Пример #1
void ConnectionSettings::operator<<(const VariantMap &value)
    for (auto it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it) {
        std::string key = it->first;
        Variant value = it->second;

        // Set the key-value pair
        set(key, value);
Пример #2
bool XMLElement::SetVariantMap(const VariantMap& value)
    if (!RemoveChildren("variant"))
        return false;

    for (auto i = value.begin(); i != value.end(); ++i)
        XMLElement variantElem = CreateChild("variant");
        if (!variantElem)
            return false;
        variantElem.SetUInt("hash", i->first.Value());

    return true;
void CityTradeOptions::load( const VariantMap& stream )
  for( VariantMap::const_iterator it=stream.begin(); it != stream.end(); it++ )
    GoodType gtype = GoodHelper::getType( it->first );

    if( gtype == G_NONE )
      StringHelper::debug( 0xff, "%s %s [%s %d]", "Can't convert type from ", 
                           it->first.c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ );

    _d->goods[ gtype ].load( it->second.toList() );
Пример #4
void BuildingDataHolder::initialize( const io::FilePath& filename )
  // populate _mapBuildingByInGood
  _d->mapBuildingByInGood[G_IRON]   = B_WEAPONS_WORKSHOP;
  _d->mapBuildingByInGood[G_TIMBER] = B_FURNITURE;
  _d->mapBuildingByInGood[G_CLAY]   = B_POTTERY;
  _d->mapBuildingByInGood[G_OLIVE]  = B_OIL_WORKSHOP;
  _d->mapBuildingByInGood[G_GRAPE]  = B_WINE_WORKSHOP;

  VariantMap constructions = SaveAdapter::load( filename.toString() );

  for( VariantMap::iterator it=constructions.begin(); it != constructions.end(); it++ )
    VariantMap options = (*it).second.toMap();

    const BuildingType btype = getType( (*it).first );
    if( btype == B_NONE )
      StringHelper::debug( 0xff, "!!!Warning: can't associate type with %s", (*it).first.c_str() );

    Impl::BuildingsMap::const_iterator bdataIt = _d->buildings.find( btype );
    if( bdataIt != _d->buildings.end() )
      StringHelper::debug( 0xff, "!!!Warning: type %s also initialized", (*it).first.c_str() );

    BuildingData bData( btype, (*it).first, (int)options[ "cost" ] );
    const std::string pretty = options[ "pretty" ].toString();
    if( !pretty.empty() )
      bData._prettyName = pretty;

    bData._baseDesirability  = (int)options[ "desirability" ];
    bData._desirabilityRange = (int)options[ "desrange" ];
    bData._desirabilityStep  = (int)options[ "desstep" ];
    bData._employers = (int)options[ "employers" ];
    bData._buildingClass = getClass( options[ "class" ].toString() );
    bData._resourceGroup = options[ "resource" ].toString();
    bData._rcIndex = (int)options[ "rcindex" ];

    addData( bData );
Пример #5
VariantMap proxyProcessMap( const VariantMap &args, const JSAPIImplPtr& self, const JSAPIImplPtr& proxy )
    VariantMap newMap;
    for (VariantMap::const_iterator it = args.begin();
        it != args.end(); ++it) {
        if (it->second.is_of_type<JSAPIPtr>() && it->second.convert_cast<JSAPIPtr>() == self) {
            newMap[it->first] = proxy;
        } else if (it->second.is_of_type<VariantList>()) {
            newMap[it->first] = proxyProcessList(it->second.convert_cast<VariantList>(), self, proxy);
        } else if (it->second.is_of_type<VariantMap>()) {
            newMap[it->first] = proxyProcessMap(it->second.convert_cast<VariantMap>(), self, proxy);
        } else {
            newMap[it->first] = it->second;
    return newMap;
Пример #6
void Options::load( const VariantMap& stream )
  for( VariantMap::const_iterator it=stream.begin(); it != stream.end(); ++it )
    good::Product gtype = good::Helper::getType( it->first );

    if( gtype == good::none )
      Logger::warning( "%s %s [%s %d]", "Can't convert type from ",
                           it->first.c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ );

    _d->goods[ gtype ].load( it->second.toList() );

Пример #7
void HouseSpecHelper::loadHouseModel( const std::string& filename )
  VariantMap houses = SaveAdapter::load( filename );

  if( houses.empty() )
    StringHelper::debug( 0xff, "Can't load house model from %s", filename.c_str() );

  for( VariantMap::iterator it = houses.begin(); it != houses.end(); it++ )
    // this is not a comment (comments start by #)
    // std::cout << "Line #" << linenum << ":" << line << std::endl;
    VariantMap hSpec = (*it).second.toMap();

    HouseLevelSpec spec;
    spec._houseLevel = hSpec.get( "level" ).toInt();
    spec._levelName = hSpec.get( "title" ).toString();
    spec._maxHabitantsByTile = hSpec.get( "habitants" ).toInt();
    spec._midDesirability = hSpec.get( "minDesirability" ).toInt();  // min desirability
    spec._maxDesirability = hSpec.get( "maxDesirability" ).toInt();  // desirability levelUp
    spec._minEntertainmentLevel = hSpec.get( "entertainment" ).toInt();
    spec._minWaterLevel = hSpec.get( "water" ).toInt();
    spec._minReligionLevel = hSpec.get( "religion" ).toInt();
    spec._minEducationLevel = hSpec.get( "education" ).toInt();
    spec._minHealthLevel = hSpec.get( "health" ).toInt();
    spec._minFoodLevel = hSpec.get( "food" ).toInt();
    spec._requiredGoods[G_WHEAT] = 1;  // hard coded ... to be changed!
    spec._requiredGoods[G_POTTERY] = hSpec.get( "pottery" ).toInt();  // pottery
    spec._requiredGoods[G_OIL] = hSpec.get( "oil" ).toInt();  // oil
    spec._requiredGoods[G_FURNITURE] = hSpec.get( "furniture").toInt();// furniture
    spec._requiredGoods[G_WINE] = hSpec.get( "wine" ).toInt();  // wine
    spec._crime = hSpec.get( "crime" ).toInt();;  // crime
    spec._prosperity = hSpec.get( "prosperity" ).toInt();  // prosperity
    spec._taxRate = hSpec.get( "tax" ).toInt();// tax_rate

    HouseSpecHelper::getInstance().setHouseLevelSpec( spec );    

Пример #8
std::string Json::serialize(const Variant &data, bool &success, const std::string& tab)
  std::string str;
  success = true;

  if( !data.isValid() ) // invalid or null?
    str = "null";

  else if( (data.type() == Variant::List) || (data.type() == Variant::NStringArray) ) // variant is a list?
    StringArray values;
    const VariantList rlist = data.toList();
    for( VariantList::const_iterator it = rlist.begin(); it != rlist.end(); it++)
      std::string serializedValue = serialize( *it, "" );
      if( serializedValue.empty() )
          success = false;

      values.push_back( serializedValue );

    str = "[ " + join( values, ", " ) + " ]";
// 	else if(data.type() == Variant::Hash) // variant is a hash?
// 	{
// 		const VariantHash vhash = data.toHash();
// 		QHashIterator<std::string, Variant> it( vhash );
// 		str = "{ ";
// 		QList<QByteArray> pairs;
// 		while(it.hasNext())
// 		{
// 			it.next();
//               QByteArray serializedValue = serialize(it.value(), "");
// 			if(serializedValue.isNull())
// 			{
// 				success = false;
// 				break;
// 			}
//               pairs << tab.toAscii() + sanitizeString(it.key()).toUtf8() + " : " + serializedValue;
// 		}
// 		str += join(pairs, ", ");
// 		str += " }";
// 	}
    else if(data.type() == Variant::Map) // variant is a map?
      VariantMap vmap = data.toMap();
      str = "{ \n";
      StringArray pairs;
      for( VariantMap::iterator it = vmap.begin(); it != vmap.end(); it++ )
        std::string serializedValue = serialize( it->second, tab + "  ");
        if( serializedValue.empty())
                //success = false;
          pairs.push_back( tab + sanitizeString( it->first ) + std::string( " : \"nonSerializableValue\"" ) );
        pairs.push_back( tab + sanitizeString( it->first ) + " : " + serializedValue );
      str += join(pairs, ",\n");
      std::string rtab( tab );
      rtab.resize( std::max<int>( 0, tab.size() - 2 ) );
      str += std::string( "\n" ) + rtab + "}";
    else if((data.type() == Variant::String) || (data.type() == Variant::NByteArray)) // a string or a byte array?
            str = sanitizeString( data.toString() );
    else if(data.type() == Variant::Double || data.type() == Variant::Float) // double?
      str = StringHelper::format( 0xff, "\"%f\"", data.toDouble() );
      if( str.find(".") == std::string::npos && str.find("e") == std::string::npos )
         str += ".0";
    else if( data.type() == Variant::NTilePos)
      TilePos pos = data.toTilePos();
      str = StringHelper::format( 0xff, "[ %d, %d ]", pos.getI(), pos.getJ() );
    else if( data.type() == Variant::NSize)
      Size size = data.toSize();
      str = StringHelper::format( 0xff, "[ %d, %d ]", size.getWidth(), size.getHeight() );
    else if( data.type() == Variant::NPoint)
      Point pos = data.toPoint();
      str = StringHelper::format( 0xff, "[ %d, %d ]", pos.getX(), pos.getY() );
    else if( data.type() == Variant::NPointF)
      PointF pos = data.toPointF();
      str = StringHelper::format( 0xff, "[ \"%f\", \"%f\" ]", pos.getX(), pos.getY() );
    else if (data.type() == Variant::Bool) // boolean value?
      str = data.toBool() ? "true" : "false";
    else if (data.type() == Variant::ULongLong) // large unsigned number?
      str = StringHelper::format( 0xff, "%u", data.toULongLong() );
    else if ( data.canConvert( Variant::LongLong ) ) // any signed number?
      str = StringHelper::format( 0xff, "%d", data.toLongLong() );
    else if (data.canConvert( Variant::Long ))
      str = StringHelper::format( 0xff, "%d", data.toLongLong() );
    else if (data.canConvert( Variant::String ) ) // can value be converted to string?
      // this will catch Date, DateTime, Url, ...
      str = sanitizeString( data.toString() );
      success = false;

    if (success)
            return str;
      return std::string();