int main()
	InputStreamWrapper input("test.txt");
	TextLineReader reader ( );

	string line ;

	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() );
	line = reader.line_string() ; //first line - with explicit method to get the string
	ASSERT( line == "first line" ) ;

	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() );
	line = reader ; //second line - with implicit conversion to std::string
	ASSERT( line == "second line" ) ;

	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() );
	istream &is1 ( reader.line_stream() ); //third line - with explicit method to get the istream
	is1 >> line ; // read each word from the line
	ASSERT( line == "third" ) ;
	is1 >> line ;
	ASSERT ( line == "line" ) ;
	is1 >> line ; // read past the end of the line - this should fail (and not read the next word from the next line, as it would have happened with a normal istream;
	ASSERT ( ! is1 ) ;

	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() );
	istream &is2 ( reader ) ; // fourth line - with implicit conversion to std::istream
	is2 >> line ;
	ASSERT( line == "fourth" ) ;
	is2 >> line ;
	ASSERT( line == "line" ) ;
	is1 >> line ; // read past the end of the line - this should fail (and not read the next word from the next line
	ASSERT ( !is2 ) ;

	//read past the end of the file - make sure it fails.
	ASSERT ( !reader.next_line() ) ;
	return 0;
int main()
	InputStreamWrapper input("test.txt");
	TextLineReader reader ( );

	string line ;

	//Read first line
	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() );
	line = reader; 
	ASSERT( line == "first line" ) ;

	//Unget the current line -
	//The next call to 'reader.next_line' should return this SAME line
	//instead of actually reading the next line from the file.

	//Read the next line -
	//but because of the 'unget' it should still return the first line
	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() ) ;
	line = reader ;
	ASSERT( line == "first line" ) ;
	ASSERT ( reader.line_number() == 1 ) ; //we should still be on line 1

	//Read the next line - 
	//This should be the real second line from the file.
	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() ) ;
	line = reader;
	ASSERT ( line == "second line" );
	ASSERT ( reader.line_number() == 2 ) ;

	//Test multiple consecutive ungets
	for ( int i=0 ; i < 10; ++i ) {

		ASSERT ( reader.next_line() ) ;
		line = reader;
		ASSERT ( line == "second line" );
		ASSERT ( reader.line_number() == 2 ) ;

	//Read the next line - 
	//This should be the real third line from the file.
	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() ) ;
	line = reader;
	ASSERT ( line == "third line" );
	ASSERT ( reader.line_number() == 3 ) ;

	//Unget a custom line string
	reader.unget_line("hello world");

	//Read the next line - this should return the ungot text ("hello world")
	ASSERT ( reader.next_line() ) ;
	line = reader;
	ASSERT ( line == "hello world" );

	return 0;