Пример #1
TEST(Tracks, filter_3viewAtLeast) {

  A    B    C
  0 -> 0 -> 0
  1 -> 1 -> 6
  2 -> 3

  // Create the input pairwise correspondences
  PairWiseMatches map_pairwisematches;

  IndMatch testAB[] = {IndMatch(0,0), IndMatch(1,1), IndMatch(2,3)};
  IndMatch testBC[] = {IndMatch(0,0), IndMatch(1,6)};

  std::vector<IndMatch> ab(testAB, testAB+3);
  std::vector<IndMatch> bc(testBC, testBC+2);
  const int A = 0;
  const int B = 1;
  const int C = 2;
  map_pairwisematches[ std::make_pair(A,B) ] = ab;
  map_pairwisematches[ std::make_pair(B,C) ] = bc;

  //-- Build tracks using the interface tracksbuilder
  TracksBuilder trackBuilder;
  trackBuilder.Build( map_pairwisematches );
  CHECK_EQUAL(3, trackBuilder.NbTracks());
  CHECK_EQUAL(2, trackBuilder.NbTracks());
Пример #2
TEST(Tracks, Conflict) {

  A    B    C
  0 -> 0 -> 0
  1 -> 1 -> 6
  2 -> 3 -> 2}
       3 -> 8 } This track must be deleted, index 3 appears two times

  // Create the input pairwise correspondences
  PairWiseMatches map_pairwisematches;

  IndMatch testAB[] = {IndMatch(0,0), IndMatch(1,1), IndMatch(2,3)};
  IndMatch testBC[] = {IndMatch(0,0), IndMatch(1,6), IndMatch(3,2), IndMatch(3,8)};

  std::vector<IndMatch> ab(testAB, testAB+3);
  std::vector<IndMatch> bc(testBC, testBC+4);
  const int A = 0;
  const int B = 1;
  const int C = 2;
  map_pairwisematches[ std::make_pair(A,B) ] = ab;
  map_pairwisematches[ std::make_pair(B,C) ] = bc;

  //-- Build tracks using the interface tracksbuilder
  TracksBuilder trackBuilder;
  trackBuilder.Build( map_pairwisematches );

  trackBuilder.ExportToStream(std::cout); //Export to console
  trackBuilder.Filter(); // Key feature tested here to kill the conflicted track

  STLMAPTracks map_tracks;

  // Unit Test check

  //0, {(0,0) (1,0) (2,0)}
  //1, {(0,1) (1,1) (2,6)}
  const std::pair<size_t,size_t> GT_Tracks[] =
    {std::make_pair(0,0), std::make_pair(1,0), std::make_pair(2,0),
     std::make_pair(0,1), std::make_pair(1,1), std::make_pair(2,6)};

  CHECK_EQUAL(2,  map_tracks.size());
  size_t cpt = 0, i = 0;
  for (STLMAPTracks::const_iterator iterT = map_tracks.begin();
    iterT != map_tracks.end();
    ++iterT, ++i)
    CHECK_EQUAL(i, iterT->first);
    for (submapTrack::const_iterator iter = iterT->second.begin();
      iter != iterT->second.end();
      CHECK( GT_Tracks[cpt] == std::make_pair(iter->first, iter->second));
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  CmdLine cmd;

  std::string sImaDirectory;
  std::string sMatchesDir;
  std::string sMatchFile;
  std::string sOutDir = "";

  cmd.add( make_option('i', sImaDirectory, "imadir") );
  cmd.add( make_option('d', sMatchesDir, "matchdir") );
  cmd.add( make_option('m', sMatchFile, "matchfile") );
  cmd.add( make_option('o', sOutDir, "outdir") );

  try {
      if (argc == 1) throw std::string("Invalid command line parameter.");
      cmd.process(argc, argv);
  } catch(const std::string& s) {
      std::cerr << "Export pairwise tracks.\nUsage: " << argv[0] << ' '
      << "[-i|--imadir path] "
      << "[-d|--matchdir path] "
      << "[-m|--sMatchFile filename] "
      << "[-o|--outdir path] "
      << std::endl;

      std::cerr << s << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (sOutDir.empty())  {
    std::cerr << "\nIt is an invalid output directory" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Read images names

  std::vector<std::string> vec_fileNames;  
  if (!SfMIO::loadImageList( vec_fileNames,
      stlplus::create_filespec(sMatchesDir, "lists", "txt"),false)) {
    std::cerr << "\nEmpty input image list" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Read matches

  typedef std::map< std::pair<size_t, size_t>, std::vector<IndMatch> > map_pairWiseMatches;
  map_pairWiseMatches map_Matches;
  PairedIndMatchImport(sMatchFile, map_Matches);

  // Compute tracks from matches

  TracksBuilder tracksBuilder;
  tracks::STLMAPTracks map_tracks;

    //-- Build tracks with STL compliant type :

  // ------------
  // For each pair, export the matches
  // ------------

  //- Preprocess the images size
  Image<RGBColor> image;
  std::map< std::string, std::pair<size_t, size_t> > map_imageSize;
  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iterFilename = vec_fileNames.begin();
    iterFilename != vec_fileNames.end();
    ReadImage( stlplus::create_filespec(sImaDirectory,*iterFilename).c_str() , &image);
      std::make_pair(image.Width(), image.Height())));

  std::cout << "\n Export pairwise tracks" << std::endl;
  C_Progress_display my_progress_bar( (vec_fileNames.size()*(vec_fileNames.size()-1)) / 2.0 );

  for (size_t I = 0; I < vec_fileNames.size(); ++I) {
    for (size_t J = I+1; J < vec_fileNames.size(); ++J, ++my_progress_bar) {

      const std::pair<size_t, size_t> dimImage0 = map_imageSize.find(vec_fileNames[I])->second,
        dimImage1 = map_imageSize.find(vec_fileNames[J])->second;

      //Get common tracks between view I and J
      tracks::STLMAPTracks map_tracksCommon;
      std::set<size_t> set_imageIndex;
      TracksUtilsMap::GetTracksInImages(set_imageIndex, map_tracks, map_tracksCommon);

      if (!map_tracksCommon.empty()) {
        svgDrawer svgStream( dimImage0.first + dimImage1.first, max(dimImage0.second, dimImage1.second));
          dimImage1.second, dimImage0.first);

        // Load the features from the features files
        std::vector<SIOPointFeature> vec_featI, vec_featJ;
          stlplus::create_filespec(sMatchesDir, stlplus::basename_part(vec_fileNames[I]), ".feat"),
          stlplus::create_filespec(sMatchesDir, stlplus::basename_part(vec_fileNames[J]), ".feat"),

        //-- Draw link between features :
        for (tracks::STLMAPTracks::const_iterator iterT = map_tracksCommon.begin();
          iterT != map_tracksCommon.end(); ++ iterT)  {

          tracks::submapTrack::const_iterator iter = iterT->second.begin();
          const SIOPointFeature & imaA = vec_featI[ iter->second];  ++iter;
          const SIOPointFeature & imaB = vec_featJ[ iter->second];

          svgStream.drawLine(imaA.x(), imaA.y(),
            imaB.x()+dimImage0.first, imaB.y(),
            svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));

        //-- Draw features (in two loop, in order to have the features upper the link, svg layer order):
        for (tracks::STLMAPTracks::const_iterator iterT = map_tracksCommon.begin();
          iterT != map_tracksCommon.end(); ++ iterT)  {

          tracks::submapTrack::const_iterator iter = iterT->second.begin();
          const SIOPointFeature & imaA = vec_featI[ iter->second];  ++iter;
          const SIOPointFeature & imaB = vec_featJ[ iter->second];

          svgStream.drawCircle(imaA.x(), imaA.y(), imaA.scale(),
            svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
          svgStream.drawCircle(imaB.x() + dimImage0.first,imaB.y(),
            imaB.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        std::ostringstream os;
        os << stlplus::folder_append_separator(sOutDir)
           << I << "_" << J
           << "_" << map_tracksCommon.size() << "_.svg";
        ofstream svgFile( os.str().c_str() );
        svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
TEST(Tracks, Simple) {

  A    B    C
  0 -> 0 -> 0
  1 -> 1 -> 6
  2 -> 3

  // Create the input pairwise correspondences
  PairWiseMatches map_pairwisematches;

  IndMatch testAB[] = {IndMatch(0,0), IndMatch(1,1), IndMatch(2,3)};
  IndMatch testBC[] = {IndMatch(0,0), IndMatch(1,6)};

  std::vector<IndMatch> ab(testAB, testAB+3);
  std::vector<IndMatch> bc(testBC, testBC+2);
  const int A = 0;
  const int B = 1;
  const int C = 2;
  map_pairwisematches[ std::make_pair(A,B) ] = ab;
  map_pairwisematches[ std::make_pair(B,C) ] = bc;

  //-- Build tracks using the interface tracksbuilder
  TracksBuilder trackBuilder;
  trackBuilder.Build( map_pairwisematches );


  STLMAPTracks map_tracks;

  // Unit Test check

  //0, {(0,0) (1,0) (2,0)}
  //1, {(0,1) (1,1) (2,6)}
  //2, {(0,2) (1,3)}
  const std::pair<size_t,size_t> GT_Tracks[] =
    {std::make_pair(0,0), std::make_pair(1,0), std::make_pair(2,0),
     std::make_pair(0,1), std::make_pair(1,1), std::make_pair(2,6),
     std::make_pair(0,2), std::make_pair(1,3)};

  CHECK_EQUAL(3,  map_tracks.size());
  size_t cpt = 0, i = 0;
  for (STLMAPTracks::const_iterator iterT = map_tracks.begin();
    iterT != map_tracks.end();
    ++iterT, ++i)
    CHECK_EQUAL(i, iterT->first);
    for (submapTrack::const_iterator iter = iterT->second.begin();
      iter != iterT->second.end();
      CHECK( GT_Tracks[cpt] == std::make_pair(iter->first, iter->second));
Пример #5
TEST(Tracks, Simple) {

    // Create some tracks for image (A,B,C)
    // {A,B,C} imageId will be {0,1,2}
    // For those image link some features id depicted below
    //A    B    C
    //0 -> 0 -> 0
    //1 -> 1 -> 6
    //2 -> 3

    // Create the input pairwise correspondences
    PairWiseMatches map_pairwisematches;

    const IndMatch testAB[] = {IndMatch(0,0), IndMatch(1,1), IndMatch(2,3)};
    const IndMatch testBC[] = {IndMatch(0,0), IndMatch(1,6)};

    const std::vector<IndMatch> ab(testAB, testAB+3);
    const std::vector<IndMatch> bc(testBC, testBC+2);
    const int A = 0;
    const int B = 1;
    const int C = 2;
    map_pairwisematches[ std::make_pair(A,B) ] = ab;
    map_pairwisematches[ std::make_pair(B,C) ] = bc;

    //-- Build tracks using the interface tracksbuilder
    TracksBuilder trackBuilder;
    trackBuilder.Build( map_pairwisematches );

    STLMAPTracks map_tracks;

    // Unit Test check

    //0, {(0,0) (1,0) (2,0)}
    //1, {(0,1) (1,1) (2,6)}
    //2, {(0,2) (1,3)}
    const std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> GT_Tracks[] =
        std::make_pair(0,0), std::make_pair(1,0), std::make_pair(2,0),
        std::make_pair(0,1), std::make_pair(1,1), std::make_pair(2,6),
        std::make_pair(0,2), std::make_pair(1,3)

    CHECK_EQUAL(3,  map_tracks.size());
    size_t cpt = 0, i = 0;
    for (STLMAPTracks::const_iterator iterT = map_tracks.begin();
            iterT != map_tracks.end();
            ++iterT, ++i)
        CHECK_EQUAL(i, iterT->first);
        for (submapTrack::const_iterator iter = iterT->second.begin();
                iter != iterT->second.end();
            CHECK( GT_Tracks[cpt] == std::make_pair(iter->first, iter->second));