	 * Takes two blueprints and compares them (as if we were running the in-editor 
	 * diff tool). Any discrepancies between the two graphs will be listed in the DiffsOut array.
	 * @param  LhsBlueprint	The baseline blueprint you wish to compare against.
	 * @param  RhsBlueprint	The blueprint you wish to look for changes in.
	 * @param  DiffsOut		An output list that will contain any graph internal differences that were found.
	 * @return True if the two blueprints differ, false if they are identical.
	static bool DiffBlueprints(UBlueprint* const LhsBlueprint, UBlueprint* const RhsBlueprint, TArray<FDiffSingleResult>& DiffsOut)
		TArray<UEdGraph*> LhsGraphs;
		TArray<UEdGraph*> RhsGraphs;

		bool bDiffsFound = false;
		// walk the graphs in the rhs blueprint (because, conceptually, it is the more up to date one)
		for (auto RhsGraphIt(RhsGraphs.CreateIterator()); RhsGraphIt; ++RhsGraphIt)
			UEdGraph* RhsGraph = *RhsGraphIt;
			UEdGraph* LhsGraph = NULL;

			// search for the corresponding graph in the lhs blueprint
			for (auto LhsGraphIt(LhsGraphs.CreateIterator()); LhsGraphIt; ++LhsGraphIt)
				// can't trust the guid until we've done a resave on every asset
				//if ((*LhsGraphIt)->GraphGuid == RhsGraph->GraphGuid)
				// name compares is probably sufficient, but just so we don't always do a string compare
				if (((*LhsGraphIt)->GetClass() == RhsGraph->GetClass()) &&
					((*LhsGraphIt)->GetName() == RhsGraph->GetName()))
					LhsGraph = *LhsGraphIt;

			// if a matching graph wasn't found in the lhs blueprint, then that is a BIG inconsistency
			if (LhsGraph == NULL)
				bDiffsFound = true;

			bDiffsFound |= FGraphDiffControl::DiffGraphs(LhsGraph, RhsGraph, DiffsOut);

		return bDiffsFound;