bool StoreClient::addChild(class_id_t parent_class, const URI& parent_uri, prop_id_t parent_prop, class_id_t child_class, const URI& child_uri) { // verify that parent URI and class exists store->getRegion(parent_class)->get(parent_uri); // verify that the parent property exists for this class if (store->>getId() != parent_class) throw std::invalid_argument("Parent class does not contain property"); // verify that the parent URI is a prefix of child URI const std::string& puri = parent_uri.toString(); const std::string& curi = child_uri.toString(); if (puri.length() >= curi.length() || 0 !=, puri.length(), puri)) throw std::invalid_argument("Parent URI must be a prefix of child URI"); // add relationship to child's region. Note that // it's OK if the child URI doesn't exist Region* r = checkOwner(store, readOnly, region, child_class); return r->addChild(parent_class, parent_uri, parent_prop, child_class, child_uri); }
MetadataRequest(const URI &uri, PriorityType priority) : mURI(uri) { mPriority = priority; mDeletionRequest = false; const time_t seconds = time(NULL); int random = rand(); std::stringstream out; out<<uri.toString()<<seconds<<random; mUniqueID = out.str(); }
SharedResourcePtr GraphicsResourceManager::getResourceAsset(const URI &id, GraphicsResource::Type resourceType) { WeakResourcePtr curWeakPtr; SharedResourcePtr curSharedPtr; if (ResourceManager::getSingleton().isMHashScheme(id)) { try { curWeakPtr = getResource(RemoteFileId(id).fingerprint().convertToHexString()); curSharedPtr = curWeakPtr.lock(); } catch (std::invalid_argument &ia) { } } if (!curSharedPtr) { curWeakPtr = getResource(id.toString()); curSharedPtr = curWeakPtr.lock(); } if (curSharedPtr) return curSharedPtr; else { try { if (ResourceManager::getSingleton().isMHashScheme(id)) { // std::invalid_argument may be thrown, but is caught by the "catch" below. RemoteFileId resourceId(id); if (resourceType == GraphicsResource::MESH) { curSharedPtr = GraphicsResource::construct<GraphicsResourceMesh>(resourceId); } else if (resourceType == GraphicsResource::MATERIAL) { curSharedPtr = GraphicsResource::construct<GraphicsResourceMaterial>(resourceId); } else if (resourceType == GraphicsResource::TEXTURE) { curSharedPtr = GraphicsResource::construct<GraphicsResourceTexture>(resourceId); } else if (resourceType == GraphicsResource::SHADER) { curSharedPtr = GraphicsResource::construct<GraphicsResourceShader>(resourceId); } else { assert(false); } } else { curSharedPtr = GraphicsResource::construct<GraphicsResourceName>(id, resourceType); } mIDResourceMap[curSharedPtr->getID()] = curSharedPtr; mResources.insert(curSharedPtr.get()); } catch (std::invalid_argument& exc) { } return curSharedPtr; } }
bool ShouldBypass(URI& uri, vector<SharedPtr<BypassEntry> >& bypassList) { GetLogger()->Debug("Checking whether %s should be bypassed.", uri.toString().c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < bypassList.size(); i++) { if (ShouldBypassWithEntry(uri, return true; } GetLogger()->Debug("No bypass"); return false; }
SharedPtr<Proxy> GetProxyForURLImpl(URI& uri) { InitializeWin32ProxyConfig(); std::string url(uri.toString()); // The auto proxy configuration might tell us to simply use // a direct connection, which should cause us to just return // null. Otherwise we should try to use the IE proxy list (next block) if (useProxyAutoConfig || !autoConfigURL.empty()) { std::vector<SharedProxy> autoProxies; bool shouldUseIEProxy = GetAutoProxiesForURL(url, autoProxies); for (int i = 0; i < autoProxies.size(); i++) { SharedProxy proxy =; if (proxy->ShouldBypass(uri)) { return 0; } else if (proxy->info->getScheme().empty() || proxy->info->getScheme() == uri.getScheme()) { return proxy; } } if (!shouldUseIEProxy) return 0; } // Try the IE proxy list for (int i = 0; i < ieProxies.size(); i++) { SharedProxy proxy =; std::string proxyScheme = proxy->info->getScheme(); if (proxy->ShouldBypass(uri)) { return 0; } else if (proxyScheme.empty() || proxyScheme == uri.getScheme()) { return proxy; } } return 0; }
ChunkRequest(const URI &uri, const RemoteFileMetadata &metadata, const Chunk &chunk, PriorityType priority, ChunkCallback cb) : MetadataRequest(uri, priority), mMetadata(std::tr1::shared_ptr<RemoteFileMetadata>(new RemoteFileMetadata(metadata))), mChunk(std::tr1::shared_ptr<Chunk>(new Chunk(chunk))), mCallback(cb) { mDeletionRequest = false; const time_t seconds = time(NULL); int random = rand(); std::stringstream out; out<<uri.toString()<<seconds<<random; mUniqueID = out.str(); }
void URIStreamOpenerTest::testStreamOpenerFile() { TemporaryFile tempFile; std::string path = tempFile.path(); std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str()); assert (ostr.good()); ostr << "Hello, world!" << std::endl; ostr.close(); URI uri; uri.setScheme("file"); uri.setPath(Path(path).toString(Path::PATH_UNIX)); std::string uriString = uri.toString(); URIStreamOpener opener; std::istream* istr =; assert (istr != 0); assert (istr->good()); delete istr; }
ofstatus ofuri_get_str(ofuri_p uri, /* out */ const char** str) { ofstatus status = OF_ESUCCESS; URI* u = NULL; try { if (uri == NULL || str == NULL) { status = OF_EINVALID_ARG; goto done; } u = (URI*)uri; *str = u->toString().c_str(); } catch (...) { status = OF_EFAILED; goto done; } done: return status; }
void URIStreamOpenerTest::testStreamOpenerURIResolve() { TemporaryFile tempFile; std::string path = tempFile.path(); std::ofstream ostr(path.c_str()); assert (ostr.good()); ostr << "Hello, world!" << std::endl; ostr.close(); Path p(path); p.makeAbsolute(); Path parent(p.parent()); URI uri; uri.setScheme("file"); uri.setPath(parent.toString(Path::PATH_UNIX)); std::string uriString = uri.toString(); URIStreamOpener opener; std::istream* istr =, p.getFileName()); assert (istr != 0); assert (istr->good()); delete istr; }
void URIReference::attach(const URI &uri) throw(BadURIException) { SPDocument *document = NULL; // Attempt to get the document that contains the URI if (_owner) { document = _owner->document; } else if (_owner_document) { document = _owner_document; } // createChildDoc() assumes that the referenced file is an SVG. // PNG and JPG files are allowed (in the case of feImage). gchar *filename = uri.toString(); bool skip = false; if( g_str_has_suffix( filename, ".jpg" ) || g_str_has_suffix( filename, ".JPG" ) || g_str_has_suffix( filename, ".png" ) || g_str_has_suffix( filename, ".PNG" ) ) { skip = true; } // The path contains references to separate document files to load. if(document && uri.getPath() && !skip ) { std::string base = document->getBase() ? document->getBase() : ""; std::string path = uri.getFullPath(base); if(!path.empty()) { document = document->createChildDoc(path); } else { document = NULL; } } if(!document) { g_warning("Can't get document for referenced URI: %s", filename); g_free( filename ); return; } g_free( filename ); gchar const *fragment = uri.getFragment(); if ( !uri.isRelative() || uri.getQuery() || !fragment ) { throw UnsupportedURIException(); } /* FIXME !!! real xpointer support should be delegated to document */ /* for now this handles the minimal xpointer form that SVG 1.0 * requires of us */ gchar *id = NULL; if (!strncmp(fragment, "xpointer(", 9)) { /* FIXME !!! this is wasteful */ /* FIXME: It looks as though this is including "))" in the id. I suggest moving the strlen calculation and validity testing to before strdup, and copying just the id without the "))". -- pjrm */ if (!strncmp(fragment, "xpointer(id(", 12)) { id = g_strdup(fragment+12); size_t const len = strlen(id); if ( len < 3 || strcmp(id+len-2, "))") ) { g_free(id); throw MalformedURIException(); } } else { throw UnsupportedURIException(); } } else { id = g_strdup(fragment); } /* FIXME !!! validate id as an NCName somewhere */ _connection.disconnect(); delete _uri; _uri = new URI(uri); _setObject(document->getObjectById(id)); _connection = document->connectIdChanged(id, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &URIReference::_setObject)); g_free(id); }
void authorize(const AuthParams &challenge, AuthParams &authorization, const URI &uri, const std::string &method, const std::string &username, const std::string &password) { std::string realm, qop, nonce, opaque, algorithm; StringMap::const_iterator it; if ( (it = challenge.parameters.find("realm")) != challenge.parameters.end()) realm = it->second; if ( (it = challenge.parameters.find("qop")) != challenge.parameters.end()) qop = it->second; if ( (it = challenge.parameters.find("nonce")) != challenge.parameters.end()) nonce = it->second; if ( (it = challenge.parameters.find("opaque")) != challenge.parameters.end()) opaque = it->second; if ( (it = challenge.parameters.find("algorithm")) != challenge.parameters.end()) algorithm = it->second; if (algorithm.empty()) algorithm = "MD5"; StringSet qopValues; bool authQop = false; // If the server specified a quality of protection (qop), make sure it allows "auth" if (!qop.empty()) { ListParser parser(qopValues);; if (parser.error() || !parser.complete()) MORDOR_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadMessageHeaderException()); if (qopValues.find("auth") == qopValues.end()) MORDOR_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidQopException(qop)); authQop = true; } // come up with a suitable client nonce std::ostringstream os; os << std::hex << TimerManager::now(); std::string cnonce = os.str(); std::string nc = "00000001"; // compute A1 std::string A1; if (algorithm == "MD5") A1 = username + ':' + realm + ':' + password; else if (algorithm == "MD5-sess") A1 = md5( username + ':' + realm + ':' + password ) + ':' + nonce + ':' + cnonce; else MORDOR_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidAlgorithmException(algorithm)); // compute A2 - our qop is always auth or unspecified os.str(""); os << method << ':' << uri; std::string A2 = os.str(); authorization.scheme = "Digest"; authorization.base64.clear(); authorization.parameters["username"] = username; authorization.parameters["realm"] = realm; authorization.parameters["nonce"] = nonce; authorization.parameters["uri"] = uri.toString(); authorization.parameters["algorithm"] = algorithm; std::string response; if (authQop) { qop = "auth"; response = md5( md5(A1) + ':' + nonce + ':' + nc + ':' + cnonce + ':' + qop + ':' + md5(A2) ); authorization.parameters["qop"] = qop; authorization.parameters["nc"] = nc; authorization.parameters["cnonce"] = cnonce; } else { response = md5( md5(A1) + ':' + nonce + ':' + md5(A2) ); } authorization.parameters["response"] = response; if (!opaque.empty()) authorization.parameters["opaque"] = opaque; }
bool SerializeURIIterator::nextImpl(store::Item_t& result, PlanState& planState) const { store::Item_t lItemURI, lItemKey; zorba::zstring lStrValue, lStrKey, lStrRes; store::Iterator_t lKeys; URI uri = URI(); int lIntPort = 0; bool lHasSchemeField, lHasOpaqueField, lHasNotOpaqueField; PlanIteratorState* state; DEFAULT_STACK_INIT(PlanIteratorState, state, planState); consumeNext(lItemURI, theChildren[0].getp(), planState); lHasSchemeField = lHasOpaqueField = lHasNotOpaqueField = false; if(lItemURI->isObject()) { lKeys = lItemURI->getObjectKeys(); if(!lKeys.isNull()){ lKeys->open(); while(lKeys->next(lItemKey)){ lStrKey = lItemKey->getStringValue(); lStrValue = lItemURI->getObjectValue(lItemKey)->getStringValue(); if(lStrKey == SCHEME_NAME && !lStrValue.empty()){ uri.set_scheme(lStrValue); lHasSchemeField = true; } else if(lStrKey == OPAQUE_PART_NAME && !lStrValue.empty()){ uri.set_opaque_part(lStrValue); lHasOpaqueField = true; } else if(lStrKey == AUTHORITY_NAME && !lStrValue.empty()){ uri.set_reg_based_authority(lStrValue); lHasNotOpaqueField = true; } else if(lStrKey == USER_INFO_NAME && !lStrValue.empty()){ uri.set_user_info(lStrValue); lHasNotOpaqueField = true; } else if(lStrKey == HOST_NAME && !lStrValue.empty()){ uri.set_host(lStrValue); lHasNotOpaqueField = true; } else if(lStrKey == PORT_NAME){ sscanf(lStrValue.str().c_str(), "%d", &lIntPort); if(lIntPort != 0){ uri.set_port(lIntPort); lHasNotOpaqueField = true; } } else if(lStrKey == PATH_NAME && !lStrValue.empty()){ uri.set_path(lStrValue); lHasNotOpaqueField = true; } else if(lStrKey == QUERY_NAME){ uri.set_query(lStrValue); lHasNotOpaqueField = true; } else if(lStrKey == FRAGMENT_NAME){ uri.set_fragment(lStrValue); } } lKeys->close(); } } // check for errors if(lHasOpaqueField && lHasNotOpaqueField) { throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION( zuri::OPAQUE_COMB_NOT_VALID, ERROR_LOC( loc ) ); } if(lHasOpaqueField && !lHasSchemeField) { throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION( zuri::OPAQUE_WITHOUT_SCHEME, ERROR_LOC( loc ) ); } if(lHasSchemeField && !uri.get_encoded_path().empty() && (uri.get_encoded_path().substr(0,1) != "/")) { throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION( zuri::INVALID_ABSOLUTE_PATH, ERROR_LOC( loc ) ); } lStrRes = zorba::zstring(uri.toString()); STACK_PUSH(GENV_ITEMFACTORY->createString(result, lStrRes), state ); STACK_END (state); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = RET_OK; try { Utils utils; options opts; opts.initOptions(); opts.parseCommandLine(argc, argv); if(opts.empty()) { version.printVersion(); cout << opts << endl; } else { string path, prev_ver, foll_ver; bool validateurls, tofile, showhelp, showversion, backup; showhelp = opts.getFlagOption(enums::help); showversion = opts.getFlagOption(enums::version); tofile = !opts.getFlagOption(enums::stdout); validateurls = !opts.getFlagOption(enums::not_validate_urls); backup = opts.getFlagOption(enums::backup); path = opts.getValueOption(enums::file_repo); prev_ver = opts.getValueOption(enums::current); foll_ver = opts.getValueOption(enums::next); if(showhelp) { cout << opts << endl; } else if(showversion) { version.printVersion(); } else { opts.notify(); if(validateurls) utils.curlInit(); if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) { cout << "Repository File: " << path << endl; cout << "Current version: " << prev_ver << endl; cout << "Next version: " << foll_ver << endl; cout << "Debug mode: " << (opts.verbosityLevel() == enums::debug ? "On" : "Off") << endl; cout << "Print to stdout: " << (tofile ? "No" : "Yes") << endl; cout << "Use CURL: " << (validateurls ? "Yes" : "No") << endl; cout << "Be Verbose: " << (opts.verbosityLevel() == enums::verbose ? "Yes" : "No") << endl; } File *repo = new File(path); if(repo->isFile() && repo->exists()) { if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::debug) cout << "Repository file exists! and has a size of " << repo->getSize() << " b" << endl; vector<Repository> *repositories = Repository::getRepositories(repo); if(!repositories->empty()) { string repocontent = ""; int done = 0; if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) cout << "Total repositories found: " << repositories->size() << endl; if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose && validateurls) cout << "New urls has to be verified later!" << endl; if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose && validateurls) cout << "New urls has to be verified later!" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < repositories->size(); i++) { Repository repository = repositories->at(i); repository.setTitle(utils.changeVersionToken(repository.getTitle(), prev_ver, foll_ver)); repository.setName(utils.changeVersionToken(repository.getName(), prev_ver, foll_ver)); URI newuri = utils.changeVersionUrl(repository.getBaseurl(), prev_ver, foll_ver); if(validateurls) { if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) { cout << "Checking repository '" << repository.getName(); cout << "' with url '" << repository.getBaseurl().toString() << "'" << endl; } if(utils.isValid(repository.getBaseurl())) { if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) { cout << "Url seems to be valid, changing to next version and checking again" << endl; cout << "Checking new version url '" << newuri.toString() << "'..." << endl; } if(utils.isValid(newuri)) { if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) cout << "Next version url is valid, so can add the repository" << endl; repository.setBaseurl(newuri); repocontent = repocontent.append(repository.toString()); repocontent = repocontent.append("\n").append("\n").append("\n"); done++; } else { if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) { cout << "Current version has that repository but, unfortunately,"; cout << " seems that the new version repository doesn't exists" << endl; } } } else { if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) std::cerr << "Current url seems not to be valid, am I wrong in something?" << endl; } } else { repository.setBaseurl(newuri); repocontent = repocontent.append(repository.toString()); repocontent = repocontent.append("\n").append("\n").append("\n"); } } if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) cout << "Number of repositories that can be written: " << done << endl; if(tofile) { if(!repocontent.empty()) { if(backup) { string bakpath = path; bakpath.append("~"); repo->renameTo(bakpath); } else repo->remove(); delete repo; if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) cout << "Writing the new repository file to " << path << endl; ofstream newrepo(path.c_str()); if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::debug) cout << "New repo file status: " << newrepo.is_open() << endl; if(newrepo.is_open()) { if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::debug) cout << "Number of characters of repocontent: " << repocontent.size() << endl; newrepo << repocontent << endl; newrepo.flush(); if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::debug) cout << "newrepo stream is bad: " << newrepo.bad() << endl; newrepo.close(); if(opts.verbosityLevel() >= enums::verbose) cout << "Congratulations! All done, now exiting..." << endl; } else { std::cerr << "Unable to open file"; ret = RET_UNABLE_TO_WRITE; } } } else std::cout << repocontent << endl; } else { std::cerr << "Repositories file empty or bad repository list" << endl; ret = RET_BAD_REPOSITORY_LIST; } } else { std::cerr << "File doesn't exists or it is not a file" << endl; ret = RET_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } curl_global_cleanup(); } } catch(po::error err) { std::cerr << err.what() << endl; ret = RET_BOOST_PARSING_ERROR; } catch(Poco::FileNotFoundException fnfe) { std::cerr << fnfe.what() << endl; ret = RET_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } catch(std::bad_exception bex) { std::cerr << bex.what() << endl; ret = RET_EXCEPTION_UNCAUGHT; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "Oops! Something wrong, and I don't know why. Sorry." << endl; ret = RET_GENERIC_ERROR; } if(ret > 0) std::cerr << "Exited with return code " << ret << endl; else cout << "Exited with return code " << ret << endl; return ret; }
static Task::IdPair getIdPair(const URI &uploadURI, const char *id) { return Task::IdPair(id, uploadURI.toString()); }
void GraphicsResourceMesh::resolveName(const URI& id, const URI& hash) { mMaterialNames[id.toString()] = CDNArchive::canonicalMhashName(hash.toString()); if (mLoadState == LOAD_LOADED) setMaterialNames(this); }
bool NegotiateAuth::authorize(const AuthParams &challenge, AuthParams &authorization, const URI &uri) { SECURITY_STATUS status; std::wstring packageW = toUtf16(challenge.scheme); std::string param = challenge.base64; std::string outboundBuffer; SecBufferDesc outboundBufferDesc; SecBuffer outboundSecBuffer; TimeStamp lifetime; ULONG contextAttributes; outboundBuffer.resize(4096); outboundBufferDesc.ulVersion = 0; outboundBufferDesc.cBuffers = 1; outboundBufferDesc.pBuffers = &outboundSecBuffer; outboundSecBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; outboundSecBuffer.pvBuffer = &outboundBuffer[0]; outboundSecBuffer.cbBuffer = (unsigned long)outboundBuffer.size(); if (param.empty()) { // No response from server; we're starting a new session if (SecIsValidHandle(&m_creds)) return false; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W id; id.User = (unsigned short *)m_username.c_str(); id.UserLength = (unsigned long)m_username.size(); id.Domain = (unsigned short *)m_domain.c_str(); id.DomainLength = (unsigned long)m_domain.size(); id.Password = (unsigned short *)m_password.c_str(); id.PasswordLength = (unsigned long)m_password.size(); id.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE; status = AcquireCredentialsHandleW(NULL, (wchar_t *)packageW.c_str(), SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, m_username.empty() ? NULL : &id, NULL, NULL, &m_creds, &lifetime); MORDOR_LOG_TRACE(g_log) << "AcquireCredentialsHandleW(" << challenge.scheme << ", " << toUtf8(m_username) << "): (" << status << ")"; if (!SUCCEEDED(status)) MORDOR_THROW_EXCEPTION_FROM_ERROR_API(status, "AcquireCredentialsHandleW"); status = InitializeSecurityContextW( &m_creds, NULL, (wchar_t *)toUtf16(uri.toString()).c_str(), ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, NULL, 0, &m_secCtx, &outboundBufferDesc, &contextAttributes, &lifetime); MORDOR_LOG_TRACE(g_log) << "InitializeSecurityContextW(" << uri << ", {0}): {" << outboundSecBuffer.cbBuffer << "} (" << status << ")"; } else { // Prepare the response from the server std::string inboundBuffer = base64decode(param); SecBufferDesc inboundBufferDesc; SecBuffer inboundSecBuffer; inboundBufferDesc.ulVersion = 0; inboundBufferDesc.cBuffers = 1; inboundBufferDesc.pBuffers = &inboundSecBuffer; inboundSecBuffer.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; inboundSecBuffer.pvBuffer = &inboundBuffer[0]; inboundSecBuffer.cbBuffer = (unsigned long)inboundBuffer.size(); status = InitializeSecurityContextW( &m_creds, &m_secCtx, (wchar_t *)toUtf16(uri.toString()).c_str(), ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &inboundBufferDesc, 0, &m_secCtx, &outboundBufferDesc, &contextAttributes, &lifetime); MORDOR_LOG_TRACE(g_log) << "InitializeSecurityContextW(" << uri << ", {" << inboundSecBuffer.cbBuffer << "}): {" << outboundSecBuffer.cbBuffer << "} (" << status << ")"; } if (status == SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED || status == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE) { status = CompleteAuthToken(&m_secCtx, &outboundBufferDesc); MORDOR_LOG_TRACE(g_log) << "CompleteAuthToken(): {" << outboundSecBuffer.cbBuffer << "} (" << status << ")"; } if (!SUCCEEDED(status)) MORDOR_THROW_EXCEPTION_FROM_ERROR(status); outboundBuffer.resize(outboundSecBuffer.cbBuffer); authorization.scheme = challenge.scheme; authorization.base64 = base64encode(outboundBuffer); authorization.parameters.clear(); return true; }
inline std::string toString() const { return mURI.toString(); }
void Connection::makeRequest(Request &req, unsigned method, const URI &uri) { evhttp_cmd_type m = convert_method(method); if (evhttp_make_request(con, req.adopt(), m, uri.toString().c_str())) THROWS("Failed to make request to " << uri); }
void processOptions(store::Item_t item, store::LoadProperties& props, static_context* theSctx, const QueryLoc& loc) { URI lValidatedBaseUri; store::Item_t child, tempItem; if (item.getp() == NULL) return; #ifndef ZORBA_NO_XMLSCHEMA if (item->isValidated()) { if (item->getNodeName() == NULL || item->getNodeName()->getNamespace() != static_context::ZORBA_XML_FN_OPTIONS_NS) { throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION(zerr::ZXQD0003_INCONSISTENT_PARSE_FRAGMENT_OPTIONS, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(ParseFragmentInvalidOptions)), ERROR_LOC( loc )); } } else { tempItem = NULL; // used as the effectiveValidationValue()'s typeName Validator::effectiveValidationValue( item, item, tempItem, theSctx->get_typemanager(), ParseConstants::val_strict, theSctx, loc); } #endif store::Iterator_t children = item->getChildren(); children->open(); while (children->next(child)) { if (child->getNodeKind() != store::StoreConsts::elementNode) continue; if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "base-uri") { store::Item_t attr = getFirstAttribute(child); try { lValidatedBaseUri = URI(attr->getStringValue()); } catch (ZorbaException const& /* e */) { throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION( err::FODC0007, ERROR_PARAMS( attr->getStringValue() ), ERROR_LOC( loc ) ); } if (!lValidatedBaseUri.is_absolute()) { throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION( err::FODC0007, ERROR_PARAMS( lValidatedBaseUri.toString() ), ERROR_LOC( loc ) ); } props.setBaseUri(attr->getStringValue()); } else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "no-error") props.setNoError(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "strip-boundary-space") props.setStripWhitespace(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "schema-validate") { store::Item_t attr = getFirstAttribute(child); if (attr->getStringValue() == "strict") props.setSchemaStrictValidate(true); else props.setSchemaLaxValidate(true); } else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "DTD-validate") props.setDTDValidate(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "DTD-load") props.setDTDLoad(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "default-DTD-attributes") props.setDefaultDTDAttributes(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "parse-external-parsed-entity") { props.setParseExternalParsedEntity(true); store::Item_t attr; store::Iterator_t attribs = child->getAttributes(); attribs->open(); while (attribs->next(attr)) { if (attr->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "skip-root-nodes") props.setSkipRootNodes(ztd::aton<xs_int>(attr->getStringValue().c_str())); else if (attr->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "skip-top-level-text-nodes") props.setSkipTopLevelTextNodes(true); else if (attr->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "error-on-doctype") props.setErrorOnDoctype(true); } attribs->close(); } else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "substitute-entities") props.setSubstituteEntities(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "xinclude-substitutions") props.setXincludeSubstitutions(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "remove-redundant-ns") props.setRemoveRedundantNS(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "no-CDATA") props.setNoCDATA(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "no-xinclude-nodes") props.setNoXIncludeNodes(true); else if (child->getNodeName()->getLocalName() == "no-network-access") props.setNoNetworkAccess(true); } children->close(); if (props.getSchemaLaxValidate() + props.getSchemaStrictValidate() + props.getDTDValidate() + props.getParseExternalParsedEntity() > 1) { throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION(zerr::ZXQD0003_INCONSISTENT_PARSE_FRAGMENT_OPTIONS, ERROR_PARAMS(ZED(ParseFragmentOptionCombinationNotAllowed)), ERROR_LOC( loc )); } }
MetadataRequest(const URI &uri, PriorityType priority, MetadataCallback cb) : mURI(uri), mCallback(cb) { mPriority = priority; mDeletionRequest = false; mID = uri.toString(); }
URIBuilderImpl(const URI& uri) { uri_stream.fill('0'); uri_stream << uri.toString(); }