// write the raw optical flow measurements
// this needs to be called externally.
void NavEKF2_core::writeOptFlowMeas(uint8_t &rawFlowQuality, Vector2f &rawFlowRates, Vector2f &rawGyroRates, uint32_t &msecFlowMeas)
    // The raw measurements need to be optical flow rates in radians/second averaged across the time since the last update
    // The PX4Flow sensor outputs flow rates with the following axis and sign conventions:
    // A positive X rate is produced by a positive sensor rotation about the X axis
    // A positive Y rate is produced by a positive sensor rotation about the Y axis
    // This filter uses a different definition of optical flow rates to the sensor with a positive optical flow rate produced by a
    // negative rotation about that axis. For example a positive rotation of the flight vehicle about its X (roll) axis would produce a negative X flow rate
    flowMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
    // calculate bias errors on flow sensor gyro rates, but protect against spikes in data
    // reset the accumulated body delta angle and time
    // don't do the calculation if not enough time lapsed for a reliable body rate measurement
    if (delTimeOF > 0.01f) {
        flowGyroBias.x = 0.99f * flowGyroBias.x + 0.01f * constrain_float((rawGyroRates.x - delAngBodyOF.x/delTimeOF),-0.1f,0.1f);
        flowGyroBias.y = 0.99f * flowGyroBias.y + 0.01f * constrain_float((rawGyroRates.y - delAngBodyOF.y/delTimeOF),-0.1f,0.1f);
        delTimeOF = 0.0f;
    // check for takeoff if relying on optical flow and zero measurements until takeoff detected
    // if we haven't taken off - constrain position and velocity states
    if (frontend->_fusionModeGPS == 3) {
    // calculate rotation matrices at mid sample time for flow observations
    Tnb_flow = Tbn_flow.transposed();
    // don't use data with a low quality indicator or extreme rates (helps catch corrupt sensor data)
    if ((rawFlowQuality > 0) && rawFlowRates.length() < 4.2f && rawGyroRates.length() < 4.2f) {
        // correct flow sensor rates for bias
        omegaAcrossFlowTime.x = rawGyroRates.x - flowGyroBias.x;
        omegaAcrossFlowTime.y = rawGyroRates.y - flowGyroBias.y;
        // write uncorrected flow rate measurements that will be used by the focal length scale factor estimator
        // note correction for different axis and sign conventions used by the px4flow sensor
        ofDataNew.flowRadXY = - rawFlowRates; // raw (non motion compensated) optical flow angular rate about the X axis (rad/sec)
        // write flow rate measurements corrected for body rates
        ofDataNew.flowRadXYcomp.x = ofDataNew.flowRadXY.x + omegaAcrossFlowTime.x;
        ofDataNew.flowRadXYcomp.y = ofDataNew.flowRadXY.y + omegaAcrossFlowTime.y;
        // record time last observation was received so we can detect loss of data elsewhere
        flowValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
        // estimate sample time of the measurement
        ofDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms - frontend->_flowDelay_ms - frontend->flowTimeDeltaAvg_ms/2;
        // Correct for the average intersampling delay due to the filter updaterate
        ofDataNew.time_ms -= localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
        // Prevent time delay exceeding age of oldest IMU data in the buffer
        ofDataNew.time_ms = MAX(ofDataNew.time_ms,imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
        // Save data to buffer
        // Check for data at the fusion time horizon
        flowDataToFuse = storedOF.recall(ofDataDelayed, imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
void BSplineCurveExamples::OnDisplay ()

    ColorRGB lightGray(224, 224, 224);
    ColorRGB mediumGray(192, 192, 192);
    ColorRGB darkGray(128, 128, 128);
    ColorRGB black(0, 0, 0);

    // draw axes
    int i;
    for (i = mSize/16; i < mSize; ++i)
        SetPixel(mSize/16, mSize - 1 - i, lightGray);
        SetPixel(i, mSize - 1 - mSize/16, lightGray);

    // draw control points
    int imax = mSpline->GetNumCtrlPoints();
    int x, y;
    for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i)
        const Vector2f& ctrl = mSpline->GetControlPoint(i);
        x = (int)(ctrl.X() + 0.5f);
        y = mSize - 1 - (int)(ctrl.Y() + 0.5f);
        SetThickPixel(x, y, 2, darkGray);

    // draw spline
    imax = 2048;
    for (i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
        // draw point
        float u = i/(float)imax;
        Vector2f pos = mSpline->GetPosition(u);
        x = (int)(pos.X() + 0.5f);
        y = mSize - 1 - (int)(pos.Y() + 0.5f);

        if (mModified
        &&  mLocCtrlMin[mCurveType] <= u && u <= mLocCtrlMax[mCurveType])
            SetPixel(x, y, mediumGray);
            SetPixel(x, y, black);

Пример #3
void Camera::rotate2D(float x, float y) {
    Vector2f rot = Vector2f(x, y);

    AngleAxis<float> rotX(rot.x(), Vector3f::UnitY()); // look left right
    AngleAxis<float> rotY(rot.y(), Vector3f::UnitX()); // look up down

    rotation_future_ = (rotX * rotY) * rotation_current_;

        rotation_future_ = rollcorrect(rotation_future_);

    emit modified();
Пример #4
float fractalsum(const Vector2f& p, float freq)
    float t;
    float vec[2];

    for (t = 0.0f; freq >= 1.0f; freq *= 0.5f)
    vec[0] = freq * p.x();
    vec[1] = freq * p.y();
	t += noise2(vec) / freq;

    return t;
Пример #5
void Game::OnInput()
		printf("Button %d pressed! \n", Keys::KEY_A);
		printf("Button %d pressed! \n", Keys::KEY_B);
		Vector2f mousePosition = _input->GetMousePosition();
		int x = mousePosition.GetX();
		int y = mousePosition.GetY();
		printf("Mouse clicked on x : %d, y : %d \n", x, y);	
Пример #6
float turbulence(const Vector2f& p, float freq)
    float t;
    float vec[2];

    for (t = 0.0f; freq >= 1.0f; freq *= 0.5f)
    vec[0] = freq * p.x();
    vec[1] = freq * p.y();
	t += (float) fabs(noise2(vec)) / freq;

    return t;
Пример #7
void MapTextureToQuad::SelectVertex (const Vector2f& rkPos)
    // identify vertex within 5 pixels of mouse click
    const float fPixels = 5.0f;
    m_iSelected = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        Vector2f kDiff = rkPos - m_akVertex[i];
        if ( kDiff.Length() <= fPixels )
            m_iSelected = i;
Пример #8
float Attitude::getDip() const

    Vector2f north = Vector2f::UnitX(); // parallel to x axis
    Vector2f dip = getDipDirectionVector().head(
        2); // he third element is 0 (working on horizontal plane)

    float angle = acos(north.dot(dip)) * 180 / M_PI;

    if (dip(1)
        > 0.0) // if y component is postive we are in the 180 to 360 half-space
        angle = 360 - angle;

    return angle;
void MapTextureToQuad::SelectVertex (const Vector2f& position)
    // Identify vertex within 5 pixels of mouse click.
    const float pixelRange = 5.0f;
    mSelected = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        Vector2f diff = position - mVertex[i];
        if (diff.Length() <= pixelRange)
            mSelected = i;
Пример #10
Vector4f LIPStateEstimator::measure(SupportFoot supportFoot, const Vector2f& LIPOrigin) const
  const Pose3f& supportFootToTorso = supportFoot == SupportFoot::left ? theRobotModel.soleLeft : theRobotModel.soleRight;
  const Quaternionf& torsoToWorld = theInertialData.orientation2D;
  const Pose3f originToTorso = supportFootToTorso + Vector3f(LIPOrigin.x(), LIPOrigin.y(), 0.f);
  const Vector3f comInOrigin = originToTorso.inverse() * theRobotModel.centerOfMass;
  const Vector3f com = (torsoToWorld * originToTorso.rotation) * comInOrigin;

  PLOT("module:ZmpWalkingEngine:LIPStateEstimator:Estimate:measuredComHeight", com.z());

  const Vector2f accInWorld = (torsoToWorld * theInertialData.acc * 1000.f).head<2>();
  const Vector2f zmp = com.head<2>().array() - (accInWorld.array() / LIP3D(LIPHeights).getK().square());

  return (Vector4f() << com.head<2>(), zmp).finished();
Пример #11
bool FlightTaskAuto::_compute_heading_from_2D_vector(float &heading, Vector2f v)
	if (PX4_ISFINITE(v.length()) && v.length() > SIGMA_NORM) {
		// To find yaw: take dot product of x = (1,0) and v
		// and multiply by the sign given of cross product of x and v.
		// Dot product: (x(0)*v(0)+(x(1)*v(1)) = v(0)
		// Cross product: x(0)*v(1) - v(0)*x(1) = v(1)
		heading =  math::sign(v(1)) * wrap_pi(acosf(v(0)));
		return true;

	// heading unknown and therefore do not change heading
	return false;
float AP_Landing_Deepstall::update_steering()
    Location current_loc;
    if ((!landing.ahrs.get_position(current_loc) || !landing.ahrs.healthy()) && !hold_level) {
        // panic if no position source is available
        // continue the stall but target just holding the wings held level as deepstall should be a minimal
        // energy configuration on the aircraft, and if a position isn't available aborting would be worse
        gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Deepstall: Invalid data from AHRS. Holding level");
        hold_level = true;

    float desired_change = 0.0f;

    if (!hold_level) {
        uint32_t time = AP_HAL::millis();
        float dt = constrain_float(time - last_time, (uint32_t)10UL, (uint32_t)200UL) * 1e-3;
        last_time = time;

        Vector2f ab = location_diff(arc_exit, extended_approach);
        Vector2f a_air = location_diff(arc_exit, current_loc);

        crosstrack_error = a_air % ab;
        float sine_nu1 = constrain_float(crosstrack_error / MAX(L1_period, 0.1f), -0.7071f, 0.7107f);
        float nu1 = asinf(sine_nu1);

        if (L1_i > 0) {
            L1_xtrack_i += nu1 * L1_i / dt;
            L1_xtrack_i = constrain_float(L1_xtrack_i, -0.5f, 0.5f);
            nu1 += L1_xtrack_i;
        desired_change = wrap_PI(radians(target_heading_deg) + nu1 - landing.ahrs.yaw) / time_constant;

    float yaw_rate = landing.ahrs.get_gyro().z;
    float yaw_rate_limit_rps = radians(yaw_rate_limit);
    float error = wrap_PI(constrain_float(desired_change, -yaw_rate_limit_rps, yaw_rate_limit_rps) - yaw_rate);

    gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "x: %f e: %f r: %f d: %f",
                                    (double)location_diff(current_loc, landing_point).length());
#endif // DEBUG_PRINTS

    return ds_PID.get_pid(error);
Пример #13
// intersect lines with plane
void Slicer::CalcCuttingPlane(float where, CuttingPlane &plane, const Matrix4f &T)
	cout << "intersect with z " << where << "\n";

	Vector3f min = T*Min;
	Vector3f max = T*Max;

	plane.Min.x = min.x;
	plane.Min.y = min.y;
	plane.Max.x = max.x;
	plane.Max.y = max.y;

	Vector2f lineStart;
	Vector2f lineEnd;

	bool foundOne = false;
	int num_cutpoints;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++)
		CuttingPlane::Segment line(-1,-1);

		num_cutpoints = triangles[i].CutWithPlane(where, T, lineStart, lineEnd);
		if (num_cutpoints>0)
		  line.start = plane.RegisterPoint(lineStart);
		if (num_cutpoints>1)
		  line.end = plane.RegisterPoint(lineEnd);

		// Check segment normal against triangle normal. Flip segment, as needed.
		if (line.start != -1 && line.end != -1 && line.end != line.start)	
		  // if we found a intersecting triangle
			Vector3f Norm = triangles[i].Normal;
			Vector2f triangleNormal = Vector2f(Norm.x, Norm.y);
			Vector2f segmentNormal = (lineEnd - lineStart).normal();
			if( (triangleNormal-segmentNormal).lengthSquared() > 0.2f)
			  // if normals does not align, flip the segment
Пример #14
Vector2f Vector2f::operator/ ( float fScalar ) const
	Vector2f quot;
	if ( fScalar != 0.0f )
		float fInvScalar = 1.0f / fScalar;
		quot.x = x * fInvScalar;
		quot.y = y * fInvScalar;

	return( quot );
Пример #15
float MT::evaluate(Warp warp)
	rect_t rect = window(warp.t);
	float fine_cell = sqrt(rectArea(rect) / cell_n);

	float E = 0.0f;
	for (int i = 0; i < fine_samples.size(); ++i) {
		Vector2f p = warp.transform2(fine_samples[i]);
		Vector32f F;
		feature.descriptor4(p.x(), p.y(), F.data());
		E = E + sigmoid((F - fine_model.col(i)).squaredNorm());
	return E / fine_samples.size();
Пример #16
Vector2f LIP3D::requiredVelocity(const Vector2f& pos, float time)
  const Array2f sinhkt(std::sinh(k.x() * time), std::sinh(k.y() * time));
  const Array2f coshkt(std::cosh(k.x() * time), std::cosh(k.y() * time));

  return k.array() * (pos.array() - position.array() * coshkt) / sinhkt;
Пример #17
void Ball::Bounce(Vector2f normal)
	Vector2f normal_component = normal * mVelocity.dotProduct(normal);

	mVelocity -= normal_component * 2;

	//Now constrain angles - two cones of 30 degrees left/right should be invalid
	Vector2f v_norm = mVelocity;
	float dot = v_norm.dotProduct(Vector2f(1, 0));
	if(dot > cos(DEG2RAD(30)) || dot < -cos(DEG2RAD(30)))
		float magnitude = mVelocity.length();
		if(mVelocity.x < 0 && mVelocity.y < 0)
			mVelocity = Vector2f(-cos(DEG2RAD(30)), -sin(DEG2RAD(30))) * magnitude;
		else if(mVelocity.x > 0 && mVelocity.y < 0)
			mVelocity = Vector2f(cos(DEG2RAD(30)), -sin(DEG2RAD(30))) * magnitude;
		else if(mVelocity.x < 0 && mVelocity.y > 0)
			mVelocity = Vector2f(-cos(DEG2RAD(30)), sin(DEG2RAD(30))) * magnitude;
			mVelocity = Vector2f(cos(DEG2RAD(30)), sin(DEG2RAD(30))) * magnitude;

Пример #18
	void FFTSplineControl::expandButton_Dragged(const Vector2f &v)
		assert(modelview != NULL);
		assert(expandButton != NULL);
		assert(exitButton != NULL);

		Point2f p(v.getX(), 0.0f);

		float newWidth = width + p.getX();
		float beatWidth = InterfaceManager::getBeatLength();

		if(newWidth >= (beatWidth * MIN_BEAT_WIDTH) && newWidth <= (beatWidth * MAX_BEAT_WIDTH))
			// expand/shrink the control
			float factor = newWidth / width;


			// move the handles
			expandButton->getPosition().setX(width + BORDER_DIM);
			exitButton->getPosition().setX(width + BORDER_DIM);

			dirty = true;
			fftDirty = true;
Пример #19
 * Adjusts the desired velocity for the polygon fence.
void AC_Avoid::adjust_velocity_polygon_fence(float kP, float accel_cmss, Vector2f &desired_vel)
    // exit if the polygon fence is not enabled
    if ((_fence.get_enabled_fences() & AC_FENCE_TYPE_POLYGON) == 0) {

    // exit if the polygon fence has already been breached
    if ((_fence.get_breaches() & AC_FENCE_TYPE_POLYGON) != 0) {

    // exit immediately if no desired velocity
    if (desired_vel.is_zero()) {

    // get polygon boundary
    // Note: first point in list is the return-point (which copter does not use)
    uint16_t num_points;
    Vector2f* boundary = _fence.get_polygon_points(num_points);

    // adjust velocity using polygon
    adjust_velocity_polygon(kP, accel_cmss, desired_vel, boundary, num_points, true);
Пример #20
// get_variances - provides the innovations normalised using the innovation variance where a value of 0
// indicates prefect consistency between the measurement and the EKF solution and a value of of 1 is the maximum
// inconsistency that will be accpeted by the filter
// boolean false is returned if variances are not available
bool AP_AHRS_NavEKF::get_variances(float &velVar, float &posVar, float &hgtVar, Vector3f &magVar, float &tasVar, Vector2f &offset) const
    switch (ekf_type()) {
    case EKF_TYPE_NONE:
        // We are not using an EKF so no data
        return false;

    case EKF_TYPE1:
        // use EKF to get variance
        EKF1.getVariances(velVar, posVar, hgtVar, magVar, tasVar, offset);
        return true;

    case EKF_TYPE2:
        // use EKF to get variance
        EKF2.getVariances(-1,velVar, posVar, hgtVar, magVar, tasVar, offset);
        return true;

    case EKF_TYPE_SITL:
        velVar = 0;
        posVar = 0;
        hgtVar = 0;
        tasVar = 0;
        return true;
Пример #21
Triangle::Triangle(Vertex* a_first, Vertex* a_second, Vertex* a_third)
: m_first(a_first), m_second(a_second), m_third(a_third)
  Vector2f centroid;
  centroid.x = a_first->m_position.x + ((2 / 3)*a_second->m_position.x - a_first->m_position.x);
  centroid.y = a_first->m_position.y + ((2 / 3)*a_second->m_position.y - a_first->m_position.y);

  float distToFirst = centroid.Distance(a_first->m_position);
  float distToSecond = centroid.Distance(a_second->m_position);
  float distToThird = centroid.Distance(a_third->m_position);
  float totalDist = distToFirst + distToSecond + distToThird;

  r = (m_first->r * distToFirst + m_second->r * distToSecond + m_third->r * distToThird) / totalDist;
  g = (m_first->g * distToFirst + m_second->g * distToSecond + m_third->g * distToThird) / totalDist;
  b = (m_first->b * distToFirst + m_second->b * distToSecond + m_third->b * distToThird) / totalDist;
Пример #22
QuadMesh::QuadMesh( const Vector3f& pos, const Vector2f& dim,
	const MeshVertexData::AttributeType type ) {

	size_t nvertices = 4, nindices = 6;
	std::vector< MeshVertexData > vdata;

	size_t nbytes_per_vert = vdata_from_attributes( type, vdata );
	unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)allocate_data( nvertices, vdata );
	unsigned short* indices = (unsigned short*)
		allocate_index_data<unsigned short>(nindices);

	Vector3f off[2];
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i )		off[i].index(i) = dim.index(i);

	unsigned char* p = data;
	if( type & MeshVertexData::VERTEX ) {
		write_vector( pos, (float*)(p+0) );
		write_vector( pos + off[0], (float*)(p+1*nbytes_per_vert) );
		write_vector( pos + off[0] + off[1], (float*)(p+2*nbytes_per_vert));
		write_vector( pos + off[1], (float*)(p+3*nbytes_per_vert) );
		p += sizeof(float)*3;

	if( type& MeshVertexData::TEX_COORD0 ) {
		write_vector( Vector2f(), (float*)(p+0) );
		write_vector( Vector2f(1., 0.), (float*)(p+1*nbytes_per_vert) );
		write_vector( Vector2f(1., 1.), (float*)(p+2*nbytes_per_vert) );
		write_vector( Vector2f(0., 1.), (float*)(p+3*nbytes_per_vert) );
		p += sizeof(float)*2;

	indices[0] = 0;		indices[1] = 1;		indices[2] = 2;
	indices[3] = 0;		indices[4] = 2;		indices[5] = 3;
bool SideConfidenceProvider::ballModelCanBeUsed(const BallModel& ballModel, const Pose2f& robotPose) const
  // Is the ball model still "fresh"?
  if(theFrameInfo.getTimeSince(ballModel.timeWhenLastSeen) > maxBallAge)
    return false;
  // We do not want to consider fast rolling balls for the SideConfidence:
  if(ballModel.estimate.velocity.norm() > maxBallVelocity)
    return false;
  // Close to the field center, the ball information does not help:
  const Vector2f globalPos = robotPose * ballModel.estimate.position;
  if(globalPos.norm() < centerBanZoneRadius)
    return false;
  // As the perception of the new ball might be unreliable, we only consider stuff away from lines:
    return false;
  return true;
Пример #24
float DistancetoLineSegment(const Vector2f& a, const Vector2f& b, const Vector2f& point)
	Vector2f dist = b - a;
	float length = dist.Length();
	float t = (point - a).Dot(dist);

	if(t < 0.0f)
		return (point - a).Length();
	if(t > length)
		return (point - b).Length();

	if(dist == Vector2f::Zero)
		return (point - a).Length();

	return (point - (a + dist * t)).Length();
Пример #25
void GMExperiment6_1::tangent_check(int32 start_idx, int32 end_idx, vector<int> & knots, vector<Vector2f> &smoothData)
    Vector2f tangent_begin = firstDerivative(smoothData,start_idx);
    for(int i=start_idx+1;i<end_idx; i++)
           Vector2f tangent = firstDerivative(smoothData,i);
       if( (tangent[0]*tangent_begin[0]+tangent[1]*tangent_begin[1]) < cos(tangent_filter_angle*M_PI/180.0) )//if tangents off by more than 90 deg
Пример #26
MTV getMTV_circ_circ(Game_Object &circle0, Game_Object &circle1){
  MTV result;
  float overlap = 5000.0f;
  Vector2f smallest;
  const Vector2f dist_vec = (circle0.get_position() + 0.5f * circle0.get_size()) -
                            (circle1.get_position() + 0.5f * circle1.get_size());
  const float dist2 = dist_vec * dist_vec;
  const float radius_sum = circle0.get_radius() + circle1.get_radius();
  if (dist2 < radius_sum * radius_sum) {
    overlap = radius_sum - sqrt(dist2);
    smallest = dist_vec.normalized();
    result = MTV(true, smallest, overlap);
  return result;
Пример #27
float AP_Landing_Deepstall::update_steering()
    Location current_loc;
    if (!landing.ahrs.get_position(current_loc)) {
        // panic if no position source is available
        // continue the  but target just holding the wings held level as deepstall should be a minimal energy
        // configuration on the aircraft, and if a position isn't available aborting would be worse
        GCS_MAVLINK::send_statustext_all(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Deepstall: No position available. Attempting to hold level");
        memcpy(&current_loc, &landing_point, sizeof(Location));
    uint32_t time = AP_HAL::millis();
    float dt = constrain_float(time - last_time, (uint32_t)10UL, (uint32_t)200UL) / 1000.0;
    last_time = time;

    Vector2f ab = location_diff(arc_exit, extended_approach);
    Vector2f a_air = location_diff(arc_exit, current_loc);

    crosstrack_error = a_air % ab;
    float sine_nu1 = constrain_float(crosstrack_error / MAX(L1_period, 0.1f), -0.7071f, 0.7107f);
    float nu1 = asinf(sine_nu1);

    if (L1_i > 0) {
        L1_xtrack_i += nu1 * L1_i / dt;
        L1_xtrack_i = constrain_float(L1_xtrack_i, -0.5f, 0.5f);
        nu1 += L1_xtrack_i;

    float desired_change = wrap_PI(radians(target_heading_deg) + nu1 - landing.ahrs.yaw);

    float yaw_rate = landing.ahrs.get_gyro().z;
    float yaw_rate_limit_rps = radians(yaw_rate_limit);
    float error = wrap_PI(constrain_float(desired_change / time_constant,
                                          -yaw_rate_limit_rps, yaw_rate_limit_rps) - yaw_rate);

    GCS_MAVLINK::send_statustext_all(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "x: %f e: %f r: %f d: %f",
                                    (double)location_diff(current_loc, landing_point).length());
#endif // DEBUG_PRINTS

    return ds_PID.get_pid(error);
Пример #28
Matrix3f NNUtilities::calcInverseTransformation(const Vector2i& center, const Vector2i& inSize, const Vector2i& outSize, const Angle rotation)
  const Vector2i upperLeft = (center.array() - inSize.array() / 2).matrix();
  const Vector2f transformationFactor = (inSize.cast<float>().array() / outSize.cast<float>().array()).matrix();
  //float sin = std::sin(rotation);
  //float cos = std::cos(rotation);

  Matrix3f inverseTransformation; //TODO check rotation
  inverseTransformation(0, 0) = transformationFactor.x();// *cos;
  inverseTransformation(0, 1) = 0;// transformationFactor.x() * (-sin);
  inverseTransformation(1, 0) = 0;// transformationFactor.y() * sin;
  inverseTransformation(1, 1) = transformationFactor.y();// *cos;

  inverseTransformation(0, 2) = upperLeft.x();// +outSize.x() * (1 - cos + sin) / 2 * transformationFactor.x();
  inverseTransformation(1, 2) = upperLeft.y();// +outSize.y() * (1 - sin - cos) / 2 * transformationFactor.y();
  return inverseTransformation;
Пример #29
void Plane::calc_gndspeed_undershoot()
    // Use the component of ground speed in the forward direction
    // This prevents flyaway if wind takes plane backwards
    if (gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) {
	      Vector2f gndVel = ahrs.groundspeed_vector();
        const Matrix3f &rotMat = ahrs.get_rotation_body_to_ned();
        Vector2f yawVect = Vector2f(rotMat.a.x,rotMat.b.x);
        if (!yawVect.is_zero()) {
            float gndSpdFwd = yawVect * gndVel;
            groundspeed_undershoot = (aparm.min_gndspeed_cm > 0) ? (aparm.min_gndspeed_cm - gndSpdFwd*100) : 0;
    } else {
        groundspeed_undershoot = 0;
Пример #30
Vector2f Renderer::PointWorldToViewPort (const  APoint &point, bool *isInBack)
	HMatrix matProjView = GetProjectionMatrix() * GetViewMatrix();
	HPoint hPoint(point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z(), point.W());
	HPoint tempPoint = matProjView * hPoint;

	if (isInBack)
		if (tempPoint.Z() <= 0)
			*isInBack = true;
			*isInBack = false;

	float wInv = 1.0f / tempPoint.W();

	Vector2f screenPoint;
	screenPoint.X() = (1.0f + tempPoint.X()*wInv)/2.0f;
	screenPoint.Y() = (1.0f + tempPoint.Y()*wInv)/2.0f;

	int viewX, viewY, viewW, viewH;
	GetViewport(viewX, viewY, viewW, viewH);

	screenPoint.X() = viewX + screenPoint.X()*viewW;
	screenPoint.Y() = viewY + screenPoint.Y()*viewH;

	return screenPoint;