Пример #1
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ViscosityValue, TestFixture<SetupSimple>)
    const Opm::BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::Cells cells(5, 0);

    typedef Opm::BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::V V;
    typedef Opm::BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::ADB ADB;

    V Vpw;
    Vpw[0] =  1*Opm::unit::barsa;
    Vpw[1] =  2*Opm::unit::barsa;
    Vpw[2] =  4*Opm::unit::barsa;
    Vpw[3] =  8*Opm::unit::barsa;
    Vpw[4] = 16*Opm::unit::barsa;

    // standard temperature
    V T = V::Constant(cells.size(), 273.15+20);

    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(Vpw.size(), cells.size());

    const V VmuWat = boprops_ad.muWat(ADB::constant(Vpw), ADB::constant(T), cells).value();

    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(Vpw.size(), cells.size());

    // Zero pressure dependence in water viscosity
    for (V::Index i = 0, n = VmuWat.size(); i < n; ++i) {
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(VmuWat[i], VmuWat[0]);
Пример #2
#include "unittest.h"
#include "../common/simdarray.h"

using namespace Vc;

template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr size_t captureN(const SimdArray<T, N> &)
    return N;

    typedef typename V::VectorEntryType VT;
    V array;

    COMPARE(array.size(), captureN(V()));
    VERIFY(sizeof(array) >= array.size() * sizeof(VT));
    VERIFY(sizeof(array) <= 2 * array.size() * sizeof(VT));

template <typename T, typename U> constexpr T bound(T x, U max)
    return x > max ? max : x;

TEST_TYPES(V, checkArrayAlignment, (SIMD_ARRAY_LIST))
    using T = typename V::value_type;
    using M = typename V::mask_type;

    COMPARE(alignof(V), bound(sizeof(V), 128u));  // sizeof must be at least as large as alignof to
Пример #3

#include "prio_queue.hpp"
#include <queue>

#include <catch.hpp>

using A = rollbear::prio_q_internal::heap_heap_addressing<8>;
using V = rollbear::prio_q_internal::skip_vector<int, 4>;
using rollbear::prio_queue;

TEST_CASE("a default constructed vector is empty", "[vector]")
  V v;
  REQUIRE(v.size() == 0);

TEST_CASE("a has size 2 after one push_key", "[vector]")
  V v;
  auto i = v.push_back(1);
  REQUIRE(v.size() == 2);
  REQUIRE(i == 1);

TEST_CASE("a vector of size 2 becomes empty on pop", "[vector]")
  V v;