Пример #1
bool UMLOperationDialog::apply()
    QString name = m_pNameLE -> text();
    if( name.length() == 0 ) {
        KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("You have entered an invalid operation name."),
                           i18n("Operation Name Invalid"), false);
        m_pNameLE -> setText( m_pOperation -> getName() );
        return false;

    UMLClassifier *classifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>( m_pOperation->parent() );
    if( classifier != 0L &&
            classifier->checkOperationSignature(name, m_pOperation->getParmList(), m_pOperation) )
        QString msg = QString(i18n("An operation with that signature already exists in %1.\n")).arg(classifier->getName())
                      QString(i18n("Choose a different name or parameter list." ));
        KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Operation Name Invalid"), false);
        return false;
    m_pOperation -> setName( name );

    if( m_pPublicRB -> isChecked() )
      m_pOperation -> setVisibility( Uml::Visibility::Public );
    else if( m_pPrivateRB -> isChecked() )
      m_pOperation -> setVisibility( Uml::Visibility::Private );
    else if (m_pProtectedRB -> isChecked() )
      m_pOperation -> setVisibility( Uml::Visibility::Protected );
    else if (m_pImplementationRB -> isChecked() )
      m_pOperation -> setVisibility( Uml::Visibility::Implementation );

    QString typeName = m_pRtypeCB->currentText();
    UMLTemplate *tmplParam = classifier->findTemplate(typeName);
    if (tmplParam)

    m_pOperation->setStereotype( m_pStereoTypeCB->currentText() );

    bool isAbstract = m_pAbstractCB->isChecked();
    m_pOperation -> setAbstract( isAbstract );
    if (isAbstract) {
        /* If any operation is abstract then the owning class needs
           to be made abstract.
           The inverse is not true: The fact that no operation is
           abstract does not mean that the class must be non-abstract.
    m_pOperation->setStatic( m_pStaticCB->isChecked() );
    m_pOperation->setConst( m_pQueryCB->isChecked() );

    return true;
Пример #2
/** If clipboard has mime type application/x-uml-clip5,
Pastes the data from the clipboard into the current Doc */
bool UMLClipboard::pasteClip5(QMimeSource* data) {
    UMLDoc *doc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument();
    UMLListView *listView = UMLApp::app()->getListView();
    UMLListViewItem* lvitem = dynamic_cast<UMLListViewItem *>( listView->currentItem() );
    if (!lvitem ||
            (lvitem->getType() != Uml::lvt_Class && lvitem->getType() != Uml::lvt_Interface)) {
        return false;
    UMLClassifier *parent = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier *>(lvitem->getUMLObject());
    if (parent == NULL) {
        kError() << "UMLClipboard::pasteClip5: parent is not a UMLClassifier"
        << endl;
        return false;

    UMLObjectList objects;
    IDChangeLog* idchanges = 0;
    bool result = UMLDrag::decodeClip5(data, objects, parent);

    if(!result) {
        return false;

    UMLObject   *obj = 0;
    idchanges = doc->getChangeLog();
    // Assume success if at least one child object could be pasted
    if (objects.count())
        result = false;

    for (UMLObjectListIt it(objects); (obj = it.current()) != NULL; ++it) {
        switch(obj->getBaseType()) {
        case Uml::ot_Attribute :
                UMLObject *exist = parent->findChildObject(obj->getName(), Uml::ot_Attribute);
                if (exist) {
                    QString newName = parent->uniqChildName(Uml::ot_Attribute, obj->getName());
                UMLAttribute *att = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(obj);
                if (parent->addAttribute(att, idchanges)) {
                    result = true;
                } else {
                    kError() << "UMLClipboard::pasteClip5: " << parent->getName()
                        << "->addAttribute(" << att->getName() << ") failed" << endl;
        case Uml::ot_Operation :
                UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(obj);
                UMLOperation *exist = parent->checkOperationSignature(op->getName(), op->getParmList());
                if (exist) {
                    QString newName = parent->uniqChildName(Uml::ot_Operation, obj->getName());
                if (parent->addOperation(op, idchanges)) {
                    result = true;
                } else {
                    kError() << "UMLClipboard::pasteClip5: " << parent->getName()
                        << "->addOperation(" << op->getName() << ") failed" << endl;
        default :
            kWarning() << "pasting unknown children type in clip type 5" << endl;
            return false;

    return result;
Пример #3
void RefactoringAssistant::movableDropEvent (QListViewItem* parentItem, QListViewItem* afterme)
    //when dropping on a class, we have to put the item in the appropriate folder!
    UMLObject *movingObject;
    UMLClassifier *newClassifier;
    QListViewItem *movingItem;

    for( movingItem = firstChild(); movingItem != 0; movingItem = movingItem->itemBelow() )
        if( movingItem->isSelected() )
    if( !movingItem || (movingItem == afterme) || !(movingObject = findUMLObject(movingItem)) )
        kWarning()<<"Moving item not found or dropping after itself or item not found in uml obj map. aborting. (drop had already been accepted)"<<endl;
    Uml::Object_Type t = movingObject->getBaseType();
    newClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>( findUMLObject( parentItem ) );
        if ((parentItem->text(1) == "operations" && t == Uml::ot_Operation)
                || (parentItem->text(1) == "attributes" && t == Uml::ot_Attribute))
            newClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>( findUMLObject( parentItem->parent() ) );
            kWarning()<<"New parent of object is not a Classifier - Drop had already been accepted - check!"<<endl;
    if (t == Uml::ot_Operation)
    {kDebug()<<"moving operation"<<endl;
        UMLOperation *op = static_cast<UMLOperation*>(movingObject);
        if(newClassifier->checkOperationSignature(op->getName(), op->getParmList()))
            QString msg = QString(i18n("An operation with that signature already exists in %1.\n")).arg(newClassifier->getName())
                          QString(i18n("Choose a different name or parameter list." ));
            KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Operation Name Invalid"), false);
        UMLClassifier *oldClassifier = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(op->parent());
            oldClassifier->removeOperation( op );
        newClassifier->addOperation( op );
    else if (t == Uml::ot_Attribute)
    {kDebug()<<"moving attribute - not implemented"<<endl;
        //              UMLAttribute *att = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(movingObject);
        //              if(!newClassifier->checkAttributeSignature(att))
        //              {
        //                      QString msg = QString(i18n("An attribute with that signature already exists in %1.\n")).arg(newClassifier->getName())
        //                              +
        //                            QString(i18n("Choose a different name or parameter list." ));
        //                      KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Operation Name Invalid"), false);
        //                      return;
        //              }
        //              oldClassifier->removeAttribute( att );
        //              newClassifier->addAttribute( att );
    //emit moved(moving, afterFirst, afterme);
    emit moved();