Пример #1
// checks whether a type is closed enumerable and is reasonably small enough (<1000)
// such that all of its domain elements can be enumerated
bool TermEnumeration::mayComplete(TypeNode tn)
  std::unordered_map<TypeNode, bool, TypeNodeHashFunction>::iterator it =
  if (it == d_may_complete.end())
    bool mc = false;
    if (isClosedEnumerableType(tn) && tn.getCardinality().isFinite()
        && !tn.getCardinality().isLargeFinite())
      Node card = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(
      Node oth = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(Rational(1000));
      Node eq = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(LEQ, card, oth);
      eq = Rewriter::rewrite(eq);
      mc = eq.isConst() && eq.getConst<bool>();
    d_may_complete[tn] = mc;
    return mc;
    return it->second;
Пример #2
void ModelEngine::registerQuantifier( Node f ){
  if( Trace.isOn("fmf-warn") ){
    bool canHandle = true;
    for( unsigned i=0; i<f[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
      TypeNode tn = f[0][i].getType();
      if( !tn.isSort() ){
        if( !tn.getCardinality().isFinite() ){
          if( tn.isInteger() ){
            if( !options::fmfBoundInt() ){
              canHandle = false;
            canHandle = false;
    if( !canHandle ){
      Trace("fmf-warn") << "Warning : Model Engine : may not be able to answer SAT because of formula : " << f << std::endl;
Пример #3
bool RepSetIterator::initialize( RepBoundExt* rext ){
  Trace("rsi") << "Initialize rep set iterator..." << std::endl;
  for( unsigned v=0; v<d_types.size(); v++ ){
    d_index.push_back( 0 );
    //store default index order
    d_index_order.push_back( v );
    d_var_order[v] = v;
    //store default domain
    //d_domain.push_back( RepDomain() );
    d_domain_elements.push_back( std::vector< Node >() );
    TypeNode tn = d_types[v];
    Trace("rsi") << "Var #" << v << " is type " << tn << "..." << std::endl;
    if( tn.isSort() ){
      //must ensure uninterpreted type is non-empty.
      if( !d_rep_set->hasType( tn ) ){
        // terms in rep_set are now constants which mapped to terms through TheoryModel
        // thus, should introduce a constant and a term.  for now, just a term.

        //Node c = d_qe->getTermDatabase()->getEnumerateTerm( tn, 0 );
        Node var = d_qe->getModel()->getSomeDomainElement( tn );
        Trace("mkVar") << "RepSetIterator:: Make variable " << var << " : " << tn << std::endl;
        d_rep_set->add( tn, var );
    bool inc = true;
    //check if it is externally bound
    if( rext && rext->setBound( d_owner, v, tn, d_domain_elements[v] ) ){
      d_enum_type.push_back( ENUM_DEFAULT );
      inc = false;
    //builtin: check if it is bound by bounded integer module
    }else if( d_owner.getKind()==FORALL && d_qe && d_qe->getBoundedIntegers() ){
      if( d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()->isBoundVar( d_owner, d_owner[0][v] ) ){
        unsigned bvt = d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()->getBoundVarType( d_owner, d_owner[0][v] );
        if( bvt!=quantifiers::BoundedIntegers::BOUND_FINITE ){
          d_enum_type.push_back( ENUM_BOUND_INT );
          inc = false;
          //will treat in default way
    if( !tn.isSort() ){
      if( inc ){
        if( d_qe->getTermDatabase()->mayComplete( tn ) ){
          Trace("rsi") << "  do complete, since cardinality is small (" << tn.getCardinality() << ")..." << std::endl;
          d_rep_set->complete( tn );
          //must have succeeded
          Assert( d_rep_set->hasType( tn ) );
          Trace("rsi") << "  variable cannot be bounded." << std::endl;
          Trace("fmf-incomplete") << "Incomplete because of quantification of type " << tn << std::endl;
          d_incomplete = true;

    //if we have yet to determine the type of enumeration
    if( d_enum_type.size()<=v ){
      if( d_rep_set->hasType( tn ) ){
        d_enum_type.push_back( ENUM_DEFAULT );
        for( unsigned j=0; j<d_rep_set->d_type_reps[tn].size(); j++ ){
          //d_domain[v].push_back( j );
          d_domain_elements[v].push_back( d_rep_set->d_type_reps[tn][j] );
        Assert( d_incomplete );
        return false;
  //must set a variable index order based on bounded integers
  if( d_owner.getKind()==FORALL && d_qe && d_qe->getBoundedIntegers() ){
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "Calculating variable order..." << std::endl;
    std::vector< int > varOrder;
    for( unsigned i=0; i<d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()->getNumBoundVars( d_owner ); i++ ){
      Node v = d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()->getBoundVar( d_owner, i );
      Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "  bound var #" << i << " is " << v << std::endl;
      varOrder.push_back( d_qe->getTermDatabase()->getVariableNum( d_owner, v ) );
    for( unsigned i=0; i<d_owner[0].getNumChildren(); i++) {
      if( !d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()->isBoundVar(d_owner, d_owner[0][i])) {
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "Variable order : ";
    for( unsigned i=0; i<varOrder.size(); i++) {
      Trace("bound-int-rsi") << varOrder[i] << " ";
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << std::endl;
    std::vector< int > indexOrder;
    for( unsigned i=0; i<varOrder.size(); i++){
      indexOrder[varOrder[i]] = i;
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "Will use index order : ";
    for( unsigned i=0; i<indexOrder.size(); i++) {
      Trace("bound-int-rsi") << indexOrder[i] << " ";
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << std::endl;
    setIndexOrder( indexOrder );
  //now reset the indices
  do_reset_increment( -1, true );
  return true;
Пример #4
void TheoryEngineModelBuilder::buildModel(Model* m, bool fullModel)
  TheoryModel* tm = (TheoryModel*)m;

  // buildModel with fullModel = true should only be called once in any context
  tm->d_modelBuilt = fullModel;

  // Reset model

  // Collect model info from the theories
  Trace("model-builder") << "TheoryEngineModelBuilder: Collect model info..." << std::endl;
  d_te->collectModelInfo(tm, fullModel);

  // Loop through all terms and make sure that assignable sub-terms are in the equality engine
  eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator( &tm->d_equalityEngine );
    NodeSet cache;
    for ( ; !eqcs_i.isFinished(); ++eqcs_i) {
      eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator((*eqcs_i), &tm->d_equalityEngine);
      for ( ; !eqc_i.isFinished(); ++eqc_i) {
        checkTerms(*eqc_i, tm, cache);

  Trace("model-builder") << "Collect representatives..." << std::endl;

  // Process all terms in the equality engine, store representatives for each EC
  std::map< Node, Node > assertedReps, constantReps;
  TypeSet typeConstSet, typeRepSet, typeNoRepSet;
  std::set< TypeNode > allTypes;
  eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator(&tm->d_equalityEngine);
  for ( ; !eqcs_i.isFinished(); ++eqcs_i) {

    // eqc is the equivalence class representative
    Node eqc = (*eqcs_i);
    Trace("model-builder") << "Processing EC: " << eqc << endl;
    Assert(tm->d_equalityEngine.getRepresentative(eqc) == eqc);
    TypeNode eqct = eqc.getType();
    Assert(assertedReps.find(eqc) == assertedReps.end());
    Assert(constantReps.find(eqc) == constantReps.end());

    // Loop through terms in this EC
    Node rep, const_rep;
    eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator(eqc, &tm->d_equalityEngine);
    for ( ; !eqc_i.isFinished(); ++eqc_i) {
      Node n = *eqc_i;
      Trace("model-builder") << "  Processing Term: " << n << endl;
      // Record as rep if this node was specified as a representative
      if (tm->d_reps.find(n) != tm->d_reps.end()){
        rep = tm->d_reps[n];
        Assert(!rep.isNull() );
        Trace("model-builder") << "  Rep( " << eqc << " ) = " << rep << std::endl;
      // Record as const_rep if this node is constant
      if (n.isConst()) {
        const_rep = n;
        Trace("model-builder") << "  ConstRep( " << eqc << " ) = " << const_rep << std::endl;
      //model-specific processing of the term

    // Assign representative for this EC
    if (!const_rep.isNull()) {
      // Theories should not specify a rep if there is already a constant in the EC
      Assert(rep.isNull() || rep == const_rep);
      constantReps[eqc] = const_rep;
      typeConstSet.add(eqct.getBaseType(), const_rep);
    else if (!rep.isNull()) {
      assertedReps[eqc] = rep;
      typeRepSet.add(eqct.getBaseType(), eqc);
    else {
      typeNoRepSet.add(eqct, eqc);

  // Need to ensure that each EC has a constant representative.

  Trace("model-builder") << "Processing EC's..." << std::endl;

  TypeSet::iterator it;
  set<TypeNode>::iterator type_it;
  set<Node>::iterator i, i2;
  bool changed, unassignedAssignable, assignOne = false;
  set<TypeNode> evaluableSet;

  // Double-fixed-point loop
  // Outer loop handles a special corner case (see code at end of loop for details)
  for (;;) {

    // Inner fixed-point loop: we are trying to learn constant values for every EC.  Each time through this loop, we process all of the
    // types by type and may learn some new EC values.  EC's in one type may depend on EC's in another type, so we need a fixed-point loop
    // to ensure that we learn as many EC values as possible
    do {
      changed = false;
      unassignedAssignable = false;

      // Iterate over all types we've seen
      for (type_it = allTypes.begin(); type_it != allTypes.end(); ++type_it) {
        TypeNode t = *type_it;
        TypeNode tb = t.getBaseType();
        set<Node>* noRepSet = typeNoRepSet.getSet(t);

        // 1. Try to evaluate the EC's in this type
        if (noRepSet != NULL && !noRepSet->empty()) {
          Trace("model-builder") << "  Eval phase, working on type: " << t << endl;
          bool assignable, evaluable, evaluated;
          for (i = noRepSet->begin(); i != noRepSet->end(); ) {
            i2 = i;
            assignable = false;
            evaluable = false;
            evaluated = false;
            eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator(*i2, &tm->d_equalityEngine);
            for ( ; !eqc_i.isFinished(); ++eqc_i) {
              Node n = *eqc_i;
              if (isAssignable(n)) {
                assignable = true;
              else {
                evaluable = true;
                Node normalized = normalize(tm, n, constantReps, true);
                if (normalized.isConst()) {
                  typeConstSet.add(tb, normalized);
                  constantReps[*i2] = normalized;
                  Trace("model-builder") << "    Eval: Setting constant rep of " << (*i2) << " to " << normalized << endl;
                  changed = true;
                  evaluated = true;
            if (!evaluated) {
              if (evaluable) {
              if (assignable) {
                unassignedAssignable = true;

        // 2. Normalize any non-const representative terms for this type
        set<Node>* repSet = typeRepSet.getSet(t);
        if (repSet != NULL && !repSet->empty()) {
          Trace("model-builder") << "  Normalization phase, working on type: " << t << endl;
          for (i = repSet->begin(); i != repSet->end(); ) {
            Assert(assertedReps.find(*i) != assertedReps.end());
            Node rep = assertedReps[*i];
            Node normalized = normalize(tm, rep, constantReps, false);
            Trace("model-builder") << "    Normalizing rep (" << rep << "), normalized to (" << normalized << ")" << endl;
            if (normalized.isConst()) {
              changed = true;
              typeConstSet.add(t.getBaseType(), normalized);
              constantReps[*i] = normalized;
              i2 = i;
            else {
              if (normalized != rep) {
                assertedReps[*i] = normalized;
                changed = true;
    } while (changed);

    if (!fullModel || !unassignedAssignable) {

    // 3. Assign unassigned assignable EC's using type enumeration - assign a value *different* from all other EC's if the type is infinite
    // Assign first value from type enumerator otherwise - for finite types, we rely on polite framework to ensure that EC's that have to be
    // different are different.

    // Only make assignments on a type if:
    // 1. fullModel is true
    // 2. there are no terms that share the same base type with un-normalized representatives
    // 3. there are no terms that share teh same base type that are unevaluated evaluable terms
    // Alternatively, if 2 or 3 don't hold but we are in a special deadlock-breaking mode where assignOne is true, go ahead and make one assignment
    changed = false;
    for (it = typeNoRepSet.begin(); it != typeNoRepSet.end(); ++it) {
      set<Node>& noRepSet = TypeSet::getSet(it);
      if (noRepSet.empty()) {
      TypeNode t = TypeSet::getType(it);
      TypeNode tb = t.getBaseType();
      if (!assignOne) {
        set<Node>* repSet = typeRepSet.getSet(tb);
        if (repSet != NULL && !repSet->empty()) {
        if (evaluableSet.find(tb) != evaluableSet.end()) {
      Trace("model-builder") << "  Assign phase, working on type: " << t << endl;
      bool assignable, evaluable CVC4_UNUSED;
      for (i = noRepSet.begin(); i != noRepSet.end(); ) {
        i2 = i;
        eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator(*i2, &tm->d_equalityEngine);
        assignable = false;
        evaluable = false;
        for ( ; !eqc_i.isFinished(); ++eqc_i) {
          Node n = *eqc_i;
          if (isAssignable(n)) {
            assignable = true;
          else {
            evaluable = true;
        if (assignable) {
          Assert(!evaluable || assignOne);
          Assert(!t.isBoolean() || (*i2).getKind() == kind::APPLY_UF);
          Node n;
          if (t.getCardinality().isInfinite()) {
            n = typeConstSet.nextTypeEnum(t, true);
          else {
            TypeEnumerator te(t);
            n = *te;
          constantReps[*i2] = n;
          Trace("model-builder") << "    Assign: Setting constant rep of " << (*i2) << " to " << n << endl;
          changed = true;
          if (assignOne) {
            assignOne = false;

    // Corner case - I'm not sure this can even happen - but it's theoretically possible to have a cyclical dependency
    // in EC assignment/evaluation, e.g. EC1 = {a, b + 1}; EC2 = {b, a - 1}.  In this case, neither one will get assigned because we are waiting
    // to be able to evaluate.  But we will never be able to evaluate because the variables that need to be assigned are in
    // these same EC's.  In this case, repeat the whole fixed-point computation with the difference that the first EC
    // that has both assignable and evaluable expressions will get assigned.
    if (!changed) {
      Assert(!assignOne); // check for infinite loop!
      assignOne = true;

  if (fullModel) {
    // Assert that all representatives have been converted to constants
    for (it = typeRepSet.begin(); it != typeRepSet.end(); ++it) {
      set<Node>& repSet = TypeSet::getSet(it);
      if (!repSet.empty()) {
        Trace("model-builder") << "***Non-empty repSet, size = " << repSet.size() << ", first = " << *(repSet.begin()) << endl;
#endif /* CVC4_ASSERTIONS */

  Trace("model-builder") << "Copy representatives to model..." << std::endl;
  std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itMap;
  for (itMap = constantReps.begin(); itMap != constantReps.end(); ++itMap) {
    tm->d_reps[itMap->first] = itMap->second;

  if (!fullModel) {
    // Make sure every EC has a rep
    for (itMap = assertedReps.begin(); itMap != assertedReps.end(); ++itMap ) {
      tm->d_reps[itMap->first] = itMap->second;
    for (it = typeNoRepSet.begin(); it != typeNoRepSet.end(); ++it) {
      set<Node>& noRepSet = TypeSet::getSet(it);
      set<Node>::iterator i;
      for (i = noRepSet.begin(); i != noRepSet.end(); ++i) {
        tm->d_reps[*i] = *i;

  //modelBuilder-specific initialization
  processBuildModel( tm, fullModel );

  if (fullModel) {
    // Check that every term evaluates to its representative in the model
    for (eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator(&tm->d_equalityEngine); !eqcs_i.isFinished(); ++eqcs_i) {
      // eqc is the equivalence class representative
      Node eqc = (*eqcs_i);
      Node rep;
      itMap = constantReps.find(eqc);
      if (itMap == constantReps.end() && eqc.getType().isBoolean()) {
        rep = tm->getValue(eqc);
      else {
        Assert(itMap != constantReps.end());
        rep = itMap->second;
      eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator(eqc, &tm->d_equalityEngine);
      for ( ; !eqc_i.isFinished(); ++eqc_i) {
        Node n = *eqc_i;
        static int repCheckInstance = 0;

          << "( " << repCheckInstance <<") "
          << "n: " << n << endl
          << "getValue(n): " << tm->getValue(n) << endl
          << "rep: " << rep << endl;
        Assert(tm->getValue(*eqc_i) == rep);
#endif /* CVC4_ASSERTIONS */
Пример #5
bool RepSetIterator::initialize(){
  for( size_t i=0; i<d_types.size(); i++ ){
    d_index.push_back( 0 );
    //store default index order
    d_index_order.push_back( i );
    d_var_order[i] = i;
    //store default domain
    d_domain.push_back( RepDomain() );
    TypeNode tn = d_types[i];
    if( tn.isSort() ){
      if( !d_rep_set->hasType( tn ) ){
        Node var = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "repSet", tn, "is a variable created by the RepSetIterator" );
        Trace("mkVar") << "RepSetIterator:: Make variable " << var << " : " << tn << std::endl;
        d_rep_set->add( tn, var );
    }else if( tn.isInteger() ){
      bool inc = false;
      //check if it is bound
      if( d_owner.getKind()==FORALL && d_qe && d_qe->getBoundedIntegers() ){
        if( d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()->isBoundVar( d_owner, d_owner[0][i] ) ){
          Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "Rep set iterator: variable #" << i << " is bounded integer." << std::endl;
          d_enum_type.push_back( ENUM_RANGE );
          inc = true;
        inc = true;
      if( inc ){
        //check if it is otherwise bound
        if( d_bounds[0].find(i)!=d_bounds[0].end() && d_bounds[1].find(i)!=d_bounds[1].end() ){
          Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "Rep set iterator: variable #" << i << " is bounded." << std::endl;
          d_enum_type.push_back( ENUM_RANGE );
          Trace("fmf-incomplete") << "Incomplete because of integer quantification of " << d_owner[0][i] << "." << std::endl;
          d_incomplete = true;
    //enumerate if the sort is reasonably small, the upper bound of 1000 is chosen arbitrarily for now
    }else if( tn.getCardinality().isFinite() && !tn.getCardinality().isLargeFinite() &&
              tn.getCardinality().getFiniteCardinality().toUnsignedInt()<=1000 ){
      d_rep_set->complete( tn );
      Trace("fmf-incomplete") << "Incomplete because of quantification of type " << tn << std::endl;
      d_incomplete = true;
    if( d_enum_type.size()<=i ){
      d_enum_type.push_back( ENUM_DOMAIN_ELEMENTS );
      if( d_rep_set->hasType( tn ) ){
        for( size_t j=0; j<d_rep_set->d_type_reps[tn].size(); j++ ){
          d_domain[i].push_back( j );
        return false;
  //must set a variable index order based on bounded integers
  if (d_owner.getKind()==FORALL && d_qe && d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()) {
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "Calculating variable order..." << std::endl;
    std::vector< int > varOrder;
    for( unsigned i=0; i<d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()->getNumBoundVars(d_owner); i++ ){
    for( unsigned i=0; i<d_owner[0].getNumChildren(); i++) {
      if( !d_qe->getBoundedIntegers()->isBoundVar(d_owner, d_owner[0][i])) {
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "Variable order : ";
    for( unsigned i=0; i<varOrder.size(); i++) {
      Trace("bound-int-rsi") << varOrder[i] << " ";
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << std::endl;
    std::vector< int > indexOrder;
    for( unsigned i=0; i<varOrder.size(); i++){
      indexOrder[varOrder[i]] = i;
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << "Will use index order : ";
    for( unsigned i=0; i<indexOrder.size(); i++) {
      Trace("bound-int-rsi") << indexOrder[i] << " ";
    Trace("bound-int-rsi") << std::endl;
  //now reset the indices
  for (unsigned i=0; i<d_index.size(); i++) {
    if (!resetIndex(i, true)){
  return true;
Пример #6
void SharedTermsVisitor::visit(TNode current, TNode parent) {

  Debug("register") << "SharedTermsVisitor::visit(" << current << "," << parent << ")" << std::endl;
  if (Debug.isOn("register::internal")) {
    Debug("register::internal") << toString() << std::endl;

  // Get the theories of the terms
  TheoryId currentTheoryId = Theory::theoryOf(current);
  TheoryId parentTheoryId  = Theory::theoryOf(parent);

#if 0
  bool useType = current != parent && currentTheoryId != parentTheoryId;
  // Should we use the theory of the type
  bool useType = false;
  TheoryId typeTheoryId = THEORY_LAST;

  if (current != parent) {
    if (currentTheoryId != parentTheoryId) {
      // If enclosed by different theories it's shared -- in read(a, f(a)) f(a) should be shared with integers
      TypeNode type = current.getType();
      useType = true;
      typeTheoryId = Theory::theoryOf(type);
    } else {
      TypeNode type = current.getType();
      typeTheoryId = Theory::theoryOf(type);
      if (typeTheoryId != currentTheoryId) {
        if (options::finiteModelFind() && type.isSort()) {
          // We're looking for finite models
          useType = true;
        } else {
          Cardinality card = type.getCardinality();
          if (card.isFinite()) {
            useType = true;

  Theory::Set visitedTheories = d_visited[current];
  Debug("register::internal") << "SharedTermsVisitor::visit(" << current << "," << parent << "): previously registered with " << Theory::setToString(visitedTheories) << std::endl;
  if (!Theory::setContains(currentTheoryId, visitedTheories)) {
    visitedTheories = Theory::setInsert(currentTheoryId, visitedTheories);
    Debug("register::internal") << "SharedTermsVisitor::visit(" << current << "," << parent << "): adding " << currentTheoryId << std::endl;
  if (!Theory::setContains(parentTheoryId, visitedTheories)) {
    visitedTheories = Theory::setInsert(parentTheoryId, visitedTheories);
    Debug("register::internal") << "SharedTermsVisitor::visit(" << current << "," << parent << "): adding " << parentTheoryId << std::endl;
  if (useType) {
    //////TheoryId typeTheoryId = Theory::theoryOf(current.getType());
    if (!Theory::setContains(typeTheoryId, visitedTheories)) {
      visitedTheories = Theory::setInsert(typeTheoryId, visitedTheories);
      Debug("register::internal") << "SharedTermsVisitor::visit(" << current << "," << parent << "): adding " << typeTheoryId << std::endl;
  Debug("register::internal") << "SharedTermsVisitor::visit(" << current << "," << parent << "): now registered with " << Theory::setToString(visitedTheories) << std::endl;

  // Record the new theories that we visited
  d_visited[current] = visitedTheories;

  // If there is more than two theories and a new one has been added notify the shared terms database
  if (Theory::setDifference(visitedTheories, Theory::setInsert(currentTheoryId))) {
    d_sharedTerms.addSharedTerm(d_atom, current, visitedTheories);

  Assert(d_visited.find(current) != d_visited.end());
  Assert(alreadyVisited(current, parent));
Пример #7
bool SharedTermsVisitor::alreadyVisited(TNode current, TNode parent) const {

  Debug("register::internal") << "SharedTermsVisitor::alreadyVisited(" << current << "," << parent << ")" << std::endl;

  if( ( parent.getKind() == kind::FORALL ||
        parent.getKind() == kind::EXISTS ||
        parent.getKind() == kind::REWRITE_RULE /*||
        parent.getKind() == kind::CARDINALITY_CONSTRAINT*/  ) &&
      current != parent ) {
    Debug("register::internal") << "quantifier:true" << std::endl;
    return true;
  TNodeVisitedMap::const_iterator find = d_visited.find(current);

  // If node is not visited at all, just return false
  if (find == d_visited.end()) {
    Debug("register::internal") << "1:false" << std::endl;
    return false;

  Theory::Set theories = (*find).second;

  TheoryId currentTheoryId = Theory::theoryOf(current);
  TheoryId parentTheoryId  = Theory::theoryOf(parent);

  // Should we use the theory of the type
#if 0
  bool useType = current != parent && currentTheoryId != parentTheoryId;
  bool useType = false;
  TheoryId typeTheoryId = THEORY_LAST;

  if (current != parent) {
    if (currentTheoryId != parentTheoryId) {
      // If enclosed by different theories it's shared -- in read(a, f(a)) f(a) should be shared with integers
      TypeNode type = current.getType();
      useType = true;
      typeTheoryId = Theory::theoryOf(type);
    } else {
      TypeNode type = current.getType();
      typeTheoryId = Theory::theoryOf(type);
      if (typeTheoryId != currentTheoryId) {
        if (options::finiteModelFind() && type.isSort()) {
          // We're looking for finite models
          useType = true;
        } else {
          Cardinality card = type.getCardinality();
          if (card.isFinite()) {
            useType = true;

  if (Theory::setContains(currentTheoryId, theories)) {
      if (Theory::setContains(parentTheoryId, theories)) {
        if (useType) {
          ////TheoryId typeTheoryId = Theory::theoryOf(current.getType());
          return Theory::setContains(typeTheoryId, theories);
        } else {
          return true;
      } else {
        return false;
  } else {
    return false;