Пример #1
	This method is used to read the knots of a strength trajectory from the file, where they are specified one (knot) on a line
void SimBiConState::readTrajectory1D(FILE* f, Trajectory1D& result, int endingLineType ){

    //have a temporary buffer used to read the file line by line...
    char buffer[200];
    double temp1, temp2;

    //this is where it happens.
    while (!feof(f)){
        //get a line from the file...
        fgets(buffer, 200, f);

        char *line = lTrim(buffer);
        int lineType = getConLineType(line);
        if( lineType == endingLineType )
            //we're done...

        switch (lineType) {
        case CON_COMMENT:
        case CON_NOT_IMPORTANT:
            //we expect pairs of numbers, one pair on each row, so see if we have a valid pair
            if (sscanf(line, "%lf %lf", &temp1, &temp2) == 2){
                result.addKnot(temp1, temp2);
Пример #2
	Update this component to recenter it around the new given D and V trajectories
void TrajectoryComponent::updateComponent(SimBiController* con, Joint* j, Trajectory1D& newDTrajX, Trajectory1D& newDTrajZ, Trajectory1D& newVTrajX, Trajectory1D& newVTrajZ, 
										   Trajectory1D* oldDTrajX, Trajectory1D* oldDTrajZ, Trajectory1D* oldVTrajX, Trajectory1D* oldVTrajZ, 
										  int nbSamples ) {

	if( bFeedback == NULL )

	double startPhi = 0;
	double endPhi = 0;
	if( baseTraj.getKnotCount() > 0 ) 
		startPhi = min( startPhi, baseTraj.getMinPosition() );
		endPhi = min( startPhi, baseTraj.getMaxPosition() );
	if( newDTrajX.getKnotCount() > 0 ) 
		startPhi = max( startPhi, newDTrajX.getMinPosition() );
		endPhi = max( startPhi, newDTrajX.getMaxPosition() );

	Trajectory1D result;
	Vector3d d0, v0, newD0, newV0;
	for( int i = 0; i < nbSamples; ++i ) {
		double interp = (double) i / (nbSamples - 1.0);
		double phi = startPhi * (1.0 - interp) + endPhi * interp;

		double baseAngle = 0;
		if (baseTraj.getKnotCount() > 0)
			baseAngle = baseTraj.evaluate_catmull_rom(phi);
		SimBiController::computeDorV( phi, &newDTrajX, &newDTrajZ, LEFT_STANCE, &newD0 );
		SimBiController::computeDorV( phi, &newVTrajX, &newVTrajZ, LEFT_STANCE, &newV0 );
		SimBiController::computeDorV( phi, oldDTrajX, oldDTrajZ, LEFT_STANCE, &d0 );
		SimBiController::computeDorV( phi, oldVTrajX, oldVTrajZ, LEFT_STANCE, &v0 );

		double feedback = computeFeedback(con, j, phi, newD0 - d0, newV0 - v0);

		if (reverseAngleOnLeftStance)
			baseAngle -= feedback;
			baseAngle += feedback;

		result.addKnot( phi, baseAngle );
	result.simplify_catmull_rom( 0.005 );
	baseTraj.copy( result );
	This method is used to read the knots of a strength trajectory from the file, where they are specified one (knot) on a line
void SimBiConState::readTrajectory1D(FILE* f, Trajectory1D& result, int endingLineType ){
	if (f == NULL)
		throwError("File pointer is NULL - cannot read gain coefficients!!");

	//have a temporary buffer used to read the file line by line...
	char buffer[200];
	double temp1, temp2;

	//this is where it happens.
	while (!feof(f)){
		//get a line from the file...
		fgets(buffer, 200, f);
		if (strlen(buffer)>195)
			throwError("The input file contains a line that is longer than ~200 characters - not allowed");
		char *line = lTrim(buffer);
		int lineType = getConLineType(line);
		if( lineType == endingLineType )
			//we're done...

		switch (lineType) {
			case CON_COMMENT:
				//we expect pairs of numbers, one pair on each row, so see if we have a valid pair
				if (sscanf(line, "%lf %lf", &temp1, &temp2) == 2){
					result.addKnot(temp1, temp2);
					tprintf("Ignoring input line: \'%s\'\n", line); 
				throwError("Incorrect SIMBICON input file: \'%s\' - unexpected line.", buffer);
	throwError("Incorrect SIMBICON input file: Trajectory not closed ", buffer);