Пример #1
Vec3 ComputePrincipleComponent( Sym3x3 const& matrix )
	Vec4 const row0( matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], 0.0f );
	Vec4 const row1( matrix[1], matrix[3], matrix[4], 0.0f );
	Vec4 const row2( matrix[2], matrix[4], matrix[5], 0.0f );

	//Vec4 v = VEC4_CONST( 1.0f );
	//Vec4 v = row0; // row1, row2

	Vec3 v3 = EstimatePrincipleComponent( matrix );
	Vec4 v( v3.X(), v3.Y(), v3.Z(), 0.0f );

	for( int i = 0; i < POWER_ITERATION_COUNT; ++i )
		// matrix multiply
		Vec4 w = row0*v.SplatX();
		w = MultiplyAdd(row1, v.SplatY(), w);
		w = MultiplyAdd(row2, v.SplatZ(), w);

		// get max component from xyz in all channels
		Vec4 a = Max(w.SplatX(), Max(w.SplatY(), w.SplatZ()));

		// divide through and advance
		v = w*Reciprocal(a);
	return v.GetVec3();
Пример #2
float FastClusterFit::GetBestError() const
	Vec4 x = m_xxsum * m_metricSqr;
	Vec4 error = m_besterror + x.SplatX() + x.SplatY() + x.SplatZ();
	return error.GetVec3().X();
	return m_besterror + Dot(m_xxsum, m_metricSqr);

Пример #3
void FastClusterFit::Compress4( void* block )
	Vec4 const one = VEC4_CONST(1.0f);
	Vec4 const zero = VEC4_CONST(0.0f);
	Vec4 const half = VEC4_CONST(0.5f);
	Vec4 const two = VEC4_CONST(2.0);
	Vec4 const onethird = VEC4_CONST( 1.0f/3.0f );
	Vec4 const twothirds = VEC4_CONST( 2.0f/3.0f );

	// declare variables
	Vec4 beststart = VEC4_CONST( 0.0f );
	Vec4 bestend = VEC4_CONST( 0.0f );
	Vec4 besterror = VEC4_CONST( FLT_MAX );

	Vec4 x0 = zero;
	int b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0;
	int i = 0;

	// check all possible clusters for this total order
	for( int c0 = 0; c0 <= 16; c0++)
		Vec4 x1 = zero;
		for( int c1 = 0; c1 <= 16-c0; c1++)
			Vec4 x2 = zero;
			for( int c2 = 0; c2 <= 16-c0-c1; c2++)
				Vec4 const constants = Vec4((const float *)&s_fourElement[i]);
				Vec4 const alpha2_sum = constants.SplatX();
				Vec4 const beta2_sum = constants.SplatY();
				Vec4 const alphabeta_sum = constants.SplatZ();
				Vec4 const factor = constants.SplatW();
				Vec4 const alphax_sum = x0 + MultiplyAdd(x1, twothirds, x2 * onethird);
				Vec4 const betax_sum = m_xsum - alphax_sum;
				Vec4 a = NegativeMultiplySubtract(betax_sum, alphabeta_sum, alphax_sum*beta2_sum) * factor;
				Vec4 b = NegativeMultiplySubtract(alphax_sum, alphabeta_sum, betax_sum*alpha2_sum) * factor;
				// clamp the output to [0, 1]
				a = Min( one, Max( zero, a ) );
				b = Min( one, Max( zero, b ) );
				// clamp to the grid
				Vec4 const grid( 31.0f, 63.0f, 31.0f, 0.0f );
				Vec4 const gridrcp( 0.03227752766457f, 0.01583151765563f, 0.03227752766457f, 0.0f );
				a = Truncate( MultiplyAdd( grid, a, half ) ) * gridrcp;
				b = Truncate( MultiplyAdd( grid, b, half ) ) * gridrcp;
				// compute the error
				Vec4 e1 = MultiplyAdd( a, alphax_sum, b*betax_sum );
				Vec4 e2 = MultiplyAdd( a*a, alpha2_sum, b*b*beta2_sum );
				Vec4 e3 = MultiplyAdd( a*b*alphabeta_sum - e1, two, e2 );
				// apply the metric to the error term
				Vec4 e4 = e3 * m_metricSqr;
				Vec4 error = e4.SplatX() + e4.SplatY() + e4.SplatZ();
				// keep the solution if it wins
				if( CompareAnyLessThan( error, besterror ) )
					besterror = error;
					beststart = a;
					bestend = b;
					b0 = c0;
					b1 = c1;
					b2 = c2;
				x2 += m_unweighted[c0+c1+c2];
			x1 += m_unweighted[c0+c1];
		x0 += m_unweighted[c0];

	// save the block if necessary
	if( CompareAnyLessThan( besterror, m_besterror ) )
		// compute indices from cluster sizes.
		/*uint bestindices = 0;
			int i = b0;
			for(; i < b0+b1; i++) {
				bestindices = 2 << (2 * m_order[i]);
			for(; i < b0+b1+b2; i++) {
				bestindices = 3 << (2 * m_order[i]);
			for(; i < 16; i++) {
				bestindices = 1 << (2 * m_order[i]);
		u8 bestindices[16];
			int i = 0;
			for(; i < b0; i++) {
				bestindices[i] = 0;
			for(; i < b0+b1; i++) {
				bestindices[i] = 2;
			for(; i < b0+b1+b2; i++) {
				bestindices[i] = 3;
			for(; i < 16; i++) {
				bestindices[i] = 1;
		// remap the indices
		u8 ordered[16];
		for( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
			ordered[m_order[i]] = bestindices[i];
		// save the block
		WriteColourBlock4( beststart.GetVec3(), bestend.GetVec3(), ordered, block );
		// save the error
		m_besterror = besterror;