Пример #1
// Need a serious debugging method, that will touch all pointers that are
// supposed to be not NULL.  I'd like to try to force a segfault here, if it
// is going to happen, instead of letting it kill my program where I don't 
// know what happened.
void Tx::pprintAlot(ostream & os)
   cout << "Tx hash:   " << thisHash_.toHexStr(true) << endl;
      cout << "HeaderNum: " << getBlockHeight() << endl;
      //cout << "HeadHash:  " << getBlockHash().toHexStr(true) << endl;

   cout << endl << "NumTxIn:   " << getNumTxIn() << endl;
   for(uint32_t i=0; i<getNumTxIn(); i++)
      TxIn txin = getTxInCopy(i);
      cout << "   TxIn: " << i << endl;
      cout << "      Siz:  " << txin.getSize() << endl;
      cout << "      Scr:  " << txin.getScriptSize() << "  Type: " 
                        << (int)txin.getScriptType() << endl;
      cout << "      OPR:  " << txin.getOutPoint().getTxHash().toHexStr(true) 
                             << txin.getOutPoint().getTxOutIndex() << endl;
      cout << "      Seq:  " << txin.getSequence() << endl;

   cout << endl <<  "NumTxOut:   " << getNumTxOut() << endl;
   for(uint32_t i=0; i<getNumTxOut(); i++)
      TxOut txout = getTxOutCopy(i);
      cout << "   TxOut: " << i << endl;
      cout << "      Siz:  " << txout.getSize() << endl;
      cout << "      Scr:  " << txout.getScriptSize() << "  Type: " 
                        << (int)txout.getScriptType() << endl;
      cout << "      Val:  " << txout.getValue() << endl;

Пример #2
Tx BlockDataViewer::getPrevTx(TxIn & txin) const
   if (txin.isCoinbase())
      return Tx();

   OutPoint op = txin.getOutPoint();
   return getTxByHash(op.getTxHash());
Пример #3
TxOut BlockDataViewer::getPrevTxOut(TxIn & txin) const
   if (txin.isCoinbase())
      return TxOut();

   OutPoint op = txin.getOutPoint();
   Tx theTx = getTxByHash(op.getTxHash());
   if (!theTx.isInitialized())
      throw runtime_error("couldn't find prev tx");

   uint32_t idx = op.getTxOutIndex();
   return theTx.getTxOutCopy(idx);