Пример #1
void TreeTemplateTools::getBestRootInSubtree_(TreeTemplate<Node>& tree, short criterion, Node* node, pair<Node*, map<string, double> >& bestRoot)
  const vector<Node*> sons = node->getSons(); // copy

  // Try to place the root on each branch downward node
  for (vector<Node*>::const_iterator son = sons.begin(); son != sons.end(); ++son)
    // Compute the moment of the subtree on son's side
    Moments_ son_moment = getSubtreeMoments_(*son);

    // Compute the moment of the subtree on node's side
    Moments_ node_moment = getSubtreeMoments_(node);

     * Get the position of the root on this branch that
     * minimizes the root-to-leaves distances variance.
     * This variance can be written in the form A x^2 + B x + C
    double min_criterion_value;
    double best_position; // 0 is toward the root, 1 is away from it

    const TreeTemplateTools::Moments_& m1 = node_moment;
    const TreeTemplateTools::Moments_& m2 = son_moment;
    const double d = (**son).getDistanceToFather();
    const double n1 = m1.numberOfLeaves;
    const double n2 = m2.numberOfLeaves;

    double A = 0, B = 0, C = 0;
    if (criterion == MIDROOT_SUM_OF_SQUARES)
      A = (n1 + n2) * d * d;
      B = 2 * d * (m1.sum - m2.sum) - 2 * n2 * d * d;
      C = m1.squaresSum + m2.squaresSum
          + 2 * m2.sum * d
          + n2 * d * d;
    else if (criterion == MIDROOT_VARIANCE)
      A = 4 * n1 * n2 * d * d;
      B = 4 * d * ( n2 * m1.sum - n1 * m2.sum - d * n1 * n2);
      C = (n1 + n2) * (m1.squaresSum + m2.squaresSum) + n1 * d * n2 * d
          + 2 * n1 * d * m2.sum - 2 * n2 * d * m1.sum
          - (m1.sum + m2.sum) * (m1.sum + m2.sum);

    if (A < 1e-20)
      min_criterion_value = numeric_limits<double>::max();
      best_position = 0.5;
      min_criterion_value = C - B * B / (4 * A);
      best_position = -B / (2 * A);
      if (best_position < 0)
        best_position = 0;
        min_criterion_value = C;
      else if (best_position > 1)
        best_position = 1;
        min_criterion_value = A + B + C;

    // Is this branch is the best seen, update 'bestRoot'
    if (min_criterion_value < bestRoot.second["score"])
      bestRoot.first = *son;
      bestRoot.second["position"] = best_position;
      bestRoot.second["score"] = min_criterion_value;

    // Recurse
    TreeTemplateTools::getBestRootInSubtree_(tree, criterion, *son, bestRoot);
Пример #2
void TreeTemplateTools::midRoot(TreeTemplate<Node>& tree, short criterion, bool forceBranchRoot)
  if (criterion != MIDROOT_VARIANCE && criterion != MIDROOT_SUM_OF_SQUARES)
    throw Exception("TreeTemplateTools::midRoot(). Illegal criterion value '" + TextTools::toString(criterion) + "'");

  if (tree.isRooted())
  Node* ref_root = tree.getRootNode();
  // The bestRoot object records :
  // -- the current best branch : .first
  // -- the current best value of the criterion : .second["value"]
  // -- the best position of the root on the branch : .second["position"]
  //      0 is toward the original root, 1 is away from it
  pair<Node*, map<string, double> > best_root_branch;
  best_root_branch.first = ref_root; // nota: the root does not correspond to a branch as it has no father
  best_root_branch.second ["position"] = -1;
  best_root_branch.second ["score"] = numeric_limits<double>::max();

  // find the best root
  getBestRootInSubtree_(tree, criterion, ref_root, best_root_branch);
  tree.rootAt(ref_root); // back to the original root

  // reroot
  const double pos = best_root_branch.second["position"];
  if (pos < 1e-6 or pos > 1 - 1e-6)
    // The best root position is on a node (this is often the case with the sum of squares criterion)
    tree.rootAt(pos < 1e-6 ? best_root_branch.first->getFather() : best_root_branch.first);
  // The best root position is somewhere on a branch (a new Node is created)
    Node* new_root = new Node();
    new_root->setId( TreeTools::getMPNUId(tree, tree.getRootId()) );

    double root_branch_length = best_root_branch.first->getDistanceToFather();
    Node* best_root_father = best_root_branch.first->getFather();


    new_root->setDistanceToFather(max(pos * root_branch_length, 1e-6));
    best_root_branch.first->setDistanceToFather(max((1 - pos) * root_branch_length, 1e-6));

    // The two branches leaving the root must have the same branch properties
    const vector<string> branch_properties = best_root_branch.first->getBranchPropertyNames();
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator p = branch_properties.begin(); p != branch_properties.end(); ++p)
      new_root->setBranchProperty(*p, *best_root_branch.first->getBranchProperty(*p));


  if (forceBranchRoot) // if we want the root to be on a branch, not on a node
    Node* orig_root = tree.getRootNode();
    vector<Node*> root_sons = orig_root->getSons();
    if (root_sons.size() > 2)
      Node* nearest = root_sons.at(0);
      for (vector<Node*>::iterator n = root_sons.begin(); n !=
           root_sons.end(); ++n)
        if ((**n).getDistanceToFather() < nearest->getDistanceToFather())
          nearest = *n;
      const double d = nearest->getDistanceToFather();
      Node* new_root = new Node();
      new_root->setId( TreeTools::getMPNUId(tree, tree.getRootId()) );
      new_root->setDistanceToFather(d / 2.);
      nearest->setDistanceToFather(d / 2.);
      const vector<string> branch_properties = nearest->getBranchPropertyNames();
      for (vector<string>::const_iterator p = branch_properties.begin(); p != branch_properties.end(); ++p)
        new_root->setBranchProperty(*p, *nearest->getBranchProperty(*p));