// поток чтения пайпа DWORD Updater::read_update_progress_thread(LPVOID param) { Updater* updater = static_cast<Updater*>(param); updater->AddProgressInfo(prog_info::PROGRESS_START); for (;;) { std::string output; const int BUFSIZE = 1024; char chBuf[BUFSIZE]; DWORD dwRead; DWORD ec = 0; //exit code DWORD bytesAvailable = 0; while (PeekNamedPipe(updater->_hReadPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &bytesAvailable, NULL) && bytesAvailable > 0) if (ReadFile(updater->_hReadPipe, chBuf, BUFSIZE - 1, &dwRead, NULL) && dwRead) { chBuf[dwRead] = '\0'; output += chBuf; LOG_DEBUG << output; updater->parse(output); } if (!GetExitCodeThread(updater->_pi.hThread, &ec) || ec != STILL_ACTIVE) break; } updater->AddProgressInfo(prog_info::PROGRESS_END); updater->DestroyHandle(); return 0; }
void UpdaterTest::testRun() { vector<string> versionStrings; versionStrings.push_back("800"); versionStrings.push_back("900"); versionStrings.push_back("1000"); versionStrings.push_back("Error, no connection"); versionStrings.push_back("1100"); versionStrings.push_back("1200"); MockUpdateServer *mus = new MockUpdateServer(versionStrings); Updater *u = new Updater((UpdateServer*)mus, 1100, ".", 0, 0, 0); u->run(); vector<bool> wasDownloadAttempted = mus->_recordedDownloadAttemptsAfterUpdateChecks; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)6, wasDownloadAttempted.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[0]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[1]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[2]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[3]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[4]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[5]); delete mus; delete u; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); Updater updater; if (argc != 3) return 1; updater.show(); return app.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); MapMaker w; Updater *u = new Updater(); w.getTerrainPainter()->setUpdater(u); u->connect(u,SIGNAL(update()),w.getTerrainPainter(),SLOT(paintMap())); w.show(); u->start(); return a.exec(); }
// поток, проверка наличия обновления DWORD Updater::read_check_update_thread(LPVOID param) { Updater* updater = static_cast<Updater*>(param); std::string output; for (;;) { const int BUFSIZE = 1024; char chBuf[BUFSIZE]; DWORD dwRead; DWORD ec = 0; //exit code DWORD bytesAvailable = 0; while (PeekNamedPipe(updater->_hReadPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &bytesAvailable, NULL) && bytesAvailable > 0) if (ReadFile(updater->_hReadPipe, chBuf, BUFSIZE - 1, &dwRead, NULL) && dwRead) { chBuf[dwRead] = '\0'; output += chBuf; } if (!GetExitCodeThread(updater->_pi.hThread, &ec) || ec != STILL_ACTIVE) break; } LOG_DEBUG << output; int count_line = 0; for (std::string::iterator it = output.begin(); it != output.end(); ++it) { if (*it != '\n') continue; std::string line = output.substr(0, std::distance(output.begin(), it)); ++it; output.erase(output.begin(), it); it = output.begin(); if (0 != line.find("sending") && (line.size()-1) != line.find("/") && 0 != line.find("deleting") && 1 != line.find("sent") && 0 != line.find("total size") && 0 != line.size()) ++count_line; if (it == output.end()) break; } bool exist_update = count_line > 0; updater->_status_check.get_content(); // удаляем предыдущую информацию updater->_status_check.push_back(exist_update); updater->DestroyHandle(); return 0; }
bool Filemanager::update(std::string file_path) { Updater *updater = new Updater(); std::pair<std::map<int, int>, std::vector<std::pair<long, long> > > updater_result = updater->get_similar(file_path); std::map<int, int> similar_chunk = updater_result.first; std::vector<std::pair<long, long> > diff = updater_result.second; // std::cout << "similar:" << std::endl; // updater->show_similar(similar_chunk); // std::cout << "diff bytes:" << std::endl; updater->show_diff(diff); this->mworker = new Metaworker(); this->mworker->load(file_path); std::vector<int> chunk_to_del; this->mworker->show(); for(int i = 0; i < mworker->mdata_size(); i++) { if(similar_chunk.find(i) == similar_chunk.end()) { // std::cout << i << " "; chunk_to_del.push_back(i); } else { mworker->mdata[i].start += ( *(similar_chunk.find(i))).second - 1; mworker->mdata[i].finish += ( *(similar_chunk.find(i))).second - 1; } } // std::cout << std::endl << "old mdata: " << std::endl;; for(int i = chunk_to_del.size() - 1;i >= 0; i--) { // std::cout << "num: " << i << " chunk:" << chunk_to_del[i] << std::endl; this->rm_file(this->mworker->get(chunk_to_del[i]).cipher_hash); this->mworker->remove(chunk_to_del[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < diff.size(); i++) { this->segmentate(file_path, diff[i].first, diff[i].second); } std::cout << std::endl << "new mdata: " << std::endl; this->mworker->sort(); this->mworker->save(); // this->mworker->save(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QTranslator translator; translator.load(":/translation/qt_fr"); app.installTranslator(&translator); Updater up; up.show(); return app.exec(); }
void UpdaterTest::testRegisteringUpdateMessage() { vector<string> versionStrings; versionStrings.push_back("800"); MockUpdateServer *mus = new MockUpdateServer(versionStrings); Updater *u = new Updater(mus, 99, ".", 0, 0, 0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(u->getUpdateDownloadedMessageId(), u->getUpdateDownloadedMessageId()); delete u; delete mus; // updater->getUpdateDownloadedMessage() // should be consistent, even if you call it twice }
void testTaskNumDiff(const std::vector<rbd::MultiBody>& mbs, const std::vector<rbd::MultiBodyConfig>& mbcs, Task& task, Updater updater, Tester tester, int nrIter=100, double diffStep=1e-6, double tol=1e-4) { using namespace Eigen; using namespace sva; using namespace rbd; std::vector<MultiBodyConfig> mbcsPost(mbcs), mbcsCur(mbcs); std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> q(mbs.size()); std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> alpha(mbs.size()); std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> alphaD(mbs.size()); for(int i = 0; i < nrIter; ++i) { for(std::size_t r = 0; r < mbs.size(); ++r) { const rbd::MultiBody& mb = mbs[r]; const rbd::MultiBodyConfig& mbc = mbcs[r]; rbd::MultiBodyConfig& mbcPost = mbcsPost[r]; rbd::MultiBodyConfig& mbcCur = mbcsCur[r]; q[r].setRandom(mb.nrParams()); alpha[r].setRandom(mb.nrDof()); alphaD[r].setRandom(mb.nrDof()); mbcCur = mbc; vectorToParam(q[r], mbcCur.q); vectorToParam(alpha[r], mbcCur.alpha); vectorToParam(alphaD[r], mbcCur.alphaD); mbcPost = mbcCur; eulerIntegration(mb, mbcPost, diffStep); forwardKinematics(mb, mbcCur); forwardKinematics(mb, mbcPost); forwardVelocity(mb, mbcCur); forwardVelocity(mb, mbcPost); } updater(task, mbs, mbcsCur); VectorXd evalCur = task.eval(); VectorXd speedCur = -task.speed(); VectorXd accCur = -task.normalAcc(); accCur -= updater.tanAcc(task, alphaD); updater(task, mbs, mbcsPost); VectorXd evalPost = task.eval(); VectorXd speedPost = -task.speed(); VectorXd speedDiff = (evalPost - evalCur)/diffStep; VectorXd accDiff = (speedPost - speedCur)/diffStep; tester(speedCur, accCur, speedDiff, accDiff, tol); } }
void TestUpdater::updaterCopy() { Updater u; u.setLocalRepository(dataCopy + "/local_repo"); u.copy(testOutputCopy); QSignalSpy spy(&u, SIGNAL(copyFinished(bool))); QVERIFY(spy.wait()); try { (TestUtils::assertFileEquals(dataCopy + "/local_repo/patch_same.txt", testOutputCopy + "/patch_same.txt")); (TestUtils::assertFileEquals(dataCopy + "/local_repo/path_diff.txt", testOutputCopy + "/path_diff.txt")); (TestUtils::assertFileEquals(dataCopy + "/local_repo/path_diff2.txt", testOutputCopy + "/path_diff2.txt")); (TestUtils::assertFileEquals(dataCopy + "/local_repo/rmfile.txt", testOutputCopy + "/rmfile.txt")); } catch(QString &msg) { QFAIL(msg.toLatin1()); } QVERIFY(!QFile::exists(testOutputCopy + "/add.txt")); }
void TestUpdater::updaterIsManaged() { Updater u; u.setLocalRepository(testOutputIsManaged); QVERIFY(u.isManaged(testOutputIsManaged + "/status.json")); QVERIFY(u.isManaged(testOutputIsManaged + "/path_diff.txt")); QVERIFY(u.isManaged(testOutputIsManaged + "/dirs/empty_dir2/")); QVERIFY(u.isManaged(testOutputIsManaged + "/dirs/")); QVERIFY(!u.isManaged(testOutputIsManaged + "/dirs/empty_dir1/")); QVERIFY(!u.isManaged(testOutputIsManaged + "/unmanaged.json")); }
/** * Returns the \c Updater instance registered with the given \a url. * * If an \c Updater instance registered with teh given \a url does not exist, * this function will create it and configure it automatically. */ Updater* QSimpleUpdater::getUpdater (const QString& url) const { if (!URLS.contains (url)) { Updater* updater = new Updater; updater->setUrl (url); URLS.append (url); UPDATERS.append (updater); connect (updater, SIGNAL (checkingFinished (QString)), this, SIGNAL (checkingFinished (QString))); connect (updater, SIGNAL (downloadFinished (QString, QString)), this, SIGNAL (downloadFinished (QString, QString))); connect (updater, SIGNAL (appcastDownloaded (QString, QByteArray)), this, SIGNAL (appcastDownloaded (QString, QByteArray))); } return UPDATERS.at (URLS.indexOf (url)); }
void UpdaterTest::testRunTiming() { vector<string> versionStrings; versionStrings.push_back("800"); versionStrings.push_back("900"); versionStrings.push_back("1000"); versionStrings.push_back("Error, no connection"); versionStrings.push_back("1100"); versionStrings.push_back("1200"); MockUpdateServer *mus = new MockUpdateServer(versionStrings); int currentVersion = 1100; uint retryTimeAfterFailedUpdateCheck = 50; uint timeBetweenUpdateChecks = 150; Updater *u = new Updater((UpdateServer*)mus, currentVersion, ".", retryTimeAfterFailedUpdateCheck, timeBetweenUpdateChecks, 0); u->run(); vector<bool> wasDownloadAttempted = mus->_recordedDownloadAttemptsAfterUpdateChecks; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)6, wasDownloadAttempted.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[0]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[1]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[2]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[3]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[4]); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, (bool)wasDownloadAttempted[5]); vector<uint> timeBetweenDownloadAttempts = mus->_recordedTimeForEachUpdateCheck; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((size_t)6, timeBetweenDownloadAttempts.size()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[0] < 10); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(145 < timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[1] && timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[1] < 155); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(145 < timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[2] && timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[2] < 155); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(145 < timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[3] && timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[3] < 155); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(45 < timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[4] && timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[4] < 55); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(145 < timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[5] && timeBetweenDownloadAttempts[5] < 155); }
void TestUpdater::updaterRemoveOtherFiles() { Updater u; u.setLocalRepository(testOutputIsManaged); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(testOutputIsManaged + "/status.json")); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(testOutputIsManaged + "/unmanaged.json")); QVERIFY(QDir(testOutputIsManaged + "/dirs/empty_dir1").exists()); u.removeOtherFiles([](QFileInfo file) { return file.fileName() != "unmanaged.json"; }); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(testOutputIsManaged + "/status.json")); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(testOutputIsManaged + "/unmanaged.json")); QVERIFY(!QDir(testOutputIsManaged + "/dirs/empty_dir1").exists()); u.removeOtherFiles(); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(testOutputIsManaged + "/status.json")); QVERIFY(!QFile::exists(testOutputIsManaged + "/unmanaged.json")); QVERIFY(!QDir(testOutputIsManaged + "/dirs/empty_dir1").exists()); }
void UpdaterTest::testIsUpdateDownloaded() { if (exists("a_temporary_test_data_directory")) { remove("a_temporary_test_data_directory\\BumpTopInstaller.msi"); remove("a_temporary_test_data_directory\\version.txt"); remove("a_temporary_test_data_directory\\desc.txt"); } vector<string> versionStrings; versionStrings.push_back("800"); MockUpdateServer *mus = new MockUpdateServer(versionStrings); Updater *u = new Updater(mus, 99, "a_temporary_test_data_directory", 0, 0, 0); create_directory("a_temporary_test_data_directory"); ofstream installer("a_temporary_test_data_directory//BumpTopInstaller.msi"); installer << "!!!!!"; installer.close(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, u->isUpdateDownloaded()); ofstream versionFile("a_temporary_test_data_directory//version.txt"); versionFile << "2000"; versionFile.close(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, u->isUpdateDownloaded()); ofstream descFile("a_temporary_test_data_directory//desc.txt"); descFile << "best version ever"; descFile.close(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, u->isUpdateDownloaded()); remove("a_temporary_test_data_directory\\BumpTopInstaller.msi"); remove("a_temporary_test_data_directory\\version.txt"); remove("a_temporary_test_data_directory\\desc.txt"); remove("a_temporary_test_data_directory"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Application a(argc, argv); a.setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus, true); a.setApplicationName("psnewmodel"); a.setOrganizationName("LB Productions"); a.setOrganizationDomain("lbproductions.github.com"); a.setApplicationVersion(APP_VERSION); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC CocoaInitializer cocoaInitializer; Q_UNUSED(cocoaInitializer); CrashReporter::init(); #endif Updater *updater = Updater::instanceForPlatform(); if(updater) updater->checkForUpdatesInBackground(); if(a.arguments().contains("-C")) { QSettings s; s.clear(); } ChooseLibraryWidget *mainWindow = new ChooseLibraryWidget; if(a.fileToOpen().isEmpty()) { mainWindow->showOrOpenLibrary(); } else { mainWindow->openLibrary(a.fileToOpen()+"/database/database.sqlite"); } int ret = a.exec(); Library::instance()->close(); delete updater; return ret; }
void SpawnerMgr::unload() { LogError(LN, "Unloading the spawner conf"); _lock.lock(); std::list<Spawner*>::iterator ptr = _spawners.begin(); Updater* updater = WorldMgr::get_singleton().get_updater(); MapMgr* map_mgr = MapMgr::get_instance(); for (; ptr != _spawners.end(); ++ptr) { Map* map = (*ptr)->get_map();//map_mgr->get_map((*ptr)->get_spawn_info()._map); if (map) { map->remove_unit(*ptr); } updater->remove(*ptr); delete (*ptr); } _spawners.clear(); _smf_nodes.clear(); _inited = false; _lock.unlock(); }
int main(){ const char* path_new = CS1_APPS"/new"; const char* path_current = CS1_APPS"/current"; const char* path_old = CS1_APPS"/old"; const char* path_rollback = CS1_APPS"/rollback"; const char* log_folder = CS1_LOGS; Updater* updater = new Updater(path_new, path_current, path_old, path_rollback, log_folder); bool isSuccess = updater->StartUpdate(); if (updater != NULL){ delete updater; updater = NULL; } if (isSuccess == true){ return 0; }else{ return 1; } }
void UpdaterTest::testVersionStringParsing() { const int NUM_VERSIONS_STRING = 6; string versionStrings[NUM_VERSIONS_STRING] = { "1", "abc", "-2", "234sc", "2", "" }; int versions[NUM_VERSIONS_STRING] = { 1, -1, -2, 234, 2, -1 }; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERSIONS_STRING; i++) { string versionString = versionStrings[i]; int version = versions[i]; vector<string> versionStrings; versionStrings.push_back(versionString); UpdateServer *us = (UpdateServer*) new MockUpdateServer(versionStrings); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(versionString, us->getVersionString()); Updater *u = new Updater(us, 0, ".", 0, 0, 0); if (version == -1) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(u->getNewestVersionNumber(), UpdateCheckFailedException); else CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(version, u->getNewestVersionNumber()); delete us; delete u; } }
void UpdaterScheduler::slotTimerFired() { ConfigFile cfg; // re-set the check interval if it changed in the config file meanwhile auto checkInterval = cfg.updateCheckInterval(); if (checkInterval != _updateCheckTimer.interval()) { _updateCheckTimer.setInterval(checkInterval); qCInfo(lcUpdater) << "Setting new update check interval " << checkInterval; } // consider the skipUpdateCheck flag in the config. if (cfg.skipUpdateCheck()) { qCInfo(lcUpdater) << "Skipping update check because of config file"; return; } Updater *updater = Updater::instance(); if (updater) { updater->backgroundCheckForUpdate(); } }
int main() { #if 0 DBG("test main\n"); PCSTR olddir = "ver1001"; PCSTR newdir = "ver1002"; FileDiff fd; printf("olddir = %s\n",olddir); printf("newdir = %s\n",newdir); fd.setOldPathPrefix(olddir); fd.setNewPathPrefix(newdir); fd.listDir(olddir,0,OLD_VERSION); fd.listDir(newdir,0,NEW_VERSION); std::string diff_str = fd.diffFile(); return 0; #endif #if 1 MyHttp h("",8888); h.establishConnection(); std::string diff_str = h.test_send_recv(); h.destroyConnection(); #endif Updater ud; PCSTR olddir_update = "android/ver1001"; PCSTR newdir_update = "android/ver1002"; PCSTR patchdir_update = "android/ver1002_patch"; INT ret = ud.doUpdate(diff_str,olddir_update,newdir_update,patchdir_update); if(ret == BAV_OK) { DBG("\nUpdate complete.\n"); } else { DBG("\nUpdate failed.\n"); } return 0; }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE prev, LPSTR cmdline, int show) { TCHAR exePath[MAX_PATH]; char filepath[MAX_PATH]; if (Util::ProcessCount("update.exe") <= 1) { Updater* pUpdater = new Updater(); GetModuleFileName(NULL, exePath, MAX_PATH); (strrchr(exePath, '\\'))[0] = 0; sprintf(filepath, "%s\\config.txt", exePath); sprintf(exePath, "%s\\", exePath); pUpdater->SetPath(exePath); Properties properties; properties.SafeLoad(filepath); pUpdater->SetHost(properties.GetString("host", "")); pUpdater->SetIpPort(properties.GetInteger("port", 8888)); pUpdater->SetInterval( properties.GetInteger("interval", 1000 * 60 * 30)); pUpdater->SetUrl(properties.GetString("url", "/bank/client")); pUpdater->SetApplication("terminal.exe"); void* handle = ThreadCreator::StartThread(pUpdater); WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE); } return 0; }
void SerialLineIn::begin(Updater& up) { up.add(this); }
void PinTimer::begin(Updater& up,Connectable* who) { PinControl::begin(who); up.add(this); }
void Application::slotStartUpdateDetector() { Updater *updater = Updater::instance(); updater->backgroundCheckForUpdate(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription(QCoreApplication::tr("manage a local repository (check for updates, update, check integrity)")); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption checkonly(QStringList() << "c" << "checkonly" , QCoreApplication::tr("Only check for updates.")); QCommandLineOption verbose(QStringList() << "verbose" , QCoreApplication::tr("Run in verbose mode.")); QCommandLineOption force(QStringList() << "f" << "force" , QCoreApplication::tr("Force integrity checks if the local repository is uptodate.")); QCommandLineOption tmpDirectoryPath(QStringList() << "t" << "tmp" , QCoreApplication::tr("Path to use for temporary files.") , "tmp_directory"); parser.addOption(checkonly); parser.addOption(force); parser.addOption(tmpDirectoryPath); parser.addOption(verbose); parser.addPositionalArgument("local_repository", QCoreApplication::tr("Path to the local repository."), "<local_repository>"); parser.addPositionalArgument("remote_repository", QCoreApplication::tr("Path to the remote repository."), "<remote_repository>"); parser.addPositionalArgument("username", QCoreApplication::tr("Username for the remote repository."), "[<username>"); parser.addPositionalArgument("password", QCoreApplication::tr("Password for the remote repository."), "<password>]"); parser.process(app); QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules(QStringLiteral("updatesystem.*.debug=%1").arg(parser.isSet(verbose) ? "true" : "false")); const QStringList args = parser.positionalArguments(); if(args.size() < 1) qWarning() << "Error : local_repository argument is missing"; else if(args.size() < 2) qWarning() << "Error : remote_repository argument is missing"; else if(args.size() > 2 && args.size() < 4) qWarning() << "Error : password argument is missing"; else if(args.size() > 4) qWarning() << "Error : too much arguments"; else { Updater updater; updater.setLocalRepository(args[0]); updater.setRemoteRepository(args[1]); if(parser.isSet(tmpDirectoryPath)) updater.setTmpDirectory(parser.value(tmpDirectoryPath)); if(args.size() == 4) updater.setCredentials(args[2], args[3]); if(parser.isSet(checkonly)) { updater.checkForUpdates(); QEventLoop loop; QObject::connect(&updater, &Updater::checkForUpdatesFinished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); loop.exec(); if(!updater.errorString().isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure : %s\n", qPrintable(updater.errorString())); return 2; } if(updater.isUpdateAvailable()) { printf("An update is available\n"); } else { printf("Already up-to-date\n"); } } else { updater.checkForUpdates(); QEventLoop loop; QObject::connect(&updater, &Updater::checkForUpdatesFinished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); loop.exec(); printf("Checking for updates...\n"); if(!updater.errorString().isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure : %s\n", qPrintable(updater.errorString())); } else if(updater.isUpdateAvailable() || parser.isSet(force)) { printf("Updating...\n"); printf("Download 0%%, Apply 0%%"); fflush(stdout); updater.update(); QObject::connect(&updater, &Updater::updateFinished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); qint64 downloaded = 0, applied = 0; QObject::connect(&updater, &Updater::updateDownloadProgress, [&downloaded, &applied](qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal) { downloaded = (bytesReceived*100)/bytesTotal; printf("\rDownload %3lld%%, Apply %3lld%%", downloaded, applied); fflush(stdout); }); QObject::connect(&updater, &Updater::updateApplyProgress, [&downloaded, &applied](qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal) { applied = (bytesReceived*100)/bytesTotal; printf("\rDownload %3lld%%, Apply %3lld%%", downloaded, applied); fflush(stdout); }); loop.exec(); if(updater.state() != Updater::Uptodate) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure : %s\n", qPrintable(updater.errorString())); return 2; } printf("\nUpdated\n"); } else { printf("Already up-to-date\n"); } } return 0; } parser.showHelp(1); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef OMP1 cout << "OPENMP SIMULATION" << endl; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MPI cout << "MPI SIMULATION" << endl; #endif FILE *infile,*outfile,*mov; // Handle for writing configuration Sim sim; // Should contain the simulation options. Conf conf; // Should contain fast changing particle and box(?) information FileNames files; Updater* updater; // need to get an instance of updater after initialization, because of initFCE sim.wl.setConf(&conf); cout << "\nPatchy Spherocylinders version 3.6\n" << "-------------------------------------" << endl; #ifdef EXTRA_HYDROPHOBIC_ALL_BODY_ATTRACTION cout << "\n!!! Extra hydrophobic interaction in e_cpsc_cpsc added\n" << endl; #endif /********************************************************/ /* INITIALIZATION */ /********************************************************/ Inicializer init(&sim, &conf, &files); init.initWriteFiles(); init.initMPI(argc,argv); init.readOptions(); init.initTop(); // here particleStore filled in setParticleParams init.testChains(); // if no chains -> move probability of chains 0 cout << "\nReading configuration...\n"; if(init.poolConfig) { infile = fopen(files.configurationPool, "r"); if (infile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open %s file.\n\n", files.configurationPool); exit (1); } init.initConfig(&infile, conf.pool); fclose (infile); } infile = fopen(files.configurationInFile, "r"); if (infile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open %s file.\n\n", files.configurationInFile); exit (1); } init.initConfig(&infile, conf.pvec); conf.geo.info(); fclose (infile); cout << "Equilibration of maximum step sizes: " << sim.nequil/2 << " sweeps" << endl; if ( sim.wl.wlm[0] > 0 ) { outfile = fopen(files.wlinfile, "r"); if (outfile == NULL) { printf ("ERROR: Cannot open file for Wang-Landau method (%s).\n",files.wlinfile); sim.~Sim(); topo.~Topo(); conf.~Conf(); exit(1); } fclose (outfile); } // Empty movie file mov = fopen("movie", "w"); fclose (mov); if (sim.pairlist_update) { init.initNeighborList(); conf.pairlist_update = true; } updater = new Updater(&sim, &conf, &files); /********************************************************/ /* ANALYZE */ /********************************************************/ /*double r1, r2, fi, a=0.0, b=0.0, c=0.0; double aver1=0.0, aver2=0.0; vector<double> array1; vector<double> array2; double s1=0.0, s2=0.0; int N = 0, mid=0, mid2=0; infile = fopen("movieAll4", "r"); if (infile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: Could not open %s file.\n\n", "movieAll"); exit (1); } char * line; size_t line_size = (STRLEN + 1) * sizeof(char); for(int i=0; i<200; i++) { init.initConfig(&infile, conf.pvec); analyzeCur(r1, r2, fi, &conf, mid, mid2); if(r1 > r2-0.1 && r1 < r2+0.1) { cout << r1 << " " << r2 << " " << fi << endl; aver1 += r1; aver2 += r2; N++; array1.push_back(r1); array2.push_back(r2); cout << mid <<" "<< mid2 << endl; } a += r1; b += r2; c += fi; } aver1 /= N; aver2 /= N; for(unsigned int w=0; w<array1.size(); w++) { s1 += (aver1 - array1[w])*(aver1 - array1[w]); s2 += (aver2 - array2[w])*(aver2 - array2[w]); } s1 /= N; s1 = sqrt(s1); s2 /= N; s2 = sqrt(s2); cout << "N= " << N << endl; cout << "r1="<< aver1 << ", s1= " << s1 << ", r2= " << aver2 << ", s2= " << s2 << endl; cout << "H= " << 1/aver1 - 1/aver2 << ", s= " << s1*s1/(aver1*aver1) + s2*s2/(aver2*aver2) << endl; cout << "K= " << 1/aver1 * 1/aver2 * (-1.0) << ", s= " << 1/(aver1*aver2) * (s1*s1/aver1 + s2*s2/aver2) << endl; fclose (infile); exit(1);*/ /********************************************************/ /* EQUILIBRATION */ /********************************************************/ if (sim.nequil) { printf("\nStart equilibration...\n"); updater->simulate(sim.nequil/2, sim.adjust, 0, 0); updater->simulate(sim.nequil/2, 0, 0, 0); sim.printEqStat(); cout << "Further equilibration of configuration: " << sim.nequil/2 << " sweeps" << endl; outfile = fopen("config.eq", "w"); fprintf (outfile, "%15.8e %15.8e %15.8e\n", conf.geo.box.x, conf.geo.box.y, conf.geo.box.z); conf.draw(outfile); fclose (outfile); printf (" Equilibrated configuration written to config.eq\n"); printf (" Box dimensions: %.10f, %.10f, %.10f\n\n", conf.geo.box.x, conf.geo.box.y, conf.geo.box.z); } /********************************************************/ /* PRODUCTION RUN */ /********************************************************/ cout << "Production run: "<< sim.nsweeps << " sweeps\n" << endl; updater->simulate(sim.nsweeps, 0, sim.paramfrq, sim.report); #ifdef ENABLE_MPI printf (" MPI replica changeT / changeP / acceptance ratio: \t %.6f / %.6f / %.6f\n\n", sim.mpiexch.mx,sim.mpiexch.angle,RATIO(sim.mpiexch)); #endif outfile = fopen(files.configurationoutfile, "w"); #ifdef TESTING fprintf (outfile, "%15.6e %15.6e %15.6e\n", conf.geo.box.x, conf.geo.box.y, conf.geo.box.z); #else fprintf (outfile, "%15.8e %15.8e %15.8e\n", conf.geo.box.x, conf.geo.box.y, conf.geo.box.z); #endif conf.draw (outfile); fclose (outfile); if(sim.nGrandCanon != 0) { FILE* inFile = fopen(files.topologyInFile, "r"); outfile = fopen(files.topologyOutFile, "w"); char line[128]; while(strncmp(line, "[System]", 8) != 0) { if(fgets(line,127, inFile) == NULL ) { printf("Error writing Topology [System] not found\n"); break; } fputs(line, outfile); } for(int i=0; i < conf.pvec.molTypeCount; i++) fprintf(outfile, "%s %d\n", topo.moleculeParam[i].name, conf.pvec.molCountOfType(i)); fclose (outfile); fclose (inFile); } /// For testing the pairlist //gen_pairlist(&topo, &sim, &conf); //FILE * fpairlist; //fpairlist = fopen("pairlist.dat", "w"); //print_pairlist(fpairlist, &sim, &topo); //fclose(fpairlist); //printf("sqmaxcut = %f\n", topo.sqmaxcut); /// For testing the cluster algorithm //gen_clusterlist(&topo, &sim, &conf); //print_clusterlist(stdout, TRUE, &topo, &sim, &conf); //sort_clusterlist(&topo, &sim); //print_clusters(stdout, TRUE, &sim); //print_clusterstat(stdout, TRUE, &sim); /********************************************************/ /* MEMORY DEALLOC */ /********************************************************/ //sim.~Sim(); topo.~Topo(); conf.~Conf(); // note: called automatically at end of main #ifdef ENABLE_MPI MPI_Finalize(); #endif printf ("\nDone\n\n"); return 0; }
void RtcEvTable::begin(Updater& up) { up.add(this); begin(); }
void UpdaterTest::testSendingUpdateMessageToBumpTop() { // start up an instance of bumptop STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) ); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) ); #ifdef DEBUG path bumptopDirPath = current_path().branch_path() / path("Source/Debug", native); #else path bumptopDirPath = current_path().branch_path() / path("Source/Release", native); #endif path bumptopPath = bumptopDirPath / path("BumpTop.exe"); // Start the child process. if( !CreateProcess( NULL, // No module name (use command line) (LPSTR) bumptopPath.native_file_string().c_str(), // Command line NULL, // Process handle not inheritable NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE 0, // No creation flags NULL, // Use parent's environment block (LPSTR) bumptopDirPath.native_directory_string().c_str(), // Use parent's starting directory &si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure &pi ) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure ) { ostringstream error_message; error_message << "CreateProcess failed (" << GetLastError() << ")\n"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(error_message.str(), false); } Sleep(500); // Search for BumpTop window bool foundBumptopWindow = false; HWND bumptopHwnd = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { CWindowIterator cwi(1000); for (HWND hwnd = cwi.First(); hwnd; hwnd=cwi.Next()) { if ((GetWindowLong(hwnd,GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE)) { DWORD pidwin; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pidwin); TCHAR classnameBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; GetClassName(hwnd, classnameBuffer, MAX_PATH); TCHAR titleBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; GetWindowText(hwnd, titleBuffer, MAX_PATH); if (pidwin==pi.dwProcessId && string(classnameBuffer) == string("BumpTop") && string(titleBuffer) == string("BumpTop")) { foundBumptopWindow = true; bumptopHwnd = hwnd; break; } } } if (foundBumptopWindow) break; Sleep(100); // give the window a little time to start } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Testing if we found the BumpTop window", foundBumptopWindow); Sleep(500); vector<string> versionStrings; versionStrings.push_back("800"); MockUpdateServer *mus = new MockUpdateServer(versionStrings); Updater *u = new Updater(mus, 99, ".", 0, 0, bumptopHwnd); int updateDownloadedMessageResponse = u->sendUpdateDownloadedMessageToBumpTop(true); SendMessageTimeout(bumptopHwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0, SMTO_NORMAL, 1000, NULL); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, updateDownloadedMessageResponse); }
void operator()() { m_updater->Run(); }