Пример #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// get and set locale language
	systemLang = funcexp::utf8::idb_setlocale();
	if ( systemLang != "en_US.UTF-8" &&
			systemLang.find("UTF") != string::npos )
		utf8 = true;

	Config* cf = Config::makeConfig();



	mlp = new primitiveprocessor::Logger();

	int rc;
	rc = setupResources();
	if (rc) {
		Message::Args args;
		//mlp->logMessage(logging::M0016, args);

	int serverThreads = 1;
	int serverQueueSize = 10;
	int processorWeight = 8*1024;
	int processorQueueSize = 10*1024;
	int BRPBlocksPct = 70;
	uint32_t BRPBlocks = 1887437;
	int BRPThreads = 16;
	int cacheCount = 1;
	int maxBlocksPerRead = 256;  // 1MB
	bool rotatingDestination = false;
	uint32_t deleteBlocks = 128;
	bool PTTrace = false;
	int temp;
	string strTemp;
	int priority = -1;
	const string primitiveServers("PrimitiveServers");
	const string jobListStr("JobList");
	const string dbbc("DBBC");
	const string ExtentMapStr("ExtentMap");
	uint64_t extentRows = 8*1024*1024;
	uint64_t MaxExtentSize = 0;
	double prefetchThreshold;
	uint64_t PMSmallSide = 67108864;
	BPPCount = 16;
	int numCores = -1;
	int configNumCores = -1;
	uint32_t highPriorityPercentage, medPriorityPercentage, lowPriorityPercentage;
	utils::CGroupConfigurator cg;

	gDebugLevel = primitiveprocessor::NONE;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "ServerThreads"));
	if (temp > 0)
		serverThreads = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "ServerQueueSize"));
	if (temp > 0)
		serverQueueSize = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "ProcessorThreshold"));
	if (temp > 0)
		processorWeight = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "ProcessorQueueSize"));
	if (temp > 0)
		processorQueueSize = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "DebugLevel"));
	if (temp > 0)
		gDebugLevel = (DebugLevel)temp;

	highPriorityPercentage = 0;
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "HighPriorityPercentage"));
	if (temp >= 0)
		highPriorityPercentage = temp;

	medPriorityPercentage = 0;
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "MediumPriorityPercentage"));
	if (temp >= 0)
		medPriorityPercentage = temp;

	lowPriorityPercentage = 0;
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "LowPriorityPercentage"));
	if (temp >= 0)
		lowPriorityPercentage = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(ExtentMapStr, "ExtentRows"));
	if (temp > 0)
		extentRows = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "ConnectionsPerPrimProc"));
	if (temp > 0)
		connectionsPerUM = temp;
		connectionsPerUM = 1;

	// set to smallest extent size
	// do not allow to read beyond the end of an extent
	const int MaxReadAheadSz = (extentRows)/BLOCK_SIZE;
	//defaultBufferSize = 512 * 1024; // @bug 2627 - changed default dict buffer from 256K to 512K, allows for cols w/ length of 61.
	defaultBufferSize = 100*1024;  // 1/17/12 - made the dict buffer dynamic, max size for a numeric col is 80k + ovrhd

	// This parm controls whether we rotate through the output sockets
	// when deciding where to send response messages, or whether to simply
	// send the response to the socket of origin.  Should normally be set
	// to 'y', for install types 1 and 3.
	string strVal = cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "RotatingDestination");
	//XXX: Permanently disable for now...
	strVal = "N";
	if ((strVal == "y") || (strVal == "Y")) {
		rotatingDestination = true;

		// Disable destination rotation if UM and PM are running on same
		// server, because we could accidentally end up sending DMLProc
		// responses to ExeMgr and vice versa, if we rotated socket dest.
		temp = toInt(cf->getConfig("Installation", "ServerTypeInstall"));
		if ((temp == oam::INSTALL_COMBINE_DM_UM_PM) ||
				(temp == oam::INSTALL_COMBINE_PM_UM))
			rotatingDestination = false;

	string strBlockPct = cf->getConfig(dbbc, "NumBlocksPct");
	temp = atoi(strBlockPct.c_str());
	if (temp > 0)
		BRPBlocksPct = temp;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
	memStat.dwLength = sizeof(memStat);
	if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStat) == 0)
		//FIXME: Assume 2GB?
		BRPBlocks = 2621 * BRPBlocksPct;
#ifndef _WIN64
		memStat.ullTotalPhys = std::min(memStat.ullTotalVirtual, memStat.ullTotalPhys);
		//We now have the total phys mem in bytes
		BRPBlocks = memStat.ullTotalPhys / (8 * 1024) / 100 * BRPBlocksPct;
	// _SC_PHYS_PAGES is in 4KB units. Dividing by 200 converts to 8KB and gets ready to work in pct
	// _SC_PHYS_PAGES should always be >> 200 so we shouldn't see a total loss of precision
	//BRPBlocks = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) / 200 * BRPBlocksPct;
	BRPBlocks = ((BRPBlocksPct/100.0) * (double) cg.getTotalMemory()) / 8192;
#if 0
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(dbbc, "NumThreads"));
	if (temp > 0)
		BRPThreads = temp;
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(dbbc, "NumCaches"));
	if (temp > 0)
		cacheCount = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(dbbc, "NumDeleteBlocks"));
	if (temp > 0)
		deleteBlocks = temp;

	if ((uint32_t)(.01 * BRPBlocks) < deleteBlocks)
		deleteBlocks = (uint32_t)(.01 * BRPBlocks);

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "ColScanBufferSizeBlocks"));
	if (temp > (int) MaxReadAheadSz || temp < 1)
		maxBlocksPerRead = MaxReadAheadSz;
	else if (temp > 0)
		maxBlocksPerRead = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "ColScanReadAheadBlocks"));
	if (temp > (int) MaxReadAheadSz || temp < 0)
		blocksReadAhead = MaxReadAheadSz;
	else if (temp > 0)
		//make sure we've got an integral factor of extent size
		for (; (MaxExtentSize%temp)!=0; ++temp);

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "PTTrace"));
	if (temp > 0)
		PTTrace = true;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "PrefetchThreshold"));
	if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
		prefetchThreshold = 0;
		prefetchThreshold = temp/100.0;

	int maxPct = 0; //disable by default
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "MaxPct"));
	if (temp >= 0)
		maxPct = temp;

	// @bug4507, configurable pm aggregation AggregationMemoryCheck
	// We could use this same mechanism for other growing buffers.
	int aggPct = 95;
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig("SystemConfig", "MemoryCheckPercent"));
	if (temp >= 0)
		aggPct = temp;

	//...Start the thread to monitor our memory usage
	new boost::thread(utils::MonitorProcMem(maxPct, aggPct, 28));

	// config file priority is 40..1 (highest..lowest)
	string sPriority = cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "Priority");
	if (sPriority.length() > 0)
		temp = toInt(sPriority);
		temp = 21;

	// convert config file value to setpriority(2) value (-20..19, -1 is the default)
	if (temp > 0)
		priority = 20 - temp;
	else if (temp < 0)
		priority = 19;

	if (priority < -20) priority = -20;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
	setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, priority);
	//..Instantiate UmSocketSelector singleton.  Disable rotating destination
	//..selection if no UM IP addresses are in the Calpo67108864LLnt.xml file.
	UmSocketSelector* pUmSocketSelector = UmSocketSelector::instance();
	if (rotatingDestination)
		if (pUmSocketSelector->ipAddressCount() < 1)
			rotatingDestination = false;

	//See if we want to override the calculated #cores
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "NumCores"));
	if (temp > 0)
		configNumCores = temp;

	if (configNumCores <= 0)
		//count the actual #cores

		numCores = cg.getNumCores();
		if (numCores == 0)
			numCores = 8;
		numCores = configNumCores;

	//based on the #cores, calculate some thread parms
	if (numCores > 0)
		BRPThreads = 2 * numCores;
		//there doesn't seem much benefit to having more than this, and sometimes it causes problems.
		//DBBC.NumThreads can override this cap
		BRPThreads = std::min(BRPThreads, 32);

	// the default is ~10% low, 30% medium, 60% high, (where 2*cores = 100%)
	if (highPriorityPercentage == 0 && medPriorityPercentage == 0 &&
			lowPriorityPercentage == 0) {
		lowPriorityThreads = max(1, (2*numCores)/10);
		medPriorityThreads = max(1, (2*numCores)/3);
		highPriorityThreads = (2 * numCores) - lowPriorityThreads - medPriorityThreads;
	else {
		uint32_t totalThreads = (uint32_t) ((lowPriorityPercentage + medPriorityPercentage +
											 highPriorityPercentage) / 100.0 * (2*numCores));

		if (totalThreads == 0)
			totalThreads = 1;

		lowPriorityThreads = (uint32_t) (lowPriorityPercentage/100.0 * (2*numCores));
		medPriorityThreads = (uint32_t) (medPriorityPercentage/100.0 * (2*numCores));
		highPriorityThreads = totalThreads - lowPriorityThreads - medPriorityThreads;

	BPPCount = highPriorityThreads + medPriorityThreads + lowPriorityThreads;

	// let the user override if they want
	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "BPPCount"));
	if (temp > 0 && temp < (int) BPPCount)
		BPPCount = temp;

	temp = toInt(cf->getConfig(dbbc, "NumThreads"));
	if (temp > 0)
		BRPThreads = temp;

#ifndef _MSC_VER
	// @bug4598, switch for O_DIRECT to support gluster fs.
	// directIOFlag == O_DIRECT, by default
	strVal = cf->getConfig(primitiveServers, "DirectIO");
	if ((strVal == "n") || (strVal == "N"))
		directIOFlag = 0;


	// no versionbuffer if using HDFS for performance reason
	if (IDBPolicy::useHdfs())
		noVB = 1;

	cout << "Starting PrimitiveServer: st = " << serverThreads << ", sq = " << serverQueueSize <<
		 ", pw = " << processorWeight << ", pq = " << processorQueueSize <<
		 ", nb = " << BRPBlocks << ", nt = " << BRPThreads << ", nc = " << cacheCount <<
		 ", ra = " << blocksReadAhead <<  ", db = " << deleteBlocks << ", mb = " << maxBlocksPerRead <<
		 ", rd = " << rotatingDestination << ", tr = " << PTTrace <<
		 ", ss = " << PMSmallSide << ", bp = " << BPPCount << endl;

	PrimitiveServer server(serverThreads, serverQueueSize, processorWeight, processorQueueSize,
						   rotatingDestination, BRPBlocks, BRPThreads, cacheCount, maxBlocksPerRead, blocksReadAhead,
						   deleteBlocks, PTTrace, prefetchThreshold, PMSmallSide);

	thread* qszMonThd;
	if (gDebugLevel >= STATS)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
		ofstream* qszLog = new ofstream("C:/Calpont/log/trace/ppqsz.dat");
		ofstream* qszLog = new ofstream("/var/log/Calpont/trace/ppqsz.dat");
		if (!qszLog->good())
			delete qszLog;
			qszLog = 0;
		qszMonThd = new thread(QszMonThd(&server, qszLog));

		//Need to use pthreads API here...
		pthread_t thd1;
		pthread_attr_t attr1;
		pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr1, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
		pthread_create(&thd1, &attr1, waitForSIGUSR1, reinterpret_cast<void*>(cacheCount));


	cerr << "server.start() exited!" << endl;

	return 1;
Пример #2
int main()
	// erydb.xml file should be configured as follows:
	//   um1: and
	//   um2: and 
	sockaddr_in sa = { 1, 0, {0} , {' '} };
	char* ips[] = {"", "", "", ""};

	// These are the IP addresses we use to test runtime connections
	// "not" in the erydb.xml file.
	sockaddr_in saUnknown = { 1, 0, {0} , {' '} };
	char* ipsUnknown[]={"", "", "", ""};

	// Test initialization
	UmSocketSelector* sockSel = UmSocketSelector::instance();

	std::cout << "IPAddressCount: " << sockSel->ipAddressCount() << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl << "----Dump1 after initialization..."  << std::endl;
	std::cout << sockSel->toString();
	std::cout << "----Dump1 End...................."  << std::endl << std::endl;

	IOSocket sock[4][4];
	for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
		inet_aton(ips[i], &sa.sin_addr);
		for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
			sock[i][j].setSocketImpl(new InetStreamSocket());
			sa.sin_port = htons((i*4)+j);
			sock[i][j].sa( sa );
			sockSel->addConnection( SP_UM_IOSOCK(new IOSocket(sock[i][j])),
									SP_UM_MUTEX( new boost::mutex()) );

	std::cout << std::endl << "----Dump2 after adding 16 connections..." <<
	std::cout << sockSel->toString();
	std::cout << "----Dump2 End...................."  << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Test socket/port selection
	std::cout << "Test socket/port selection logic..." << std::endl;
	for (unsigned k=0; k<17; k++)
		SP_UM_IOSOCK outIos;
		SP_UM_MUTEX  writeLock;
#if 1
    	if (sockSel->nextIOSocket( sock[0][0], outIos, writeLock ))
	    	std::cout << "next IP: " << inet_ntoa(outIos->sa().sin_addr) <<
				"; port: " << ntohs(outIos->sa().sin_port) << std::endl;
    	if (!sockSel->nextIOSocket( sock[0][0], outIos, writeLock ))
			std::cout << "no nextIP found for " << sock[0][0] << std::endl;
	for (unsigned k=0; k<7; k++)
		SP_UM_IOSOCK outIos;
		SP_UM_MUTEX  writeLock;
    	if (sockSel->nextIOSocket( sock[2][0], outIos, writeLock ))
	    	std::cout << "next IP: " << inet_ntoa(outIos->sa().sin_addr) <<
				"; port: " << ntohs(outIos->sa().sin_port) << std::endl;
			std::cout << "no nextIP found for " << sock[2][0] << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "----Dump3 after selecting 17 connections from IP " << 
		ips[0] << "; and 7 connections from IP " << ips[2] << " ..." <<
	std::cout << sockSel->toString();
	std::cout << "----Dump3 End...................."  << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Test connection deletions
	for (unsigned k=0; k<4; k++)
		sockSel->delConnection( sock[k][0] );
	std::cout << "----Dump4 after deleting first connection for each IP..." <<
	std::cout << sockSel->toString();
	std::cout << "----Dump4 End...................."  << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Test addition of unknown connections
	IOSocket sockUnknown[4][4];
	for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
		inet_aton(ipsUnknown[i], &saUnknown.sin_addr);
		for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
			sockUnknown[i][j].setSocketImpl(new InetStreamSocket());
			saUnknown.sin_port = htons((i*4)+j);
			sockUnknown[i][j].sa( saUnknown );
				SP_UM_IOSOCK(new IOSocket(sockUnknown[i][j])),
				SP_UM_MUTEX( new boost::mutex()) );

	std::cout << "----Dump5 after adding connections for unknown IP's..." <<
	std::cout << sockSel->toString();
	std::cout << "----Dump5 End...................."  << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Test resetting of "next" indexes after deleting all sockets from a
	// specific IP address for which the "next" index is pointing.
	sockSel->delConnection( sock[1][1] );
	sockSel->delConnection( sock[1][2] );
	sockSel->delConnection( sock[1][3] );

	std::cout << "----Dump6 after deleting all connections for IP " << ips[1] <<
		" ..." << std::endl;
	std::cout << sockSel->toString();
	std::cout << "----Dump6 End...................."  << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Test socket/port selection for an unknown module
	std::cout << "Test socket/port selection logic..." << std::endl;
	for (unsigned k=0; k<11; k++)
		SP_UM_IOSOCK outIos;
		SP_UM_MUTEX  writeLock;
    	if (sockSel->nextIOSocket( sockUnknown[2][0], outIos, writeLock ))
    		std::cout << "next IP: " << inet_ntoa(outIos->sa().sin_addr) <<
				"; port: " << ntohs(outIos->sa().sin_port) << std::endl;
			std::cout << "no nextIP found for " << sockUnknown[2][0]<<std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "----Dump7 after selecting 11 connections for IP " <<
		ipsUnknown[2] << " ..." << std::endl;
	std::cout << sockSel->toString();
	std::cout << "----Dump7 End...................."  << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Test deletion of last socket/port connection and resetting if the
	// "next" index that is pointing to it.
	sockSel->delConnection( sock[3][3] );
	std::cout << "----Dump8 after deleting last connection for IP " <<
		ips[3] << " ..." << std::endl;
	std::cout << sockSel->toString();
	std::cout << "----Dump8 End...................."  << std::endl << std::endl;

	return 0;