ps.end() ; itps++ ) {
      totpoints = 0;
      nVertices = poly.size();
      for (unsigned int n=0; n<poly.size();n++) {
        totpoints += poly[n].size();

      panParts = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nVertices);
      padfX = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * totpoints);
      padfY = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * totpoints);
      posXY = 0;
      nelem = 0;
      for (unsigned int l=0; l<poly.size(); ++l) {
        if (l==0) {
          if (TeOrientation(poly[l]) == TeCOUNTERCLOCKWISE) {
        } else {
          if (TeOrientation(poly[l]) == TeCLOCKWISE) {
        npoints = poly[l].size();
        for (int m=0; m<npoints; m++ ) {
          padfX[posXY] = poly[l][m].x_;
          padfY[posXY] = poly[l][m].y_;
      psObject = SHPCreateObject( SHPT_POLYGON, -1, nelem, panParts, NULL,
        posXY, padfX, padfY, NULL, NULL );
      int shpRes = SHPWriteObject( hSHP, -1, psObject );
      if (shpRes == -1 )
	      DBFClose( hDBF );
		  SHPClose( hSHP );
		  return false;
      SHPDestroyObject( psObject );
      free( panParts );
      free( padfX );
      free( padfY );

      // writing attributes - same creation order
      DBFWriteStringAttribute(hDBF, iRecord, 0, poly.objectId().c_str() );
    DBFClose( hDBF );
    SHPClose( hSHP );
    return true;  