Пример #1
static void drawStuff(bool picking) {
  // Declare an empty uniforms
  Uniforms uniforms;
  // if we are not translating, update arcball scale
  if (!(g_mouseMClickButton || (g_mouseLClickButton && g_mouseRClickButton) || (g_mouseLClickButton && !g_mouseRClickButton && g_spaceDown)))

  // build & send proj. matrix to vshader
  const Matrix4 projmat = makeProjectionMatrix();
  sendProjectionMatrix(uniforms, projmat);

  const RigTForm eyeRbt = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, getNodeForEye(g_activeEye));
  const RigTForm invEyeRbt = inv(eyeRbt);

  const Cvec3 eyeLight1 = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_light1Node).getTranslation();
  const Cvec3 eyeLight2 = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_light2Node).getTranslation();
  uniforms.put("uLight", eyeLight1);
  uniforms.put("uLight2", eyeLight2);
  if (!picking) {
	  Drawer drawer(invEyeRbt, uniforms);

	  if (g_displayArcball && shouldUseArcball()) {
  } else {
	  Picker picker(invEyeRbt, uniforms);
    // set overriding material to our picking material
    g_overridingMaterial = g_pickingMat;
    // unset overriding material 
	  g_currentPickedRbtNode = picker.getRbtNodeAtXY(g_mouseClickX, g_mouseClickY);
	  if (g_currentPickedRbtNode == g_groundNode) {
		  g_currentPickedRbtNode = shared_ptr<SgRbtNode>();   // set to NULL
		  cout << "clicked on ground\n";
// drawStuff just takes in a picking flag, and no curSS
static void drawStuff(bool picking) {

  // Declare an empty uniforms
  Uniforms uniforms;

  // Get your projection matrix into proj mat as usual

  // send proj. matrix to be stored by uniforms,
  // as opposed to the current vtx shader
  sendProjectionMatrix(uniforms, projmat);

  // get your eyeRbt, invEyeRbt and stuff as usual

  // get the eye space coordinates of the two light as usual
  // suppose they are stored as Cvec3 eyeLight1 and eyeLight2      

  // send the eye space coordinates of lights to uniforms
  uniforms.put("uLight", eyeLight1);
  uniforms.put("uLight2", eyeLight2);

  if (!picking) {
    // initialize the drawer with our uniforms, as opposed to curSS
    Drawer drawer(invEyeRbt, uniforms);

    // draw as before

    ... // draw arcball if neccessary
Пример #3
static void drawStuff(bool picking) {

  Uniforms uniforms;
  // if we are not translating, update arcball scale
  if (!(g_mouseMClickButton || (g_mouseLClickButton && g_mouseRClickButton) || (g_mouseLClickButton && !g_mouseRClickButton && g_spaceDown)))

  // build & send proj. matrix to vshader
  const Matrix4 projmat = makeProjectionMatrix();
  sendProjectionMatrix(uniforms, projmat);

  const RigTForm eyeRbt = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_currentCameraNode);
  const RigTForm invEyeRbt = inv(eyeRbt);

  // const Cvec3 eyeLight1 = Cvec3(invEyeRbt * Cvec4(g_light1, 1));
  // const Cvec3 eyeLight2 = Cvec3(invEyeRbt * Cvec4(g_light2, 1));

  const Cvec3 eyeLight1 = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_light1Node).getTranslation();
  const Cvec3 eyeLight2 = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_light2Node).getTranslation();

  uniforms.put("uLight", (Cvec3) (invEyeRbt * Cvec4(eyeLight1,1)));
  uniforms.put("uLight2", (Cvec3) (invEyeRbt * Cvec4(eyeLight2,1)));

  if (!picking) {
    Drawer drawer(invEyeRbt, uniforms);

    if (g_displayArcball && shouldUseArcball())
  else {
    Picker picker(invEyeRbt, uniforms);
    g_overridingMaterial = g_pickingMat;
    g_currentPickedRbtNode = picker.getRbtNodeAtXY(g_mouseClickX, g_mouseClickY);
    if (g_currentPickedRbtNode == g_groundNode)
      g_currentPickedRbtNode = shared_ptr<SgRbtNode>(); // set to NULL

    cout << (g_currentPickedRbtNode ? "Part picked" : "No part picked") << endl;
  if (g_shellNeedsUpdate) {
  g_shellNeedsUpdate = false;
Пример #4
static void drawArcBall(Uniforms& uniforms) {
  // switch to wire frame mode
  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);

  RigTForm arcballEye = inv(getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_currentCameraNode)) * getArcballRbt();
  Matrix4 MVM = rigTFormToMatrix(arcballEye) * Matrix4::makeScale(Cvec3(1, 1, 1) * g_arcballScale * g_arcballScreenRadius);
  sendModelViewNormalMatrix(uniforms, MVM, normalMatrix(MVM));

  uniforms.put("uColor", Cvec3 (0.27, 0.82, 0.35));

  // switch back to solid mode
  g_arcballMat->draw(*g_sphere, uniforms);
Пример #5
// takes a projection matrix and send to the the shaders
inline void sendProjectionMatrix(Uniforms& uniforms, const Matrix4& projMatrix) {
  uniforms.put("uProjMatrix", projMatrix);
Пример #6
static void drawStuff(bool picking) {

  Uniforms uniforms;

  // build & send proj. matrix to vshader
  const Matrix4 projmat = makeProjectionMatrix();
  sendProjectionMatrix(uniforms, projmat);

  // choose frame to use as eyeRbt
  RigTForm eyeRbt = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_eyeFrameNode);
  const RigTForm invEyeRbt = inv(eyeRbt);

  // get world space coordinates of the light
  Cvec3 light1 = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_light1Node).getTranslation();
  // transform to eye space, and set to uLight uniform
  uniforms.put("uLight", Cvec3(invEyeRbt * Cvec4(light1, 1)));

  Cvec3 light2 = getPathAccumRbt(g_world, g_light2Node).getTranslation();
  // transform to eye space, and set to uLight uniform
  uniforms.put("uLight2", Cvec3(invEyeRbt * Cvec4(light2, 1)));

  const Cvec3 eyeLight1 = Cvec3(invEyeRbt * Cvec4(g_light1, 1)); // g_light1 position in eye coordinates
  const Cvec3 eyeLight2 = Cvec3(invEyeRbt * Cvec4(g_light2, 1)); // g_light2 position in eye coordinates
  // safe_glUniform3f(curSS.h_uLight, eyeLight1[0], eyeLight1[1], eyeLight1[2]);
  // safe_glUniform3f(curSS.h_uLight2, eyeLight2[0], eyeLight2[1], eyeLight2[2]);
  uniforms.put("uLight", eyeLight1);
  uniforms.put("uLight2", eyeLight2);

  RigTForm arcballRbt = makeArcballRbt();

  if(!(g_mouseMClickButton || (g_mouseLClickButton && g_mouseRClickButton) || (g_mouseLClickButton && !g_mouseRClickButton && g_spaceDown))){

    // update arcballScale
    g_arcballScale = getScreenToEyeScale((invEyeRbt * arcballRbt).getTranslation()[2], g_frustFovY, g_windowHeight);

  if (!picking) {

    Drawer drawer(invEyeRbt, uniforms);

    // draw arcball as part of asst3
    if (g_arcballVisible) {
      double s = g_arcballScale * g_arcballScreenRadius;

      RigTForm MVMrbt = invEyeRbt * arcballRbt;
      Matrix4 MVM = rigTFormToMatrix(MVMrbt);
      MVM = MVM * Matrix4::makeScale(Cvec3(s, s, s));
      Matrix4 NMVM = normalMatrix(MVM);
      sendModelViewNormalMatrix(uniforms, MVM, NMVM);
      g_arcballMat->draw(*g_sphere, uniforms);


  } else {//if indeed picking

    Picker picker(invEyeRbt, uniforms);
    g_overridingMaterial = g_pickingMat;


    g_currentPickedRbtNode = picker.getRbtNodeAtXY(g_mouseClickX, g_mouseClickY);

    if (!g_currentPickedRbtNode || g_currentPickedRbtNode == g_groundNode)
      g_currentPickedRbtNode = g_eyeFrameNode;

    g_arcballVisible = (g_currentPickedRbtNode != g_eyeFrameNode || (g_currentPickedRbtNode == g_skyNode && g_skyModMode == 0));
    g_arcballScale = getScreenToEyeScale((invEyeRbt * arcballRbt).getTranslation()[2], g_frustFovY, g_windowHeight);