Пример #1
//  Examine the first (few?) fragments of a unitig, evaluate if they indicate a join should be made.
joinUnitigs_examineEnd(UnitigVector      &unitigs,
                       Unitig            *fr,
                       uint32             idx,
                       bool               frFirstEnd,
                       vector<joinEntry> &joins) {
  uint32           frgIdx  = (frFirstEnd) ? (idx) : (fr->ufpath.size() - 1 - idx);
  ufNode          *frg     = &fr->ufpath[frgIdx];
  bool             frgRev  = (frg->position.end < frg->position.bgn);

  //  Grab the best edge for this end frag.  The last arg requests the 3' end if true.
  //  If we're looking at the first read, we want to get:
  //    5' - if the frag is forward
  //    3' - if the frag is reverse (frgRev == true)
  //  If we're looking at the lat read, we want to get:
  //    5' - if the frag is reverse
  //    3' - if the frag is forward  (frgRev == false)
  BestEdgeOverlap *bestEdge    = OG->getBestEdgeOverlap(frg->ident, (frgRev == frFirstEnd));

  uint32      tgtId = bestEdge->fragId();
  bool        tgt3p = bestEdge->frag3p();

  if (tgtId == 0)
    //  No best edge?  Skip it.

  //  Grab the unitig for that best edge.

  uint32   toID  = fr->fragIn(tgtId);
  Unitig  *to    = unitigs[toID];

  if (to->ufpath.size() == 1)
    //  Joining to something teeny?  Don't bother checking further.

  if (to->id() == fr->id())
    //  Join to myself?  Nope.

  //  Grab the read we have an edge to, an compute the overlapping length and left over length.

  ufNode  *tgt    = &to->ufpath[to->pathPosition(tgtId)];
  bool     tgtRev = (tgt->position.end < tgt->position.bgn);

  //  If tgt3p (we overlap to the 3' end) is the same as tgtRev (read is reverse) then the unitig is oriented
  //  correctly.  Otherwise, positions need to be reverse-complemented.

  bool     toFlip = false;

  if ((frFirstEnd == true) && (tgt3p == false) && (tgtRev == false))
    //  source read is at the start, overlap to 5' and the read is forward, need to flip the target unitig
    toFlip = true;

  if ((frFirstEnd == true) && (tgt3p == true) && (tgtRev == true))
    //  source read is at the start, overlap to 3' and the read is reverse, need to flip the target unitig
    toFlip = true;

  if ((frFirstEnd == false) && (tgt3p == false) && (tgtRev == true))
    //  source read is at the end, overlap to 5' and the read is reverse, need to flip the target unitig
    toFlip = true;

  if ((frFirstEnd == false) && (tgt3p == true) && (tgtRev == false))
    //  source read is at the end, overlap to 3' and the read is forward, need to flip the target unitig
    toFlip = true;

  uint32   toMin = MIN(tgt->position.bgn, tgt->position.end);
  uint32   toMax = MAX(tgt->position.bgn, tgt->position.end);
  uint32   toLen = to->getLength();
  uint32   frLen = fr->getLength();

  if (toFlip) {
    toMin = toLen - MAX(tgt->position.bgn, tgt->position.end);
    toMax = toLen - MIN(tgt->position.bgn, tgt->position.end);

  assert(toMin < toMax);

  //  Our two unitigs are of length frLen and toLen.  We are appending some portion of 'to' onto
  //  'fr', and 'discarding' the rest.  If the 'discarded' piece is larger than the 'fr' unitig, we
  //  don't want to do the join.
  //  We err on the side of the discarded piece.

  uint32   joinLen = 0;
  uint32   discLen = 0;

  if (frFirstEnd == true) {
    joinLen = toMin + frLen;  //  Prepend the start of 'to' onto 'fr'.
    discLen = toLen - toMin;

  } else {
    joinLen = frLen + toLen - toMax;  //  Append the end of 'to' onto 'fr'.
    discLen = toMax;

  //  If the discard is bigger than us, we do damage by joining.

  if (discLen > frLen)

  //  The joined should be much larger and the discarded much smaller.

  uint32    maxLen = MAX(frLen, toLen);
  uint32    minLen = MIN(frLen, toLen);

  double    joinChange = (double)joinLen / maxLen;
  double    discChange = (double)discLen / minLen;

  bool      isBad = false;

  if ((joinChange < 1.10) ||
      (0.75       < discChange))
    //  Bad if we didn't really change sizes.
    isBad = true;

  if ((1.0        < joinChange) &&
      (discChange < 0.5))
    //  But good if discard is tiny.  This occurs if we merge a small with a big.  The join change
    //  is somewhat small (1.05 say) yet most of the smaller unitig is used.
    isBad = false;

  if (isBad) {
    writeLog("joinUnitigs_examineEnd()-- join unitig %6u (%7ubp) frag %6u %s <-> unitig %6u (%7ubp) frag %6u %s <-> length %5.2f %7u and %5.2f %7u BAD\n",
             fr->id(), fr->getLength(), frg->ident, (frgRev) ? "rev" : "fwd",
             to->id(), to->getLength(), tgt->ident, (tgtRev) ? "rev" : "fwd",
             joinChange, joinLen,
             discChange, discLen);

  //  OK, join.

  writeLog("joinUnitigs_examineEnd()-- join unitig %6u (%7ubp) frag %6u %s <-> unitig %6u (%7ubp) frag %6u %s <-> length %5.2f %7u and %5.2f %7u\n",
           fr->id(), fr->getLength(), frg->ident, (frgRev) ? "rev" : "fwd",
           to->id(), to->getLength(), tgt->ident, (tgtRev) ? "rev" : "fwd",
           joinChange, joinLen,
           discChange, discLen);

  joins.push_back(joinEntry(frg->ident, frFirstEnd, tgt->ident, toFlip, joinLen));

Пример #2
intersectionList::intersectionList(UnitigVector &unitigs) {

  for (uint32 ti=0; ti<unitigs.size(); ti++) {
    Unitig             *tig = unitigs[ti];

    if (tig == NULL)

    intersectionEvidence *evidence = new intersectionEvidence [tig->ufpath.size()];

    for (uint32 fi=0; fi<tig->ufpath.size(); fi++) {
      ufNode  *frg = &tig->ufpath[fi];

      if (OG->isContained(frg->ident))

      //  For my best overlap, the ID of the unitig that the overlapping fragment is in.

      evidence[fi].edge5 = *OG->getBestEdgeOverlap(frg->ident, false);
      evidence[fi].edge3 = *OG->getBestEdgeOverlap(frg->ident, true);

      evidence[fi].frag5tig = tig->fragIn(evidence[fi].edge5.fragId());
      evidence[fi].frag3tig = tig->fragIn(evidence[fi].edge3.fragId());

      //  Do NOT initialize these!  An earlier fragment could have already confirmed an end.
      //  Properly, only the 5' end of a forward fragment (or 3' end of a reverse fragment) can be
      //  confirmed already (otherwise the tig is nonsense), but we don't yet check that.
      //evidence[fi].frag5confirmed = false;
      //evidence[fi].frag3confirmed = false;

      //  But, because the path could be promiscuous, not every overlap to a different tig is bad.
      //  If my best overlap is to a different tig, but there is an overlapping fragment (in the
      //  unitig placement) with a best edge to me, I'm still good.  The BOG build this unitig using
      //  the edge from the other fragment to me.
      //  If the fragments do not overlap in the layout (yet the best edge still exists) that is a
      //  self-intersection.
      //  The two blocks are identical, except for 'edge3' and 'edge5'.

      if (evidence[fi].frag5tig == tig->id()) {
        uint32   ti  = tig->pathPosition(evidence[fi].edge5.fragId());
        ufNode  *trg = &tig->ufpath[ti];

        uint32  minf = (frg->position.bgn < frg->position.end) ? frg->position.bgn : frg->position.end;
        uint32  maxf = (frg->position.bgn < frg->position.end) ? frg->position.end : frg->position.bgn;

        uint32  mint = (trg->position.bgn < trg->position.end) ? trg->position.bgn : trg->position.end;
        uint32  maxt = (trg->position.bgn < trg->position.end) ? trg->position.end : trg->position.bgn;

        //  If they overlap, mark as confirmed, else remember an intersection.

        if (((minf < mint) && (mint < maxf)) ||  //  t begins inside f
            ((mint < minf) && (minf < maxt))) {  //  f begins inside t
          if (evidence[fi].edge5.frag3p())
            evidence[ti].frag3confirmed = true;
            evidence[ti].frag5confirmed = true;

        } else {
          evidence[fi].frag5self = true;

          //  Not the correct place to report this.  Some of these get confirmed by later fragments.
          //writeLog("BUG1 F: %d,%d T %d,%d\n", minf, maxf, mint, maxt);
          //writeLog("INTERSECT from unitig %d frag %d end %d TO unitig %d frag %d end %d (SELF)\n",
          //        tig->id(), frg->ident, 5, evidence[fi].frag5tig, evidence[fi].edge5.fragId(), evidence[fi].edge5.frag3p() ? 3 : 5);

      if (evidence[fi].frag3tig == tig->id()) {
        uint32   ti  = tig->pathPosition(evidence[fi].edge3.fragId());
        ufNode  *trg = &tig->ufpath[ti];

        uint32  minf = (frg->position.bgn < frg->position.end) ? frg->position.bgn : frg->position.end;
        uint32  maxf = (frg->position.bgn < frg->position.end) ? frg->position.end : frg->position.bgn;

        uint32  mint = (trg->position.bgn < trg->position.end) ? trg->position.bgn : trg->position.end;
        uint32  maxt = (trg->position.bgn < trg->position.end) ? trg->position.end : trg->position.bgn;

        if (((minf < mint) && (mint < maxf)) ||  //  t begins inside f
            ((mint < minf) && (minf < maxt))) {  //  f begins inside t
          if (evidence[fi].edge3.frag3p())
            evidence[ti].frag3confirmed = true;
            evidence[ti].frag5confirmed = true;

        } else {
          evidence[fi].frag3self = true;

          //  Not the correct place to report this.  Some of these get confirmed by later fragments.
          //writeLog("BUG2 F: %d,%d T %d,%d\n", minf, maxf, mint, maxt);
          //writeLog("INTERSECT from unitig %d frag %d end %d TO unitig %d frag %d end %d (SELF)\n",
          //        tig->id(), frg->ident, 3, evidence[fi].frag3tig, evidence[fi].edge3.fragId(), evidence[fi].edge3.frag3p() ? 3 : 5);

    //  Build the list.

    for (uint32 fi=0; fi<tig->ufpath.size(); fi++) {
      ufNode             *frg = &tig->ufpath[fi];

      if ((evidence[fi].frag5tig != 0) &&
          (evidence[fi].frag5tig != tig->id()) &&
          (evidence[fi].frag5confirmed == false))
        isects.push_back(intersectionPoint(evidence[fi].edge5, frg->ident, false, false));

      if ((evidence[fi].frag5tig == tig->id()) &&
          (evidence[fi].frag5self == true) &&
          (evidence[fi].frag5confirmed == false))
        isects.push_back(intersectionPoint(evidence[fi].edge5, frg->ident, false, true));

      if ((evidence[fi].frag3tig != 0) &&
          (evidence[fi].frag3tig != tig->id()) &&
          (evidence[fi].frag3confirmed == false))
        isects.push_back(intersectionPoint(evidence[fi].edge3, frg->ident, true, false));

      if ((evidence[fi].frag3tig == tig->id()) &&
          (evidence[fi].frag3self == true) &&
          (evidence[fi].frag3confirmed == false))
        isects.push_back(intersectionPoint(evidence[fi].edge3, frg->ident, true, true));

    delete [] evidence;

  //  Sort the intersections by the ID of the intersected fragment, then build an index into the array.

  std::sort(isects.begin(), isects.end());

  //  Terminate the intersection list with a sentinal intersection.  This is CRITICAL
  //  to the way we iterate over intersections.

  isects.push_back(intersectionPoint(BestEdgeOverlap(), 0, true, true));

  //  Build a map from fragment id to the first intersection in the list.

  for (uint32 i=0; i<isects.size(); i++) {

    if (isectsMap.find(isects[i].isectFrg) == isectsMap.end())
      isectsMap[isects[i].isectFrg] = i;
Пример #3
UnitigGraph::setParentAndHang(void) {

  for (uint32 ti=0; ti<unitigs.size(); ti++) {
    Unitig        *utg = unitigs[ti];

    if (utg == NULL)

    if (utg->ufpath.size() == 0)

    //  Reset parent and hangs for everything.

    for (uint32 fi=1; fi<utg->ufpath.size(); fi++) {
      ufNode *frg = &utg->ufpath[fi];

      frg->parent       = 0;
      frg->ahang        = 0;
      frg->bhang        = 0;

    //  For each fragment, set parent/hangs using the edges.

    for (uint32 fi=0; fi<utg->ufpath.size(); fi++) {
      ufNode *frg  = &utg->ufpath[fi];

      //  If we're contained, gee, I sure hope the container is here!

      BestContainment *bestcont  = OG->getBestContainer(frg->ident);

      if ((bestcont) && (utg->fragIn(bestcont->container) == utg->id())) {
        int32   pi   = utg->pathPosition(bestcont->container);
        ufNode *par  = &utg->ufpath[pi];

        frg->parent = bestcont->container;

        //  The hangs assume the container is forward; adjust if not so.
        if (par->position.bgn < par->position.end) {
          frg->ahang  = bestcont->a_hang;
          frg->bhang  = bestcont->b_hang;
        } else {
          frg->ahang  = -bestcont->b_hang;
          frg->bhang  = -bestcont->a_hang;


      //  Nope, not contained.  If we don't have a parent set, see if one of our best overlaps
      //  can set it.

      BestEdgeOverlap *bestedge5 = OG->getBestEdgeOverlap(frg->ident, false);
      BestEdgeOverlap *bestedge3 = OG->getBestEdgeOverlap(frg->ident, true);

      if ((bestedge5->fragId()) && (utg->fragIn(bestedge5->fragId()) == utg->id())) {
        int32         pi5  = utg->pathPosition(bestedge5->fragId());
        ufNode *oth  = &utg->ufpath[pi5];

        //  Consensus is expected parent/hangs to be relative to the parent fragment.  This is used
        //  ONLY to place the fragment, not to orient the fragment.  Orientation comes from the
        //  absolute positioning coordinates.
        //  Interestingly, all four overlap transformations are used here.
        //  The inner if tests (on fragment orientation) should be asserts, but due to imprecise
        //  layouts, they are sometimes violated:
        //    A fragment from       271-547 had a 5'overlap to something after it;
        //    the frag after was at 543-272, close enough to a tie to screw up placements
        if (pi5 < fi) {
          //  We have an edge off our 5' end to something before us --> fragment MUST be forward.
          //  Flip the overlap so it is relative to the other fragment.
          if (frg->position.bgn < frg->position.end) {
            frg->parent = bestedge5->fragId();
            frg->ahang  = -bestedge5->ahang();
            frg->bhang  = -bestedge5->bhang();
            assert(frg->ahang >= 0);
        } else {
          //  We have an edge off our 5' end to something after us --> fragment MUST be reverse.
          //  Because our fragment is now reverse, we must reverse the overlap too.
          if (frg->position.end < frg->position.bgn) {
            oth->parent = frg->ident;
            oth->ahang  = -bestedge5->bhang();
            oth->bhang  = -bestedge5->ahang();
            assert(oth->ahang >= 0);

      if ((bestedge3->fragId()) && (utg->fragIn(bestedge3->fragId()) == utg->id())) {
        int32         pi3  = utg->pathPosition(bestedge3->fragId());
        ufNode *oth  = &utg->ufpath[pi3];

        if (pi3 < fi) {
          //  We have an edge off our 3' end to something before us --> fragment MUST be reverse.
          //  Flip the overlap so it is relative to the other fragment.
          //  Because our fragment is now reverse, we must reverse the overlap too.
          if (frg->position.end < frg->position.bgn) {
            frg->parent = bestedge3->fragId();
            frg->ahang  = bestedge3->bhang();
            frg->bhang  = bestedge3->ahang();
            assert(frg->ahang >= 0);
        } else {
          //  We have an edge off our 3' end to something after us --> fragment MUST be forward.
          //  This is the simplest case, the overlap is already correct.
          if (frg->position.bgn < frg->position.end) {
            oth->parent = frg->ident;
            oth->ahang  = bestedge3->ahang();
            oth->bhang  = bestedge3->bhang();
            assert(oth->ahang >= 0);