static bool TriangleIntersectCone (const Triangle3& rkTri,
    const Cone3& rkCone)
    for (int iT = 1; iT < gs_iMaxSample; iT++)
        Real fT = iT/Real(gs_iMaxSample);
        for (int iS = 1; iS+iT < gs_iMaxSample; iS++)
            Real fS = iS/Real(gs_iMaxSample);
            Vector3 kP = rkTri.Origin()+fS*rkTri.Edge0()+fT*rkTri.Edge1();
            if ( PointInsideCone(kP,rkCone) )
                return true;

    return false;
Пример #2
Real Mgc::SqrDistance (const Triangle3& rkTri0, const Triangle3& rkTri1,
    Real* pfTri0P0, Real* pfTri0P1, Real* pfTri1P0, Real* pfTri1P1)
    Real fS, fT, fU, fV, fS0, fT0, fU0, fV0, fSqrDist, fSqrDist0;
    Segment3 kSeg;

    // compare edges of tri0 against all of tri1
    kSeg.Origin() = rkTri0.Origin();
    kSeg.Direction() = rkTri0.Edge0();
    fSqrDist = SqrDistance(kSeg,rkTri1,&fS,&fU,&fV);
    fT = 0.0f;

    kSeg.Direction() = rkTri0.Edge1();
    fSqrDist0 = SqrDistance(kSeg,rkTri1,&fT0,&fU0,&fV0);
    fS0 = 0.0f;
    if ( fSqrDist0 < fSqrDist )
        fSqrDist = fSqrDist0;
        fS = fS0;
        fT = fT0;
        fU = fU0;
        fV = fV0;

    kSeg.Origin() = kSeg.Origin() + rkTri0.Edge0();
    kSeg.Direction() = kSeg.Direction() - rkTri0.Edge0();
    fSqrDist0 = SqrDistance(kSeg,rkTri1,&fT0,&fU0,&fV0);
    fS0 = 1.0f-fT0;
    if ( fSqrDist0 < fSqrDist )
        fSqrDist = fSqrDist0;
        fS = fS0;
        fT = fT0;
        fU = fU0;
        fV = fV0;

    // compare edges of tri1 against all of tri0
    kSeg.Origin() = rkTri1.Origin();
    kSeg.Direction() = rkTri1.Edge0();
    fSqrDist0 = SqrDistance(kSeg,rkTri0,&fU0,&fS0,&fT0);
    fV0 = 0.0f;
    if ( fSqrDist0 < fSqrDist )
        fSqrDist = fSqrDist0;
        fS = fS0;
        fT = fT0;
        fU = fU0;
        fV = fV0;

    kSeg.Direction() = rkTri1.Edge1();
    fSqrDist0 = SqrDistance(kSeg,rkTri0,&fV0,&fS0,&fT0);
    fU0 = 0.0f;
    if ( fSqrDist0 < fSqrDist )
        fSqrDist = fSqrDist0;
        fS = fS0;
        fT = fT0;
        fU = fU0;
        fV = fV0;

    kSeg.Origin() = kSeg.Origin() + rkTri1.Edge0();
    kSeg.Direction() = kSeg.Direction() - rkTri1.Edge0();
    fSqrDist0 = SqrDistance(kSeg,rkTri0,&fV0,&fS0,&fT0);
    fU0 = 1.0f-fV0;
    if ( fSqrDist0 < fSqrDist )
        fSqrDist = fSqrDist0;
        fS = fS0;
        fT = fT0;
        fU = fU0;
        fV = fV0;

    if ( pfTri0P0 )
        *pfTri0P0 = fS;

    if ( pfTri0P1 )
        *pfTri0P1 = fT;

    if ( pfTri1P0 )
        *pfTri1P0 = fU;

    if ( pfTri1P1 )
        *pfTri1P1 = fV;

    return Math::FAbs(fSqrDist);
bool Mgc::TestIntersection (const Triangle3& rkTri, const Cone3& rkCone)
    // NOTE.  The following quantities computed in this function can be
    // precomputed and stored in the cone and triangle classes as an
    // optimization.
    //   1. The cone squared cosine.
    //   2. The triangle squared edge lengths |E0|^2 and |E1|^2.
    //   3. The third triangle edge E2 = E1 - E0 and squared length |E2|^2.
    //   4. The triangle normal N = Cross(E0,E1) or unitized normal
    //      N = Cross(E0,E1)/Length(Cross(E0,E1)).

    // triangle is <P0,P1,P2>, edges are E0 = P1-P0, E1=P2-P0
    int iOnConeSide = 0;
    Real fP0Test, fP1Test, fP2Test, fAdE, fEdE, fEdD, fC1, fC2;

    Real fCosSqr = rkCone.CosAngle()*rkCone.CosAngle();

    // test vertex P0
    Vector3 kDiff0 = rkTri.Origin() - rkCone.Vertex();
    Real fAdD0 = rkCone.Axis().Dot(kDiff0);
    if ( fAdD0 >= 0.0f )
        // P0 is on cone side of plane
        fP0Test = fAdD0*fAdD0 - fCosSqr*(kDiff0.Dot(kDiff0));
        if ( fP0Test >= 0.0f )
            // P0 is inside the cone
            return true;
            // P0 is outside the cone, but on cone side of plane
            iOnConeSide |= 1;
    // else P0 is not on cone side of plane

    assert( !PointInsideCone(rkTri.Origin(),rkCone) );

    // test vertex P1
    Vector3 kDiff1 = kDiff0 + rkTri.Edge0();
    Real fAdD1 = rkCone.Axis().Dot(kDiff1);
    if ( fAdD1 >= 0.0f )
        // P1 is on cone side of plane
        fP1Test = fAdD1*fAdD1 - fCosSqr*(kDiff1.Dot(kDiff1));
        if ( fP1Test >= 0.0f )
            // P1 is inside the cone
            return true;
            // P1 is outside the cone, but on cone side of plane
            iOnConeSide |= 2;
    // else P1 is not on cone side of plane

    assert( !PointInsideCone(rkTri.Origin()+rkTri.Edge0(),rkCone) );

    // test vertex P2
    Vector3 kDiff2 = kDiff0 + rkTri.Edge1();
    Real fAdD2 = rkCone.Axis().Dot(kDiff2);
    if ( fAdD2 >= 0.0f )
        // P2 is on cone side of plane
        fP2Test = fAdD2*fAdD2 - fCosSqr*(kDiff2.Dot(kDiff2));
        if ( fP2Test >= 0.0f )
            // P2 is inside the cone
            return true;
            // P2 is outside the cone, but on cone side of plane
            iOnConeSide |= 4;
    // else P2 is not on cone side of plane

    assert( !PointInsideCone(rkTri.Origin()+rkTri.Edge1(),rkCone) );

    // test edge <P0,P1> = E0
    if ( iOnConeSide & 3 )
        fAdE = fAdD1 - fAdD0;
        fEdE = rkTri.Edge0().Dot(rkTri.Edge0());
        fC2 = fAdE*fAdE - fCosSqr*fEdE;
        if ( fC2 < 0.0f )
            fEdD = rkTri.Edge0().Dot(kDiff0);
            fC1 = fAdE*fAdD0 - fCosSqr*fEdD;
            if ( iOnConeSide & 1 )
                if ( iOnConeSide & 2 )
                    // <P0,P1> fully on cone side of plane, fC0 = fP0Test
                    if ( 0.0f <= fC1 && fC1 <= -fC2
                    &&   fC1*fC1 >= fP0Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
                    // P0 on cone side (Dot(A,P0-V) >= 0),
                    // P1 on opposite side (Dot(A,P1-V) <= 0)
                    // (Dot(A,E0) <= 0), fC0 = fP0Test
                    if ( 0.0f <= fC1 && fC2*fAdD0 <= fC1*fAdE
                    &&   fC1*fC1 >= fP0Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
                // P1 on cone side (Dot(A,P1-V) >= 0),
                // P0 on opposite side (Dot(A,P0-V) <= 0)
                // (Dot(A,E0) >= 0), fC0 = fP0Test (needs calculating)
                if ( fC1 <= -fC2 && fC2*fAdD0 <= fC1*fAdE )
                    fP0Test = fAdD0*fAdD0 - fCosSqr*(kDiff0.Dot(kDiff0));
                    if ( fC1*fC1 >= fP0Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
    // else <P0,P1> does not intersect cone half space

    assert( !EdgeIntersectCone(rkTri.Origin(),rkTri.Edge0(),rkCone) );

    // test edge <P0,P2> = E1
    if ( iOnConeSide & 5 )
        fAdE = fAdD2 - fAdD0;
        fEdE = rkTri.Edge1().Dot(rkTri.Edge1());
        fC2 = fAdE*fAdE - fCosSqr*fEdE;
        if ( fC2 < 0.0f )
            fEdD = rkTri.Edge1().Dot(kDiff0);
            fC1 = fAdE*fAdD0 - fCosSqr*fEdD;
            if ( iOnConeSide & 1 )
                if ( iOnConeSide & 4 )
                    // <P0,P2> fully on cone side of plane, fC0 = fP0Test
                    if ( 0.0f <= fC1 && fC1 <= -fC2
                    &&   fC1*fC1 >= fP0Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
                    // P0 on cone side (Dot(A,P0-V) >= 0),
                    // P2 on opposite side (Dot(A,P2-V) <= 0)
                    // (Dot(A,E1) <= 0), fC0 = fP0Test
                    if ( 0.0f <= fC1 && fC2*fAdD0 <= fC1*fAdE
                    &&   fC1*fC1 >= fP0Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
                // P2 on cone side (Dot(A,P2-V) >= 0),
                // P0 on opposite side (Dot(A,P0-V) <= 0)
                // (Dot(A,E1) >= 0), fC0 = fP0Test (needs calculating)
                if ( fC1 <= -fC2 && fC2*fAdD0 <= fC1*fAdE )
                    fP0Test = fAdD0*fAdD0 - fCosSqr*(kDiff0.Dot(kDiff0));
                    if ( fC1*fC1 >= fP0Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
    // else <P0,P2> does not intersect cone half space

    assert( !EdgeIntersectCone(rkTri.Origin(),rkTri.Edge1(),rkCone) );

    // test edge <P1,P2> = E1-E0 = E2
    if ( iOnConeSide & 6 )
        Vector3 kE2 = rkTri.Edge1() - rkTri.Edge0();
        fAdE = fAdD2 - fAdD1;
        fEdE = kE2.Dot(kE2);
        fC2 = fAdE*fAdE - fCosSqr*fEdE;
        if ( fC2 < 0.0f )
            fEdD = kE2.Dot(kDiff1);
            fC1 = fAdE*fAdD1 - fCosSqr*fEdD;
            if ( iOnConeSide & 2 )
                if ( iOnConeSide & 4 )
                    // <P1,P2> fully on cone side of plane, fC0 = fP1Test
                    if ( 0.0f <= fC1 && fC1 <= -fC2
                    &&   fC1*fC1 >= fP1Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
                    // P1 on cone side (Dot(A,P1-V) >= 0),
                    // P2 on opposite side (Dot(A,P2-V) <= 0)
                    // (Dot(A,E2) <= 0), fC0 = fP1Test
                    if ( 0.0f <= fC1 && fC2*fAdD1 <= fC1*fAdE
                    &&   fC1*fC1 >= fP1Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
                // P2 on cone side (Dot(A,P2-V) >= 0),
                // P1 on opposite side (Dot(A,P1-V) <= 0)
                // (Dot(A,E2) >= 0), fC0 = fP1Test (needs calculating)
                if ( fC1 <= -fC2 && fC2*fAdD1 <= fC1*fAdE )
                    fP1Test = fAdD1*fAdD1 - fCosSqr*(kDiff1.Dot(kDiff1));
                    if ( fC1*fC1 >= fP1Test*fC2 )
                        return true;
    // else <P1,P2> does not intersect cone half space

    assert( !EdgeIntersectCone(rkTri.Origin()+rkTri.Edge0(),rkTri.Edge1() -
        rkTri.Edge0(),rkCone) );

    // Test triangle <P0,P1,P2>.  It is enough to handle only the case when
    // at least one Pi is on the cone side of the plane.  In this case and
    // after the previous testing, if the triangle intersects the cone, the
    // set of intersection must contain the point of intersection between
    // the cone axis and the triangle.
    if ( iOnConeSide > 0 )
        Vector3 kN = rkTri.Edge0().Cross(rkTri.Edge1());
        Real fNdA = kN.Dot(rkCone.Axis());
        Real fNdD = kN.Dot(kDiff0);
        Vector3 kU = fNdD*rkCone.Axis() - fNdA*kDiff0;
        Vector3 kNcU = kN.Cross(kU);

        Real fNcUdE0 = kNcU.Dot(rkTri.Edge0()), fNcUdE1, fNcUdE2, fNdN;
        if ( fNdA >= 0.0f )
            if ( fNcUdE0 <= 0.0f )
                fNcUdE1 = kNcU.Dot(rkTri.Edge1());
                if ( fNcUdE1 >= 0.0f )
                    fNcUdE2 = fNcUdE1 - fNcUdE0;
                    fNdN = kN.SquaredLength();
                    if ( fNcUdE2 <= fNdA*fNdN )
                        return true;
            if ( fNcUdE0 >= 0.0f )
                fNcUdE1 = kNcU.Dot(rkTri.Edge1());
                if ( fNcUdE1 <= 0.0f )
                    fNcUdE2 = fNcUdE1 - fNcUdE0;
                    fNdN = kN.SquaredLength();
                    if ( fNcUdE2 >= fNdA*fNdN )
                        return true;

    assert( !TriangleIntersectCone(rkTri,rkCone) );

    return false;
Пример #4
Real Mgc::SqrDistance (const Vector3& rkPoint, const Triangle3& rkTri,
    Real* pfSParam, Real* pfTParam)
    Vector3 kDiff = rkTri.Origin() - rkPoint;
    Real fA00 = rkTri.Edge0().SquaredLength();
    Real fA01 = rkTri.Edge0().Dot(rkTri.Edge1());
    Real fA11 = rkTri.Edge1().SquaredLength();
    Real fB0 = kDiff.Dot(rkTri.Edge0());
    Real fB1 = kDiff.Dot(rkTri.Edge1());
    Real fC = kDiff.SquaredLength();
    Real fDet = Math::FAbs(fA00*fA11-fA01*fA01);
    Real fS = fA01*fB1-fA11*fB0;
    Real fT = fA01*fB0-fA00*fB1;
    Real fSqrDist;

    if ( fS + fT <= fDet )
        if ( fS < 0.0f )
            if ( fT < 0.0f )  // region 4
                if ( fB0 < 0.0f )
                    fT = 0.0f;
                    if ( -fB0 >= fA00 )
                        fS = 1.0f;
                        fSqrDist = fA00+2.0f*fB0+fC;
                        fS = -fB0/fA00;
                        fSqrDist = fB0*fS+fC;
                    fS = 0.0f;
                    if ( fB1 >= 0.0f )
                        fT = 0.0f;
                        fSqrDist = fC;
                    else if ( -fB1 >= fA11 )
                        fT = 1.0f;
                        fSqrDist = fA11+2.0f*fB1+fC;
                        fT = -fB1/fA11;
                        fSqrDist = fB1*fT+fC;
            else  // region 3
                fS = 0.0f;
                if ( fB1 >= 0.0f )
                    fT = 0.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fC;
                else if ( -fB1 >= fA11 )
                    fT = 1.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fA11+2.0f*fB1+fC;
                    fT = -fB1/fA11;
                    fSqrDist = fB1*fT+fC;
        else if ( fT < 0.0f )  // region 5
            fT = 0.0f;
            if ( fB0 >= 0.0f )
                fS = 0.0f;
                fSqrDist = fC;
            else if ( -fB0 >= fA00 )
                fS = 1.0f;
                fSqrDist = fA00+2.0f*fB0+fC;
                fS = -fB0/fA00;
                fSqrDist = fB0*fS+fC;
        else  // region 0
            // minimum at interior point
            Real fInvDet = 1.0f/fDet;
            fS *= fInvDet;
            fT *= fInvDet;
            fSqrDist = fS*(fA00*fS+fA01*fT+2.0f*fB0) +
        Real fTmp0, fTmp1, fNumer, fDenom;

        if ( fS < 0.0f )  // region 2
            fTmp0 = fA01 + fB0;
            fTmp1 = fA11 + fB1;
            if ( fTmp1 > fTmp0 )
                fNumer = fTmp1 - fTmp0;
                fDenom = fA00-2.0f*fA01+fA11;
                if ( fNumer >= fDenom )
                    fS = 1.0f;
                    fT = 0.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fA00+2.0f*fB0+fC;
                    fS = fNumer/fDenom;
                    fT = 1.0f - fS;
                    fSqrDist = fS*(fA00*fS+fA01*fT+2.0f*fB0) +
                fS = 0.0f;
                if ( fTmp1 <= 0.0f )
                    fT = 1.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fA11+2.0f*fB1+fC;
                else if ( fB1 >= 0.0f )
                    fT = 0.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fC;
                    fT = -fB1/fA11;
                    fSqrDist = fB1*fT+fC;
        else if ( fT < 0.0f )  // region 6
            fTmp0 = fA01 + fB1;
            fTmp1 = fA00 + fB0;
            if ( fTmp1 > fTmp0 )
                fNumer = fTmp1 - fTmp0;
                fDenom = fA00-2.0f*fA01+fA11;
                if ( fNumer >= fDenom )
                    fT = 1.0f;
                    fS = 0.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fA11+2.0f*fB1+fC;
                    fT = fNumer/fDenom;
                    fS = 1.0f - fT;
                    fSqrDist = fS*(fA00*fS+fA01*fT+2.0f*fB0) +
                fT = 0.0f;
                if ( fTmp1 <= 0.0f )
                    fS = 1.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fA00+2.0f*fB0+fC;
                else if ( fB0 >= 0.0f )
                    fS = 0.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fC;
                    fS = -fB0/fA00;
                    fSqrDist = fB0*fS+fC;
        else  // region 1
            fNumer = fA11 + fB1 - fA01 - fB0;
            if ( fNumer <= 0.0f )
                fS = 0.0f;
                fT = 1.0f;
                fSqrDist = fA11+2.0f*fB1+fC;
                fDenom = fA00-2.0f*fA01+fA11;
                if ( fNumer >= fDenom )
                    fS = 1.0f;
                    fT = 0.0f;
                    fSqrDist = fA00+2.0f*fB0+fC;
                    fS = fNumer/fDenom;
                    fT = 1.0f - fS;
                    fSqrDist = fS*(fA00*fS+fA01*fT+2.0f*fB0) +

    if ( pfSParam )
        *pfSParam = fS;

    if ( pfTParam )
        *pfTParam = fT;

    return Math::FAbs(fSqrDist);
Пример #5
bool Wml::FindIntersection (const Triangle3<Real>& rkTri,
    const Vector3<Real>& rkTriVelocity, const Sphere3<Real>& rkSphere,
    const Vector3<Real>& rkSphVelocity, Real& rfTFirst, Real fTMax,
    int& riQuantity, Vector3<Real> akP[6])
    // triangle vertices
    Vector3<Real> akV[3] =
        rkTri.Origin() + rkTri.Edge0(),
        rkTri.Origin() + rkTri.Edge1()

    // triangle edges
    Vector3<Real> akE[3] =
        akV[1] - akV[0],
        akV[2] - akV[1], 
        akV[0] - akV[2]

    // triangle normal
    Vector3<Real> kN = akE[1].Cross(akE[0]);

    // sphere center projection on triangle normal
    Real fNdC = kN.Dot(rkSphere.Center());

    // Radius projected length in normal direction.  This defers the square
    // root to normalize kN until absolutely needed.
    Real fNormRadiusSqr =

    // triangle projection on triangle normal
    Real fNdT = kN.Dot(akV[0]);

    // Distance from sphere to triangle along the normal
    Real fDist = fNdC - fNdT;
    // normals for the plane formed by edge i and the triangle normal
    Vector3<Real> akExN[3] =

    Segment3<Real> kSeg;

    if ( fDist*fDist <= fNormRadiusSqr )
        // sphere currently intersects the plane of the triangle

        // see which edges the sphere center is inside/outside of
        bool bInside[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
            bInside[i] = ( akExN[i].Dot(rkSphere.Center()) >=
                akExN[i].Dot(akV[i]) );

        if ( bInside[0] )
            if ( bInside[1] )
                if ( bInside[2] )
                    // triangle inside sphere
                    return false;
                else // !bInside[2]
                    // potential intersection with edge 2
                    kSeg.Origin() = akV[2];
                    kSeg.Direction() = akE[2];
                    return FindIntersection(kSeg,rkTriVelocity,rkSphere,
            else // !bInside[1]
                if ( bInside[2] )
                    // potential intersection with edge 1
                    kSeg.Origin() = akV[1];
                    kSeg.Direction() = akE[1];
                    return FindIntersection(kSeg,rkTriVelocity,rkSphere,
                else // !bInside[2]
                    // potential intersection with edges 1,2
                    return FindTriSphrCoplanarIntersection(2,akV,kN,akExN[2],
        else // !bInside[0]
            if ( bInside[1] )
                if ( bInside[2] )
                    // potential intersection with edge 0
                    kSeg.Origin() = akV[0];
                    kSeg.Direction() = akE[0];
                    return FindIntersection(kSeg,rkTriVelocity,rkSphere,
                else // !bInside[2]
                    // potential intersection with edges 2,0
                    return FindTriSphrCoplanarIntersection(0,akV,kN,akExN[0],
            else // !bInside[1]
                if ( bInside[2] )
                    // potential intersection with edges 0,1
                    return FindTriSphrCoplanarIntersection(1,akV,kN,akExN[1],
                else // !bInside[2]
                    // we should not get here
                    assert( false );
                    return false;
        // sphere does not currently intersect the plane of the triangle

        // sphere moving, triangle stationary
        Vector3<Real> kVel = rkSphVelocity - rkTriVelocity;

        // Find point of intersection of the sphere and the triangle
        // plane.  Where this point occurs on the plane relative to the
        // triangle determines the potential kind of intersection.


        // Point on sphere we care about intersecting the triangle plane
        Vector3<Real> kSpherePoint;

        // Which side of the triangle is the sphere on?
        if ( fNdC > fNdT )
            // positive side
            if ( kVel.Dot(kN) >= (Real)0.0 )
                // moving away, easy out
                return false;

            kSpherePoint = rkSphere.Center() - rkSphere.Radius()*kN;
            // negative side
            if ( kVel.Dot(kN) <= (Real)0.0 )
                // moving away, easy out
                return false;

            kSpherePoint = rkSphere.Center() + rkSphere.Radius()*kN;

        // find intersection of velocity ray and triangle plane

        // project ray and plane onto the plane normal
        Real fPlane = kN.Dot(akV[0]);
        Real fPoint = kN.Dot(kSpherePoint);
        Real fVel = kN.Dot(kVel);
        Real fTime = (fPlane - fPoint)/fVel;

        // where this intersects
        Vector3<Real> kIntrPoint = kSpherePoint + fTime*kVel;

        // see which edges this intersection point is inside/outside of
        bool bInside[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
            bInside[i] = (akExN[i].Dot(kIntrPoint) >=  akExN[i].Dot(akV[i]));

        if ( bInside[0] )
            if ( bInside[1] )
                if ( bInside[2] )
                    // intersects face at time fTime

                    if ( fTime > fTMax )
                        // intersection after tMax
                        return false;
                        rfTFirst = fTime;
                        riQuantity = 1;

                        // kIntrPoint is the point in space, assuming that 
                        // TriVel is 0.  Re-adjust the point to where it 
                        // should be, were it not.
                        akP[0] = kIntrPoint + fTime*rkTriVelocity;
                        return true;
                else // !bInside[2]
                    // potential intersection with edge 2
                    kSeg.Origin() = akV[2];
                    kSeg.Direction() = akE[2];
                    return FindIntersection(kSeg,rkTriVelocity,rkSphere,
            else // !bInside[1]
                if ( bInside[2] )
                    // potential intersection with edge 1
                    kSeg.Origin() = akV[1];
                    kSeg.Direction() = akE[1];
                    return FindIntersection(kSeg,rkTriVelocity,rkSphere,
                else // !bInside[2]
                    // potential intersection with vertex 2
                    return FindSphereVertexIntersection(akV[2],rkSphere,
        else // !bInside[0]
            if ( bInside[1] )
                if ( bInside[2] )
                    // potential intersection with edge 0
                    kSeg.Origin() = akV[0];
                    kSeg.Direction() = akE[0];
                    return FindIntersection(kSeg,rkTriVelocity,rkSphere,
                else // !bInside[2]
                    // potential intersection with vertex 0
                    return FindSphereVertexIntersection(akV[0],rkSphere,
            else // !bInside[1]
                if ( bInside[2] )
                    // potential intersection with vertex 1
                    return FindSphereVertexIntersection(akV[1],rkSphere,
                else // !bInside[2]
                    // we should not get here
                    assert( false );
                    return false;