SOP_PrimGroupCentroid::boundingBox(const GU_Detail *input_geo,
                                   GA_Range &pr_range,
                                   const GA_PrimitiveList &prim_list,
                                   UT_Vector3 &pos)
    GA_Range                    pt_range;

    UT_BoundingBox              bbox;

    // Initialize the bounding box to contain nothing and have
    // no position.

    // Iterate over each primitive in the range.
    for (GA_Iterator pr_it(pr_range); !pr_it.atEnd(); ++pr_it)
        // Get the range of points for the primitive using the
        // offset from the primitive list.
        pt_range = prim_list.get(*pr_it)->getPointRange();

        // For each point in the primitive, enlarge the bounding
        // box to contain it.
        for (GA_Iterator pt_it(pt_range); !pt_it.atEnd(); ++pt_it)

    // Extract the center.
    pos = bbox.center();
Пример #2
void OctreeBox::Split()
        C = new OctreeBox[8];
        for(int i=0;i<8;i++)

        UT_Vector3 c = bbox.center();
        UT_Vector3 m = bbox.minvec();
        UT_Vector3 M = bbox.maxvec();

        C[0].bbox = UT_BoundingBox(m.vec[0],m.vec[1],m.vec[2],c.vec[0],c.vec[1],c.vec[2]);

        C[1].bbox = UT_BoundingBox(c.vec[0],m.vec[1],m.vec[2],M.vec[0],c.vec[1],c.vec[2]);

        C[2].bbox = UT_BoundingBox(m.vec[0],c.vec[1],m.vec[2],c.vec[0],M.vec[1],c.vec[2]);

        C[3].bbox = UT_BoundingBox(m.vec[0],m.vec[1],c.vec[2],c.vec[0],c.vec[1],M.vec[2]);

        C[4].bbox = UT_BoundingBox(m.vec[0],c.vec[1],c.vec[2],c.vec[0],M.vec[1],M.vec[2]);

        C[5].bbox = UT_BoundingBox(c.vec[0],m.vec[1],c.vec[2],M.vec[0],c.vec[1],M.vec[2]);

        C[6].bbox = UT_BoundingBox(c.vec[0],c.vec[1],m.vec[2],M.vec[0],M.vec[1],c.vec[2]);

        C[7].bbox = UT_BoundingBox(c.vec[0],c.vec[1],c.vec[2],M.vec[0],M.vec[1],M.vec[2]);
Пример #3
SOP_PrimCentroid::cookMySop(OP_Context &context)
    fpreal                      now;
    int                         method;

    const GA_Attribute          *source_attr;
    const GA_AttributeDict      *dict;
    GA_AttributeDict::iterator  a_it;
    GA_Offset                   ptOff;
    GA_RWAttributeRef           n_gah;
    GA_RWHandleV3               n_h;

    const GEO_Primitive         *prim;

    const GU_Detail             *input_geo;

    UT_BoundingBox              bbox;
    UT_String                   pattern, attr_name;
    UT_WorkArgs                 tokens;

    now = context.getTime();

    if (lockInputs(context) >= UT_ERROR_ABORT)
        return error();

    // Clear out any previous data.

    // Get the input geometry as read only.
    GU_DetailHandleAutoReadLock gdl(inputGeoHandle(0));
    input_geo = gdl.getGdp();

    // Find out which calculation method we are attempting.
    method = METHOD(now);

    // Create the standard point normal (N) attribute.
    n_gah = gdp->addNormalAttribute(GA_ATTRIB_POINT);

    // Bind a read/write attribute handle to the normal attribute.

    // Construct an attribute reference map to map attributes.
    GA_AttributeRefMap hmap(*gdp, input_geo);

    // Get the attribute selection string.
    ATTRIBUTES(pattern, now);

    // Make sure we entered something.
    if (pattern.length() > 0)
        // Tokenize the pattern.
        pattern.tokenize(tokens, " ");

        // The primitive attributes on the incoming geometry.
        dict = &input_geo->primitiveAttribs();

        // Iterate over all the primitive attributes.
        for (a_it=dict->begin(GA_SCOPE_PUBLIC); !a_it.atEnd(); ++a_it)
            // The current attribute.
            source_attr = a_it.attrib();

            // Get the attribute name.
            attr_name = source_attr->getName();

            // If the name doesn't match our pattern, skip it.
            if (!attr_name.matchPattern(tokens))

            // Create a new point attribute on the current geometry
            // that is the same as the source attribute.  Append it and
            // the source to the map.

        // Copy local variables.
        if (COPY(now))
            // Traverse the variable names on the input geometry and attempt to
            // copy any that match to our new geometry.

    // Get the list of input primitives.
    const GA_PrimitiveList &prim_list = input_geo->getPrimitiveList();

    // Add points for each primitive.
    ptOff = gdp->appendPointBlock(input_geo->getNumPrimitives());

    // Iterate over primitives using pages.
    for (GA_Iterator it(input_geo->getPrimitiveRange()); !it.atEnd(); ++it)
        // Get the primitive from the list.
        prim = (const GEO_Primitive *) prim_list.get(*it);

        if (method)
            // Get the bounding box for the primitive and set the point's
            // position to be the center of the box.
            gdp->setPos3(ptOff, bbox.center());
            // Set the point's position to be the bary center of the primitive
            gdp->setPos3(ptOff, prim->baryCenter());

        // Set the point's normal to be the normal of the primitive.
        n_h.set(ptOff, prim->computeNormal());

        // If we are copying attributes, copy the primitive attributes from
        // the current primitive to the new point.
        if (hmap.entries() > 0)
            hmap.copyValue(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, ptOff, GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE, *it);

        // Increment the point offset.

    return error();
Пример #4
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Init:   
    CMD_Args args;
    args.initialize(argc, argv);
    if (args.argc() < 3)
        return 1;

    // Options:
    int res     = 256;
    int verbose = 0;
    if(args.found('r')) res     = atoi(args.argp('r'));       
    if(args.found('v')) verbose = 1;
    UT_String dcm_file, gdp_file;
    #if 1
    // Open GDP with samples:
    GU_Detail gdp;
    UT_BoundingBox bbox;
    if (!gdp.load(gdp_file, 0).success())
        cerr << "Cant open " << gdp_file << endl;
        return 1;
    // Points arrays and bbox details: 
    int range = gdp.getNumPoints();  
    UT_Vector3Array         positions(range);
    UT_ValArray<int>        indices(range);
    const GEO_Point *ppt;
    const GEO_PointList plist = gdp.points();
    for (int i = 0; i < gdp.getNumPoints(); i++)
        ppt = plist(i);
        UT_Vector3 pos = ppt->getPos3();

    if (verbose)
        cout << "Points in gdp      : " <<  positions.entries() << endl;

    // Point Grid structures/objects:
    UT_Vector3Point accessor(positions, indices);
    UT_PointGrid<UT_Vector3Point> pointgrid(accessor);

    // Can we build it?
    if (!pointgrid.canBuild(res, res, res))
        cout << "Can't build the grid!" << endl; 
        return 1;
    // Build it:
    pointgrid.build(bbox.minvec(), bbox.size(), res, res, res);

    if (verbose)
        cout << "Point grid res     : " << res << "x" << res << "x" << res << endl;
        cout << "Bounding box size  : " << bbox.size().x() << ", " << bbox.size().y() << ", " << bbox.size().z() << endl;
        cout << "Bounding box center: " << bbox.center().x() << ", " << bbox.center().y() << ", " << bbox.center().z() << endl;
        cout << "Pointgrid mem size : " << pointgrid.getMemoryUsage() << endl;
        cout << "Voxel size is      : " << pointgrid.getVoxelSize() << endl;
        cout << "Total grid points  : " << pointgrid.entries() << endl;

    // Open rat (our random access, variable array length storage):
    IMG_DeepShadow dsm;
    dsm.setOption("compression", "0");
    dsm.setOption("zbias", "0.05");
    dsm.setOption("depth_mode", "nearest");
    dsm.setOption("depth_interp", "discrete");
    dsm.open(dcm_file, res*res, res);
    dsm.getTBFOptions()->setOptionV3("bbox:min" , bbox.minvec());
    dsm.getTBFOptions()->setOptionV3("bbox:max" , bbox.maxvec()); 
    if (verbose)
        cout << "DCM created res    : " << res*res << "x" << res << endl;
    #if 1
    // db_* debug variables...
    int db_index = 0;
    int db_uindex = 0;
    int db_av_iter = 0;

    // Put point into deep pixels:
    Locker locker;
    Timer timer;
    parallel_fillDCM(res, &dsm, &pointgrid, &positions, &locker);
    cout <<     "Creation time      : " << timer.current() << endl;
    if (verbose)
        cout << "Total voxels       : " << db_index  << endl;
        cout << "Written voxel      : " << db_uindex << endl;
        cout << "Points per voxel   : " << (float)db_av_iter / db_uindex << endl;
    cout <<     "Saving time        : " << timer.current() << endl;
    if (verbose)
        cout << "Deep map closed." << endl;
    return 0;