void UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass::InitializeWidget(UUserWidget* UserWidget) const
	UWidgetTree* ClonedTree = DuplicateObject<UWidgetTree>(DesignerWidgetTree ? DesignerWidgetTree : WidgetTree, UserWidget);
	UWidgetTree* ClonedTree = DuplicateObject<UWidgetTree>(WidgetTree, UserWidget);

	UserWidget->WidgetGeneratedBy = ClassGeneratedBy;

	if ( ClonedTree )

		UserWidget->WidgetTree = ClonedTree;

		UClass* WidgetBlueprintClass = UserWidget->GetClass();

		for(UWidgetAnimation* Animation : Animations)
			UWidgetAnimation* Anim = DuplicateObject<UWidgetAnimation>( Animation, UserWidget );

			if( Anim->MovieScene )
				// Find property with the same name as the template and assign the new widget to it.
				UObjectPropertyBase* Prop = FindField<UObjectPropertyBase>(WidgetBlueprintClass, Anim->MovieScene->GetFName());
					Prop->SetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer(UserWidget, Anim);

		ClonedTree->ForEachWidget([&] (UWidget* Widget) {
			// Not fatal if NULL, but shouldn't happen
			if ( !ensure(Widget != nullptr) )

			Widget->WidgetGeneratedBy = ClassGeneratedBy;

			// TODO UMG Make this an FName
			FString VariableName = Widget->GetName();

			Widget->bCreatedByConstructionScript = true; // Indicate it comes from a blueprint so it gets cleared when we rerun construction scripts

			// Find property with the same name as the template and assign the new widget to it.
			UObjectPropertyBase* Prop = FindField<UObjectPropertyBase>(WidgetBlueprintClass, *VariableName);
			if ( Prop )
				Prop->SetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer(UserWidget, Widget);
				UObject* Value = Prop->GetObjectPropertyValue_InContainer(UserWidget);
				check(Value == Widget);

			// Perform binding
			for ( const FDelegateRuntimeBinding& Binding : Bindings )
				//TODO UMG Make this faster.
				if ( Binding.ObjectName == VariableName )
					UDelegateProperty* DelegateProperty = FindField<UDelegateProperty>(Widget->GetClass(), FName(*( Binding.PropertyName.ToString() + TEXT("Delegate") )));
					if ( !DelegateProperty )
						DelegateProperty = FindField<UDelegateProperty>(Widget->GetClass(), Binding.PropertyName);

					if ( DelegateProperty )
						bool bSourcePathBound = false;

						if ( Binding.SourcePath.IsValid() )
							bSourcePathBound = Widget->AddBinding(DelegateProperty, UserWidget, Binding.SourcePath);

						// If no native binder is found then the only possibility is that the binding is for
						// a delegate that doesn't match the known native binders available and so we
						// fallback to just attempting to bind to the function directly.
						if ( bSourcePathBound == false )
							FScriptDelegate* ScriptDelegate = DelegateProperty->GetPropertyValuePtr_InContainer(Widget);
							if ( ScriptDelegate )
								ScriptDelegate->BindUFunction(UserWidget, Binding.FunctionName);

			// Initialize Navigation Data
			if (Widget->Navigation)


		// Bind any delegates on widgets

		//TODO UMG Add OnWidgetInitialized?