Пример #1
void CSharpWriter::writeAssociatedAttributes(UMLAssociationList &associated, UMLClassifier *c, QTextStream &cs) {

    UMLAssociation *a;
    for (a = associated.first(); a ; a = associated.next()) {
        if (c != a->getObject(Uml::A))  // we need to be at the A side

        UMLObject *o = a->getObject(Uml::B);
        if (o == NULL) {
            kError() << "composition role B object is NULL" << endl;
        // Take name and documentaton from Role, take type name from the referenced object
        QString roleName = cleanName(a->getRoleName(Uml::B));
        QString typeName = cleanName(o->getName());
        if (roleName.isEmpty()) {
            roleName = QString("UnnamedRoleB_%1").arg(m_unnamedRoles++);
        QString roleDoc = a->getRoleDoc(Uml::B);

        //FIXME:is this simple condition enough?
        if (a->getMulti(Uml::B).isEmpty() || a->getMulti(Uml::B) == "1")  {
            // normal attribute
            writeAttribute(roleDoc, a->getVisibility(Uml::B), false, typeName, roleName, "", ( a->getVisibility(Uml::B) != Uml::Visibility::Private), cs);
        } else {
            // array
            roleDoc += "\n(Array of " + typeName + ')';
            writeAttribute(roleDoc, a->getVisibility(Uml::B), false, "ArrayList", roleName, "", ( a->getVisibility(Uml::B) != Uml::Visibility::Private), cs);
Пример #2
void JSWriter::writeAssociation(QString& classname, UMLAssociationList& assocList , QTextStream &js)
    for (UMLAssociation *a = assocList.first(); a; a = assocList.next()) {
        // association side
        Uml::Role_Type role = (a->getObject(Uml::A)->getName() == classname ? Uml::B : Uml::A);

        QString roleName(cleanName(a->getRoleName(role)));

        if (!roleName.isEmpty()) {

            // association doc
            if (forceDoc() || !a->getDoc().isEmpty())
                js << m_indentation << "/**" << m_endl
                   << formatDoc(a->getDoc(), m_indentation + " * ")
                   << m_indentation << " */" << m_endl;

            // role doc
            if (forceDoc() || !a->getRoleDoc(role).isEmpty())
                js << m_indentation << "/**" << m_endl
                   << formatDoc(a->getRoleDoc(role), m_indentation + " * ")
                   << m_indentation << " */" << m_endl;

            bool okCvt;
            int nMulti = a->getMulti(role).toInt(&okCvt,10);
            bool isNotMulti = a->getMulti(role).isEmpty() || (okCvt && nMulti == 1);

            QString typeName(cleanName(a->getObject(role)->getName()));

            if (isNotMulti)
                js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << roleName << " = new " << typeName << "();" << m_endl;
                js << m_indentation << "this.m_" << roleName << " = new Array();" << m_endl;

            // role visibility