Пример #1
QString Common::tokenInfo( CertType type, const TokenData &data )
	QString content;
	QTextStream s( &content );
	SslCertificate c( data.cert() );

	s << "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td>";
	if( c.isTempel() )
		s << tr("Company") << ": <font color=\"black\">"
			<< c.toString( "CN" ) << "</font><br />";
		s << tr("Register code") << ": <font color=\"black\">"
			<< c.subjectInfo( "serialNumber" ) << "</font><br />";
		s << tr("Name") << ": <font color=\"black\">"
			<< c.toString( "GN SN" ) << "</font><br />";
		s << tr("Personal code") << ": <font color=\"black\">"
			<< c.subjectInfo( "serialNumber" ) << "</font><br />";
	s << tr("Card in reader") << ": <font color=\"black\">" << data.card() << "</font><br />";

	bool willExpire = c.expiryDate().toLocalTime() <= QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( 105 );
	s << (type == AuthCert ? tr("Auth certificate is") : tr("Sign certificate is") ) << " ";
	if( c.isValid() )
		s << "<font color=\"green\">" << tr("valid") << "</font>";
		if( willExpire )
			s << "<br /><font color=\"red\">" << tr("Your certificates will expire soon") << "</font>";
		s << "<font color=\"red\">" << tr("expired") << "</font>";
	if( data.flags() & TokenData::PinLocked )
		s << "<br /><font color=\"red\">" << tr("PIN is locked") << "</font>";

	s << "</td><td align=\"center\" width=\"75\">";
	if( !c.isValid() || willExpire || data.flags() & TokenData::PinLocked )
		s << "<a href=\"openUtility\"><img src=\":/images/warning.png\"><br />"
			"<font color=\"red\">" << tr("Open utility") << "</font></a>";
	else if( c.isTempel() )
		s << "<img src=\":/images/ico_stamp_blue_75.png\">";
		s << "<img src=\":/images/ico_person_blue_75.png\">";
	s << "</td></tr></table>";

	return content;
Пример #2
bool AccessCert::download( bool noCard )
	if( noCard )
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( tr("http://www.sk.ee/toend/") ) );
		return false;

	SslCertificate tempel( qApp->signer()->tokensign().cert() );
	if( tempel.type() & SslCertificate::TempelType )
		setIcon( Information );
		setText( tr("For getting server access certificate to Tempel contact <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a>") );
		return false;

	setIcon( Information );
		tr("Hereby I agree to terms and conditions of validity confirmation service and "
		   "will use the service in extent of 10 signatures per month. If you going to "
		   "exceed the limit of 10 signatures per month or/and will use the service for "
		   "commercial purposes, please refer to IT support of your company. Additional "
		   "information is available from <a href=\"%1\">%1</a> or phone 1777")
			.arg( tr("http://www.id.ee/kehtivuskinnitus") ) );
	setStandardButtons( Help );
	QPushButton *agree = addButton( tr("Agree"), AcceptRole );
	if( exec() == Help )
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( tr("http://www.id.ee/kehtivuskinnitus") ) );
		return false;
	removeButton( agree );

	QSigner *s = qApp->signer();
	QPKCS11 *p = qobject_cast<QPKCS11*>(reinterpret_cast<QObject*>(s->handle()));
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	QCNG *c = qobject_cast<QCNG*>(reinterpret_cast<QObject*>(s->handle()));
	if( !p && !c )
		return false;

	Qt::HANDLE key = 0;
	TokenData token;
	if( p )
		bool retry = false;
			retry = false;
			token.setCard( s->tokensign().card() );
			Q_FOREACH( const TokenData &t, p->tokens() )
				if( token.card() == t.card() && SslCertificate( t.cert() ).enhancedKeyUsage().contains( SslCertificate::ClientAuth ) )
					token.setCert( t.cert() );

			QPKCS11::PinStatus status = p->login( token );
			switch( status )
			case QPKCS11::PinOK: break;
			case QPKCS11::PinCanceled:
				return false;
			case QPKCS11::PinIncorrect:
				showWarning( QPKCS11::errorString( status ) );
				retry = true;
				showWarning( tr("Error downloading server access certificate!") + "\n" + QPKCS11::errorString( status ) );
				return false;
		while( retry );
		key = p->key();