Пример #1
bool Track::LinkConsistencyCheck()
   // Sanity checks for linked tracks; unsetting the linked property
   // doesn't fix the problem, but it likely leaves us with orphaned
   // blockfiles instead of much worse problems.
   bool err = false;
   if (GetLinked())
      Track *l = GetLink();
      if (l)
         // A linked track's partner should never itself be linked
         if (l->GetLinked())
               wxT("Left track %s had linked right track %s with extra right track link.\n   Removing extra link from right track."),
               GetName(), l->GetName());
            err = true;

         // Channels should be left and right
         if ( !(  (GetChannel() == Track::LeftChannel &&
                     l->GetChannel() == Track::RightChannel) ||
                  (GetChannel() == Track::RightChannel &&
                     l->GetChannel() == Track::LeftChannel) ) )
               wxT("Track %s and %s had left/right track links out of order. Setting tracks to not be linked."),
               GetName(), l->GetName());
            err = true;
            wxT("Track %s had link to NULL track. Setting it to not be linked."),
         err = true;

   return ! err;
Пример #2
bool EffectFindClipping::Process()
   LabelTrack *l = NULL;
   Track *original = NULL;

   TrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Label, mTracks);
   for (Track *t = iter.First(); t; t = iter.Next()) {
      if (t->GetName() == wxT("Clipping")) {
         l = (LabelTrack *) t;
         // copy LabelTrack here, so it can be undone on cancel
         l->Copy(l->GetStartTime(), l->GetEndTime(), &original);

   if (!l) {
      l = mFactory->NewLabelTrack();
      mTracks->Add((Track *) l);

   int count = 0;

   // JC: Only process selected tracks.
   SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator waves(Track::Wave, mTracks);
   WaveTrack *t = (WaveTrack *) waves.First();
   while (t) {
      double trackStart = t->GetStartTime();
      double trackEnd = t->GetEndTime();
      double t0 = mT0 < trackStart ? trackStart : mT0;
      double t1 = mT1 > trackEnd ? trackEnd : mT1;

      if (t1 > t0) {
         sampleCount start = t->TimeToLongSamples(t0);
         sampleCount end = t->TimeToLongSamples(t1);
         sampleCount len = (sampleCount)(end - start);

         if (!ProcessOne(l, count, t, start, len)) {
            //put it back how it was
            mTracks->Remove((Track *) l);
            if(original) {
               mTracks->Add((Track *) original);
            return false;

      t = (WaveTrack *) waves.Next();

   return true;
Пример #3
// Gets the name of the specified object.
wxAccStatus TrackPanelAx::GetName( int childId, wxString* name )
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
   if( childId == wxACC_SELF )
      *name = _( "TrackView" );
      Track *t = FindTrack( childId );

      if( t == NULL )
         return wxACC_FAIL;
         *name = t->GetName();
         if( *name == t->GetDefaultName() )
            /* i18n-hint: The %d is replaced by th enumber of the track.*/
            name->Printf(_("Track %d"), TrackNum( t ) );

         // LLL: Remove these during "refactor"
         if( t->GetMute() )
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               on this track mute is on.*/
            *name->Append( _( " Mute On" ) );
         if( t->GetSolo() )
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               on this track solo is on.*/
            *name->Append( _( " Solo On" ) );
         if( t->GetSelected() )
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               this track is selected.*/
            *name->Append( _( " Select On" ) );

   return wxACC_OK;

#if defined(__WXMAC__)
Пример #4
wxAccStatus TrackPanelAx::GetValue( int WXUNUSED(childId), wxString* WXUNUSED(strValue) )
#if defined(__WXMSW__)

#if defined(__WXMAC__)
   if( childId == wxACC_SELF )
      *strValue = _( "TrackView" );
      Track *t = FindTrack( childId );

      if( t == NULL )
         return wxACC_FAIL;
         *strValue = t->GetName();
         if( *strValue == t->GetDefaultName() )
            strValue->Printf(_("Track %d"), TrackNum( t ) );

         // LLL: Remove these during "refactor"
         if( t->GetMute() )
            strValue->Append( _( " Mute On" ) );

         if( t->GetSolo() )
            strValue->Append( _( " Solo On" ) );
         if( t->GetSelected() )
            strValue->Append( _( " Select On" ) );
   return wxACC_OK;
Пример #5
Track *ActiveTrack::DoExtendDaily()
    Track *pExtendTrack = NULL;
    TrackPoint *pExtendPoint = NULL;

    TrackPoint *pLastPoint = GetPoint( 0 );

    wxTrackListNode *track_node = pTrackList->GetFirst();
    while( track_node ) {
        Track *ptrack = track_node->GetData();

        if( !ptrack->m_bIsInLayer && ptrack->m_GUID != m_GUID ) {
            TrackPoint *track_node = ptrack->GetLastPoint();
            if( track_node->GetCreateTime() <= pLastPoint->GetCreateTime() ) {
                if( !pExtendPoint  || track_node->GetCreateTime() > pExtendPoint->GetCreateTime() ) {
                    pExtendPoint = track_node;
                    pExtendTrack = ptrack;
        track_node = track_node->GetNext();                         // next track
    if( pExtendTrack
        && pExtendTrack->GetPoint( 0 )->GetCreateTime().FromTimezone( wxDateTime::GMT0 ).IsSameDate(pLastPoint->GetCreateTime().FromTimezone( wxDateTime::GMT0 ) ) ) {
        int begin = 1;
        if( pLastPoint->GetCreateTime() == pExtendPoint->GetCreateTime() ) begin = 2;
        pSelect->DeleteAllSelectableTrackSegments( pExtendTrack );
        wxString suffix = _T("");
        if( GetName().IsNull() ) {
            suffix = pExtendTrack->GetName();
            if( suffix.IsNull() ) suffix = wxDateTime::Today().FormatISODate();
        pExtendTrack->Clone( this, begin, GetnPoints(), suffix );
        pSelect->AddAllSelectableTrackSegments( pExtendTrack );
        pSelect->DeleteAllSelectableTrackSegments( this );

        return pExtendTrack;
    } else {
        if( GetName().IsNull() )
        return NULL;
Пример #6
// Gets the name of the specified object.
wxAccStatus TrackPanelAx::GetName( int childId, wxString* name )
   if( childId == wxACC_SELF )
      *name = _( "TrackView" );
      Track *t = FindTrack( childId );

      if( t == NULL )
         *name = _( "Track Accessible out of sync" );
         return wxACC_FAIL;
         *name = t->GetName();
         if( *name == t->GetDefaultName() )
            name->Printf(_("Track %d"), TrackNum( t ) );

         // LLL: Remove these during "refactor"
         if( t->GetMute() )
            *name->Append( _( " Mute On" ) );
         if( t->GetSolo() )
            *name->Append( _( " Solo On" ) );
         if( t->GetSelected() )
            *name->Append( _( " Select On" ) );

   return wxACC_OK;
Пример #7
// Gets the name of the specified object.
wxAccStatus TrackPanelAx::GetName( int childId, wxString* name )
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
   if( childId == wxACC_SELF )
      *name = _( "TrackView" );
      Track *t = FindTrack( childId );

      if( t == NULL )
         return wxACC_FAIL;
         *name = t->GetName();
         if( *name == t->GetDefaultName() )
            /* i18n-hint: The %d is replaced by th enumber of the track.*/
            name->Printf(_("Track %d"), TrackNum( t ) );

         if (t->GetKind() == Track::Label)
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               this is a Label track.*/
            name->Append( wxT(" ") + wxString(_("Label Track")));
         else if (t->GetKind() == Track::Time)
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               this is a Time track.*/
            name->Append( wxT(" ") + wxString(_("Time Track")));
         else if (t->GetKind() == Track::Note)
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               this is a Note track.*/
            name->Append( wxT(" ") + wxString(_("Note Track")));

         // LLL: Remove these during "refactor"
         if( t->GetMute() )
            // The following comment also applies to the solo, selected,
            // and synclockselected states.
            // Many of translations of the strings with a leading space omitted
            // the leading space. Therefore a space has been added using wxT(" ").
            // Because screen readers won't be affected by multiple spaces, the
            // leading spaces have not been removed, so that no new translations are needed.
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               on this track mute is on.*/
            name->Append( wxT(" ") + wxString(_( " Mute On" )) );

         if( t->GetSolo() )
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               on this track solo is on.*/
            name->Append( wxT(" ") + wxString(_( " Solo On" )) );
         if( t->GetSelected() )
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               this track is selected.*/
            name->Append( wxT(" ") + wxString(_( " Select On" )) );
         if( t->IsSyncLockSelected() )
            /* i18n-hint: This is for screen reader software and indicates that
               this track is shown with a sync-locked icon.*/
            // The absence of a dash between Sync and Locked is deliberate -
            // if present, Jaws reads it as "dash".
            name->Append( wxT(" ") + wxString(_( " Sync Lock Selected" )) );

   return wxACC_OK;

#if defined(__WXMAC__)
Пример #8
ExportMixerDialog::ExportMixerDialog( TrackList *tracks, bool selectionOnly,
                                      int maxNumChannels, wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title,
                                      const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& size, long style ) :
    wxDialog( parent, id, title, position, size, style | wxRESIZE_BORDER )
    int numTracks = 0;
    TrackListIterator iter( tracks );

    for( Track *t = iter.First(); t; t = iter.Next() )
        if( t->GetKind() == Track::Wave && ( t->GetSelected() || !selectionOnly ) )
            if( t->GetChannel() == Track::LeftChannel )
                mTrackNames.Add( t->GetName() + _( " - Left" ) );
                mTrackNames.Add( t->GetName() + _( " - Right" ) );
                t = iter.Next();
                mTrackNames.Add( t->GetName() );

    mMixerSpec = new MixerSpec( numTracks, maxNumChannels );

    wxBoxSizer *vertSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );

    wxWindow *mixerPanel = new ExportMixerPanel( mMixerSpec, mTrackNames, this,
            ID_MIXERPANEL, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 400, -1 ) );
    vertSizer->Add( mixerPanel, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5 );

    wxBoxSizer *horSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );

    mChannelsText = new wxStaticText( this, -1,
                                      wxString::Format( _( "Output Channels: %2d" ),
                                              mMixerSpec->GetNumChannels() ) );
    horSizer->Add( mChannelsText, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 5 );

    wxSlider *channels = new wxSlider( this, ID_SLIDER_CHANNEL,
                                       mMixerSpec->GetNumChannels(), 1, mMixerSpec->GetMaxNumChannels(),
                                       wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 300, -1 ) );
    horSizer->Add( channels, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );

    vertSizer->Add( horSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5 );

    horSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );

    wxButton *cancel = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "&Cancel" ) );
    horSizer->Add( cancel, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5 );

    wxButton *ok = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "&OK" ) );
    horSizer->Add( ok, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5 );

    vertSizer->Add( horSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5 );

    SetAutoLayout( true );
    SetSizer( vertSizer );
    vertSizer->Fit( this );
    vertSizer->SetSizeHints( this );

    SetSizeHints( 640, 480, 20000, 20000 );

    SetSize( 640, 480 );
Пример #9
bool GetTrackInfoCommand::Apply(CommandExecutionContext context)
   wxString mode = GetString(wxT("Type"));

   long trackIndex = GetLong(wxT("TrackIndex"));

   // Get the track indicated by the TrackIndex parameter
   // (Note: this ought to be somewhere else)
   long i = 0;
   TrackListIterator iter(context.proj->GetTracks());
   Track *t = iter.First();
   while (t && i != trackIndex)
      t = iter.Next();
   if (i != trackIndex || !t)
      Error(wxT("TrackIndex was invalid."));
      return false;

   // Now get the particular desired item about the track of interest
   if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Name")))
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("StartTime")))
      Status(wxString::Format(wxT("%f"), t->GetStartTime()));
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("EndTime")))
      Status(wxString::Format(wxT("%f"), t->GetEndTime()));
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Pan")))
     if(t->GetKind() == Track::Wave)
       Status(wxString::Format(wxT("%f"), static_cast<WaveTrack*>(t)->GetPan()));
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Gain")))
      if(t->GetKind() == Track::Wave)
         Status(wxString::Format(wxT("%f"), static_cast<WaveTrack*>(t)->GetGain()));
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Focused")))
      TrackPanel *panel = context.proj->GetTrackPanel();
      SendBooleanStatus(panel->GetFocusedTrack() == t);
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Selected")))
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Linked")))
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Solo")))
      if (t->GetKind() == Track::Wave)
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Mute")))
      if (t->GetKind() == Track::Wave)
      Error(wxT("Invalid info type!"));
      return false;
   return true;
Пример #10
bool SelectCommand::Apply(CommandExecutionContext context)
    wxString mode = GetString(wxT("Mode"));
    if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("None")))
        // select none
    else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("All")))
        // select all
    else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Range")))
        // select range
        double t0 = GetDouble(wxT("StartTime"));
        double t1 = GetDouble(wxT("EndTime"));

        TrackList *tracks = context.proj->GetTracks();

        if (t0 < context.proj->GetTracks()->GetMinOffset())
            Error(wxT("Start time is before start of track!"));
            return false;
        if (t1 > context.proj->GetTracks()->GetEndTime())
            Error(wxT("End time is after end of track!"));
            return false;
        context.proj->mViewInfo.sel0 = t0;
        context.proj->mViewInfo.sel1 = t1;

        // select specified tracks
        long firstTrack = GetLong(wxT("FirstTrack"));
        long lastTrack = GetLong(wxT("LastTrack"));

        if (firstTrack < 0)
            Error(wxT("Trying to select a negatively numbered track!"));
            return false;
        if (lastTrack >= tracks->GetCount())
            Error(wxT("Trying to select higher number track than exists!"));
            return false;

        int index = 0;
        TrackListIterator iter(tracks);
        Track *t = iter.First();
        while (t) {
            bool sel = firstTrack <= index && index <= lastTrack;

            if (sel)
                Status(wxT("Selected track '") + t->GetName() + wxT("'"));

            t = iter.Next();
        wxASSERT(index >= lastTrack);
    else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Name")))
        wxString name = GetString(wxT("TrackName"));
        TrackList *tracks = context.proj->GetTracks();
        TrackListIterator iter(tracks);
        Track *t = iter.First();
        while (t) {
            bool sel = t->GetName().IsSameAs(name);

            if (sel)
                Status(wxT("Selected track '") + t->GetName() + wxT("'"));

            t = iter.Next();
        Error(wxT("Invalid selection mode!"));
        return false;
    return true;
Пример #11
bool SelectCommand::Apply(CommandExecutionContext context)
   wxString mode = GetString(wxT("Mode"));
   if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("None")))
      // select none
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("All")))
      // select all
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Range")))
      // select range
      double t0 = GetDouble(wxT("StartTime"));
      double t1 = GetDouble(wxT("EndTime"));

      TrackList *tracks = context.GetProject()->GetTracks();

      if (t0 < context.GetProject()->GetTracks()->GetMinOffset())
         Error(wxT("Start time is before start of track!"));
         return false;
      if (t1 > context.GetProject()->GetTracks()->GetEndTime())
         Error(wxT("End time is after end of track!"));
         return false;

      // PRL: to do: only setting time boundaries of current selection.
      // Should other fields be left alone, or rather
      // defaulted, as in the second branch?
      // Or should this command take more parameters?
#if 1
      context.GetProject()->mViewInfo.selectedRegion.setTimes(t0, t1);
      context.GetProject()->mViewInfo.selectedRegion = SelectedRegion(t0, t1);

      // select specified tracks
      long firstTrack = GetLong(wxT("FirstTrack"));
      long lastTrack = GetLong(wxT("LastTrack"));

      if (firstTrack < 0)
         Error(wxT("Trying to select a negatively numbered track!"));
         return false;
      if (lastTrack >= tracks->GetCount())
         Error(wxT("Trying to select higher number track than exists!"));
         return false;

      int index = 0;
      TrackListIterator iter(tracks);
      Track *t = iter.First();
      while (t) {
         bool sel = firstTrack <= index && index <= lastTrack;

         if (sel)
            Status(wxT("Selected track '") + t->GetName() + wxT("'"));

         t = iter.Next();
      wxASSERT(index >= lastTrack);
   else if (mode.IsSameAs(wxT("Name")))
      wxString name = GetString(wxT("TrackName"));
      TrackList *tracks = context.GetProject()->GetTracks();
      TrackListIterator iter(tracks);
      Track *t = iter.First();
      while (t) {
         bool sel = t->GetName().IsSameAs(name);

         if (sel)
            Status(wxT("Selected track '") + t->GetName() + wxT("'"));

         t = iter.Next();
      Error(wxT("Invalid selection mode!"));
      return false;
   return true;
Пример #12
ExportMixerDialog::ExportMixerDialog( TrackList *tracks, bool selectedOnly,
      int maxNumChannels, wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title, 
      const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& size, long style ) :
   wxDialog( parent, id, title, position, size, style | wxRESIZE_BORDER )
   int numTracks = 0;
   TrackListIterator iter( tracks );
   for( Track *t = iter.First(); t; t = iter.Next() )
      if( t->GetKind() == Track::Wave && ( t->GetSelected() || !selectedOnly ) )
         if( t->GetChannel() == Track::LeftChannel )
            mTrackNames.Add( t->GetName() + _( " - Left" ) );
            mTrackNames.Add( t->GetName() + _( " - Right" ) );
            t = iter.Next();
            mTrackNames.Add( t->GetName() );

   // JKC: This is an attempt to fix a 'watching brief' issue, where the slider is
   // sometimes not slidable.  My suspicion is that a mixer may incorrectly
   // state the number of channels - so we assume there are always at least two.
   // The downside is that if someone is exporting to a mono device, the dialog
   // will allow them to output to two channels. Hmm.  We may need to revisit this.
   if (maxNumChannels < 2 )
      maxNumChannels = 2;
   if (maxNumChannels > 32)
      maxNumChannels = 32;

   mMixerSpec = new MixerSpec( numTracks, maxNumChannels );

   wxBoxSizer *vertSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );

   wxWindow *mixerPanel = new ExportMixerPanel( mMixerSpec, mTrackNames, this, 
         ID_MIXERPANEL, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 400, -1 ) );
   vertSizer->Add( mixerPanel, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5 );

   wxBoxSizer *horSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
   mChannelsText = new wxStaticText( this, -1, 
         wxString::Format( _( "Output Channels: %2d" ), 
            mMixerSpec->GetNumChannels() ) );
   horSizer->Add( mChannelsText, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 5 );

   wxSlider *channels = new wxSlider( this, ID_SLIDER_CHANNEL, 
         mMixerSpec->GetNumChannels(), 1, mMixerSpec->GetMaxNumChannels(),
         wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 300, -1 ) );
   horSizer->Add( channels, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
   vertSizer->Add( horSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5 );

   vertSizer->Add( CreateStdButtonSizer(this, eCancelButton|eOkButton), 0, wxEXPAND );

   SetAutoLayout( true );
   SetSizer( vertSizer );
   vertSizer->Fit( this );
   vertSizer->SetSizeHints( this );

   SetSizeHints( 640, 480, 20000, 20000 );

   SetSize( 640, 480 );