Пример #1
GT_PrimitiveHandle GusdPrimWrapper::
defineForRead( const GusdUSD_StageProxyHandle&  stage, 
               const UsdGeomImageable&          sourcePrim, 
               const UsdTimeCode&               time,
               const GusdPurposeSet&            purposes )
    GT_PrimitiveHandle gtUsdPrimHandle;

    GusdUSD_ImageableHolder::ScopedLock lock;

    GusdUSD_ImageableHolder holder( sourcePrim, stage->GetLock() );
    lock.Acquire( holder, /*write*/false);

    UsdGeomImageable sourceImageable = *lock;

    // Find the function registered for the source prim's type
    // to define the prim from read and call that function.
    if(sourcePrim) {
        USDTypeToDefineFuncMap::const_iterator mapIt
            = s_usdTypeToFuncMap.find(sourceImageable.GetPrim().GetTypeName());
        if(mapIt != s_usdTypeToFuncMap.end()) {
            gtUsdPrimHandle = mapIt->second(stage,sourcePrim,time,purposes);
    return gtUsdPrimHandle;
Пример #2
MayaPrimWriter::writePrimAttrs(const MDagPath &dagT, const UsdTimeCode &usdTime, UsdGeomImageable &primSchema) 
    MStatus status;
    MFnDependencyNode depFn(getDagPath().node());
    MFnDependencyNode depFn2(dagT.node()); // optionally also scan a shape's transform if merging transforms

    if (getArgs().exportVisibility) {
        bool isVisible  = true;   // if BOTH shape or xform is animated, then visible
        bool isAnimated = false;  // if either shape or xform is animated, then animated

        PxrUsdMayaUtil::getPlugValue(depFn, "visibility", &isVisible, &isAnimated);

        if ( dagT.isValid() ) {
            bool isVis, isAnim;
            if (PxrUsdMayaUtil::getPlugValue(depFn2, "visibility", &isVis, &isAnim)){
                isVisible = isVisible and isVis;
                isAnimated = isAnimated or isAnim;

        TfToken const &visibilityTok = (isVisible ? UsdGeomTokens->inherited : 
        if (usdTime.IsDefault() != isAnimated ) {
            if (usdTime.IsDefault())
                primSchema.CreateVisibilityAttr(VtValue(visibilityTok), true);
                primSchema.CreateVisibilityAttr().Set(visibilityTok, usdTime);

    UsdPrim usdPrim = primSchema.GetPrim();

    // There is no Gprim abstraction in this module, so process the few
    // gprim attrs here.
    UsdGeomGprim gprim = UsdGeomGprim(usdPrim);
    if (gprim and usdTime.IsDefault()){

        PxrUsdMayaPrimWriterContext* unused = NULL;


    _writeUsdInfo(dagT, usdTime, usdPrim);
    // Write user-tagged export attributes. Write attributes on the transform
    // first, and then attributes on the shape node. This means that attribute
    // name collisions will always be handled by taking the shape node's value
    // if we're merging transforms and shapes.
    if (dagT.isValid() and !(dagT == getDagPath())) {
        PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::WriteUserExportedAttributes(dagT, usdPrim, usdTime);
    PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::WriteUserExportedAttributes(getDagPath(), usdPrim, usdTime);

    return true;
Пример #3
GT_PrimitiveHandle GusdPrimWrapper::
defineForRead( const UsdGeomImageable&  sourcePrim, 
               UsdTimeCode              time,
               GusdPurposeSet           purposes )
    GT_PrimitiveHandle gtUsdPrimHandle;

    // Find the function registered for the source prim's type
    // to define the prim from read and call that function.
    if(sourcePrim) {
        const TfToken& typeName = sourcePrim.GetPrim().GetTypeName();
        USDTypeToDefineFuncMap::const_accessor caccessor;
        if(s_usdTypeToFuncMap.find(caccessor, typeName)) {
            gtUsdPrimHandle = caccessor->second(sourcePrim,time,purposes);
        else {
            // If no function is registered for the prim's type, try to
            // find a supported base type.
            const TfType& baseType = TfType::Find<UsdSchemaBase>();
            const TfType& derivedType
                = baseType.FindDerivedByName(typeName.GetText());

            vector<TfType> ancestorTypes;

            for(size_t i=1; i<ancestorTypes.size(); ++i) {
                const TfType& ancestorType = ancestorTypes[i];
                vector<string> typeAliases = baseType.GetAliases(ancestorType);

                for(auto const& typeAlias : typeAliases) {
                    if(s_usdTypeToFuncMap.find(caccessor, TfToken(typeAlias))) {
                        gtUsdPrimHandle = caccessor->second(sourcePrim,time,purposes);
                        USDTypeToDefineFuncMap::accessor accessor;
                        s_usdTypeToFuncMap.insert(accessor, typeName);
                        accessor->second = caccessor->second;
                        TF_WARN("Type \"%s\" not registered, using base type \"%s\".",
                                typeName.GetText(), typeAlias.c_str());
                if(gtUsdPrimHandle) break;

            if(!gtUsdPrimHandle) {
                // If we couldn't find a function for the prim's type or any 
                // of it's base types, register a function which returns an
                // empty prim handle.
                registerPrimDefinitionFuncForRead(typeName, _nullPrimReadFunc);
                TF_WARN("Couldn't read unsupported USD prim type \"%s\".",
    return gtUsdPrimHandle;
Пример #4
GT_PrimitiveHandle GusdXformWrapper::
        const UsdGeomImageable& sourcePrim, 
        UsdTimeCode             time,
        GusdPurposeSet          purposes )
    return new GusdXformWrapper( 
                    UsdGeomXform( sourcePrim.GetPrim() ),
                    purposes );
Пример #5
GT_PrimitiveHandle GusdScopeWrapper::
        const GusdUSD_StageProxyHandle& stage,
        const UsdGeomImageable&         sourcePrim, 
        const UsdTimeCode&              time,
        const GusdPurposeSet&           purposes )
    return new GusdScopeWrapper( 
                    UsdGeomScope( sourcePrim.GetPrim() ),
                    purposes );
Пример #6
GusdPrimWrapper::updateTransformFromGTPrim( const GfMatrix4d &xform, 
                                            UsdTimeCode time, bool force )
    UsdGeomImageable usdGeom = getUsdPrimForWrite();
    UsdGeomXformable prim( usdGeom );

    // Determine if we need to clear previous transformations from a stronger
    // opinion on the stage before authoring ours.
    UsdStagePtr stage = usdGeom.GetPrim().GetStage();
    UsdEditTarget currEditTarget = stage->GetEditTarget();

    // If the edit target does no mapping, it is most likely the session
    // layer which means it is in the local layer stack and can overlay
    // any xformOps.
    if ( !currEditTarget.GetMapFunction().IsNull() && 
         !currEditTarget.GetMapFunction().IsIdentity() ) {
        bool reset;
        std::vector<UsdGeomXformOp> xformVec = prim.GetOrderedXformOps(&reset);

        // The xformOps attribute is static so we only check if we haven't
        // changed anything yet. In addition nothing needs to be cleared if it
        // was previously empty.
        if (m_lastXformSet.IsDefault() && (int)xformVec.size() > 0) {
            // Load the root layer for temp, stronger opinion changes.
            UsdGeomXformable stagePrim( getUsdPrimForWrite() );

            // Clear the xformOps on the stronger layer, so our weaker edit
            // target (with mapping across a reference) can write out clean,
            // new transforms.

    if( !prim )

    // Try to avoid setting the transform when we can.
    // If force it true, always write the transform (used when writting per frame)
    bool setKnot = true;
    if( !force ) {
        // Has the transform has been set at least once
        if( !m_lastXformSet.IsDefault() ) {

            // Is the transform at this frame the same as the last frame
            if( isClose(xform,m_xformCache) ) {
                setKnot = false;
                m_lastXformCompared = time;
            else {
                // If the transform has been held for more than one frame, 
                // set a knot on the last frame
                if( m_lastXformCompared != m_lastXformSet ) {
                    prim.MakeMatrixXform().Set( m_xformCache, m_lastXformCompared );
        else {
            // If the transform is an identity, don't set it
            if( isClose(xform,GfMatrix4d( 1.0 ))) {

                setKnot = false;
                m_lastXformCompared = time;
            else {

                // If the transform was identity and now isn't, set a knot on the last frame
                if( !m_lastXformCompared.IsDefault() ) {
                    prim.MakeMatrixXform().Set( GfMatrix4d(1.0), m_lastXformCompared );

    if( setKnot ) {
        prim.MakeMatrixXform().Set( xform, time );
        m_xformCache = xform;
        m_lastXformSet = time;
        m_lastXformCompared = time;
Пример #7
    GU_Detail&              destgdp,
    UsdGeomImageable        prim, 
    const SdfPath&          primPath,
    const UT_Matrix4D&      xform,
    const GT_RefineParms&   rparms,
    bool                    addPathAttributes ) const
    GT_PrimitiveHandle gtPrim = 
                    m_purposes );

    if( !gtPrim ) {
        const TfToken &type = prim.GetPrim().GetTypeName();
        if( type != "PxHairman" && type != "PxProcArgs" )
            TF_WARN( "Can't convert prim for unpack. %s. Type = %s.", 
                      type.GetText() );
        return false;
    GusdPrimWrapper* wrapper = UTverify_cast<GusdPrimWrapper*>(gtPrim.get());

    if( !wrapper->unpack( 
#if SYS_VERSION_FULL_INT < 0x10050000
	    intrinsicViewportLOD( getPrim() ),
            m_purposes )) {

        // If the wrapper prim does not do the unpack, do it here.
        UT_Array<GU_Detail *>   details;

        if( prim.GetPrim().IsInMaster() ) {

            gtPrim->setPrimitiveTransform( new GT_Transform( &xform, 1 ) );

        GA_Size startIndex = destgdp.getNumPrimitives();

        GT_Util::makeGEO(details, gtPrim, &rparms);

        for (exint i = 0; i < details.entries(); ++i)
            copyPrimitiveGroups(*details(i), false);
#if SYS_VERSION_FULL_INT < 0x11000000
            unpackToDetail(destgdp, details(i), true);
            unpackToDetail(destgdp, details(i), &xform);
            delete details(i);

        if( addPathAttributes ) { 
            // Add usdpath and usdprimpath attributes to unpacked geometry.
            GA_Size endIndex = destgdp.getNumPrimitives();

            const char *path = prim.GetPrim().GetPath().GetString().c_str();

            if( endIndex > startIndex )
                GA_RWHandleS primPathAttr( 
                    destgdp.addStringTuple( GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE, GUSD_PRIMPATH_ATTR, 1 ));
                GA_RWHandleS pathAttr( 
                    destgdp.addStringTuple( GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE, GUSD_PATH_ATTR, 1 ));

                for( GA_Size i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i )
                    primPathAttr.set( destgdp.primitiveOffset( i ), 0, path );
                    pathAttr.set( destgdp.primitiveOffset( i ), 0, fileName().c_str() );
    return true;