Пример #1
//findBestParamManyStarts: Finds the best gammaMixture from many starting points.
//The function starts form few starting points. 
//For each point it tries to optimize the likellihood doing only a small number of iterations.
//It then picks the best points (highest likelihood) and continue the maximization for these points only.
//The best gammaMixture is stored in _sp and the best likelihood is returned.
//input Parameters:
//startPointsNum = the number of starting points.
//bestStartsNum  = the number of best points to continue with the full optimization.
//startIter      = the number of iterations to perform with all starting points.
//maxIterations  = the maximum number of iterations to continue with the best points
//epsilon        = for determining convergence in the maximization process. 
MDOUBLE optGammaMixtureEM::findBestParamManyStarts(const int startPointsNum, const int bestStartsNum, const int startIter, const int maxIterations, const MDOUBLE epsilon, const MDOUBLE epsilomQopt, ofstream* pOutF)
	vector<mixtureDistribution> distVec;
	Vdouble likelihoodVec(startPointsNum);
	mixtureDistribution * pMixture = static_cast<mixtureDistribution*>(_pSp->distr());
	//create starting distributions
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < startPointsNum; ++i)
		//the first distribution will be the current one
		if (i == 0)
			distVec.push_back(mixtureDistribution(pMixture->getComponentsNum(), pMixture->categoriesForOneComponent(), LAGUERRE, 15, 15)); 

	//make a small number of iterations for all random starts 
	for (i = 0; i < distVec.size(); ++i)
		likelihoodVec[i] = optimizeParam(&distVec[i], startIter, epsilon, epsilomQopt, pOutF);

	//sort results and make full optimization only on the best starts
	Vdouble sortedL = likelihoodVec;
	MDOUBLE threshold = sortedL[sortedL.size()- bestStartsNum];
	MDOUBLE bestL = sortedL[0];
	int bestDistNum = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < distVec.size(); ++i)
		if (likelihoodVec[i] >= threshold) 
			MDOUBLE newL = optimizeParam(&distVec[i], maxIterations, epsilon, epsilomQopt, pOutF);
			if (newL > bestL)
				bestL = newL;
				bestDistNum = i;
	return bestL;
Пример #2
// a file with color-coding from Ka/Ks values to color-bins
void kaks2Color(const Vdouble & kaksVec, const Vdouble &lowerBoundV,
				const sequence & refSeq, string fileName,codon *co) {
	vector<int> colors;
	int numOfSitesinAln = kaksVec.size();
	Vdouble negativesKaksVec,negativesSite;
	int i,gapsInRefSeq=0;

	for (i=0;i<numOfSitesinAln;i++){
		if (codonUtility::aaOf(refSeq[i],*co) == -1) gapsInRefSeq++; 

	// first dealing with positive selection
	int gap=0;
	for (i=0;i<numOfSitesinAln;i++){
		if (codonUtility::aaOf(refSeq[i],*co) == -1){
		if (lowerBoundV[i]>1) // color 1 (positive selection) : if confidence interval lower bound > 1
		else if (kaksVec[i]>1) // color 2(positive selection) : "non-significant"
		else  {
			negativesKaksVec.push_back(kaksVec[i]);  //add the value of kaks < 1
			negativesSite.push_back(i-gap);   //add the number of site of the kaks 

	// now dealing with purifying selection
	Vdouble orderVec = negativesKaksVec;
	if (orderVec.size()>0) // this is since once the whole protein was positive selection... (anomaly)
		sort(orderVec.begin(), orderVec.end());  //sort the kaks values to be divided to 5 groups
	MDOUBLE percentileNum = 5.0;
	int percentileNumInt = 5;
	Vdouble maxScoreForPercentile(percentileNumInt);
	if (orderVec.size()>0) {
		maxScoreForPercentile[0] = orderVec[0]; 
		for (int c = 1; c < percentileNumInt; ++c){
			int place = (int)((c / percentileNum) * negativesKaksVec.size());
			MDOUBLE maxScore = orderVec[place];
			maxScoreForPercentile[c] = maxScore;

	//loop over all the Ka/Ks < 1  
	for (int j=0; j < negativesKaksVec.size(); ++j){
			MDOUBLE r = negativesKaksVec[j]; //the kaks of the site.
			int s = (int)negativesSite[j];  //the  site.
			if (r > maxScoreForPercentile[4]) 
					colors[s] = 3;
			else if (r > maxScoreForPercentile[3]) 
					colors[s] = 4;
			else if (r> maxScoreForPercentile[2])
					colors[s] = 5;
			else if (r > maxScoreForPercentile[1])
					colors[s] = 6;
			else if (r >= maxScoreForPercentile[0])
					colors[s] = 7;
	//print to file
	ofstream out(fileName.c_str());
	amino aminoAcid;
	LOG(5,<<"Printing selection color bins to file"<<endl);
	for (i=0;i<refSeq.seqLen();i++){	 
		int aa = codonUtility::aaOf(refSeq[i], *co);
		if (aa==-1){
		string aaStr = aminoAcid.fromInt(aa);
		out<<i+1-gap <<"\t"<<aaStr<<"\t"<<colors[i-gap];