	*	This function calls any script timers which have expired by now
	void tick( double timeNow )
		const int MAX_TIMER_CALLS_PER_FRAME = 1000;

		Timers  timersToCall;
		Timers::iterator iter = gTimers.begin();
		while ( iter != gTimers.end() ) 
			if ( iter->time <= timeNow )
				timersToCall.push_back( *iter );
				iter = gTimers.erase( iter );

		// Using a reverse iterator, since the TimerRecord comparison operator causes
		// the sorted list to be in reverse order (earlier timers are later in the list).
		stable_sort( timersToCall.begin(), timersToCall.end() );
		int numExpired = 0;
		Timers::reverse_iterator revIter = timersToCall.rbegin();
		for ( ; revIter != timersToCall.rend() && numExpired < MAX_TIMER_CALLS_PER_FRAME; ++revIter )
			TimerRecord& timer = *revIter;

			gFreeTimerHandles.push( timer.handle );

			Script::call( timer.function, timer.arguments, timer.source );
			// Script::call decrefs timer.function and timer.arguments for us


		if (numExpired >= MAX_TIMER_CALLS_PER_FRAME)
			// If there are too many to run this frame, put the remainder back into the main list.
			for ( ; revIter != timersToCall.rend(); ++revIter )
				TimerRecord& timer = *revIter;
				gTimers.push_back( timer );

			//ERROR_MSG( "BigWorldClientScript::tick: Loop interrupted because"
			//	" too many timers (> %d) wanted to expire this frame!",
			//	numExpired );
Пример #2
Timer::Timer(int interval, Widget* owner)
  : m_owner(owner ? owner: Manager::getDefault())
  , m_interval(interval)
  , m_lastTime(-1)
  ASSERT(m_owner != NULL);

Пример #3
Timer::Timer(int interval, Widget* owner)
  : m_owner(owner ? owner: Manager::getDefault())
  , m_interval(interval)
  , m_running(false)
  , m_lastTick(0)
  ASSERT(m_owner != nullptr);

	*	This function adds a script 'timer' to be called next tick
	*	It is used by routines which want to make script calls but can't
	*	because they're in the middle of something scripts might mess up
	*	(like iterating over the scene to tick or draw it)
	*	The optional age parameter specifies the age of the call,
	*	i.e. how far in the past it wanted to be made.
	*	Older calls are called back first.
	*	@note: This function steals the references to both fn and args
	void callNextFrame( PyObject * fn, PyObject * args,
								const char * reason, double age )
		TimerHandle handle;
			handle = gFreeTimerHandles.top();
			if (gTimers.size() >= USHRT_MAX)
				PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "callNextFrame: Callback handle overflow." );
			handle.id = gTimers.size() + 1;
			handle.issueCount = 1;

		TimerRecord newTR = { getTotalGameTime() - age, fn, args, reason, { handle.i32 } };
		gTimers.push_back( newTR );