Пример #1
static void writeTransUnit(QTextStream *t, const TranslatorMessage &msg, int msgid,
                           int indent, const QString &translation = QString())
    static int plural = 0;
    static int prevMsgId = -1;
    writeIndent(t, indent);
    (*t) << "<trans-unit id=\"msg";
    QString strid;
    QByteArray transl;
    if (msg.isPlural()) {
        if (prevMsgId != msgid)
            plural = 0;
        strid = QString::fromAscii("%1[%2]").arg(msgid).arg(plural);
        transl = translation.toUtf8();
    } else {
        strid = QString::fromAscii("%1").arg(msgid);
        plural = 0;
        transl = msg.translation().toUtf8();
    prevMsgId = msgid;
    (*t) << strid << "\"";
    QString state;
    if (msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Obsolete) {
        (*t) << " translate=\"no\"";
    } else {
        state = msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Finished
            ? QLatin1String("final") : QLatin1String("new");
        state = QString::fromAscii(" state=\"%1\"").arg(state);
    (*t) << ">\n";
    writeIndent(t, indent);
    (*t) << "<source xml:space=\"preserve\">" << evilBytes(msg.sourceText(), msg.utf8()) << "</source>\n";

    writeIndent(t, indent);
    (*t) << "<target xml:space=\"preserve\"" << state << ">" << evilBytes2(transl, msg.utf8()) << "</target>\n";
    // ### In XLIFF 1.1, name is marked as required, and it must be unique
    // This is questionable behaviour, and was brought up at the xliff-comments mailinglist.
    if (!msg.isPlural()) {
        writeLineNumber(t, msg, indent);
        writeComment(t, msg, indent);
    writeIndent(t, indent);
    (*t) << "</trans-unit>\n";
Пример #2
static void writeMessage(QTextStream &ts, const TranslatorMessage &msg, const QRegExp &drops, int indent)
    if (msg.isPlural()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent);
        ts << "<group restype=\"" << restypePlurals << "\"";
        if (!msg.id().isEmpty())
            ts << " id=\"" << msg.id() << "\"";
        if (msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Obsolete || msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Vanished)
            ts << " translate=\"no\"";
        ts << ">\n";
        writeLineNumber(ts, msg, indent);
        writeComment(ts, msg, drops, indent);

        writeTransUnits(ts, msg, drops, indent);
        writeIndent(ts, indent);
        ts << "</group>\n";
    } else {
        writeTransUnits(ts, msg, drops, indent);
Пример #3
static void writeTransUnits(QTextStream &ts, const TranslatorMessage &msg, const QRegExp &drops, int indent)
    static int msgid;
    QString msgidstr = !msg.id().isEmpty() ? msg.id() : QString::fromAscii("_msg%1").arg(++msgid);

    QStringList translns = msg.translations();
    QHash<QString, QString>::const_iterator it;
    QString pluralStr;
    QStringList sources(msg.sourceText());
    if ((it = msg.extras().find(QString::fromLatin1("po-msgid_plural"))) != msg.extras().end())
    QStringList oldsources;
    if (!msg.oldSourceText().isEmpty())
    if ((it = msg.extras().find(QString::fromLatin1("po-old_msgid_plural"))) != msg.extras().end()) {
        if (oldsources.isEmpty()) {
            if (sources.count() == 2)
                pluralStr = QLatin1Char(' ') + QLatin1String(attribPlural) + QLatin1String("=\"yes\"");

        srcit = sources.begin(), srcend = sources.end(),
        oldsrcit = oldsources.begin(), oldsrcend = oldsources.end(),
        transit = translns.begin(), transend = translns.end();
    int plural = 0;
    QString source;
    while (srcit != srcend || oldsrcit != oldsrcend || transit != transend) {
        QByteArray attribs;
        QByteArray state;
        if (msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Obsolete) {
            if (!msg.isPlural())
                attribs = " translate=\"no\"";
        } else if (msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Finished) {
            attribs = " approved=\"yes\"";
        } else if (transit != transend && !transit->isEmpty()) {
            state = " state=\"needs-review-translation\"";
        writeIndent(ts, indent);
        ts << "<trans-unit id=\"" << msgidstr;
        if (msg.isPlural())
            ts << "[" << plural++ << "]";
        ts << "\"" << attribs << ">\n";

        writeIndent(ts, indent);
        if (srcit != srcend) {
            source = *srcit;
        } // else just repeat last element
        ts << "<source xml:space=\"preserve\">" << protect(source) << "</source>\n";

        bool puttrans = false;
        QString translation;
        if (transit != transend) {
            translation = *transit;
            puttrans = true;
        do {
            if (oldsrcit != oldsrcend && !oldsrcit->isEmpty()) {
                writeIndent(ts, indent);
                ts << "<alt-trans>\n";
                writeIndent(ts, indent);
                ts << "<source xml:space=\"preserve\"" << pluralStr << '>' << protect(*oldsrcit) << "</source>\n";
                if (!puttrans) {
                    writeIndent(ts, indent);
                    ts << "<target restype=\"" << restypeDummy << "\"/>\n";

            if (puttrans) {
                writeIndent(ts, indent);
                ts << "<target xml:space=\"preserve\"" << state << ">" << protect(translation) << "</target>\n";

            if (oldsrcit != oldsrcend) {
                if (!oldsrcit->isEmpty()) {
                    writeIndent(ts, indent);
                    ts << "</alt-trans>\n";

            puttrans = false;
        } while (srcit == srcend && oldsrcit != oldsrcend);

        if (!msg.isPlural()) {
            writeLineNumber(ts, msg, indent);
            writeComment(ts, msg, drops, indent);

        writeIndent(ts, indent);
        ts << "</trans-unit>\n";