Пример #1
LossData WCV_TAUMOD::horizontal_WCV_interval(double T, const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v) const {
  double time_in = T;
  double time_out = 0;
  double sqs = s.sqv();
  double sdotv = s.dot(v);
  double sqD = Util::sq(table.getDTHR());
  double a = v.sqv();
  double b = 2*sdotv+table.getTTHR()*v.sqv();
  double c = sqs+table.getTTHR()*sdotv-sqD;
  if (Util::almost_equals(a,0) && sqs <= sqD) { // [CAM] Changed from == to almost_equals to mitigate numerical problems
    time_in = 0;
    time_out = T;
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  if (sqs <= sqD) {
    time_in = 0;
    time_out = std::min(T,Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,1,table.getDTHR()));
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  double discr = Util::sq(b)-4*a*c;
  if (sdotv >= 0 || discr < 0)
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  double t = (-b - std::sqrt(discr))/(2*a);
  if (Horizontal::Delta(s, v,table.getDTHR()) >= 0 && t <= T) {
    time_in = std::max(0.0,t);
    time_out = std::min(T, Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,1,table.getDTHR()));
  return LossData(time_in,time_out);
Пример #2
// Compute modified tau
double TCAS2D::tau_mod(double DMOD, const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v) {
  double sdotv = s.dot(v);

  if (Util::almost_equals(sdotv,0)) // [CAM] Changed from == to almost_equals to mitigate numerical problems
    return 0;
  return (Util::sq(DMOD)-s.sqv())/sdotv;
Пример #3
LossData WCV_TEP::horizontal_WCV_interval(double T, const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v) const {
  double time_in = T;
  double time_out = 0;
  double sqs = s.sqv();
  double sqv = v.sqv();
  double sdotv = s.dot(v);
  double sqD = Util::sq(table.getDTHR());
  if (Util::almost_equals(sqv,0) && sqs <= sqD) { // [CAM] Changed from == to almost_equals to mitigate numerical problems
    time_in = 0;
    time_out = T;
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  if (Util::almost_equals(sqv,0)) // [CAM] Changed from == to almost_equals to mitigate numerical problems
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  if (sqs <= sqD) {
    time_in = 0;
    time_out = Util::min(T,Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,1,table.getDTHR()));
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  if (sdotv > 0 || Horizontal::Delta(s,v,table.getDTHR()) < 0)
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  double tep = Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,-1,table.getDTHR());
  if (tep-table.getTTHR() > T)
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  time_in = Util::max(0.0,tep-table.getTTHR());
  time_out = Util::min(T,Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,1,table.getDTHR()));
  return LossData(time_in,time_out);
Пример #4
 Vect2 AziEquiProjection::project2(const LatLonAlt& lla) const {
   Vect2 p =  sphere_to_plane(ref, spherical2xyz(lla.lat(),lla.lon()));
   if (p.norm() <= 0.0) {
 	  return Vect2::ZERO;
   } else {
       return p.Scal(GreatCircle::distance(lla, llaRef)/p.norm());
Пример #5
double WCV_TEP::horizontal_tvar(const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v) const {
  // Time variable is Modified Tau
  double TEP = -1;
  double sdotv = s.dot(v);
  if (sdotv < 0)
    return (Util::sq(table.getDTHR())-s.sqv())/sdotv;
  return TEP;
Пример #6
Vect2 VectFuns::closestPoint(const Vect2& a, const Vect2& b, const Vect2& so) {
	// translate a to origin, then project so onto the line defined by ab, then translate back to a
	Vect2 ab = b.Sub(a);
	return ab.Scal(so.Sub(a).dot(ab)/ab.dot(ab)).Add(a);
//	if (collinear(a,b,so)) return so;
//	Vect2 v = a.Sub(b).PerpL().Hat(); // perpendicular vector to line
//	Vect2 s2 = so.AddScal(100, v);
//	Vect2 cp = intersection(so,s2,100,a,b).first;
//	return cp;
Пример #7
double TCAS2D::time_of_min_tau(double DMOD, double B, double T, const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v) {
  if (v.ScalAdd(B,s).dot(v) >= 0)
    return B;
  double d = Horizontal::Delta(s,v,DMOD);
  double rr = 0;
  if (d < 0)
    rr = 2*std::sqrt(-d) / v.sqv();
  if (v.ScalAdd(T,s).dot(v) < 0)
    return T;
  return nominal_tau(B,T,s,v,rr);
Пример #8
 * Return actual time of closest point approach (return negative infinity if parallel)
double Vect2::actual_tcpa (const Vect2& so, const Vect2& vo, const Vect2& si,  const Vect2& vi){
	double rtn;
	Vect2 s = so - si;
	Vect2 v = vo - vi;
	double nv = v.norm();
	if (nv > 0) {
		rtn = -s.dot(v)/(nv*nv);
	} else {
		rtn = NINFINITY;;
	return rtn;
Пример #9
Vect2 VectFuns::closestPointOnSegment(const Vect2& a, const Vect2& b, const Vect2& so) {
	Vect2 i = closestPoint(a,b,so);
	double d1 = a.distance(b);
	double d2 = a.distance(i);
	double d3 = b.distance(i);
	if (d2 <= d1 && d3 <= d1) {
		return i;
	} else if (d2 < d3) {
		return a;
	} else {
		return b;
Пример #10
bool LineCheckForBoxOnIsle2(const Vect2 &minVal, const Vect2 &maxVal, const Vect2 &v1, const Vect2 &v2)
    float tMax = M_INFINITE;
    float tMin = -M_INFINITE;

    Vect2 rayVect = v2-v1;
    float rayLength = rayVect.Len();
    Vect2 rayDir = rayVect*(1.0f/rayLength);

    Vect2 center = ((maxVal-minVal)*0.5f)+minVal;
    Vect2 E = maxVal - center;
    Vect2 T = center-v1;

    for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
        float e = T.ptr[i];
        float f = rayDir.ptr[i];
        float fI = 1.0f/f;

        if(fabs(f) > 0.0f)
            float t1 = (e+E.ptr[i])*fI;
            float t2 = (e-E.ptr[i])*fI;
            if(t1 > t2)
                if(t2 > tMin) tMin = t2;
                if(t1 < tMax) tMax = t1;
                if(t1 > tMin) tMin = t1;
                if(t2 < tMax) tMax = t2;
            if(tMin > tMax) return false;
            if(tMax < 0.0f) return false;
        else if( ((-e - E.ptr[i]) > 0.0f) ||
                 ((-e + E.ptr[i]) < 0.0f) )
            return FALSE;

        if(tMin > rayLength) return false;

    return true; 
Пример #11
bool WCV_tvar::horizontal_WCV(const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v) const {
  if (s.norm() <= table.getDTHR()) return true;
  if (Horizontal::dcpa(s,v) <= table.getDTHR()) {
    double tvar = horizontal_tvar(s,v);
    return 0  <= tvar && tvar <= table.getTTHR();
  return false;
Пример #12
    void CreateErrorTexture()
        LPBYTE textureData = (LPBYTE)Allocate(32*32*4);
        msetd(textureData, 0xFF0000FF, 32*32*4);

        textures << CreateTexture(32, 32, GS_RGB, textureData, FALSE);
        fullSize.Set(32.0f, 32.0f);

Пример #13
double InitTangentLineY (const Vect2& s, const double D, const int eps) {
//  double x;
  double y;
  double sq_s  = s.sqv();
  double sq_D  = sq(D);
  if (Util::almost_equals(sq_s,sq_D))  {
//    x = eps*s.y;
    y = -eps*s.x;
  } else {
    Vect2 q = TangentLine::Q(s,D,eps);
//    x = q.x;
    y = q.y;
    if (!q.isZero()) {
//      x -= s.x;
      y -= s.y;
  return y;
Пример #14
Vect3 VectFuns::closestPoint(const Vect3& a, const Vect3& b, const Vect3& so) {
	if (a.almostEquals(b)) return Vect3::INVALID();
	Vect2 c = closestPoint(a.vect2(), b.vect2(), so.vect2());
	Vect3 v = b.Sub(a);
	double d1 = v.vect2().norm();
	double d2 = c.Sub(a.vect2()).norm();
	double d3 = c.Sub(b.vect2()).norm();
	double f = d2/d1;
	if (d3 > d1 && d3 > d2) { // negative direction
		f = -f;
	return a.AddScal(f, v);

//	Vect3 v = a.Sub(b).PerpL().Hat2D(); // perpendicular vector to line
//	Vect3 s2 = so.AddScal(100, v);
//	std::pair<Vect3, double> i = intersectionAvgZ(a,b,100,so,s2);
//	// need to fix altitude to be along the a-b line
//	return interpolate(a,b,i.second/100.0);
Пример #15
std::pair<Vect2,double> VectFuns::intersection(const Vect2& so, const Vect2& vo, const Vect2& si, const Vect2& vi) {
	Vect2 ds = si.Sub(so);
	if (vo.det(vi) == 0) {
		//f.pln(" $$$ intersection: lines are parallel");
		return std::pair<Vect2,double>(Vect2::ZERO(),  NaN);
	double tt = ds.det(vi)/vo.det(vi);
	Vect2 intersec = so.Add(vo.Scal(tt));
	return std::pair<Vect2,double>(intersec,tt);
Пример #16
Vect2 Vect2::intersect_pt(const Vect2& s0, const Vect2& v0, const Vect2& s1, const Vect2& v1) {
	if (Util::almost_equals(v0.det(v1),0.0)) {
		//fpln(" $$$$$$$$ ERROR $$$$$$$$$");
		return Vect2::INVALID();
	} else {
		Vect2 delta = s1.Sub(s0);
		double ss = delta.det(v1)/v0.det(v1);
		return s0.Add(v0.Scal(ss));
Пример #17
Vect2 TangentLine::Q(const Vect2& s, const double D, const int eps) {
  double sq_s = s.sqv();
  double sq_D = sq(D);
  double delta = sq_s -sq_D;
  if (delta >= 0) { 
    double alpha = sq_D/sq_s;
    double beta  = D*sqrt_safe(delta)/sq_s;
    return Vect2(alpha*s.x+eps*beta*s.y,
    return Vect2();
Пример #18
 * Return distance at time of closest point of approach
double Vect2::dcpa(const Vect2& so, const Vect2& vo, const Vect2& si, const Vect2& vi) {
	double t = tcpa(so,vo,si,vi);
	Vect2 s = so.Sub(si);
	Vect2 v = vo.Sub(vi);
	Vect2 st = s.AddScal(t,v);
	return st.norm();
Пример #19
void TCAS2D::RA2D_interval(double DMOD, double Tau, double B, double T, Vect2 s, Vect2 vo, Vect2 vi) {
  t_in = B;
  t_out = T;
  Vect2 v = vo.Sub(vi);
  double sqs = s.sqv();
  double sdotv = s.dot(v);
  double sqD = Util::sq(DMOD);
  if (vo.almostEquals(vi) && sqs <= sqD)
  double sqv = v.sqv();
  if (sqs <= sqD) {
    t_out = Util::root2b(sqv,sdotv,sqs-sqD,1);
  double b = 2*sdotv+Tau*sqv;
  double c = sqs+Tau*sdotv-sqD;
  if (sdotv >= 0 || Util::discr(sqv,b,c) < 0) {
    t_in = T+1;
    t_out = 0;
  t_in = Util::root(sqv,b,c,-1);
  if (Horizontal::Delta(s,v,DMOD) >= 0)
    t_out = Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,1,DMOD);
    t_out = Util::root(sqv,b,c,1);
Пример #20
LossData WCV_TCPA::horizontal_WCV_interval(double T, const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v) const {
  double time_in = T;
  double time_out = 0;
  double sqs = s.sqv();
  double sqv = v.sqv();
  double sdotv = s.dot(v);
  double sqD = Util::sq(table.getDTHR());
  if (Util::almost_equals(sqv,0) && sqs <= sqD) { // [CAM] Changed from == to almost_equals to mitigate numerical problems
    time_in = 0;
    time_out = T;
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  if (Util::almost_equals(sqv,0)) // [CAM] Changed from == to almost_equals to mitigate numerical problems
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  if (sqs <= sqD) {
    time_in = 0;
    time_out = std::min(T,Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,1,table.getDTHR()));
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  if (sdotv > 0)
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  double tcpa = Horizontal::tcpa(s,v);
  if (v.ScalAdd(tcpa, s).norm() > table.getDTHR())
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  double Delta = Horizontal::Delta(s,v,table.getDTHR());
  if (Delta < 0 && tcpa - table.getTTHR() > T)
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  if (Delta < 0) {
    time_in = std::max(0.0,tcpa-table.getTTHR());
    time_out = std::min(T,tcpa);
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  double tmin = std::min(Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,-1,table.getDTHR()),tcpa-table.getTTHR());
  if (tmin > T)
    return LossData(time_in,time_out);
  time_in = std::max(0.0,tmin);
  time_out = std::min(T,Horizontal::Theta_D(s,v,1,table.getDTHR()));
  return LossData(time_in,time_out);
Пример #21
inline Vect2 Convert3DTo2D(Vect &p, DWORD axis, BOOL bNegative)
    Vect2 val;

        case 0:
            val.Set(p.z, p.y);

        case 1:
            val.Set(p.x, p.z);

        case 2:
            val.Set(-p.x, p.y);

        val.x = -val.x;

    return val;
Пример #22
 * Computes 2D intersection point of two lines, but also finds z component (projected by time from line 1)
 * @param s0 starting point of line 1
 * @param v0 direction vector for line 1
 * @param s1 starting point of line 2
 * @param v1 direction vector of line 2
 * @return Pair (2-dimensional point of intersection with 3D projection, relative time of intersection, relative to the so3)
 * If the lines are parallel, this returns the pair (0,NaN).
double  VectFuns::timeOfIntersection(const Vect3& so3, const Velocity& vo3, const Vect3& si3, const Velocity& vi3) {
	Vect2 so = so3.vect2();
	Vect2 vo = vo3.vect2();
	Vect2 si = si3.vect2();
	Vect2 vi = vi3.vect2();
	Vect2 ds = si.Sub(so);
	if (vo.det(vi) == 0) {
		//f.pln(" $$$ intersection: lines are parallel");
		return NaN;
	double tt = ds.det(vi)/vo.det(vi);
	//f.pln(" $$$ intersection: tt = "+tt);
	return tt;
Пример #23
 * Return time to closest point approach
 * if time is negative or velocities are parallel returns 0
double Vect2::tcpa (const Vect2& so, const Vect2& vo, const Vect2& si, const Vect2& vi){
	double t;
	Vect2 s = so.Sub(si);
	Vect2 v = vo.Sub(vi);
	double nv = v.sqv();
	if (nv > 0)
		t = std::max(0.0,-s.dot(v)/nv);
		t = 0;
	return t;
Пример #24
 * Computes 2D intersection point of two lines, but also finds z component (projected by time from line 1)
 * @param s0 starting point of line 1
 * @param v0 direction vector for line 1
 * @param s1 starting point of line 2
 * @param v1 direction vector of line 2
 * @return Pair (2-dimensional point of intersection with 3D projection, relative time of intersection, relative to the so3)
 * If the lines are parallel, this returns the pair (0,NaN).
std::pair<Vect3,double> VectFuns::intersection(const Vect3& so3, const Velocity& vo3, const Vect3& si3, const Velocity& vi3) {
	Vect2 so = so3.vect2();
	Vect2 vo = vo3.vect2();
	Vect2 si = si3.vect2();
	Vect2 vi = vi3.vect2();
	Vect2 ds = si.Sub(so);
	if (vo.det(vi) == 0) {
		//f.pln(" $$$ intersection: lines are parallel");
		return std::pair<Vect3,double>(Vect3::ZERO(),  NaN);
	double tt = ds.det(vi)/vo.det(vi);
	//f.pln(" $$$ intersection: tt = "+tt);
	Vect3 intersec = so3.Add(vo3.Scal(tt));
	double nZ = intersec.z;
	double maxZ = Util::max(so3.z,si3.z);
	double minZ = Util::min(so3.z,si3.z);
	if (nZ > maxZ) nZ = maxZ;
	if (nZ < minZ) nZ = minZ;
	return std::pair<Vect3,double>(intersec.mkZ(nZ),tt);
Пример #25
bool TCAS2D::min_tau_undef(double DMOD, double B, double T, Vect2 s, Vect2 v) {
  return Horizontal::Delta(s,v,DMOD) >= 0 &&
      v.ScalAdd(B,s).dot(v) < 0 && v.ScalAdd(T,s).dot(v) >= 0;
Пример #26
double TCAS2D::nominal_tau(double B, double T, const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v, double rr) {
  if (v.isZero())
    return B;
  return std::max(B,std::min(T,-s.dot(v) / v.sqv()-rr/2));
Пример #27
bool TCAS2D::horizontal_RA_at(double DMOD, double Tau, const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v, double t) {
  const Vect2& sat = v.ScalAdd(t,s);
  return horizontal_RA(DMOD,Tau,sat,v);
Пример #28
bool TCAS2D::horizontal_RA(double DMOD, double Tau, const Vect2& s, const Vect2& v) {
  if (s.dot(v) >= 0) return s.norm() <= DMOD;
  else return s.norm() <= DMOD || tau_mod(DMOD,s,v) <= Tau;
Пример #29
BOOL Line2::LinesIntersect(const Line2 &collider) const
    //this looks more complex than it really is.  I'm just an optimization freak.
    //...okay, this probably isn't the kind of function that's called every frame or something.
    //but I'm compulsive about optimization!  ..okay, I'll make it cleaner one of these days.

    Vect2 vec = (A-B);
    float len = vec.Len();
    Vect2 norm = (vec/len);
    Vect2 cross = norm.GetCross();
    float dist = cross.Dot(A);

    float fADist = collider.A.Dot(cross)-dist;
    float fBDist = collider.B.Dot(cross)-dist;

    BOOL bAAbove = (fADist > -EPSILON);
    BOOL bBAbove = (fBDist > -EPSILON);

    BOOL bFoundZeroLine1 = FALSE;

    if( (fabs(fADist) < EPSILON) ||
        (fabs(fBDist) < EPSILON) )
        bFoundZeroLine1 = TRUE;

    if(bAAbove == bBAbove)
        return FALSE;

    vec = (collider.A-collider.B);
    len = vec.Len();
    norm = (vec/len);
    cross = norm.GetCross();
    dist = cross.Dot(collider.A);

    fADist = A.Dot(cross)-dist;
    fBDist = B.Dot(cross)-dist;

    bAAbove = (fADist > -EPSILON);
    bBAbove = (fBDist > -EPSILON);

    if(fabs(fADist) < EPSILON)
        bAAbove = bBAbove;
    if(fabs(fBDist) < EPSILON)
        bBAbove = bAAbove;

    BOOL bFoundZeroLine2 = FALSE;

    if( (fabs(fADist) < EPSILON) ||
        (fabs(fBDist) < EPSILON) )
        bFoundZeroLine2 = TRUE;

    if(bAAbove == bBAbove)
        return FALSE;

    if(bFoundZeroLine1 && bFoundZeroLine2)
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Пример #30
void D3D10System::DrawSpriteEx(Texture *texture, DWORD color, float x, float y, float x2, float y2, float u, float v, float u2, float v2)

        AppWarning(TEXT("Trying to draw a sprite with a NULL texture"));

    HANDLE hColor = curPixelShader->GetParameterByName(TEXT("outputColor"));

        curPixelShader->SetColor(hColor, color);

    // crop positional values

    Vect2 totalSize = Vect2(x2-x, y2-y);
    Vect2 invMult   = Vect2(totalSize.x < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f, totalSize.y < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f);

    x  += curCropping[0] * invMult.x;
    y  += curCropping[1] * invMult.y;
    x2 -= curCropping[2] * invMult.x;
    y2 -= curCropping[3] * invMult.y;

    // crop texture coordinate values

    float cropMult[4];
    cropMult[0] = curCropping[0]/totalSize.x;
    cropMult[1] = curCropping[1]/totalSize.y;
    cropMult[2] = curCropping[2]/totalSize.x;
    cropMult[3] = curCropping[3]/totalSize.y;

    Vect2 totalUVSize = Vect2(u2-u, v2-v);
    u  += cropMult[0] * totalUVSize.x;
    v  += cropMult[1] * totalUVSize.y;
    u2 -= cropMult[2] * totalUVSize.x;
    v2 -= cropMult[3] * totalUVSize.y;

    // draw

    VBData *data = spriteVertexBuffer->GetData();
    data->VertList[0].Set(x,  y,  0.0f);
    data->VertList[1].Set(x,  y2, 0.0f);
    data->VertList[2].Set(x2, y,  0.0f);
    data->VertList[3].Set(x2, y2, 0.0f);

    List<UVCoord> &coords = data->UVList[0];
    coords[0].Set(u,  v);
    coords[1].Set(u,  v2);
    coords[2].Set(u2, v);
    coords[3].Set(u2, v2);


