Пример #1
void VRegion::FromRect (const VRect& inRect)


	assert(inRect.GetWidth() <= kMAX_GDI_RGN_COORD);
	assert(inRect.GetHeight() <= kMAX_GDI_RGN_COORD);
	VRect bounds(inRect);
	bounds.NormalizeToInt(); //normalize to prevent artifacts due to invalidating or clipping region being cropped down

	// Make sure region isn't too big for GDI
	sLONG	newWidth = Min((sLONG)bounds.GetWidth(), (sLONG)kMAX_GDI_RGN_COORD);
	sLONG	newHeight = Min((sLONG)bounds.GetHeight(), (sLONG)kMAX_GDI_RGN_COORD);
	fRegion = ::CreateRectRgn(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
	fOffset.SetPosTo(bounds.GetX(), bounds.GetY());
	Gdiplus::RectF r(inRect.GetX(),inRect.GetY(),inRect.GetWidth(),inRect.GetHeight());
	fRegion = new Gdiplus::Region(r);

Пример #2
void VRect::Intersect (const VRect& inRect)
	GReal	newLeft = Max(fX, inRect.GetX());
	GReal	newTop = Max(fY, inRect.GetY());
	GReal	newRight = Min(GetRight(), inRect.GetRight());
	GReal	newBottom = Min(GetBottom(), inRect.GetBottom());
	if (newRight > newLeft && newBottom > newTop)
		SetCoords(newLeft, newTop, newRight - newLeft, newBottom - newTop);
		SetCoords(0, 0, 0, 0);