Пример #1
__pu_value *reg_var(Pu *L, const PuString &varname)
    __pu_value *got = NULL;
    VarMap *varmap = L->varstack.top();
    VarMap::Bucket_T *it = varmap->find(varname);
    if (it != 0)
        got = &(it->value);
        VarMap *varmap = L->varstack.bottom();
        VarMap::Bucket_T *it = varmap->find(varname);
        if (it != 0)
            got = &(it->value);

    if (got == NULL)
        VarMap *varmap = L->varstack.top();
        VarMap::Bucket_T *ret = varmap->insert(varname, __pu_value(L));
        got = &(ret->value);

    return got;
Пример #2
    AstVarScope* createVarSc(AstVarScope* oldvarscp, string name, int width/*0==fromoldvar*/) {
	// Because we've already scoped it, we may need to add both the AstVar and the AstVarScope
	if (!oldvarscp->scopep()) oldvarscp->v3fatalSrc("Var unscoped");
	AstVar* varp;
	AstNodeModule* addmodp = oldvarscp->scopep()->modp();
	// We need a new AstVar, but only one for all scopes, to match the new AstVarScope
	VarMap::iterator iter = m_modVarMap.find(make_pair(addmodp,name));
	if (iter != m_modVarMap.end()) {
	    // Created module's AstVar earlier under some other scope
	    varp = iter->second;
	} else {
	    if (width==0) {
		varp = new AstVar (oldvarscp->fileline(), AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, oldvarscp->varp());
	    } else { // Used for vset and dimensions, so can zero init
		varp = new AstVar (oldvarscp->fileline(), AstVarType::BLOCKTEMP, name, AstBitPacked(), width);
	    m_modVarMap.insert(make_pair(make_pair(addmodp, name), varp));

	AstVarScope* varscp = new AstVarScope (oldvarscp->fileline(), oldvarscp->scopep(), varp);
	return varscp;
Пример #3
    virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (nodep->lvalue() && !nodep->user2()) {
	    nodep->user2(true); // mark this ref as visited
	    AstVar* key = nodep->varp();

	    VarMap::iterator it = m_lhsmapp->find(key);
	    if (it == m_lhsmapp->end()) {
		// this key does not exist yet, so create it
		RefVec* refs = new RefVec();
		m_lhsmapp->insert(pair<AstVar*, RefVec*>(key, refs));
	    } else {
	    nodep->user3p(m_sel); // attach the sel to this varref