Пример #1
//function : PurgeNewEdges
//purpose  : 
static void  PurgeNewEdges(TopTools_ListOfShape& ConstEdges,
			   const TopTools_MapOfOrientedShape&          UsedEdges)
  TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(ConstEdges);
  while ( it.More()) {
    const TopoDS_Shape& NE = it.Value();
    if (!UsedEdges.Contains(NE)) {
    else {
Пример #2
//function : SortShapes
//purpose  :
void GEOMUtils::SortShapes (TopTools_ListOfShape& SL,
                            const Standard_Boolean isOldSorting)
  std::vector<TopoDS_Shape> aShapesVec;

  TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it (SL);
  for (; it.More(); it.Next()) {

  CompareShapes shComp (isOldSorting);
  std::stable_sort(aShapesVec.begin(), aShapesVec.end(), shComp);
  //std::sort(aShapesVec.begin(), aShapesVec.end(), shComp);

  std::vector<TopoDS_Shape>::const_iterator anIter = aShapesVec.begin();
  for (; anIter != aShapesVec.end(); ++anIter) {
  // old implementation
  Standard_Integer MaxShapes = SL.Extent();
  TopTools_Array1OfShape  aShapes (1,MaxShapes);
  TColStd_Array1OfInteger OrderInd(1,MaxShapes);
  TColStd_Array1OfReal    MidXYZ  (1,MaxShapes); //X,Y,Z;
  TColStd_Array1OfReal    Length  (1,MaxShapes); //X,Y,Z;

  // Computing of CentreOfMass
  Standard_Integer Index;
  GProp_GProps GPr;
  gp_Pnt GPoint;
  TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(SL);
  for (Index=1;  it.More();  Index++)
    TopoDS_Shape S = it.Value();
    SL.Remove( it ); // == it.Next()
    aShapes(Index) = S;
    OrderInd.SetValue (Index, Index);
    if (S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) {
      GPoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( S ));
      Length.SetValue( Index, (Standard_Real) S.Orientation());
    else {
      // BEGIN: fix for Mantis issue 0020842
      if (isOldSorting) {
        BRepGProp::LinearProperties (S, GPr);
      else {
        if (S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE || S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE) {
          BRepGProp::LinearProperties (S, GPr);
        else if (S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE || S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL) {
          BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(S, GPr);
        else {
          BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(S, GPr);
      // END: fix for Mantis issue 0020842
      GPoint = GPr.CentreOfMass();
      Length.SetValue(Index, GPr.Mass());
    MidXYZ.SetValue(Index, GPoint.X()*999.0 + GPoint.Y()*99.0 + GPoint.Z()*0.9);
    //cout << Index << " L: " << Length(Index) << "CG: " << MidXYZ(Index) << endl;

  // Sorting
  Standard_Integer aTemp;
  Standard_Boolean exchange, Sort = Standard_True;
  Standard_Real    tol = Precision::Confusion();
  while (Sort)
    Sort = Standard_False;
    for (Index=1; Index < MaxShapes; Index++)
      exchange = Standard_False;
      Standard_Real dMidXYZ = MidXYZ(OrderInd(Index)) - MidXYZ(OrderInd(Index+1));
      Standard_Real dLength = Length(OrderInd(Index)) - Length(OrderInd(Index+1));
      if ( dMidXYZ >= tol ) {
//         cout << "MidXYZ: " << MidXYZ(OrderInd(Index))<< " > " <<MidXYZ(OrderInd(Index+1))
//              << " d: " << dMidXYZ << endl;
        exchange = Standard_True;
      else if ( Abs(dMidXYZ) < tol && dLength >= tol ) {
//         cout << "Length: " << Length(OrderInd(Index))<< " > " <<Length(OrderInd(Index+1))
//              << " d: " << dLength << endl;
        exchange = Standard_True;
      else if ( Abs(dMidXYZ) < tol && Abs(dLength) < tol &&
                aShapes(OrderInd(Index)).ShapeType() <= TopAbs_FACE) {
        // PAL17233
        // equal values possible on shapes such as two halves of a sphere and
        // a membrane inside the sphere
        Bnd_Box box1,box2;
        BRepBndLib::Add( aShapes( OrderInd(Index) ), box1 );
        if ( box1.IsVoid() ) continue;
        BRepBndLib::Add( aShapes( OrderInd(Index+1) ), box2 );
        Standard_Real dSquareExtent = box1.SquareExtent() - box2.SquareExtent();
        if ( dSquareExtent >= tol ) {
//           cout << "SquareExtent: " << box1.SquareExtent()<<" > "<<box2.SquareExtent() << endl;
          exchange = Standard_True;
        else if ( Abs(dSquareExtent) < tol ) {
          Standard_Real aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax, val1, val2;
          box1.Get(aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax);
          val1 = (aXmin+aXmax)*999 + (aYmin+aYmax)*99 + (aZmin+aZmax)*0.9;
          box2.Get(aXmin, aYmin, aZmin, aXmax, aYmax, aZmax);
          val2 = (aXmin+aXmax)*999 + (aYmin+aYmax)*99 + (aZmin+aZmax)*0.9;
          //exchange = val1 > val2;
          if ((val1 - val2) >= tol) {
            exchange = Standard_True;
          //cout << "box: " << val1<<" > "<<val2 << endl;

      if (exchange)
//         cout << "exchange " << Index << " & " << Index+1 << endl;
        aTemp = OrderInd(Index);
        OrderInd(Index) = OrderInd(Index+1);
        OrderInd(Index+1) = aTemp;
        Sort = Standard_True;

  for (Index=1; Index <= MaxShapes; Index++)
    SL.Append( aShapes( OrderInd(Index) ));
Пример #3
//function : SelectEdge
//purpose  : Find the edge <NE> connected <CE> by the vertex <CV> in the list <LE>.
//           <NE> Is erased  of the list. If <CE> is too in the list <LE> 
//			 with the same orientation, it's erased of the list 
static Standard_Boolean  SelectEdge(const TopoDS_Face&    F,
				    const TopoDS_Edge&    CE,
				    const TopoDS_Vertex&  CV,
				    TopoDS_Edge&          NE,
				    TopTools_ListOfShape& LE)
  TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itl;
  for ( itl.Initialize(LE); itl.More(); itl.Next()) {
    if (itl.Value().IsEqual(CE)) {

  if (LE.Extent() > 1) {
    // Several possible edges.   
    // - Test the edges differents of CE 
    Standard_Real   cf, cl, f, l;
    TopoDS_Face FForward = F;
    Handle(Geom2d_Curve) Cc, C;
    Cc = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(CE,FForward,cf,cl);
    Standard_Real dist,distmin  = 100*BRep_Tool::Tolerance(CV);
    Standard_Real uc,u;
    if (CE.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD) uc = cl;
    else                                     uc = cf;

    gp_Pnt2d P2,PV = Cc->Value(uc); 

    Standard_Real delta = FindDelta(LE,FForward);

    for ( itl.Initialize(LE); itl.More(); itl.Next()) {
      const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(itl.Value());
      if (!E.IsSame(CE)) {
	C = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E,FForward,f,l);
	if (E.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD) u = f;
	else                                    u = l;
	P2 = C->Value(u);
	dist = PV.Distance(P2);
	if (dist <= distmin){
	  distmin = dist;

    Standard_Real anglemax = - PI;
    TopoDS_Edge   SelectedEdge;	
    for ( itl.Initialize(LE); itl.More(); itl.Next()) {
      const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(itl.Value());
      if (!E.IsSame(CE)) {
	C = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(E,FForward,f,l);
	if (E.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD) u = f;
	else                                    u = l;
	P2 = C->Value(u);
	dist = PV.Distance(P2);
	if (dist <= distmin + (1./3)*delta){ 
	  gp_Pnt2d PC, P;
	  gp_Vec2d CTg1, CTg2, Tg1, Tg2;
	  Cc->D2(uc, PC, CTg1, CTg2);
	  C->D2(u, P, Tg1, Tg2);

	  Standard_Real angle;

	  if (CE.Orientation () == TopAbs_REVERSED && E.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD) {
	    angle = CTg1.Angle(Tg1.Reversed());
	  else if (CE.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD && E.Orientation () == TopAbs_REVERSED) {
	    angle = (CTg1.Reversed()).Angle(Tg1);
	  else if (CE.Orientation () == TopAbs_REVERSED && E.Orientation () == TopAbs_REVERSED) {
	    angle = CTg1.Angle(Tg1);
	  else if (CE.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD && E.Orientation () == TopAbs_FORWARD) {
	    angle = (CTg1.Reversed()).Angle(Tg1.Reversed());
	  if (angle >= anglemax) {
	    anglemax = angle ;
	    SelectedEdge = E;	
    for ( itl.Initialize(LE); itl.More(); itl.Next()) {
      const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(itl.Value());
      if (E.IsEqual(SelectedEdge)) {
	NE = TopoDS::Edge(E);
  else if (LE.Extent() == 1) {
    NE = TopoDS::Edge(LE.First());
  else {
    return Standard_False;
  return Standard_True;