Пример #1
const String dumpTree (const ValueTree &tree)
	ScopedPointer <XmlElement> xml(tree.createXml());
	if (xml)
		return (xml->createDocument(""));

	return ("dumpTree: INVALID TREE");
Пример #2
static String valueTreeToString (const ValueTree& v)
    const ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xml (v.createXml());
    return xml != nullptr ? xml->createDocument ("", true, false) : String();
Пример #3
void SampleEditHandler::SampleEditingActions::createMultimicSampleMap(SampleEditHandler* handler)
	const String multimicTokens = PresetHandler::getCustomName("Multimic Tokens", "Enter a semicolon separated list of all mic position tokens starting with the existing mic position");

	auto list = StringArray::fromTokens(multimicTokens, ";", "\"");

	if (list.size() == 0)

	auto firstToken = list[0];

	String listString = "\n";

	for (auto l : list)
		listString << l << "\n";

	if (PresetHandler::showYesNoWindow("Confirm multimic tokens", "You have specified these tokens:" + listString + "\nPress OK to create a multimic samplemap with these mic positions"))
		ValueTree v = handler->getSampler()->getSampleMap()->exportAsValueTree();

		for (int i = 0; i < v.getNumChildren(); i++)
			auto sample = v.getChild(i);

			if (sample.getNumChildren() != 0)
				PresetHandler::showMessageWindow("Already a multimic samplemap", "The samplemap has already multimics", PresetHandler::IconType::Error);

			auto filename = sample.getProperty("FileName").toString();

			if (!filename.contains(firstToken))
				PresetHandler::showMessageWindow("Wrong first mic position", "You have to specify the current mic position as first mic position.\nSample: " + filename, PresetHandler::IconType::Error);

			sample.removeProperty("FileName", nullptr);

			for (auto token : list)
				auto fChild = ValueTree("file");
				fChild.setProperty("FileName", filename.replace(firstToken, token, false), nullptr);
				sample.addChild(fChild, -1, nullptr);

		PresetHandler::showMessageWindow("Merge successful", "Press OK to choose a location for the multimic sample map");

		auto sampleMapDirectory = GET_PROJECT_HANDLER(handler->getSampler()).getSubDirectory(ProjectHandler::SubDirectories::SampleMaps);

		FileChooser fc("Save multimic Samplemap", sampleMapDirectory, "*.xml", true);

		v.setProperty("MicPositions", multimicTokens, nullptr);

		if (fc.browseForFileToSave(true))
			auto f = fc.getResult();

			auto path = f.getRelativePathFrom(sampleMapDirectory).upToFirstOccurrenceOf(".xml", false, false).replace("\\", "/");

			v.setProperty("ID", path, nullptr);

			ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xml = v.createXml();