Пример #1
Expression::Expression(const std::wstring& s, NfaStates& states, TransitionSet& symbols) : m_ch(0)
  m_LiteralString = s;

  //  m_Type = ExpressionTypeSingle;
  m_Left = nullptr;
  m_Right = nullptr;

  //(start) -a-> () -b-> ....() -c-> (end)
  //cria uma cadeia de "ands" com cada caracteres o start e end sao as extremidades

  m_StartState = states.New();
  m_EndState = 0;
  NfaState* state = m_StartState;

  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < s.size(); i++)
    if (i == 0)
      m_ch = Transition(s[i]);

    NfaState* pNew = states.New();
    Transition ch(s[i]);
    AddTransition(state, ch, pNew);
    state = pNew;

  m_EndState = state;
  //AddTransition(state, m_EndState);

Пример #2
void MakeGetCharIndex(const TransitionSet& symbols, std::wostream& stream, bool code)
  int index = 0;
  TransitionSet::const_iterator it = symbols.begin();

  if (code)
    stream << L"int GetCharIndex(wchar_t ch)" << endl;
    stream << L"{" << endl;
    stream << L"    switch (ch)" << endl;
    stream << L"    {" << endl;
    stream << L"//Symbols" << endl;

  for (; it != symbols.end(); ++it)
    if (it->m_ch != EmptyTransition)
      if (code)
        stream << L"        case " << ToCharRepresentation(it->m_ch) << L": return " << index << L";" << endl;
        stream << ToCharRepresentation(it->m_ch) << endl;


  if (code)
    stream << L"    }" << endl;
    stream << L"}" << endl;
Пример #3
void State::insertTransitions(const TransitionSet& transitions)
    outTransitions.insert(transitions.begin(), transitions.end());
Пример #4
Expression::Expression(std::unique_ptr<Expression> A,
                       std::unique_ptr<Expression> B,
                       ExpressionType type,
                       NfaStates& states,
                       TransitionSet& symbols)
  //  m_Type = type;
  m_Left = std::move(A);
  m_Right = std::move(B);

  if (type == ExpressionTypeAnd)
    /// AB
    /// |----------------|       |-----------------|
    /// |        A       |   e   |        B        |
    /// | ( ) -----> ( )---------->(  ) -----> (O) |
    /// |----------------|       |-----------------|
    AddTransition(m_Left->m_EndState, m_Right->m_StartState);
    m_StartState = m_Left->m_StartState;
    m_EndState = m_Right->m_EndState;
  else if (type == ExpressionTypeOr)
    /// A|B
    ///           |----------------|
    ///      e    |        A       |   e
    ///   --------->( ) -----> ( )---------
    ///   |       |----------------|      |
    ///   |                               v
    ///  ( )                             (O)
    ///   |                               ^
    ///   |       |----------------|      |
    ///   |       |        B       |      |
    ///   --------->( ) -----> ( )---------
    ///     e     |----------------|   e
    m_StartState = states.New();
    m_EndState = states.New();
    AddTransition(m_StartState, m_Left->m_StartState);
    AddTransition(m_StartState, m_Right->m_StartState);
    AddTransition(m_Left->m_EndState, m_EndState);
    AddTransition(m_Right->m_EndState, m_EndState);
  else if (type == ExpressionTypeRange)
    m_StartState = states.New();
    m_EndState = states.New();
    AddTransition(m_StartState, m_Left->m_StartState);
    AddTransition(m_StartState, m_Right->m_StartState);

    for (wchar_t ch = m_Left->m_ch.m_ch + 1 ; ch < m_Right->m_ch.m_ch; ch++)
      std::unique_ptr<Expression> pNew(new Expression(Transition(ch), states));
      AddTransition(m_StartState, pNew->m_StartState);
      AddTransition(pNew->m_EndState, m_EndState);

    AddTransition(m_Left->m_EndState, m_EndState);
    AddTransition(m_Right->m_EndState, m_EndState);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	string userName = "******";

	TabularQ   q;
	Param      param;
	ActionIterator a_iter;

	auto greedy        = rl::sa::greedy(a_iter); 
	auto argmax_critic = rl::sa::q_learning(q,greedy,param);

	Simulator				simulator;
	ActionToss				a_toss;
	int						episode,frame;
	TransitionSet			transition;
	Reward					sum = 0.0;
	int						episode_length;

	auto explore_agent	= rl::agent::epsilon_greedy(argmax_critic, a_toss, param);
	auto test_agent		= rl::agent::greedy(argmax_critic);

	cout << "\n\t\t< Human-aware Decision Maker >" << endl;
	cout << "> Please press ENTER to start..." << endl;

	/* Load the parnter data and set the paramter to Q-learning agent */
	gsl_vector * dataLearned = gsl_vector_alloc (90);
	FILE * fUserData = fopen ((userName + ".dat").c_str(), "r");
	if (fUserData != NULL) {
		cout << "\n> INFO: Loading user, " << userName << ", preference data...\n" << endl;
		gsl_vector_fscanf (fUserData, dataLearned);
		fclose (fUserData);
		argmax_critic = dataLearned;

	for(episode = 0, frame = 0; episode < NB_EPISODES; ++episode) {
		std::cout << ">\t\t< Episode " << std::setw(6) << episode + 1 << "/" << NB_EPISODES << " >" << endl;
		rl::episode::sa::run_and_learn(simulator, explore_agent, argmax_critic, transition, 0, episode_length);
		for (auto iter = transition.begin(); iter != transition.end(); ++iter) {
			sum += (*iter).reward(); // *iter is a transition
			//cout << "> Action: " << (*iter).currentAction() << ", State_toa: " << (*iter).currentState().robotBelief << ", State_alr: " << (*iter).currentState().personAttention << endl;
		cout << "> Total reward during episode : " << sum << std::endl;
		/* Store the param into file */
		const gsl_vector* parnterPreference = argmax_critic.parameter();

		FILE * fparam = fopen((userName + ".dat").c_str(), "w");
		gsl_vector_fprintf (fparam, parnterPreference, "%.5g");
		fclose (fparam);

		/* Store the reward into file */
		FILE* freward = fopen((userName + "Reward.txt").c_str(), "a+");
		fprintf(freward, "%f\n", sum);

		/* Clear data for next episode */
		sum = 0.0;


	//try {
	//	simulator.restart();
	//	for (int k = 0; k < MAX_EPISODE_DURATION; ++k)
	//		simulator.timeStep(test_agent.policy(simulator.sense()));
	//} catch(rl::exception::Terminal e) 
	//{ }


	rl::episode::sa::run_and_collect(simulator, test_agent, transition, 0, episode_length);

		// Let us read the collected transitions
	for (auto iter = transition.begin(), iter_end = transition.end(); iter != transition.end(); ++iter) {
		sum += (*iter).reward(); // *iter is a transition.
		//cout << "> Action: " << (*iter).currentAction() << ", State_toa: " << (*iter).currentState().robotBelief << ", State_alr: " << (*iter).currentState().personAttention << endl;
	cout << "Total reward during episode : " << sum << std::endl;

	cout << endl;
	cout << "Please press ENTER to left..." << endl;

	return 0;