Пример #1
 *  Selects an unexplored node from the tree to be explored next.
 *  Calculates the constraint [hopefully] leading to the unexplored node it has chosen.
 *  Returns true if an unexplored node was found (then the constraint can be retrieved with getTargetPC())
 *  and false when we reached the end of the tree.
 *  N.B. in this case there may still be unexplored areas in the following cases:
 *      * They were lower than the current search depth in the tree.
 *      * They were skipped (i.e. the first attempt to explore them failed).
 *      * A previously skipped node was explored "accidentally" by a later run.
 *  TODO: I think this mehtod assumes there will be at least one branch above any unexplored node.
 *        This means we should only run it on a tree containing at least one trace for now.
bool DepthFirstSearch::chooseNextTarget()
    TraceNodePtr current;

    // Check if we are starting a new search or continuing an old one.
        // Continue the search.
        // Check if the left/right (according to mPreviousDirection) child of mPreviousParent is still unexplored.
        // If so, skip it and search for the next unexplored node.
        // If not, we want to search the newly revealed area before continuing.
        // ASSUMPTION: if the true/false child of a branch eventually terminates in unexplored (without further branching) then it is immediately unexplored.

            // We are interested in the 'true' branch of mPreviousParent.
            current = mPreviousParent->getTrueBranch();
            // We are interested in the 'false' branch of mPreviousParent.
            current = mPreviousParent->getFalseBranch();
        // The depth, PC, etc. are all already set from the previous call.

            // Then the previous run did not reach the intended target.
            // Use the same method as continueFromLeaf() to jump to the next node to be searched.
            // If the parent stack is empty here, then we have reached the end of the search.
                mFoundTarget = false;
                return deepenRestartAndChoose();
                current = nextAfterLeaf();

        // Strat a new search.
        current = mTree;

    // Call the visitor to continue the search.

    // Future runs should continue wherever we left off.
    mIsPreviousRun = true;

    // The visitor will set its own "output" in mCurrentPC.
    // This function returns whether we reached the end of the iteration or not.
    if(mFoundTarget) {
        mPreviousPassFoundTarget = true;
        return true;
    } else {
        // Attempt to increase the depth limit and restart, if possible.
        return deepenRestartAndChoose();

Пример #2
void AvoidUnsatSelector::newTraceAdded(TraceNodePtr node, int branch, TraceNodePtr suffix, TraceNodePtr fullTrace)
    // update count for current node
    TraceSymbolicBranchPtr branchNode = node.dynamicCast<TraceSymbolicBranch>();
    if (!branchNode.isNull())
        QPair<QPair<uint, uint>, bool> id = getId(branchNode, branch == 1);

    // process the new trace suffix
Пример #3
TraceViewerDialog::TraceViewerDialog(TraceNodePtr trace, QWidget* parent) :
    mNodeList(new QListWidget())
    // Set up this dialog
    setWindowTitle("View Previous Trace");

    // Set up the list view used to display the trace items.

    // Set up close button
    QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox();
    buttonBox->addButton("Close", QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole);
    connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));

    // Set up layout/sizing
    QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout();
    setMinimumSize(500, 400);
