Пример #1
int wmtor::saveNewPage(Url& url,HttpContent &content,HttpHeader &header){

	struct stat st;
		cout<<"Creating directory "<<_filePath<<endl;
		if(mkdir(_filePath.c_str(),0755)== -1){
			cerr<<"Error:Cannot create directory"<<_filePath<<endl;
			return -1;
	string HostPath = _filePath+"/"+url.getHost();
		cout<<"Creating directory "<< HostPath <<endl;
		if(mkdir(HostPath.c_str(),0755)== -1){
			cerr<<"Error:Cannot create directory"<< HostPath <<endl;
			return -1;

	string filehead = url.getUrlStr();
	string::size_type pos= 0;
		filehead[pos] = '_';
	string filename = HostPath + "/" + filehead + "_v" + CStrFun::itos(url.getUpdateCount());
	ofstream conFile(filename.c_str());
		cerr<<"Cannot open file: "<< filename <<endl;
		return -1;
	return 0;
Пример #2
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Title::setTitle ( Xml *xml, Words *words, int32_t maxTitleLen, Query *query,
                       LinkInfo *linkInfo, Url *firstUrl, const char *filteredRootTitleBuf, int32_t filteredRootTitleBufSize,
                       uint8_t contentType, uint8_t langId, int32_t niceness ) {
	// make Msg20.cpp faster if it is just has
	// Msg20Request::m_setForLinkInfo set to true, no need to extricate a title.
	if ( maxTitleLen <= 0 ) {
		return true;

	m_niceness = niceness;
	m_maxTitleLen = maxTitleLen;

	// if this is too big the "first line" algo can be huge!!!
	// and really slow everything way down with a huge title candidate
	int32_t maxTitleWords = 128;

	// assume no title

	int32_t NW = words->getNumWords();

	// now get all the candidates

	// . allow up to 100 title CANDIDATES
	// . "as" is the word # of the first word in the candidate
	// . "bs" is the word # of the last word IN the candidate PLUS ONE
	int32_t n = 0;
	int32_t as[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t bs[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float scores[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	Words *cptrs[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t types[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	int32_t parent[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];

	// record the scoring algos effects
	float  baseScore        [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  noCapsBoost      [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  qtermsBoost      [MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];
	float  inCommonCandBoost[MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES];

	// reset these
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ; i++ ) {
		// assume no parent
		parent[i] = -1;

	// xml and words class for each link info, rss item
	int32_t  ti = 0;

	// restrict how many link texts and rss blobs we check for titles
	// because title recs like www.google.com have hundreds and can
	// really slow things down to like 50ms for title generation
	int32_t kcount = 0;
	int32_t rcount = 0;

	//int64_t x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// . get every link text
	// . TODO: repeat for linkInfo2, the imported link text
	for ( Inlink *k = NULL; linkInfo && (k = linkInfo->getNextInlink(k)) ; ) {
		// breathe
		// fast skip check for link text
		if ( k->size_linkText >= 3 && ++kcount >= 20 ) continue;
		// fast skip check for rss item
		if ( k->size_rssItem > 10 && ++rcount >= 20 ) continue;

		// set Url
		Url u;
		u.set( k->getUrl(), k->size_urlBuf );

		// is it the same host as us?
		bool sh = true;

		// skip if not from same host and should be
		if ( firstUrl->getHostLen() != u.getHostLen() ) {
			sh = false;

		// skip if not from same host and should be
		if ( strncmp( firstUrl->getHost(), u.getHost(), u.getHostLen() ) ) {
			sh = false;

		// get the link text
		if ( k->size_linkText >= 3 ) {
			char *p    = k->getLinkText();
			int32_t  plen = k->size_linkText - 1;
			if ( ! verifyUtf8 ( p , plen ) ) {
				log("title: set4 bad link text from url=%s", k->getUrl());

			// now the words.
			if ( !tw[ti].set( k->getLinkText(), k->size_linkText - 1, true, 0 ) ) {
				return false;

			// set the bookends, it is the whole thing
			cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
			as      [n] = 0;
			bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
			// score higher if same host
			if ( sh ) scores[n] = 1.05;
			// do not count so high if remote!
			else      scores[n] = 0.80;
			// set the type
			if ( sh ) types [n] = TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL;
			else      types [n] = TT_LINKTEXTREMOTE;
			// another candidate
			// use xml and words
			// break out if too many already. save some for below.
			if ( n + 30 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) break;
		// get the rss item
		if ( k->size_rssItem <= 10 ) continue;
		// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
		// . use a 0 for niceness
		if ( ! k->setXmlFromRSS ( &tx[ti] , 0 ) ) return false;
		// get the word range
		int32_t tslen;
		bool isHtmlEnc;
		char *ts = tx[ti].getRSSTitle ( &tslen , &isHtmlEnc );
		// skip if not in the rss
		if ( ! ts ) continue;
		// skip if empty
		if ( tslen <= 0 ) continue;
		// now set words to that
		if ( !tw[ti].set( ts, tslen, true, 0 ) ) {
			return false;

		// point to that
		cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
		as      [n] = 0;
		bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
		// increment since we are using it
		// base score for rss title
		if ( sh ) scores[n] = 5.0;
		// if not same host, treat like link text
		else      scores[n] = 2.0;
		// set the type
		if ( sh ) types [n] = TT_RSSITEMLOCAL;
		else      types [n] = TT_RSSITEMREMOTE;
		// advance
		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 30 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) break;

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took1=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// . set the flags array
	// . indicates what words are in title candidates already, but
	//   that is set below
	// . up here we set words that are not allowed to be in candidates,
	//   like words that are in a link that is not a self link
	// . alloc for it
	char *flags = NULL;
	char localBuf[10000];

	int32_t  need = words->getNumWords();
	if ( need <= 10000 ) {
		flags = (char *)localBuf;
	} else {
		flags = (char *)mmalloc(need,"TITLEflags");

	if ( ! flags ) {
		return false;

	// clear it
	memset ( flags , 0 , need );

	// check tags in body
	nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();

	// scan to set link text flags
	// loop over all "words" in the html body
	char inLink   = false;
	char selfLink = false;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < NW ; i++ ) {
		// breathe

		// if in a link that is not self link, cannot be in a candidate
		if ( inLink && ! selfLink ) {
			flags[i] |= 0x02;

		// out of a link
		if ( tids[i] == (TAG_A | BACKBIT) ) {
			inLink = false;

		// if not start of <a> tag, skip it
		if ( tids[i] != TAG_A ) {

		// flag it
		inLink = true;

		// get the node in the xml
		int32_t xn = words->getNodes()[i];

		// is it a self link?
		int32_t len;
		char *link = xml->getString(xn,"href",&len);

		// . set the url class to this
		// . TODO: use the base url in the doc
		Url u;
		u.set( link, len, true, false );

		// compare
		selfLink = u.equals ( firstUrl );

		// skip if not selfLink
		if ( ! selfLink ) {

		// if it is a selflink , check for an "onClick" tag in the
		// anchor tag to fix that Mixx issue for:
		// http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5417137

		int32_t  oclen;
		char *oc = xml->getString(xn,"onclick",&oclen);

		if ( ! oc ) {
			oc = xml->getString(xn,"onClick",&oclen);

		// assume not a self link if we see that...
		if ( oc ) {
			selfLink = false;

		// if this <a href> link has a "title" attribute, use that
		// instead! that thing is solid gold.
		int32_t  atlen;
		char *atitle = xml->getString(xn,"title",&atlen);

		// stop and use that, this thing is gold!
		if ( ! atitle || atlen <= 0 ) {

		// craziness? ignore it...
		if ( atlen > 400 ) {

		// if it contains permanent, permalink or share, ignore it!
		if ( strncasestr ( atitle, "permalink", atlen ) ||
		     strncasestr ( atitle,"permanent", atlen) ||
		     strncasestr ( atitle,"share", atlen) ) {

		// do not count the link text as viable
		selfLink = false;

		// aw, dammit
		if ( ti >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

		// other dammit
		if ( n >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

		// ok, process it
		if ( ! tw[ti].set ( atitle, atlen, true, 0 )) {
			return false;

		// set the bookends, it is the whole thing
		cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
		as      [n] = 0;
		bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
		scores  [n] = 3.0; // not ALWAYS solid gold!
		types   [n] = TT_TITLEATT;

		// we are using the words class

		// advance

		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 20 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took2=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	//int64_t *wids = WW->getWordIds();
	// . find the last positive scoring guy
	// . do not consider title candidates after "r" if "r" is non-zero
	// . FIXES http://larvatusprodeo.net/2009/01/07/partisanship-politics-and-participation/

	// the candidate # of the title tag
	int32_t tti = -1;

	// allow up to 4 tags from each type
	char table[512];

	// sanity check
	if ( getNumXmlNodes() > 512 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// clear table counts
	memset ( table , 0 , 512 );

	// the first word
	char *wstart = NULL;
	if ( NW > 0 ) {
		wstart = words->getWord(0);

	// loop over all "words" in the html body
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < NW ; i++ ) {
		// come back up here if we encounter another "title-ish" tag
		// within our first alleged "title-ish" tag
		// stop after 30k of text
		if ( words->getWord(i) - wstart > 200000 ) {
			break; // 1106

		// get the tag id minus the back tag bit
		nodeid_t tid = tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP;

		// pen up and pen down for these comment like tags
		if ( tid == TAG_SCRIPT || tid == TAG_STYLE ) {
			// ignore "titles" in script or style tags
			if ( ! (tids[i] & BACKBIT) ) {

		/// @todo ALC we should allow more tags than just title/link
		// skip if not a good tag.
		if (tid != TAG_TITLE && tid != TAG_A) {

		// must NOT be a back tag
		if ( tids[i] & BACKBIT ) {

		// skip if we hit our limit
		if ( table[tid] >= 4 ) {

		// skip over tag/word #i

		// no words in links, unless it is a self link
		if ( i < NW && (flags[i] & 0x02) ) {

		// the start should be here
		int32_t start = -1;

		// do not go too far
		int32_t max = i + 200;

		// find the corresponding back tag for it
		for (  ; i < NW && i < max ; i++ ) {
			// hey we got it, BUT we got no alnum word first
			// so the thing was empty, so loop back to subloop
			if ( (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == tid  &&   
			     (tids[i] & BACKBIT    ) && 
			     start == -1 ) {
				goto subloop;

			// if we hit another title-ish tag, loop back up
			if ( (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_TITLE || (tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP) == TAG_A ) {
				// if no alnum text, restart at the top
				if ( start == -1 ) {
					goto subloop;

				// otherwise, break out and see if title works

			// if we hit a breaking tag...
			if ( isBreakingTagId ( tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP ) &&
			     // do not consider <span> tags breaking for 
			     // our purposes. i saw a <h1><span> setup before.
			     tids[i] != TAG_SPAN ) {

			// skip if not alnum word
			if ( ! words->isAlnum(i) ) {

			// if we hit an alnum word, break out
			if ( start == -1 ) {
				start = i;

		// if no start was found, must have had a 0 score in there
		if ( start == -1 ) {

		// if we exhausted the doc, we are done
		if ( i >= NW ) {

		// skip if way too big!
		if ( i >= max ) {

		// if was too long do not consider a title
		if ( i - start > 300 ) {

		// . skip if too many bytes
		// . this does not include the length of word #i, but #(i-1)
		if ( words->getStringSize ( start , i ) > 1000 ) {

		// when using pdftohtml, the title tag is the filename when PDF property does not have title tag
		if ( tid == TAG_TITLE && contentType == CT_PDF ) {
			// skip if title == '/in.[0-9]*'
			char* title_start = words->getWord(start);
			char* title_end = words->getWord(i);
			size_t title_size = title_end - title_start;
			const char* result = strnstr( title_start, "/in.", title_size );
			if (result != NULL) {
				char* endp = NULL;
				// do some further verification to avoid screwing up title
				if ((strtoll(result + 4, &endp, 10) > 0) && (endp == title_end)) {

		// count it

		// max it out if we are positive scoring. stop after the
		// first positive scoring guy in a section. this might
		// hurt the "Hamlet" thing though...

		// store a point to the title tag guy. Msg20.cpp needs this
		// because the zak's proximity algo uses it in Summary.cpp
		// and in Msg20.cpp

		// only get the first one! often the 2nd on is in an iframe!! which we now expand into here.
		if ( tid == TAG_TITLE && m_titleTagStart == -1 ) {
			m_titleTagStart = start;
			m_titleTagEnd   = i;

			// save the candidate # because we always use this
			// as the title if we are a root
			if ( tti < 0 ) {
				tti = n;

		// point to words class of the body that was passed in to us
		cptrs[n] = words;
		as[n] = start;
		bs[n] = i;
		if ( tid == TAG_B ) {
			types[n] = TT_BOLDTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H1 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.8;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H2 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.7;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_H3 ) {
			types[n] = TT_HTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.6;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) {
			types[n] = TT_TITLETAG;
			scores[n] = 3.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_DIV ) {
			types[n] = TT_DIVTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_TD ) {
			types[n] = TT_TDTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_P ) {
			types[n] = TT_PTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_FONT ) {
			types[n] = TT_FONTTAG;
			scores[n] = 1.0;
		} else if ( tid == TAG_A ) {
			types[n] = TT_ATAG;
			// . self link is very powerful BUT
			//   http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5417137
			//   doesn't use it right! so use
			//   1.3 instead of 3.0. that has an "onClick" thing in the
			//   <a> tag, so check for that!
			// this was bad for
			// http://www.spiritualwoman.net/?cat=191
			// so i am demoting from 3.0 to 1.5
			scores[n] = 1.5;

		// count it

		// start loop over at tag #i, for loop does an i++, so negate
		// that so this will work

		// break out if too many already. save some for below.
		if ( n + 10 >= MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took3=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// to handle text documents, throw in the first line of text
	// as a title candidate, just make the score really low
	bool textDoc = (contentType == CT_UNKNOWN || contentType == CT_TEXT);

	if (textDoc) {
		// make "i" point to first alphabetical word in the document
		int32_t i ;

		for ( i = 0 ; i < NW && !words->isAlpha(i) ; i++);

		// if we got a first alphabetical word, then assume that to be the start of our title
		if ( i < NW && n < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {
			// first word in title is "t0"
			int32_t t0 = i;
			// find end of first line
			int32_t numWords = 0;

			// set i to the end now. we MUST find a \n to terminate the
			// title, otherwise we will not have a valid title
			while (i < NW && numWords < maxTitleWords && (words->isAlnum(i) || !words->hasChar(i, '\n'))) {
				if(words->isAlnum(i)) {


			// "t1" is the end
			int32_t t1 = -1;

			// we must have found our \n in order to set "t1"
			if (i <= NW && numWords < maxTitleWords ) {
				t1 = i;

			// set the ptrs
			cptrs   [n] =  words;

			// this is the last resort i guess...
			scores  [n] =  0.5;
			types   [n] =  TT_FIRSTLINE;
			as      [n] =  t0;
			bs      [n] =  t1;

			// add it as a candidate if t0 and t1 were valid
			if (t0 >= 0 && t1 > t0) {

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took4=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

		// now add the last url path to contain underscores or hyphens
		char *pstart = firstUrl->getPath();

		// get first url
		Url *fu = firstUrl;

		// start at the end
		char *p = fu->getUrl() + fu->getUrlLen();

		// end pointer
		char *pend = NULL;

		// come up here for each path component
		while ( p >= pstart ) {
			// save end
			pend = p;

			// skip over /
			if ( *p == '/' ) {

			// now go back to next /
			int32_t count = 0;
			for ( ; p >= pstart && *p !='/' ; p-- ) {
				if ( *p == '_' || *p == '-' ) {

			// did we get it?
			if ( count > 0 ) {

		// did we get any?
		if ( p > pstart && n < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ) {
			// now set words to that
			if ( ! tw[ti].set ( p, (pend - p), true, 0 )) {
				return false;

			// point to that
			cptrs   [n] = &tw[ti];
			as      [n] = 0;
			bs      [n] = tw[ti].getNumWords();
			scores  [n] = 1.0;
			types   [n] = TT_URLPATH;

			// increment since we are using it

			// advance

	// save old n
	int32_t oldn = n;

	// . do not split titles if we are a root url maps.yahoo.com was getting "Maps" for the title
	if ( firstUrl->isRoot() ) {
		oldn = -2;

	// point to list of \0 separated titles
	const char *rootTitleBuf    = NULL;
	const char *rootTitleBufEnd = NULL;

	// get the root title if we are not root!
	if (filteredRootTitleBuf) {
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
		// point to list of \0 separated titles
		rootTitleBuf    = filteredRootTitleBuf;
		rootTitleBufEnd =  filteredRootTitleBuf + filteredRootTitleBufSize;

		Matches m;
		if ( rootTitleBuf && query ) {
			m.setQuery ( query );

		// convert into an array
		int32_t nr = 0;
		const char *pr = rootTitleBuf;
		const char *rootTitles[20];
		int32_t  rootTitleLens[20];

		// loop over each root title segment
		for ( ; pr && pr < rootTitleBufEnd ; pr += strnlen(pr,rootTitleBufEnd-pr) + 1 ) {
			// if we had a query...
			if ( query ) {
				// reset it

				// see if root title segment has query terms in it
				m.addMatches ( const_cast<char*>(pr), strnlen(pr,rootTitleBufEnd-pr), MF_TITLEGEN, m_niceness );

				// if matches query, do NOT add it, we only add it for
				// removing from the title of the page...
				if ( m.getNumMatches() ) {
			// point to it. it should start with an alnum already
			// since it is the "filtered" list of root titles...
			// if not, fix it in xmldoc then.
			rootTitles   [nr] = pr;
			rootTitleLens[nr] = gbstrlen(pr);
			// advance
			// no breaching
			if ( nr >= 20 ) break;

		// now split up candidates in children candidates by tokenizing
		// using :, | and - as delimters.
		// the hyphen must have a space on at least one side, so "cd-rom" does
		// not create a pair of tokens...
		// FIX: for the title:
		// Best Careers 2009: Librarian - US News and World Report
		// we need to recognize "Best Careers 2009: Librarian" as a subtitle
		// otherwise we don't get it as the title. so my question is are we
		// going to have to do all the permutations at some point? for now
		// let's just add in pairs...
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < oldn && n + 3 < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES ; i++ ) {
			// stop if no root title segments
			if ( nr <= 0 ) break;
			// get the word info
			Words *w = cptrs[i];
			int32_t   a = as[i];
			int32_t   b = bs[i];
			// init
			int32_t lasta = a;
			char prev  = false;
			// char length in bytes
			//int32_t charlen = 1;
			// see how many we add
			int32_t added = 0;
			char *skipTo = NULL;
			bool qualified = true;
			// . scan the words looking for a token
			// . sometimes the candidates end in ": " so put in "k < b-1"
			// . made this from k<b-1 to k<b to fix
			//   "Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) - IMDb" to strip IMDb
			for ( int32_t k = a ; k < b && n + 3 < MAX_TIT_CANDIDATES; k++){
				// get word
				char *wp = w->getWord(k);
				// skip if not alnum
				if ( ! w->isAlnum(k) ) {
					// in order for next alnum word to
					// qualify for "clipping" if it matches
					// the root title, there has to be more
					// than just spaces here, some punct.
					// otherwise title
					// "T. D. Jakes: Biography from Answers.com"
					// becomes
					// "T. D. Jakes: Biography from"
				// gotta be qualified!
				if ( ! qualified ) continue;
				// skip if in root title
				if ( skipTo && wp < skipTo ) continue;
				// does this match any root page title segments?
				int32_t j;
				for ( j = 0 ; j < nr ; j++ ) {
					// . compare to root title
					// . break out if we matched!
					if ( ! strncmp( wp, rootTitles[j], rootTitleLens[j] ) ) {

				// if we did not match a root title segment,
				// keep on chugging
				if ( j >= nr ) continue;
				// . we got a root title match!
				// . skip over
				skipTo = wp + rootTitleLens[j];
				// must land on qualified punct then!!
				int32_t e = k+1;
				for ( ; e<b && w->getWord(e)<skipTo ; e++ );
				// ok, word #e must be a qualified punct
				if ( e<b &&
				     ! isWordQualified(w->getWord(e),w->getWordLen(e)))
					// assume no match then!!
				// if we had a previous guy, reset the end of the
				// previous candidate
				if ( prev ) {
					bs[n-2] = k;
					bs[n-1] = k;
				// . ok, we got two more candidates
				// . well, only one more if this is not the 1st time
				if ( ! prev ) {
					cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
					scores  [n] = scores  [i];
					types   [n] = types   [i];
					as      [n] = lasta;
					bs      [n] = k;
					parent  [n] = i;
				// the 2nd one
				cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
				scores  [n] = scores  [i];
				types   [n] = types   [i];
				as      [n] = e + 1;
				bs      [n] = bs      [i];
				parent  [n] = i;

				// now add in the last pair as a whole token
				cptrs   [n] = cptrs   [i];
				scores  [n] = scores  [i];
				types   [n] = types   [i];
				as      [n] = lasta;
				bs      [n] = bs      [i];
				parent  [n] = i;

				// nuke the current candidate then since it got
				// split up to not contain the root title...
				//cptrs[i] = NULL;

				// update this
				lasta = k+1;

				// if we encounter another delimeter we will have to revise bs[n-1], so note that
				prev = true;

			// nuke the current candidate then since it got
			// split up to not contain the root title...
			if ( added ) {
				scores[i] = 0.001;
				//cptrs[i] = NULL;

			// erase the pair if that there was only one token
			if ( added == 3 ) n--;

	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) baseScore[i] = scores[i];
	// . now punish by 0.85 for every lower case non-stop word it has
	// . reward by 1.1 if has a non-stopword in the query
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// point to the words
		Words *w = cptrs[i];

		// skip if got nuked above
		if ( ! w ) {

		// the word ptrs
		char **wptrs = w->getWordPtrs();

		// skip if empty
		if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) {

		// get the word boundaries
		int32_t a = as[i];
		int32_t b = bs[i];

		// record the boosts
		float ncb = 1.0;
		float qtb = 1.0;

		// a flag
		char uncapped = false;

		// scan the words in this title candidate
		for ( int32_t j = a ; j < b ; j++ ) {
			// skip stop words
			if ( w->isQueryStopWord( j, langId ) ) {

			// punish if uncapitalized non-stopword
			if ( ! w->isCapitalized(j) ) {
				uncapped = true;

			// skip if no query
			if ( ! query ) {

			int64_t wid = w->getWordId(j);

			// reward if in the query
			if ( query->getWordNum(wid) >= 0 ) {
				qtb       *= 1.5;
				scores[i] *= 1.5;

		// . only punish once if missing a capitalized word hurts us for:
		//   http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/current/match/351682.html
		if ( uncapped ) {
			ncb *= 1.00;
			scores[i] *= 1.00;

		// punish if a http:// title thingy
		char *s = wptrs[a];
		int32_t size = w->getStringSize(a,b);
		if ( size > 9 && memcmp("http://", s, 7) == 0 ) {
			ncb *= .10;
		if ( size > 14 && memcmp("h\0t\0t\0p\0:\0/\0/", s, 14) == 0 ) {
			ncb *= .10;

		// set these guys
		scores[i] *= ncb;

		noCapsBoost[i]  = ncb;
		qtermsBoost[i]  = qtb;

	// . now compare each candidate to the other candidates
	// . give a boost if matches
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// point to the words
		Words *w1 = cptrs[i];

		// skip if got nuked above
		if ( ! w1 ) {

		int32_t a1 = as[i];
		int32_t b1 = bs[i];

		// reset some flags
		char localFlag1 = 0;
		char localFlag2 = 0;

		// record the boost
		float iccb = 1.0;

		// total boost
		float total = 1.0;

		// to each other candidate
		for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
			// not to ourselves
			if ( j == i ) {

			// or our derivatives
			if ( parent[j] == i ) {

			// or derivates to their parent
			if ( parent[i] == j ) {

			// only check parents now. do not check kids.
			// this was only for when doing percent contained
			// not getSimilarity() per se
			//if ( parent[j] != -1 ) continue;

			// TODO: do not accumulate boosts from a parent
			// and its kids, subtitles...
			// do not compare type X to type Y
			if ( types[i] == TT_TITLETAG ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_TITLETAG ) {

			// do not compare a div candidate to another div cand
			// http://friendfeed.com/foxiewire?start=30
			// likewise, a TD to another TD
			// http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/match/351681.html
			// ... etc.
			if ( types[i] == TT_BOLDTAG ||
			     types[i] == TT_HTAG    ||
			     types[i] == TT_DIVTAG  ||
			     types[i] == TT_TDTAG   ||
			     types[i] == TT_FONTTAG    ) {
				if ( types[j] == types[i] ) continue;
			// . do not compare one kid to another kid
			// . i.e. if we got "x | y" as a title and "x | z"
			//   as a link text, it will emphasize "x" too much
			//   http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/ausvrsa2008_09/engine/current/match/351682.html
			if ( parent[j] != -1 && parent[i] != -1 ) continue;

			// . body type tags are mostly mutually exclusive
			// . for the legacy.com url mentioned below, we have
			//   good stuff in <td> tags, so this hurts us...
			// . but for the sake of 
			//   http://larvatusprodeo.net/2009/01/07/partisanship-politics-and-participation/
			//   i put bold tags back

			if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) continue;
			if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL ) {
				if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL ) continue;

			// only compare to one local link text for each i
			if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL && localFlag1 ) {
			if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL  && localFlag2 ) {
			if ( types[j] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL ) {
				localFlag1 = 1;
			if ( types[j] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL  ) {
				localFlag2 = 1;

			// not link title attr to link title attr either
			// fixes http://www.spiritualwoman.net/?cat=191
			if ( types[i] == TT_TITLEATT &&
			     types[j] == TT_TITLEATT )

			// get our words
			Words *w2 = cptrs[j];

			// skip if got nuked above
			if ( ! w2 ) continue;
			int32_t   a2 = as   [j];
			int32_t   b2 = bs   [j];

			// how similar is title #i to title #j ?
			float fp = getSimilarity ( w2 , a2 , b2 , w1 , a1 , b1 );

			// error?
			if ( fp == -1.0 ) return false;

			// custom boosting...
			float boost = 1.0;
			if      ( fp >= .95 ) boost = 3.0;
			else if ( fp >= .90 ) boost = 2.0;
			else if ( fp >= .85 ) boost = 1.5;
			else if ( fp >= .80 ) boost = 1.4;
			else if ( fp >= .75 ) boost = 1.3;
			else if ( fp >= .70 ) boost = 1.2;
			else if ( fp >= .60 ) boost = 1.1;
			else if ( fp >= .50 ) boost = 1.08;
			else if ( fp >= .40 ) boost = 1.04;

			// limit total
			total *= boost;
			if ( total > 100.0 ) break;
			// if you are matching the url path, that is pretty 
			// good so give more!
			// actually, that would hurt:
			// http://michellemalkin.com/2008/12/29/gag-worthy/

			// custom boosting!
			if ( fp > 0.0 && g_conf.m_logDebugTitle )
				logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: i=%" PRId32" j=%" PRId32" fp=%.02f "
				     "b=%.02f", i,j,fp,boost);
			// apply it
			scores[i] *= boost;

			iccb      *= boost;

		inCommonCandBoost[i] = iccb;

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"title: took7=%" PRId64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds()-x);
	//x = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

	// loop over all n candidates
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// skip if not in the document body
		if ( cptrs[i] != words ) continue;
		// point to the words
		int32_t       a1    = as   [i];
		int32_t       b1    = bs   [i];

		// . loop through this candidates words
		// . TODO: use memset here?
		for ( int32_t j = a1 ; j <= b1 && j < NW ; j++ ) {
			// flag it
			flags[j] |= 0x01;

	// free our stuff
	if ( flags!=localBuf ) {
		mfree (flags, need, "TITLEflags");

	// now get the highest scoring candidate title
	float max    = -1.0;
	int32_t  winner = -1;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// skip if got nuked
		if ( ! cptrs[i] ) {

		if ( winner != -1 && scores[i] <= max ) {

		// url path's cannot be titles in and of themselves
		if ( types[i] == TT_URLPATH ) {

		// skip if empty basically, like if title was exact
		// copy of root, then the whole thing got nuked and
		// some empty string added, where a > b
		if ( as[i] >= bs[i] ) {

		// got one
		max = scores[i];

		// save it
		winner = i;

	// if we are a root, always pick the title tag as the title
	if ( oldn == -2 && tti >= 0 ) {
		winner = tti;

	// if no winner, all done. no title
	if ( winner == -1 ) {
		// last resort use file name
		if ((contentType == CT_PDF) && (firstUrl->getFilenameLen() != 0)) {
			Words w;
			w.set(firstUrl->getFilename(), firstUrl->getFilenameLen(), true);
			if (!copyTitle(&w, 0, w.getNumWords())) {
				return false;
		return true;

	// point to the words class of the winner
	Words *w = cptrs[winner];
	// skip if got nuked above
	if ( ! w ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// need to make our own Pos class if title not from body
	Pos  tp;
	if ( w != words ) {
		// set "Scores" ptr to NULL. we assume all are positive scores
		if ( ! tp.set ( w ) ) {
			return false;

	// the string ranges from word #a up to and including word #b
	int32_t a = as[winner];
	int32_t b = bs[winner];
	// sanity check
	if ( a < 0 || b > w->getNumWords() ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// save the title
	if ( ! copyTitle(w, a, b) ) {
		return false;

	// debug logging
	SafeBuf sb;
	SafeBuf *pbuf = &sb;

	log("title: candidates for %s",xd->getFirstUrl()->getUrl() );

	pbuf->safePrintf("<div stype=\"border:1px solid black\">");
	pbuf->safePrintf("<b>***Finding Title***</b><br>\n");

	pbuf->safePrintf("<table cellpadding=5 border=2><tr>"
			 "<td colspan=20><center><b>Title Generation</b>"
			 "<td>base score</td>"
			 "<td>format penalty</td>"
			 "<td>query term boost</td>"
			 "<td>candidate intersection boost</td>"
			 "<td>FINAL SCORE</td>"
			 "</tr>\n" );

	// print out all candidates
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		char *ts = "unknown";
		if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTLOCAL  ) ts = "local inlink text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_LINKTEXTREMOTE ) ts = "remote inlink text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMLOCAL   ) ts = "local rss title";
		if ( types[i] == TT_RSSITEMREMOTE  ) ts = "remote rss title";
		if ( types[i] == TT_BOLDTAG        ) ts = "bold tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_HTAG           ) ts = "header tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TITLETAG       ) ts = "title tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_FIRSTLINE      ) ts = "first line in text";
		if ( types[i] == TT_FONTTAG        ) ts = "font tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_ATAG           ) ts = "anchor tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_DIVTAG         ) ts = "div tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TDTAG          ) ts = "td tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_PTAG           ) ts = "p tag";
		if ( types[i] == TT_URLPATH        ) ts = "url path";
		if ( types[i] == TT_TITLEATT       ) ts = "title attribute";
		// get the title
				 "<td>#%" PRId32"</td>"
				 "<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
				 "<td>%0.2f</td>" // baseScore
				 ts ,
		// ptrs
		Words *w = cptrs[i];
		int32_t   a = as[i];
		int32_t   b = bs[i];
		// skip if no words
		if ( w->getNumWords() <= 0 ) continue;
		// the word ptrs
		char **wptrs = w->getWordPtrs();
		// string ptrs
		char *ptr  = wptrs[a];//w->getWord(a);
		int32_t  size = w->getStringSize(a,b);
		// it is utf8
		pbuf->safeMemcpy ( ptr , size );
		// end the line


	// log these for now
	log("title: %s",sb.getBufStart());

	return true;

Пример #3
  Forward the HTTP requesto to another server.

  \param td The HTTP thread context.
  \param scriptpath Not used.
  \param exec The remote server Url.
  \param execute Not used.
  \param onlyHeader Specify if send only the HTTP header.
int Proxy::send (HttpThreadContext *td, const char* scriptpath,
                 const char* exec, bool execute, bool onlyHeader)
  Url destUrl (exec, 80);
  ConnectionPtr con = NULL;
  Socket *sock;
  FiltersChain chain;
  HttpRequestHeader req;
  size_t nbw;
  bool keepalive = false;

  for (HashMap<string, HttpRequestHeader::Entry*>::Iterator it =
         td->request.begin (); it != td->request.end (); it++)
      HttpRequestHeader::Entry *e = *it;
      req.setValue (e->name.c_str (), e->value.c_str ());

  if (stringcmpi (destUrl.getProtocol (), "http"))
        ("Proxy: %s is not a supported protocol",
         destUrl.getProtocol ().c_str ());
      return td->http->raiseHTTPError (500);

      req.ver.assign ("HTTP/1.1");
      req.cmd.assign (td->request.cmd);

      if (destUrl.getResource ()[0] == '\0' && td->pathInfo[0] == '\0')
        req.uri = "/";
          req.uri = destUrl.getResource ();
          req.uri.append (td->pathInfo);
      if (td->request.uriOpts.length ())
          req.uri.append ("?");
          req.uri.append (td->request.uriOpts);

      req.setValue ("Connection", "keep-alive");
      if (td->request.uriOptsPtr)
          char buffer[32];
          size_t size = td->inputData.getFileSize ();
          sprintf (buffer, "%u", size);
          req.setValue ("Content-Length", buffer);

      ostringstream host;
      host << destUrl.getHost ();
      if (destUrl.getPort () != 80 )
        host << ":" << destUrl.getPort ();

      req.setValue ("Host", host.str ().c_str ());

      string xForwardedFor;
      td->request.getValue ("X-Forwarded-For", &xForwardedFor);
      if (xForwardedFor.size ())
        xForwardedFor.append (", ");
      xForwardedFor.append (td->connection->getIpAddr ());
      req.setValue ("X-Forwarded-For", xForwardedFor.c_str ());

      con = getConnection (destUrl.getHost ().c_str (), destUrl.getPort ());
      if (! con)
        return td->http->raiseHTTPError (500);

      sock = con->socket;

      u_long hdrLen =
        HttpHeaders::buildHTTPRequestHeader (td->auxiliaryBuffer->getBuffer (),

      sock->write (td->auxiliaryBuffer->getBuffer (), hdrLen, &nbw);

      if (td->request.uriOptsPtr)
        td->inputData.fastCopyToSocket (sock, 0, td->auxiliaryBuffer, &nbw);

      chain.setStream (td->connection->socket);
      if (td->mime)
        Server::getInstance ()->getFiltersFactory ()->chain (&chain,

      flushToClient (td, *sock, chain, onlyHeader, &keepalive);

      chain.clearAllFilters ();

      addConnection (con, destUrl.getHost ().c_str (), destUrl.getPort (),

      req.free ();
  catch (exception & e)
      if (con)
        addConnection (con, destUrl.getHost ().c_str (), destUrl.getPort (),
      chain.clearAllFilters ();
      return td->http->raiseHTTPError (500);

  return HttpDataHandler::RET_OK;
Пример #4
int HttpClient::requestContent(Url &url, string &contentStr, int expectContentLength) {
    // construct a request
    string requestStr;
    string path = url.getPath();
    if (path.empty())
        path = "/";
    requestStr = "GET " + path + " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " + url.getHost()
            + "\r\nUser-Agent: openSE/1.0 (Ubuntu11.04)\r\nAccept-Language: zh,en-us\r\nAccept-Charset: gb2312,utf-8\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n";

    cout << "requestStr:\n" << requestStr << endl;

    // send request:
    if (url.getHost() != _preHost) {
        if (_preSockFd != -1) {
            _preSockFd = -1;
    int sockFd;
    bool sendSuccess = false;

    // try to use previous connection
    if (_preSockFd != -1) {
        sockFd = _preSockFd;
        if (rio_writen(sockFd, requestStr.c_str(), requestStr.size()) == -1) {
            cerr << "use previous connection:rio_writen error !" << endl;
            _preSockFd = -1;
        } else
            sendSuccess = true;

    if (!sendSuccess) {
        // try to creat a new connection
        sockFd = tcpConnect(url.getIp(), url.getPort());
        if (sockFd == -1) {
            cerr << "tcpConnect error" << endl;
            return -1;
        // try to use new connection
        if (rio_writen(sockFd, requestStr.c_str(), requestStr.size()) == -1) {
            cerr << "rio_writen error for requestStr:" << requestStr << endl;
            return -1;

    //// receive http header
    //string headerStr;
    //if(receiveHeader(sockFd, headerStr, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) <= 0){
    //	cerr << "receiveHeader error" << endl;
    //	closesocket(sockFd);
    //	_preSockFd = -1;
    //	return -1;
    //	}

    //cout << "headerStr:\n" << headerStr << endl;

    //// parser http header

    //// check StatusCode
    //int stausCode = httpHeader.getStatusCode();
    //if(stausCode == -1){
    //	cerr << "not find status code in httpHeader: " << httpHeader.getHeaderStr() << endl;
    //	}

    //if(stausCode == 301 || stausCode == 302){
    //	closesocket(sockFd);
    //	_preSockFd = -1;
    //	string locationUrlStr = httpHeader.getLocation();
    //	if(locationUrlStr.empty()){
    //		cerr << "error location in httpHeader: " << httpHeader.getHeaderStr() << endl;
    //		}
    //	//locationStr = location;
    //	Url locationUrl(locationUrlStr);
    //	return requestWebPage(locationUrl, httpHeader, httpContent);
    //	}

    //if(stausCode < 200 || stausCode > 299){
    //	closesocket(sockFd);
    //	_preSockFd = -1;
    //	cerr << "status code beyond [200-300) in httpHeader: " << httpHeader.getHeaderStr() << endl;
    //	return -1;
    //	}

    //// check content type
    //string contentType = httpHeader.getContentType();
    //if(contentType.find("image") != string::npos){
    //	closesocket(sockFd);
    //	_preSockFd = -1;
    //	cerr << "contentType is image in httpHeader: " << httpHeader.getHeaderStr() << endl;
    //	return -1;
    //	}

    //// check ContentLength
    //int contentLength = httpHeader.getContentLength();

    //if(contentLength == -1){
    //	//cerr << "contentLength is not finded in httpHeader: " << httpHeader.getHeaderStr() << endl;
    //	contentLength = MAX_HTTPCONTENT_SIZE/10;
    //	}

    //if(contentLength == 0){
    //	closesocket(sockFd);
    //	_preSockFd = -1;
    //	cerr << "contentLength is 0 in httpHeader: " << httpHeader.getHeaderStr() << endl;
    //	return -1;
    //	}

    //if(contentLength  > MAX_HTTPCONTENT_SIZE){
    //	closesocket(sockFd);
    //	_preSockFd = -1;
    //	cerr << "contentLength > MAX_HTTPCONTENT_SIZE in httpHeader: "
    //		<< httpHeader.getHeaderStr() << endl;
    //	return -1;
    //	}

    // receive content
    if (receiveContent(sockFd, expectContentLength, contentStr, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
            == -1) {
        _preSockFd = -1;
        cerr << "receiveContent error for url: " << url.getUrlStr() << endl;
        cout << contentStr << endl;
        return -1;
    } else
        _preSockFd = sockFd;

    cout << "contentStr:\n" << contentStr << endl;
    // cout << "content finished,url is:"<<url.getUrlStr()<<endl;
    // set http content
    return 0;
Пример #5
int HttpClient::requestHeader(Url &url, string&headerStr) {
    // construct a request
    string requestStr;
    string path = url.getPath();
    if (path.empty())
        path = "/";
    requestStr = "HEAD " + path + " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: " + url.getHost()
            + "\r\nUser-Agent: openSE/1.0 (Ubuntu11.04)\r\nAccept-Language: zh,en-us\r\nAccept-Charset: gb2312,utf-8\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n";

    cout << "requestStr:\n" << requestStr << endl;

    // send request:
    if (url.getHost() != _preHost) {
        if (_preSockFd != -1) {
            _preSockFd = -1;
    int sockFd;
    bool sendSuccess = false;

    // try to use previous connection
    if (_preSockFd != -1) {
        sockFd = _preSockFd;
        if (rio_writen(sockFd, requestStr.c_str(), requestStr.size()) == -1) {
            cerr << "use previous connection:rio_writen error !" << endl;
            _preSockFd = -1;
        } else
            sendSuccess = true;

    if (!sendSuccess) {
        // try to creat a new connection
        sockFd = tcpConnect(url.getIp(), url.getPort());
        if (sockFd == -1) {
            cerr << "tcpConnect error" << endl;
            return -1;
        // try to use new connection
        if (rio_writen(sockFd, requestStr.c_str(), requestStr.size()) == -1) {
            cerr << "rio_writen error for requestStr:" << requestStr << endl;
            return -1;

    int timeoutSeconds = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS;
    int bytesRead = 0;
    // set socket to no block type
#ifdef _MSC_VER

    int flags;
    flags = fcntl(sockFd, F_GETFL, 0);
    if (flags < 0) {
        cerr << "1.fcntl() error in receiveHeader()< 0" << endl;
        return -1;
    flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
    if (fcntl(sockFd, F_SETFL, flags) < 0) {
        cerr << "2.fcntl() error in receiveHeader" << endl;
        return -1;

    int newlines = 0;
    while (newlines < 2) {
        fd_set rfds;
        FD_SET(sockFd, &rfds);

        struct timeval tv;
        tv.tv_sec = timeoutSeconds;
        tv.tv_usec = 0;

        int selectRet;
        if (timeoutSeconds >= 0) // wait DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS seconds
            selectRet = select(sockFd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
        else // wait infinitely
            selectRet = select(sockFd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        if (selectRet == 0 && timeoutSeconds < 0) {
            cerr << "select should wait infinitely" << endl;
            bytesRead = -1;
        } else if (selectRet == -1) {
            cerr << "select error" << endl;
            bytesRead = -1;
        } else if (selectRet == 0) {
            cerr << "select timeout after " << timeoutSeconds << " seconds" << endl;
            bytesRead = -1;

        char c;
        int ret = recv(sockFd, &c, 1, 0);
        if (ret <= 0) {
            cerr << "read error" << endl;
            bytesRead = -1;
        headerStr += c;

        if (c == '\r') { /* Ignore CR */
        } else if (c == '\n') /* LF is the separator */
            newlines = 0;
    if (bytesRead <= 0) {
        cerr << "receiveHeader error" << endl;
        _preSockFd = -1;
        return -1;

    return 0;
int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) {
	bool addWWW = true;
	bool stripSession = true;
	// check for arguments
	for (int32_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-w") == 0)
			addWWW = false;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0)
			stripSession = false;
	// initialize
	//g_conf.m_tfndbExtBits = 23;
	// read a url from stddin
	char sbuf[1024];
	if ( ! fgets ( sbuf , 1024 , stdin ) ) exit(1);
	char *s = sbuf;
	char fbuf[1024];
	// decode if we should
	if ( strncmp(s,"http%3A%2F%2F",13) == 0 ||
	     strncmp(s,"https%3A%2F%2F",13) == 0 ) {
		s = fbuf;
	// old url
	printf("old: %s",s);
	int32_t slen = gbstrlen(s);
	// remove any www. if !addWWW
	if (!addWWW) {
		if (slen >= 4 &&
		    strncasecmp(s, "www.", 4) == 0) {
			slen -= 4;
			memmove(s, &s[4], slen);
		else {
			// get past a ://
			int32_t si = 0;
			while (si < slen &&
			       ( s[si] != ':' ||
				 s[si+1] != '/' ||
				 s[si+2] != '/' ) )
			// remove the www.
			if (si + 7 < slen) {
				si += 3;
				if (strncasecmp(&s[si], "www.", 4) == 0) {
					slen -= 4;
					memmove(&s[si], &s[si+4], slen-si);
	// set it
	Url u;
	u.set ( s , slen ,
		addWWW   ,      /*add www?*/
		stripSession ); /*strip session ids?*/
	// print it
	char out[1024*4];
	char *p = out;
	p += sprintf(p,"tld: ");
	gbmemcpy ( p, u.getTLD(),u.getTLDLen());
	p += u.getTLDLen();
	char c = *p;
	*p = '\0';
	*p = c;

	// dom
	p = out;
	sprintf ( p , "dom: ");
	p += gbstrlen ( p );
	gbmemcpy ( p , u.getDomain() , u.getDomainLen() );
	p += u.getDomainLen();
	c = *p;
	*p = '\0';
	*p = c;
	// host
	p = out;
	sprintf ( p , "host: ");
	p += gbstrlen ( p );
	gbmemcpy ( p , u.getHost() , u.getHostLen() );
	p += u.getHostLen();
	c = *p;
	*p = '\0';
	*p = c;
	// then the whole url
	printf("url: %s\n", u.getUrl() );

	int32_t  siteLen;
	char *site = u.getSite ( &siteLen , NULL , false );
	if ( site ) {
		c = site[siteLen];
		site[siteLen] = '\0';
	printf("site: %s\n", site );
	if ( site ) site[siteLen] = c;
	SiteGetter sg;
	sg.getSite ( u.getUrl() ,
		     NULL , // tagrec
		     0 , // timestamp
		     NULL, // coll
		     0 , // niceness
		     //false , // addtags
		     NULL , // state
		     NULL ); // callback
	if ( sg.m_siteLen )
		printf("site: %s\n",sg.m_site);

	printf("isRoot: %"INT32"\n",(int32_t)u.isRoot());

	bool perm = ::isPermalink ( NULL        , // coll
				    NULL        , // Links ptr
				    &u          , // the url
				    CT_HTML     , // contentType
				    NULL        , // LinkInfo ptr
				    false       );// isRSS?
	printf ("isPermalink: %"INT32"\n",(int32_t)perm);

	// print the path too
	p = out;

	p += sprintf ( p , "path: " );
	gbmemcpy ( p , u.getPath(), u.getPathLen() );
	p += u.getPathLen();

	if ( u.getFilename() ) {
		p += sprintf ( p , "\nfilename: " );
		gbmemcpy ( p , u.getFilename(), u.getFilenameLen() );
		p += u.getFilenameLen();
		*p = '\0';
		printf("%s\n", out );

	// encoded
	char dst[MAX_URL_LEN+200];
	urlEncode ( dst,MAX_URL_LEN+100,
				u.getUrl(), u.getUrlLen(), 
				false ); // are we encoding a request path?
	printf("encoded: %s\n",dst);

	// the probable docid
	int64_t pd = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(&u);
	printf("pdocid: %"UINT64"\n", pd );
	printf("dom8: 0x%"XINT32"\n", (int32_t)g_titledb.getDomHash8FromDocId(pd) );
	//printf("ext23: 0x%"XINT32"\n",g_tfndb.makeExt(&u));
	if ( u.isLinkLoop() ) printf("islinkloop: yes\n");
	else                  printf("islinkloop: no\n");
	int64_t hh64 = u.getHostHash64();
	printf("hosthash64: 0x%016"XINT64"\n",hh64);
	uint32_t hh32 = u.getHostHash32();
	printf("hosthash32: 0x%08"XINT32" (%"UINT32")\n",hh32,hh32);
	int64_t dh64 = u.getDomainHash64();
	printf("domhash64: 0x%016"XINT64"\n",dh64);
	int64_t uh64 = u.getUrlHash64();
	printf("urlhash64: 0x%016"XINT64"\n",uh64);
	//if(isUrlUnregulated(NULL ,0,&u)) printf("unregulated: yes\n");
	//else                            printf("unregulated: no\n");
	goto loop;
bool HttpMime::addCookieHeader(const char *cookieJar, const char *url, SafeBuf *sb) {
	Url tmpUrl;

	SafeBuf tmpSb;

	size_t cookieJarLen = strlen(cookieJar);

	const char *lineStartPos = cookieJar;
	const char *lineEndPos = NULL;
	while ((lineEndPos = (const char*)memchr(lineStartPos, '\n', cookieJarLen - (lineStartPos - cookieJar))) != NULL) {
		const char *currentPos = lineStartPos;
		const char *tabPos = NULL;
		unsigned fieldCount = 0;

		bool skipCookie = false;
		const char *domain = NULL;
		int32_t domainLen = 0;
		while (fieldCount < 5 && (tabPos = (const char*)memchr(currentPos, '\t', lineEndPos - currentPos)) != NULL) {
			switch (fieldCount) {
				case 0:
					// domain
					domain = currentPos;
					domainLen = tabPos - currentPos;
				case 1:
					// flag
					if (memcmp(currentPos, "TRUE", 4) == 0) {
						// allow subdomain
						if (tmpUrl.getHostLen() >= domainLen) {
							if (!endsWith(tmpUrl.getHost(), tmpUrl.getHostLen(), domain, domainLen)) {
								// doesn't end with domain - ignore cookie
								skipCookie = true;
						} else {
							skipCookie = true;
					} else {
						// only specific domain
						if (tmpUrl.getHostLen() != domainLen || strncasecmp(domain, tmpUrl.getHost(), domainLen) != 0) {
							// non-matching domain - ignore cookie
							skipCookie = true;
				case 2: {
					// path
					const char *path = currentPos;
					int32_t pathLen = tabPos - currentPos;
					if (strncasecmp(path, tmpUrl.getPath(), pathLen) == 0) {
						if (tmpUrl.getPathLen() != pathLen) {
							if (path[pathLen - 1] != '/' && tmpUrl.getPath()[tmpUrl.getPathLen() - 1] != '/') {
								// non-matching path - ignore cookie
								skipCookie = true;
					} else {
						// non-matching path - ignore cookie
						skipCookie = true;
				} break;
				case 3:
					// secure

				case 4:
					// expiration


			currentPos = tabPos + 1;

		if (!skipCookie) {
			tmpSb.safeMemcpy(currentPos, lineEndPos - currentPos);

		lineStartPos = lineEndPos + 1;
	// we don't need to care about the last line (we always end on \n)

	if (tmpSb.length() > 0) {
		sb->safeStrcpy("Cookie: ");

	return true;
void HttpMime::addCookie(const httpcookie_t &cookie, const Url &currentUrl, SafeBuf *cookieJar) {
	// don't add expired cookie into cookie jar
	if (cookie.m_expired) {

	if (cookie.m_domain) {
		cookieJar->safeMemcpy(cookie.m_domain, cookie.m_domainLen);
		cookieJar->safeStrcpy(cookie.m_defaultDomain ? "FALSE\t" : "TRUE\t");
	} else {
		cookieJar->safeMemcpy(currentUrl.getHost(), currentUrl.getHostLen());


	if (cookie.m_path) {
		cookieJar->safeMemcpy(cookie.m_path, cookie.m_pathLen);
	} else {
		if (currentUrl.getPathLen()) {
			cookieJar->safeMemcpy(currentUrl.getPath(), currentUrl.getPathLen());
		} else {

	if (cookie.m_secure) {
	} else {

	// we're not using expiration field

	int32_t currentLen = cookieJar->length();
	cookieJar->safeMemcpy(cookie.m_cookie, cookie.m_cookieLen);

	// cater for multiline cookie
	const char *currentPos = cookieJar->getBufStart() + currentLen;
	const char *delPosStart = NULL;
	int32_t delLength = 0;
	while (currentPos < cookieJar->getBufPtr() - 1) {
		if (delPosStart) {
			if (is_wspace_a(*currentPos) || *currentPos == '\n' || *currentPos == '\r') {
			} else {
		} else {
			if (*currentPos == '\n' || *currentPos == '\r') {
				delPosStart = currentPos;

	cookieJar->removeChunk1(delPosStart, delLength);

	/// @todo ALC handle httpOnly attribute
