Пример #1
  const ProcessKey&            pid,
  const OpenDDS::DCPS::GUID_t& id,
  bool&                        create
  if( id == OpenDDS::DCPS::GUID_UNKNOWN) {
    return 0;

  // Find the parent node, if any.  It is ok to not have a parent node
  // for cases of out-of-order udpates.  We handle that as the updates
  // are actually processed.
  TreeNode* parent = this->getProcessNode( pid, create);

  // DomainParticipant data.
  OpenDDS::DCPS::GuidConverter converter( id);
  QList<QVariant> list;
  list << QString("DomainParticipant")
       << QString( QObject::tr( std::string( converter).c_str()));
  TreeNode* node = new TreeNode( list, parent);
  if( parent) {
    parent->append( node);

  // Install the new node.
  this->guidToTreeMap_[ id] = std::make_pair( node->row(), node);

  return node;
Пример #2
  const TransportKey& key,
  bool&               create
  TreeNode* node = 0;
  TransportToTreeMap::iterator location
    = this->transportToTreeMap_.find( key);
  if( location == this->transportToTreeMap_.end()) {
    // We are done if not creating a new node.
    if( !create) return 0;

    // This transport needs to be installed.

    // Find the parent node, if any.  It is ok to not have a parent node
    // for cases of out-of-order updates.  We handle that as the updates
    // are actually processed.
    ProcessKey pid( key.host, key.pid);
    TreeNode* parent = this->getProcessNode( pid, create);

    QList<QVariant> list;
    QString value = QString("0x%1")
                    .arg( key.transport, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0'));
    list << QString( QObject::tr( "Transport")) << value;
    node = new TreeNode( list, parent);
    if( parent) {
      parent->append( node);

    // Install the new node.
    this->transportToTreeMap_[ key] = std::make_pair( node->row(), node);

  } else {
    node = location->second.second;
    create = false;

  // If there have been some out-of-order reports, we may have been
  // created without a parent node.  We can fill in that information now
  // if we can.  If we created the node, we already know it has a
  // parent so this will be bypassed.
  if( !node->parent()) {
    create = true;
    ProcessKey pid( key.host, key.pid);
    node->parent() = this->getProcessNode( pid, create);

  return node;
Пример #3
  const std::string&           label,
  const OpenDDS::DCPS::GUID_t& parentId,
  const OpenDDS::DCPS::GUID_t& id,
  bool&                        create
  TreeNode* node   = 0;
  GuidToTreeMap::iterator location = this->guidToTreeMap_.find( id);
  if( location == this->guidToTreeMap_.end()) {
    // We are done if not creating a new node.
    if( !create) return 0;

    // We need to add a new DomainParticipant.

    // Find the parent node, if any.  It is ok to not have a parent node
    // for cases of out-of-order udpates.  We handle that as the updates
    // are actually processed.
    TreeNode* parent = 0;
    GuidToTreeMap::iterator parentLocation
      = this->guidToTreeMap_.find( parentId);
    if( parentLocation != this->guidToTreeMap_.end()) {
      parent = parentLocation->second.second;

    // Node data.
    OpenDDS::DCPS::GuidConverter converter( id);
    QList<QVariant> list;
    list << QString( QObject::tr( label.c_str()))
         << QString( QObject::tr( std::string( converter).c_str()));
    node = new TreeNode( list, parent);
    if( parent) {
      parent->append( node);

    // Install the new node.
    this->guidToTreeMap_[ id] = std::make_pair( node->row(), node);

  } else {
    node = location->second.second;
    create = false;

  // If there have been some out-of-order reports, we may have been
  // created without a parent node.  We can now fill in that information
  // if we can.  If we created the node, we already know it has a
  // parent so this will be bypassed.
  if( !node->parent()) {
    // Need to search for the parent.
    TreeNode* parent = 0;
    GuidToTreeMap::iterator parentLocation
      = this->guidToTreeMap_.find( parentId);
    if( parentLocation != this->guidToTreeMap_.end()) {
      parent = parentLocation->second.second;

    // And install anything that is found.
    node->parent() = parent;

  return node;
Пример #4
  const ProcessKey& key,
  bool& create
  // HOST

  TreeNode* hostNode = 0;
  HostToTreeMap::iterator hostLocation
    = this->hostToTreeMap_.find( key.host);
  if( hostLocation == this->hostToTreeMap_.end()) {
    // We are done if not creating a new node.
    if( !create) return 0;

    // We need to add a new host.  Host nodes are children of the
    // root node.
    TreeNode* root = this->model_->modelRoot();

    // Host first.
    QList<QVariant> list;
    list << QString("Host") << QString( QObject::tr( key.host.c_str()));
    hostNode = new TreeNode( list, root);
    root->append( hostNode);

    // Install the new node.
    this->hostToTreeMap_[ key.host]
      = std::make_pair( hostNode->row(), hostNode);

  } else {
    // Retain the current host node.
    hostNode = hostLocation->second.second;


  TreeNode* pidNode = 0;
  ProcessToTreeMap::iterator pidLocation
    = this->processToTreeMap_.find( key);
  if( pidLocation == this->processToTreeMap_.end()) {
    // We are done if not creating a new node.
    if( !create) return 0;

    // We need to add a new PID.  PID nodes are children of the host
    // nodes.  We just found the relevant host node.

    // PID data.
    QList<QVariant> list;
    list << QString("Process") << QString::number( key.pid);
    pidNode = new TreeNode( list, hostNode);
    hostNode->append( pidNode);

    // Install the new node.
    this->processToTreeMap_[ key]
      = std::make_pair( pidNode->row(), pidNode);

  } else {
    pidNode = pidLocation->second.second;
    create = false;

  return pidNode;