Пример #1
   // Find the appropriate time system correction object in the collection for the
   // given time systems, and dump it to a string and return that string.
   string Rinex3EphemerisStore::dumpTimeSystemCorrection(
      const TimeSystem fromSys, const TimeSystem toSys) const
      string msg;
      ostringstream oss;
      oss << "Convert from " << fromSys.asString()
         << " to " << toSys.asString() << " : ";

      if(toSys == fromSys) {
         oss << "time systems are the same";
         return oss.str();

      // look up the TimeSystemCorr in list, and dump it
      map<string, TimeSystemCorrection>::const_iterator it;
      for(it = mapTimeCorr.begin(); it != mapTimeCorr.end(); ++it) {
         if(it->second.isConverterFor(fromSys, toSys)) {
            return oss.str();
      oss << "conversion not found!";
      return oss.str();
Пример #2
   // Utility routine for getXvt and addEphemeris to convert time systems.
   // Convert ttag to the target time system, using the first appropriate correction
   // in the list, and return it. If no correction is found, ttag is unchanged and
   // an exception is thrown.
   CommonTime Rinex3EphemerisStore::correctTimeSystem(const CommonTime ttag,
                                                      const TimeSystem targetSys)
      CommonTime toReturn(ttag);
      TimeSystem fromSys(ttag.getTimeSystem());

      // is a conversion necessary?
      if(fromSys == targetSys)
         return toReturn;

      // first correct for leap seconds
      const CivilTime civt(ttag);
      double dt = TimeSystem::Correction(fromSys, targetSys,
                              civt.year, civt.month, civt.day);
      toReturn += dt;
      // the corrected timetag: now only the system, not the value, matters

      // look up the TimeSystemCorr in list, and do the conversion
      map<string, TimeSystemCorrection>::const_iterator it;
      for(it = mapTimeCorr.begin(); it != mapTimeCorr.end(); ++it) {
         if(it->second.isConverterFor(fromSys, targetSys)) {
            dt = it->second.Correction(ttag);
            toReturn += dt;
            return toReturn;

      // failure
      InvalidRequest e("Unable to convert time systems from "
         + ttag.getTimeSystem().asString() + " to " + targetSys.asString());

      return toReturn;      // never reached, satisfy some compilers
Пример #3
   // Compute the conversion (in seconds) from one time system (inTS) to another
   // (outTS), given the year and month of the time to be converted.
   // Result is to be added to the first time (inTS) to yield the converted (outTS),
   // that is t(outTS) = t(inTS) + correction(inTS,outTS).
   // NB. the caller must not forget to change to outTS after adding this correction.
   // @param TimeSystem inTS, input system
   // @param TimeSystem outTS, output system
   // @param int year, year of the time to be converted.
   // @param int month, month (1-12) of the time to be converted.
   // @return double dt, correction (sec) to be added to t(in) to yield t(out).
   // @throw if input system(s) are invalid or Unknown.
   double TimeSystem::Correction(const TimeSystem& inTS,
                                 const TimeSystem& outTS,
                                 const int year,
                                 const int month,
                                 const double day)
      double dt(0.0);

      // identity
      if(inTS == outTS)
         return dt;

      // cannot convert unknowns
      if(inTS == Unknown || outTS == Unknown) {
         Exception e("Cannot compute correction for TimeSystem::Unknown");

      // compute TT-TDB here; ref Astronomical Almanac B7
      double TDBmTT(0.0);
      if(inTS == TDB || outTS == TDB) {
         int iday = int(day);
         long jday = convertCalendarToJD(year, month, iday) ;
         double frac(day-iday);
         double TJ2000(jday-2451545.5+frac);     // t-J2000
         //       0.0001657 sec * sin(357.53 + 0.98560028 * TJ2000 deg)
         frac = ::fmod(0.017201969994578 * TJ2000, 6.2831853071796);
         TDBmTT = 0.0001657 * ::sin(6.240075674 + frac);
         //        0.000022 sec * sin(246.11 + 0.90251792 * TJ2000 deg)
         frac = ::fmod(0.015751909262251 * TJ2000, 6.2831853071796);
         TDBmTT += 0.000022  * ::sin(4.295429822 + frac);

      // -----------------------------------------------------------
      // conversions: first convert inTS->TAI ...
      // TAI = GPS + 19s
      // TAI = UTC + getLeapSeconds()
      // TAI = TT - 32.184s
      if(inTS == GPS ||       // GPS -> TAI
         inTS == GAL)         // GAL -> TAI
         dt = 19.;
      else if(inTS == UTC ||  // UTC -> TAI
              inTS == BDT ||  // BDT -> TAI           // TD is this right?
              inTS == GLO)    // GLO -> TAI
         dt = getLeapSeconds(year, month, day);
      //else if(inTS == BDT)    // BDT -> TAI         // RINEX 3.02 seems to say this
      //   dt = 34.;
      else if(inTS == TAI)    // TAI
      else if(inTS == TT)     // TT -> TAI
         dt = -32.184;
      else if(inTS == TDB)    // TDB -> TAI
         dt = -32.184 + TDBmTT;
      else {                              // other
         Exception e("Invalid input TimeSystem " + inTS.asString());

      // -----------------------------------------------------------
      // ... then convert TAI->outTS
      // GPS = TAI - 19s
      // UTC = TAI - getLeapSeconds()
      // TT = TAI + 32.184s
      if(outTS == GPS ||      // TAI -> GPS
         outTS == GAL)        // TAI -> GAL
         dt -= 19.;
      else if(outTS == UTC || // TAI -> UTC
              outTS == BDT || // TAI -> BDT
              outTS == GLO)   // TAI -> GLO
         dt -= getLeapSeconds(year, month, day);
      //else if(outTS == BDT)   // TAI -> BDT
      //   dt -= 34.;
      else if(outTS == TAI)   // TAI
      else if(outTS == TT)    // TAI -> TT
         dt += 32.184;
      else if(outTS == TDB)   // TAI -> TDB
         dt += 32.184 - TDBmTT;
      else if(outTS == GAL)   // TD
         dt = 0.0;
      else {                              // other
         Exception e("Invalid output TimeSystem " + outTS.asString());

      return dt;