static bool testIdentityApply (Field &F, const char *text, VectorStream<Vector> &stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing identity apply (" << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testIdentityApply", stream.m ()); bool ret = true; bool iter_passed = true; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); StandardBasisStream<Field, Row> f1 (F, stream.n ()); Blackbox A (F, f1); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); Vector v, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (v, stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, stream.n ()); while (stream) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream.j ()); iter_passed = true; (v); ostream &Report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); Report << "Input vector: "; VD.write (Report, v); Report << endl; A.apply (w, v); Report << "Output vector: "; VD.write (Report, w); Report << endl; if (!VD.areEqual (v, w)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Vectors are not equal" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testIdentityApply"); return ret; }
static bool testTransposeBlackbox(Blackbox & A) { typedef typename Blackbox::Field Field; commentator().start ("Testing Transpose", "testTranspose", 1); Transpose<Blackbox> B(A); bool ret = true, ret1; size_t m = A.rowdim(), n = A.coldim(); const Field & F = A.field(); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); BlasVector<Field> x(F,n), y(F,m), z(F,n), w(F,m); VD.random(x); A.apply(y, x); B.applyTranspose(w, x); ret1 = VD.areEqual(y, w); if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "A and B^T disagree, FAIL" << std::endl; ret = ret and ret1; VD.random(y); A.applyTranspose(x, y); B.apply(z, y); ret1 = VD.areEqual(x, z); if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "A^T and B disagree, FAIL" << std::endl; ret = ret and ret1; ret1 = testBlackboxNoRW(B); if (not ret1) commentator().report() << "testBlackbox A^T FAIL" << std::endl; ret = ret and ret1; commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testTranspose"); return ret; }
bool testRandomSolve (const Ring& R, const Field& f, LinBox::VectorStream<Vector>& stream1, LinBox::VectorStream<Vector>& stream2) { std::ostringstream str; commentator().start ("Testing Nonsingular Random Diagonal solve ", "testNonsingularRandomDiagonalSolve"); bool ret = true; bool iter_passed = true; VectorDomain<Ring> VD (R); Vector d, b, x, y; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d, stream1.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b, stream1.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, stream1.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (y, stream1.n ()); int n = (int)d. size(); while (stream1 && stream2) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream1.j ()); //ActivityState state = commentator().saveActivityState (); iter_passed = true; bool zeroEntry; do { (d); zeroEntry = false; for (size_t i=0; i<stream1.n(); i++) zeroEntry |= R.isZero(d[i]); } while (zeroEntry); (b); std::ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Diagonal entries: "; VD.write (report, d); report << endl; report << "Right-hand side: "; VD.write (report, b); report << endl; //Diagonal<Ring> D(R, d); BlasMatrix<Ring> D(R, n, n); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) R.init (D[i][i], d[i]); typedef RationalSolverAdaptive RSolver; RSolver rsolver; //std::vector<std::pair<typename Ring::Element, typename Ring::Element> > answer(n); std::vector<typename Ring::Element> num(n); typename Ring::Element den; SolverReturnStatus solveResult = rsolver.solveNonsingular(num, den, D, b); //often 5 primes are not enough #if 0 typename Ring::Element lden; R. init (lden, 1); typename std::vector<std::pair<typename Ring::Element, typename Ring::Element> >::iterator p; for (p = answer.begin(); p != answer.end(); ++ p) R. lcm (lden, lden, p->second); typename Vector::iterator p_x; //typename Vector::iterator p_y; #endif if (solveResult == SS_OK) { #if 0 for (p = answer.begin(), p_x = x. begin(); p != answer.end(); ++ p, ++ p_x) { R. mul (*p_x, p->first, lden); R. divin (*p_x, p->second); } D. apply (y, x); #endif D. apply (y, num); VD. mulin(b, den); if (!VD.areEqual (y, b)) { ret = iter_passed = false; commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Computed solution is incorrect" << endl; } } else { ret = iter_passed = false; commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Did not return OK solving status" << endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream1.reset (); stream2.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testNonsingularRandomDiagonalSolve"); return ret; }
static bool testIdentitySolve (const Field &F, VectorStream<Vector> &stream, const char *text, MethodTraits method) { typedef ScalarMatrix <Field> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing identity solve (" << text << ")"; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testIdentitySolve", stream.m ()); bool ret = true; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); typename Field::Element s; F.assign (s,; Blackbox I (F, stream.n (), stream.n(), s); size_t n = stream.n(); Vector v(F,n), w(F,n); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (v, stream.n ()); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, stream.n ()); MethodTraits traits (method); while (stream) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream.j ()); bool iter_passed = true; (v); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Input vector: "; VD.write (report, v); report << endl; try { solve (w, I, v, method); //solve (I, w, v, F, traits); } catch (SolveFailed) { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Solve failed to solve system" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } catch (InconsistentSystem<Vector> e) { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Solve reported an inconsistent system" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } if (iter_passed) { report << "Output vector: "; VD.write (report, w); report << endl; if (!VD.areEqual (w, v)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Vectors are not equal" << endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testIdentitySolve"); return ret; }
static bool testRandomSolve (const Field &F, VectorStream<Vector1> &A_stream, VectorStream<Vector2> &b_stream, const char *text, MethodTraits method) { ostringstream str; str << "Testing random solve (" << text << ")"; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testRandomSolve", b_stream.size ()); bool ret = true; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); MatrixDomain<Field> MD (F); Vector2 b, x, ATAx, ATb; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b, b_stream.dim ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, A_stream.dim ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (ATAx, A_stream.dim ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (ATb, A_stream.dim ()); SparseMatrix<Field> A (F, A_stream); SparseMatrix<Field> AT (F,A.coldim (), A.rowdim ()); BlasMatrix<Field> ATA (A.coldim (), A.coldim ()); A.transpose (AT); MD.mul (ATA, AT, A); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Input matrix A:" << endl; A.write (report); report << "Matrix A^T A:" << endl; MD.write (report, ATA); MethodTraits traits (method); while (b_stream) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)b_stream.pos ()); bool iter_passed = true; b_stream >> b; ostream &Report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); Report << "Right-hand side b:"; VD.write (Report, b) << endl; try { solve (A, x, b, F, traits); } catch (SolveFailed) { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Solve failed to solve system" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } catch (InconsistentSystem<Vector2> e) { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Solve reported an inconsistent system" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } if (iter_passed) { Report << "Output vector x: "; VD.write (Report, x) << endl; MD.vectorMul (ATAx, ATA, x); MD.vectorMul (ATb, AT, b); if (!VD.areEqual (ATAx, ATb)) { commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: A^T Ax != A^T b" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } A_stream.reset (); b_stream.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testRandomSolve"); return ret; }
static bool testSingularConsistentSolve (const Field &F, unsigned int n, VectorStream<Vector> &stream1, VectorStream<Vector> &stream2, const char *text, MethodTraits method) { typedef Diagonal <Field, Vector> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing singular consistent solve (" << text << ")"; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testSingularConsistentSolve", stream1.m ()); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); bool ret = true; Vector d1, b1, d, b, x, y; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (y, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d1, n); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b1, n); MethodTraits traits (method); traits.preconditioner (MethodTraits::NO_PRECONDITIONER); while (stream1 && stream2) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream1.j ()); ActivityState state = commentator().saveActivityState (); (d1); (b1); VD.copy (d, d1); VD.copy (b, b1); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Diagonal entries: "; VD.write (report, d); report << endl; report << "Right-hand side: "; VD.write (report, b); report << endl; BlasVector<Field> dd(F,d); Blackbox D (dd); //Blackbox D (d); try { bool iter_passed = true; solve (D, x, b, F, traits); report << "System solution: "; VD.write (report, x); report << endl; D.apply (y, x); report << "Output: "; VD.write (report, y); report << endl; if (!VD.areEqual (y, b)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Computed solution is incorrect" << endl; } catch (SolveFailed) { commentator().restoreActivityState (state); commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: System solution failed" << endl; ret = false; } catch (InconsistentSystem<Vector> e) { commentator().restoreActivityState (state); ostream &Report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR); Report << "ERROR: Inconsistent system exception" << endl; Report << "Certificate is: "; VD.write (Report, e.u ()) << endl; ret = false; commentator().restoreActivityState (state); } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream1.reset (); stream2.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testSingularConsistentSolve"); return ret; }
static bool testNonsingularSolve (const Field &F, VectorStream<Vector> &stream1, VectorStream<Vector> &stream2, const char *text, MethodTraits method) { typedef Diagonal <Field> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing nonsingular solve (" << text << ")"; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testNonsingularSolve", stream1.m ()); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); bool ret = true; size_t n= stream1.n (); Vector d(F,n), b(F,n), x(F,n), y(F,n); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (d, stream1.n ()); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (b, stream1.n ()); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (x, stream1.n ()); // VectorWrapper::ensureDim (y, stream1.n ()); MethodTraits traits (method); while (stream1 && stream2) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream1.j ()); ActivityState state = commentator().saveActivityState (); bool iter_passed = true; (d); (b); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Diagonal entries: "; VD.write (report, d); report << endl; report << "Right-hand side: "; VD.write (report, b); report << endl; BlasVector<Field> dd(F,d); Blackbox D (dd); try { solve (x, D, b, method); } catch (SolveFailed) { commentator().restoreActivityState (state); commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: System solution failed" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } catch (InconsistentSystem<Vector> e) { commentator().restoreActivityState (state); commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: solve reported inconsistent system" << endl; ret = iter_passed = false; } if (iter_passed) { report << "System solution: "; VD.write (report, x); report << endl; D.apply (y, x); report << "Output: "; VD.write (report, y); report << endl; if (!VD.areEqual (y, b)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Computed solution is incorrect" << endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream1.reset (); stream2.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testNonsingularSolve"); return ret; }