void UInterpTrackAkAudioEvent::PreviewUpdateTrack(float NewPosition, UInterpTrackInst* TrInst)
	UInterpGroupInst* GrInst = CastChecked<UInterpGroupInst>( TrInst->GetOuter() );
	AMatineeActor* MatineeActor = CastChecked<AMatineeActor>( GrInst->GetOuter() );
	UInterpTrackInstAkAudioEvent* AkEventInst = CastChecked<UInterpTrackInstAkAudioEvent>( TrInst );
	UInterpGroup* Group = CastChecked<UInterpGroup>( GetOuter() );
	UInterpData* IData = CastChecked<UInterpData>( Group->GetOuter() );

	// Dont play sounds unless we are preview playback (ie not scrubbing).
	bool bJump = !(MatineeActor->bIsPlaying);
	UpdateTrack(NewPosition, TrInst, bJump);
void  UMatineeTrackEventHelper::PostCreateKeyframe( UInterpTrack *Track, int32 KeyIndex ) const
	UInterpTrackEvent	*EventTrack = CastChecked<UInterpTrackEvent>(Track);
	FEventTrackKey& NewEventKey = EventTrack->EventTrack[ KeyIndex ];
	NewEventKey.EventName = KeyframeAddDataName;

	// Update AllEventNames array now we have given it a name
	UInterpGroup* Group = CastChecked<UInterpGroup>( EventTrack->GetOuter() );
	UInterpData* IData = CastChecked<UInterpData>( Group->GetOuter() );

	KeyframeAddDataName = NAME_None;
bool UCameraAnim::CreateFromInterpGroup(class UInterpGroup* SrcGroup, class AMatineeActor* InMatineeActor)
	// assert we're controlling a camera actor
		UInterpGroupInst* GroupInst = InMatineeActor ? InMatineeActor->FindFirstGroupInst(SrcGroup) : NULL;
		if (GroupInst)
			check( GroupInst->GetGroupActor()->IsA(ACameraActor::StaticClass()) );
	// copy length information
	AnimLength = (InMatineeActor && InMatineeActor->MatineeData) ? InMatineeActor->MatineeData->InterpLength : 0.f;

	UInterpGroup* OldGroup = CameraInterpGroup;

	if (CameraInterpGroup != SrcGroup)
		// copy the source interp group for use in the CameraAnim
		// @fixme jf: fixed this potentially creating an object of UInterpGroup and raw casting it to InterpGroupCamera.  No source data in UE4 to test though.
		CameraInterpGroup = Cast<UInterpGroupCamera>(StaticDuplicateObject(SrcGroup, this, NAME_None, RF_AllFlags, UInterpGroupCamera::StaticClass()));

		if (CameraInterpGroup)
			// delete the old one, if it exists
			if (OldGroup)

			// success!
			return true;
			// creation of new one failed somehow, restore the old one
			CameraInterpGroup = OldGroup;
		// no need to perform work above, but still a "success" case
		return true;

	// failed creation
	return false;
UInterpGroup* FAssetTypeActions_CameraAnim::CreateInterpGroup(UCameraAnim* InCameraAnim, FCameraPreviewInfo& PreviewInfo)

	CreatePreviewPawn(InCameraAnim, PreviewInfo.PawnClass, PreviewInfo.Location, PreviewInfo.Rotation);

	PreviewInfo.PawnInst = PreviewPawn.Get();

	if (PreviewInfo.PawnInst)
		// create InterpGroup so that we can play animation to this pawn
		UInterpGroup* NewGroup = ConstructObject<UInterpGroup>(UInterpGroup::StaticClass(), PreviewMatineeActor.Get()->MatineeData, NAME_None, RF_Transient);
		NewGroup->GroupName = FName(TEXT("Preview Pawn"));


		// now add group inst
		UInterpGroupInst* NewGroupInst = ConstructObject<UInterpGroupInst>(UInterpGroupInst::StaticClass(), PreviewMatineeActor.Get(), NAME_None, RF_Transient);
		// Initialise group instance, saving ref to actor it works on.
		NewGroupInst->InitGroupInst(NewGroup, PreviewInfo.PawnInst);
		const int32 NewGroupInstIndex = PreviewMatineeActor.Get()->GroupInst.Add(NewGroupInst);

		//Link group with actor
		PreviewMatineeActor.Get()->InitGroupActorForGroup(NewGroup, PreviewInfo.PawnInst);

		// Now time to add AnimTrack so that we can play animation
		int32 AnimTrackIndex = INDEX_NONE;
		// add anim track but do not use addtotrack function that does too many things 
		// Construct track and track instance objects.
		UInterpTrackAnimControl* AnimTrack = ConstructObject<UInterpTrackAnimControl>( UInterpTrackAnimControl::StaticClass(), NewGroup, NAME_None, RF_Transient );

		// use config anim slot
		AnimTrack->SlotName = FName(*GConfig->GetStr(TEXT("MatineePreview"), TEXT("DefaultAnimSlotName"), GEditorIni));
		UInterpTrackInst* NewTrackInst = ConstructObject<UInterpTrackInst>( AnimTrack->TrackInstClass, NewGroupInst, NAME_None, RF_Transient );


		// Initialize track, giving selected object.

		// Save state into new track before doing anything else (because we didn't do it on ed mode change).
		check(NewGroupInst->TrackInst.Num() > 0);

		// add default anim curve weights to be 1
		int32 KeyIndex = AnimTrack->CreateNewKey(0.0f);
		AnimTrack->SetKeyOut(0, KeyIndex, 1.0f);

		if(PreviewInfo.AnimSeq != NULL)
			KeyIndex = AnimTrack->AddKeyframe(0.0f, NewGroupInst->TrackInst[0], CIM_Linear);
			FAnimControlTrackKey& NewSeqKey = AnimTrack->AnimSeqs[KeyIndex];
			NewSeqKey.AnimSeq = PreviewInfo.AnimSeq;	

		PreviewPawn = PreviewInfo.PawnInst;

		return NewGroup;
	return NULL;