Пример #1
GusdGU_PackedUSD::getIntrinsicPurposes( UT_StringArray& purposes ) const
    if( m_purposes & GUSD_PURPOSE_PROXY )
        purposes.append( UT_StringHolder( UT_StringHolder::REFERENCE, "proxy" ));
    if( m_purposes & GUSD_PURPOSE_RENDER )
        purposes.append( UT_StringHolder( UT_StringHolder::REFERENCE, "render" ));
    if( m_purposes & GUSD_PURPOSE_GUIDE )
        purposes.append( UT_StringHolder( UT_StringHolder::REFERENCE, "guide" ));
SOP_PrimGroupCentroid::buildGroupData(UT_String &pattern,
                                      const GU_Detail *input_geo,
                                      UT_Array<GA_Range> &range_array,
                                      UT_StringArray &string_values)
    GA_Range                    pr_range;
    const GA_PrimitiveGroup     *group;
    GA_ElementGroupTable::ordered_iterator group_it;

    UT_String                   group_name;
    UT_WorkArgs                 tokens;

    // Tokenize the pattern.

    // Get all the primitive groups.
    const GA_ElementGroupTable &prim_groups = input_geo->primitiveGroups();

    // For each primitive group in order.
    for (group_it=prim_groups.obegin(); !group_it.atEnd(); ++group_it)
        // Get the group.
        group = static_cast<GA_PrimitiveGroup *>(*group_it);

        // Ensure the group is valid.
        if (!group)

        // Skip internal groups.
        if (group->getInternal())

        // Check to see if this group name matches the pattern.
        group_name = group->getName();
        if (!group_name.matchPattern(tokens))

        // Get a range for the primitives in the group.
        pr_range = input_geo->getPrimitiveRange(group);

        // Add the primitive range and the group name to the arrays.
Пример #3
void HoudiniScene::calculatePath( const Path &contentPath, const Path &rootPath )
	OP_Node *node = retrieveNode();
	if ( node->isManager() )
	UT_String tmp( m_nodePath );
	UT_WorkArgs workArgs;
	tmp.tokenize( workArgs, "/" );
	OP_Node *current = dynamic_cast<MOT_Director *>( OPgetDirector() )->getObjectManager();
	// skipping the token for the OBJ manager
	for ( int i = 1; i < workArgs.getArgc(); ++i )
		current = current->getChild( workArgs[i] );
		/// recursively collect all input connections
		OP_Node *parent = current->getInput( 0 );
		UT_StringArray parentNames;
		while ( parent )
			parentNames.append( parent->getName() );
			parent = parent->getInput( 0 );
		// add them in reverse order
		for ( int j = parentNames.entries() - 1; j >= 0; --j )
			m_path.push_back( Name( parentNames( j ) ) );
		if ( ( i < workArgs.getArgc() - 1 ) || Name( workArgs[i] ) != contentName )
			m_path.push_back( Name( workArgs[i] ) );
	if ( !contentPath.empty() )
		m_contentIndex = m_path.size();
		m_path.resize( m_path.size() + contentPath.size() );
		std::copy( contentPath.begin(), contentPath.end(), m_path.begin() + m_contentIndex );
	if ( m_path.size() < rootPath.size() )
		std::string pStr, rStr;
		pathToString( m_path, pStr );
		pathToString( rootPath, rStr );
		throw Exception( "IECoreHoudini::HoudiniScene: Path \"" + pStr + "\" is not a valid child of root \"" + rStr + "\"." );
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < rootPath.size(); ++i )
		if ( rootPath[i] != m_path[i] )
			std::string pStr, rStr;
			pathToString( m_path, pStr );
			pathToString( rootPath, rStr );
			throw Exception( "IECoreHoudini::HoudiniScene: Path \"" + pStr + "\" is not a valid child of root \"" + rStr + "\"." );
	m_rootIndex = rootPath.size();
SOP_PrimGroupCentroid::buildAttribData(int mode,
                                       const GU_Detail *input_geo,
                                       UT_Array<GA_Range> &range_array,
                                       UT_StringArray &string_values,
                                       UT_IntArray &int_values)
    int                         unique_count;
    exint                       int_value;

    GA_Range                    pr_range;

    GA_ROAttributeRef           source_gah;

    UT_String                   attr_name, str_value;

    // Determine the attribute name to use.
    attr_name = (mode == 1) ? "name": "class";

    // Find the attribute.
    source_gah = input_geo->findPrimitiveAttribute(attr_name);

    // If there is no attribute, add an error message and quit.
    if (source_gah.isInvalid())
        addError(SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, attr_name);
        return 1;

    // If the 'name' attribute isn't a string, add an error and quit.
    if (mode == 1 && !source_gah.isString())
        addError(SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, "'name' must be a string.");
        return 1;
    // If the 'class' attribute isn't an int, add an error and quit.
    else if (mode == 2 && !source_gah.isInt())
        addError(SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, "'class' must be an integer.");
        return 1;

    // The number of unique values for the attribute.
    unique_count = input_geo->getUniqueValueCount(source_gah);

    // Add all the ranges and unique values to the appropriate arrays.
    if (mode == 1)
        for (int idx=0; idx<unique_count; ++idx)
            // Get the unique string value.
            str_value = input_geo->getUniqueStringValue(source_gah, idx);
            // Get the primitive range corresponding to that value.
            pr_range = input_geo->getRangeByValue(source_gah, str_value);

            // Add the range to the array.
            // Add the string value to the string value list.
        for (int idx=0; idx<unique_count; ++idx)
            // Get the unique integer value.
            int_value = input_geo->getUniqueIntegerValue(source_gah, idx);
            // Get the primitive range corresponding to that value.
            pr_range = input_geo->getRangeByValue(source_gah, int_value);

            // Add the range to the array.
            // Add the integer value to the integer value list.

    // Return 0 for success.
    return 0;