Пример #1
/* EntryOperations::convertTextures
 * Converts multiple TEXTURE1/2 entries to a single ZDoom text-based
 * TEXTURES entry
bool EntryOperations::convertTextures(vector<ArchiveEntry*> entries)
	// Check any entries were given
	if (entries.size() == 0)
		return false;

	// Get parent archive of entries
	Archive* parent = entries[0]->getParent();

	// Can't do anything if entry isn't in an archive
	if (!parent)
		return false;

	// Find patch table in parent archive
	Archive::search_options_t opt;
	opt.match_type = EntryType::getType("pnames");
	ArchiveEntry* pnames = parent->findLast(opt);

	// Check it exists
	if (!pnames)
		return false;

	// Load patch table
	PatchTable ptable;

	// Read all texture entries to a single list
	TextureXList tx;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < entries.size(); a++)
		tx.readTEXTUREXData(entries[a], ptable, true);

	// Convert to extended (TEXTURES) format

	// Create new TEXTURES entry and write to it
	ArchiveEntry* textures = parent->addNewEntry("TEXTURES", parent->entryIndex(entries[0]));
	if (textures)
		bool ok = tx.writeTEXTURESData(textures);
		return ok;
		return false;
Пример #2
/* EntryOperations::findTextureErrors
 * Detect errors in a TEXTUREx entry
bool EntryOperations::findTextureErrors(vector<ArchiveEntry*> entries)
	// Check any entries were given
	if (entries.size() == 0)
		return false;

	// Get parent archive of entries
	Archive* parent = entries[0]->getParent();

	// Can't do anything if entry isn't in an archive
	if (!parent)
		return false;

	// Find patch table in parent archive
	Archive::search_options_t opt;
	opt.match_type = EntryType::getType("pnames");
	ArchiveEntry* pnames = parent->findLast(opt);

	// Check it exists
	if (!pnames)
		return false;

	// Load patch table
	PatchTable ptable;

	// Read all texture entries to a single list
	TextureXList tx;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < entries.size(); a++)
		tx.readTEXTUREXData(entries[a], ptable, true);

	// Detect errors

	return true;
Пример #3
/* EntryOperations::createTexture
 * Same as addToPatchTable, but also creates a single-patch texture
 * from each added patch
bool EntryOperations::createTexture(vector<ArchiveEntry*> entries)
	// Check any entries were given
	if (entries.size() == 0)
		return true;

	// Get parent archive
	Archive* parent = entries[0]->getParent();

	// Create texture entries if needed
	if (!TextureXEditor::setupTextureEntries(parent))
		return false;

	// Find texturex entry to add to
	Archive::search_options_t opt;
	opt.match_type = EntryType::getType("texturex");
	ArchiveEntry* texturex = parent->findFirst(opt);

	// Check it exists
	bool zdtextures = false;
	if (!texturex)
		opt.match_type = EntryType::getType("zdtextures");
		texturex = parent->findFirst(opt);

		if (!texturex)
			return false;
			zdtextures = true;

	// Find patch table in parent archive
	ArchiveEntry* pnames = NULL;
	if (!zdtextures)
		opt.match_type = EntryType::getType("pnames");
		pnames = parent->findLast(opt);

		// Check it exists
		if (!pnames)
			return false;

	// Check entries aren't locked (texture editor open or iwad)
	if ((pnames && pnames->isLocked()) || texturex->isLocked())
		if (parent->isReadOnly())
			wxMessageBox("Cannot perform this action on an IWAD", "Error", wxICON_ERROR);
			wxMessageBox("Cannot perform this action because one or more texture related entries is locked. Please close the archive's texture editor if it is open.", "Error", wxICON_ERROR);

		return false;

	TextureXList tx;
	PatchTable ptable;
	if (zdtextures)
		// Load TEXTURES
		// Load patch table

		// Load TEXTUREx
		tx.readTEXTUREXData(texturex, ptable);

	// Create textures from entries
	SImage image;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < entries.size(); a++)
		// Check entry type
		if (!(entries[a]->getType()->extraProps().propertyExists("image")))
			wxLogMessage("Entry %s is not a valid image", entries[a]->getName());

		// Check entry name
		string name = entries[a]->getName(true);
		if (name.Length() > 8)
			wxLogMessage("Entry %s has too long a name to add to the patch table (name must be 8 characters max)", entries[a]->getName());

		// Add to patch table
		if (!zdtextures)

		// Load patch to temp image
		Misc::loadImageFromEntry(&image, entries[a]);

		// Create texture
		CTexture* ntex = new CTexture(zdtextures);
		ntex->addPatch(name, 0, 0);

		// Setup texture scale
		if (tx.getFormat() == TXF_TEXTURES)
			ntex->setScale(1, 1);
			ntex->setScale(0, 0);

		// Add to texture list

	if (zdtextures)
		// Write texture data back to textures entry
		// Write patch table data back to pnames entry

		// Write texture data back to texturex entry
		tx.writeTEXTUREXData(texturex, ptable);

	return true;
Пример #4
void ArchiveOperations::removeUnusedTextures(Archive* archive)
	// Check archive was given
	if (!archive)

	// --- Build list of used textures ---
	TexUsedMap used_textures;
	int        total_maps = 0;

	// Get all SIDEDEFS entries
	Archive::SearchOptions opt;
	opt.match_type = EntryType::fromId("map_sidedefs");
	auto sidedefs  = archive->findAll(opt);
	total_maps += sidedefs.size();

	// Go through and add used textures to list
	DoomMapFormat::SideDef sdef;
	wxString               tex_lower, tex_middle, tex_upper;
	for (auto& sidedef : sidedefs)
		int nsides = sidedef->size() / 30;
		sidedef->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
		for (int s = 0; s < nsides; s++)
			// Read side data
			sidedef->read(&sdef, 30);

			// Get textures
			tex_lower  = wxString::FromAscii(sdef.tex_lower, 8);
			tex_middle = wxString::FromAscii(sdef.tex_middle, 8);
			tex_upper  = wxString::FromAscii(sdef.tex_upper, 8);

			// Add to used textures list
			used_textures[tex_lower].used  = true;
			used_textures[tex_middle].used = true;
			used_textures[tex_upper].used  = true;

	// Get all TEXTMAP entries
	opt.match_name = "TEXTMAP";
	opt.match_type = EntryType::fromId("udmf_textmap");
	auto udmfmaps  = archive->findAll(opt);
	total_maps += udmfmaps.size();

	// Go through and add used textures to list
	Tokenizer tz;
	for (auto& udmfmap : udmfmaps)
		// Open in tokenizer
		tz.openMem(udmfmap->data(), "UDMF TEXTMAP");

		// Go through text tokens
		wxString token = tz.getToken();
		while (!token.IsEmpty())
			// Check for sidedef definition
			if (token == "sidedef")
				tz.getToken(); // Skip {

				token = tz.getToken();
				while (token != "}")
					// Check for texture property
					if (token == "texturetop" || token == "texturemiddle" || token == "texturebottom")
						tz.getToken(); // Skip =
						used_textures[tz.getToken()].used = true;

					token = tz.getToken();

			// Next token
			token = tz.getToken();

	// Check if any maps were found
	if (total_maps == 0)

	// Find all TEXTUREx entries
	opt.match_name  = "";
	opt.match_type  = EntryType::fromId("texturex");
	auto tx_entries = archive->findAll(opt);

	// Go through texture lists
	PatchTable    ptable; // Dummy patch table, patch info not needed here
	wxArrayString unused_tex;
	for (auto& tx_entrie : tx_entries)
		TextureXList txlist;
		txlist.readTEXTUREXData(tx_entrie, ptable);

		// Go through textures
		bool anim = false;
		for (unsigned t = 1; t < txlist.size(); t++)
			wxString texname = txlist.texture(t)->name();

			// Check for animation start
			for (int b = 0; b < n_tex_anim; b++)
				if (texname == tex_anim_start[b])
					anim = true;

			// Check for animation end
			bool thisend = false;
			for (int b = 0; b < n_tex_anim; b++)
				if (texname == tex_anim_end[b])
					anim    = false;
					thisend = true;

			// Mark if unused and not part of an animation
			if (!used_textures[texname].used && !anim && !thisend)

	// Pop up a dialog with a checkbox list of unused textures
	wxMultiChoiceDialog dialog(
		"The following textures are not used in any map,\nselect which textures to delete",
		"Delete Unused Textures",

	// Get base resource textures (if any)
	auto                  base_resource = App::archiveManager().baseResourceArchive();
	vector<ArchiveEntry*> base_tx_entries;
	if (base_resource)
		base_tx_entries = base_resource->findAll(opt);
	PatchTable   pt_temp;
	TextureXList tx;
	for (auto& texturex : base_tx_entries)
		tx.readTEXTUREXData(texturex, pt_temp, true);
	vector<wxString> base_resource_textures;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < tx.size(); a++)

	// Determine which textures to check initially
	wxArrayInt selection;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < unused_tex.size(); a++)
		bool swtex = false;

		// Check for switch texture
		if (unused_tex[a].StartsWith("SW1"))
			// Get counterpart switch name
			wxString swname = unused_tex[a];
			swname.Replace("SW1", "SW2", false);

			// Check if its counterpart is used
			if (used_textures[swname].used)
				swtex = true;
		else if (unused_tex[a].StartsWith("SW2"))
			// Get counterpart switch name
			wxString swname = unused_tex[a];
			swname.Replace("SW2", "SW1", false);

			// Check if its counterpart is used
			if (used_textures[swname].used)
				swtex = true;

		// Check for base resource texture
		bool br_tex = false;
		for (auto& texture : base_resource_textures)
			if (texture.CmpNoCase(unused_tex[a]) == 0)
				Log::info(3, "Texture " + texture + " is in base resource");
				br_tex = true;

		if (!swtex && !br_tex)

	int n_removed = 0;
	if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
		// Get selected textures
		selection = dialog.GetSelections();

		// Go through texture lists
		for (auto& entry : tx_entries)
			TextureXList txlist;
			txlist.readTEXTUREXData(entry, ptable);

			// Go through selected textures to delete
			for (int i : selection)
				// Get texture index
				int index = txlist.textureIndex(WxUtils::strToView(unused_tex[i]));

				// Delete it from the list (if found)
				if (index >= 0)

			// Write texture list data back to entry
			txlist.writeTEXTUREXData(entry, ptable);

	wxMessageBox(wxString::Format("Removed %d unused textures", n_removed));
Пример #5
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Removes any patches and associated entries from [archive] that are not used
// in any texture definitions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ArchiveOperations::removeUnusedPatches(Archive* archive)
	if (!archive)
		return false;

	// Find PNAMES entry
	Archive::SearchOptions opt;
	opt.match_type       = EntryType::fromId("pnames");
	ArchiveEntry* pnames = archive->findLast(opt);

	// Find TEXTUREx entries
	opt.match_type                   = EntryType::fromId("texturex");
	vector<ArchiveEntry*> tx_entries = archive->findAll(opt);

	// Can't do anything without PNAMES/TEXTUREx
	if (!pnames || tx_entries.size() == 0)
		return false;

	// Open patch table
	PatchTable ptable;
	ptable.loadPNAMES(pnames, archive);

	// Open texturex entries to update patch usage
	vector<TextureXList*> tx_lists;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < tx_entries.size(); a++)
		TextureXList* texturex = new TextureXList();
		texturex->readTEXTUREXData(tx_entries[a], ptable);
		for (unsigned t = 0; t < texturex->nTextures(); t++)

	// Go through patch table
	unsigned              removed = 0;
	vector<ArchiveEntry*> to_remove;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < ptable.nPatches(); a++)
		auto& p = ptable.patch(a);

		// Check if used in any texture
		if (p.used_in.size() == 0)
			// Unused

			// If its entry is in the archive, flag it to be removed
			ArchiveEntry* entry = theResourceManager->getPatchEntry(p.name, "patches", archive);
			if (entry && entry->getParent() == archive)

			// Update texturex list patch indices
			for (unsigned t = 0; t < tx_lists.size(); t++)

			// Remove the patch from the patch table
			LOG_MESSAGE(1, "Removed patch %s", p.name);

	// Remove unused patch entries
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < to_remove.size(); a++)
		LOG_MESSAGE(1, "Removed entry %s", to_remove[a]->getName());

	// Write PNAMES changes

	// Write TEXTUREx changes
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < tx_lists.size(); a++)
		tx_lists[a]->writeTEXTUREXData(tx_entries[a], ptable);

	// Cleanup
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < tx_lists.size(); a++)
		delete tx_lists[a];

	// Notify user
		S_FMT("Removed %d patches and %lu entries. See console log for details.", removed, to_remove.size()),
		"Removed Unused Patches",

	return true;
Пример #6
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static function to check if an archive has sufficient texture related
// entries, and if not, prompts the user to either create or import them.
// Returns true if the entries exist, false otherwise
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TextureXEditor::setupTextureEntries(Archive* archive)
	using Format = TextureXList::Format;

	// Check any archive was given
	if (!archive)
		return false;

	// Search archive for any ZDoom TEXTURES entries
	Archive::SearchOptions options;
	options.match_type = EntryType::fromId("zdtextures");
	auto entry_tx      = archive->findFirst(options); // Find any TEXTURES entry

	// If it's found, we're done
	if (entry_tx)
		return true;

	// Search archive for any texture-related entries
	options.match_type = EntryType::fromId("texturex");
	entry_tx           = archive->findFirst(options); // Find any TEXTUREx entry
	options.match_type = EntryType::fromId("pnames");
	auto entry_pnames  = archive->findFirst(options); // Find any PNAMES entry

	// If both exist, we're done
	if (entry_tx && entry_pnames)
		return true;

	// Todo: accept entry_tx without pnames if the textures are in Jaguar mode

	// If no TEXTUREx entry exists
	if (!entry_tx)
		// No TEXTUREx entries found, so ask if the user wishes to create one
		wxMessageDialog dlg(
			"The archive does not contain any texture definitions (TEXTURE1/2 or TEXTURES). "
			"Do you wish to create or import a texture definition list?",
			"No Texture Definitions Found",

		if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES)
			CreateTextureXDialog ctxd(nullptr);

			while (true)
				// Check if cancelled
				if (ctxd.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL)
					return false;

				if (ctxd.createNewSelected())
					// User selected to create a new TEXTUREx list
					ArchiveEntry* texturex = nullptr;

					// Doom or Strife TEXTUREx
					if (ctxd.getSelectedFormat() == Format::Normal || ctxd.getSelectedFormat() == Format::Strife11)
						// Create texture list
						TextureXList txlist;

						// Create patch table
						PatchTable ptt;

						// Create dummy patch
						auto dpatch = App::archiveManager().programResourceArchive()->entryAtPath("s3dummy.lmp");
						archive->addEntry(dpatch, "patches", true);

						// Create dummy texture
						auto dummytex = std::make_unique<CTexture>();
						dummytex->addPatch("S3DUMMY", 0, 0);
						dummytex->setScale({ 0., 0. });

						// Add dummy texture to list
						// (this serves two purposes - supplies the special 'invalid' texture by default,
						//   and allows the texturex format to be detected)

						// Add empty PNAMES entry to archive
						entry_pnames = archive->addNewEntry("PNAMES");

						// Add empty TEXTURE1 entry to archive
						texturex = archive->addNewEntry("TEXTURE1");
						txlist.writeTEXTUREXData(texturex, ptt);
					else if (ctxd.getSelectedFormat() == Format::Textures)
						// Create texture list
						TextureXList txlist;

						// Add empty TEXTURES entry to archive
						texturex = archive->addNewEntry("TEXTURES");

						return false;

					if (!texturex)
						return false;
					// User selected to import texture definitions from the base resource archive
					auto bra = App::archiveManager().baseResourceArchive();

					if (!bra)
							"No Base Resource Archive is opened, please select/open one", "Error", wxICON_ERROR);

					// Find all relevant entries in the base resource archive
					Archive::SearchOptions opt;
					opt.match_type     = EntryType::fromId("texturex");
					auto import_tx     = bra->findAll(opt); // Find all TEXTUREx entries
					opt.match_type     = EntryType::fromId("pnames");
					auto import_pnames = bra->findLast(opt); // Find last PNAMES entry

					// Check enough entries exist
					if (import_tx.empty() || !import_pnames)
							"The selected Base Resource Archive does not contain "
							"sufficient texture definition entries",

					// Copy TEXTUREx entries over to current archive
					for (auto& a : import_tx)
						auto texturex = archive->addEntry(a, "global", true);

					// Copy PNAMES entry over to current archive
					entry_pnames = archive->addEntry(import_pnames, "global", true);


			return true;

		// 'No' clicked
		return false;
	else // TEXTUREx entry exists
		// TODO: Probably a better idea here to get the user to select an archive to import the patch table from
		// If no PNAMES entry was found, search resource archives
		if (!entry_pnames)
			Archive::SearchOptions opt;
			opt.match_type = EntryType::fromId("pnames");
			entry_pnames   = App::archiveManager().findResourceEntry(opt, archive);

		// If no PNAMES entry is found at all, show an error and abort
		// TODO: ask user to select appropriate base resource archive
		if (!entry_pnames)
			wxMessageBox("PNAMES entry not found!", wxMessageBoxCaptionStr, wxICON_ERROR);
			return false;

		return true;

	return false;