Пример #1
int main()
   Verifier v;
   string fileName;
   cout << "Sudoku Verifier\n";
   for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_FILES; i++)
      cout << endl;
      // Construct file pathname
      fileName = string("testpuzzle")
        + (char)('0' + i) + ".txt";
      // Read the solution file as input
      // Print the Sudoku grid
      // Verify whether or not the solution is correct
        if (v.verifySolution())
            cout << "\nThis is a valid Sudoku solution\n";
            cout << "\nThis is not a valid Sudoku solution\n";
   return 0;
Пример #2
int main(int argc,  char **argv)

#if doMPI
    if ( MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Init( & argc , & argv ) ) {
        std::cerr << "MPI_Init FAILED" << std::endl ;

    Verifier vf;
    vf.verify(argc, argv);

#if doMPI
    //  MPI_Finalize();

    return 0;
Пример #3
void VNS::run() {
	const ProcessCount pCount = instance().processes().size();
	// read configuration
	const uint32_t kMin = hasParam("kMin") ? param<uint32_t>("kMin") : 2;
	const uint32_t kMax = hasParam("kMax") ? param<uint32_t>("kMax") : 5;
	const uint32_t trials = hasParam("trials") ? param<uint32_t>("trials") : 5;
	const uint32_t maxInf = hasParam("maxInf") ? param<uint32_t>("maxInf") : 3;
	m_maxTrialsLS = param<uint64_t>("maxTrialsLS", defaultMaxTrialsLS());
	m_maxSamplesLS = param<uint64_t>("maxSamplesLS", pCount);
	// initialize RNG
	// initialize shaker
	SmartShaker shaker(trials, maxInf);
	shaker.init(instance(), initial(), seed(), flag());
	// initialize solution info
	m_current.reset(new SolutionInfo(instance(), initial()));
	// run local search to get starting solution
	// set best and publish to pool
	m_best = std::move(m_current);
	pool().push(m_best->objective(), m_best->solution());
	// start VNS
	uint64_t it = 0;
	uint32_t k = kMin;
	uint64_t syncPeriod = 100;
	uint64_t diversifyPeriod = 100;
	uint64_t concentratePeriod = 100;
	#ifdef CHECK_VNS
	Verifier v;
	while (!interrupted()) {
		// periodically sync with best result
		if (it % syncPeriod == 0) {
			SolutionPool::Entry entry;
			if (pool().best(entry)) {
				if (entry.obj() < m_best->objective()) {
					m_best.reset(new SolutionInfo(instance(), initial(), *(entry.ptr())));
					k = kMin;
		// periodically start from a good solution different from the best known one
		if (it % diversifyPeriod == 25) {
			SolutionPool::Entry hdEntry;
			if (pool().randomHighDiversity(hdEntry)) {
				m_current.reset(new SolutionInfo(instance(), initial(), *hdEntry.ptr()));
		} else if (it % concentratePeriod == 75) {
			SolutionPool::Entry hqEntry;
			if (pool().randomHighQuality(hqEntry)) {
				m_current.reset(new SolutionInfo(instance(), initial(), *hqEntry.ptr()));
		} else {
			// most of the times start from the best known solution
			m_current.reset(new SolutionInfo(*m_best));
		// make random jump
		shaker.shake(k, *m_current);
		// since shaking might take a long time, check for interruption
		if (interrupted()) {
			#ifdef TRACE_VNS
			std::cout << "VNS - Interrupted during shake @ iteration " << it << std::endl;
		#ifdef CHECK_VNS
		//  verify shaking led to a feasible solution
		if (!v.verify(instance(), initial(), m_current->solution()).feasible()) {
			throw std::runtime_error("VNS - Shaking lead to an unfeasible solution");
		// do a local search
		#ifdef CHECK_VNS
		//  verify shaking led to a feasible solution
		if (!v.verify(instance(), initial(), m_current->solution()).feasible()) {
			throw std::runtime_error("VNS - Local search lead to an unfeasible solution");
		// update best solution if improved if needed
		if (m_current->objective() < m_best->objective()) {
			m_best = std::move(m_current);
			#ifdef TRACE_VNS
			std::cout << "VNS - Improvement found @ iteration " << it << ": " << m_best->objective() << std::endl;
			pool().push(m_best->objective(), m_best->solution());
			// restart from small neighborhood
			k = kMin;
		} else {
			// move to another neighborhood
			k = kMin + (k - kMin + 1) % (kMax - kMin + 1);
	#ifdef TRACE_VNS
	std::cout << "VNS - Completed after " << it << " iterations" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "VNS - Failures per shake " << shaker.failuresPerShake() << std::endl;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  Galois::StatManager statManager;
  LonestarStart(argc, argv, name, desc, url);

  graph = new Graph();
    Mesh m;
    m.read(graph, filename.c_str(), detAlgo == nondet);
    Verifier v;
    if (!skipVerify && !v.verify(graph)) {
      std::cerr << "bad input mesh\n";
      assert(0 && "Refinement failed");

  std::cout << "configuration: " << std::distance(graph->begin(), graph->end())
	    << " total triangles, " << std::count_if(graph->begin(), graph->end(), is_bad(graph)) << " bad triangles\n";

  Galois::Statistic("MeminfoPre1", GaloisRuntime::MM::pageAllocInfo());
  Galois::preAlloc(15 * numThreads + GaloisRuntime::MM::pageAllocInfo() * 10);
  Galois::Statistic("MeminfoPre2", GaloisRuntime::MM::pageAllocInfo());

  Galois::StatTimer T;

  if (detAlgo == nondet)
    Galois::do_all_local(*graph, Preprocess());
    std::for_each(graph->begin(), graph->end(), Preprocess());

  Galois::Statistic("MeminfoMid", GaloisRuntime::MM::pageAllocInfo());
  Galois::StatTimer Trefine("refine");
  using namespace GaloisRuntime::WorkList;
  typedef LocalQueues<dChunkedLIFO<256>, ChunkedLIFO<256> > BQ;
  typedef ChunkedAdaptor<false,32> CA;
  switch (detAlgo) {
    case nondet: 
      Galois::for_each_local<CA>(wl, Process<>()); break;
    case detBase:
      Galois::for_each_det(wl.begin(), wl.end(), Process<>()); break;
    case detPrefix:
      Galois::for_each_det(wl.begin(), wl.end(), Process<detPrefix>(), Process<>());
    case detDisjoint:
      Galois::for_each_det(wl.begin(), wl.end(), Process<detDisjoint>()); break;
    default: std::cerr << "Unknown algorithm" << detAlgo << "\n"; abort();
  Galois::Statistic("MeminfoPost", GaloisRuntime::MM::pageAllocInfo());
  if (!skipVerify) {
    int size = Galois::ParallelSTL::count_if(graph->begin(), graph->end(), is_bad(graph));
    if (size != 0) {
      std::cerr << size << " bad triangles remaining.\n";
      assert(0 && "Refinement failed");
    Verifier v;
    if (!v.verify(graph)) {
      std::cerr << "Refinement failed.\n";
      assert(0 && "Refinement failed");
    std::cout << "Refinement OK\n";

  return 0;
bool Generalization::EvaluateRisk( const vector<long>& rVecAttr, Verifier& rVerifier )
		AnonyException temp_exception;
		temp_exception.m_bShallContinue = true;
		stringstream temp_sstream;

		if (rVecAttr.size() > m_vecQiAttr.size())
			temp_sstream << "Generalization::EvaluateRisk Error: Incorrect number of attributes";
			temp_exception.SetMsg( temp_sstream.str() );
			throw( temp_exception );			

		vector<long> vec_attr = rVecAttr;
		sort( vec_attr.begin(), vec_attr.end() );

		long i, j;

		j = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < vec_attr.size(); ++i)
			while (m_vecQiAttr[j].m_nAttr < vec_attr[i] && m_vecQiAttr[j].m_nAttr != vec_attr[i])
				if (j == m_vecQiAttr.size())
					temp_sstream << "Generalization::EvaluateRisk Error: Input attributes are not all quasi-identifiers";
					temp_exception.SetMsg( temp_sstream.str() );
					throw( temp_exception );			

		const vector<Metadata>& r_meta = m_pMicrodata->GetVecMeta();
		const vector<UnitValue>& r_micro = m_pMicrodata->GetVecTuple();
		const long attr_num = r_meta.size();
		const long tuple_num = r_micro.size() / attr_num;
		const long qi_num = m_vecQiAttr.size();

		m_vecRisk.insert( m_vecRisk.end(), tuple_num, 0 );

		list<EqvClass>::iterator eqv_pos;
		list<long>::const_iterator tpl_pos;

		if (rVecAttr.size() == m_vecQiAttr.size())
			vector<EqvClass*> vec_pt_eqv;
			vec_pt_eqv.push_back( NULL );
			for (eqv_pos = m_lstEqvClass.begin(); eqv_pos != m_lstEqvClass.end(); ++eqv_pos)
				vec_pt_eqv[0] = &(*eqv_pos);
				rVerifier.SetRisk( vec_pt_eqv, m_vecRisk );
			pair< vector<UnitValue>, vector<EqvClass*> > key_pair;
			key_pair.first.insert( key_pair.first.end(), rVecAttr.size(), UnitValue() );
			map<vector< UnitValue>, vector<EqvClass*> > emap;
			map<vector< UnitValue>, vector<EqvClass*> >::iterator emap_pos;
			vector<map< vector<UnitValue>, vector<EqvClass*> >::iterator> vec_pos;
			vec_pos.reserve( m_lstEqvClass.size() );
			pair< map<vector<UnitValue>, vector<EqvClass*> >::iterator, bool> rslt_pair;
			map<UnitValue, long>::iterator sv_pos;

			for (eqv_pos = m_lstEqvClass.begin(); eqv_pos != m_lstEqvClass.end(); ++eqv_pos)
				EqvClass& r_eqv = *eqv_pos;
				for (j = 0; j < rVecAttr.size(); ++j)
					if (r_eqv.m_vecNodePos[rVecAttr[j]] != -1)
						key_pair.first[j] = r_eqv.m_vecNodePos[rVecAttr[j]];
						key_pair.first[j] = r_micro[r_eqv.m_lstTplId.front() * attr_num + rVecAttr[j]];

				emap_pos = emap.find( key_pair.first );
				if (emap_pos == emap.end())
					rslt_pair = emap.insert( key_pair );
					(*rslt_pair.first).second.push_back( &r_eqv );
					vec_pos.push_back( rslt_pair.first );
					(*emap_pos).second.push_back( &r_eqv );

			for (emap_pos = emap.begin(); emap_pos != emap.end(); ++emap_pos)
				rVerifier.SetRisk( (*emap_pos).second, m_vecRisk );

		for (i = 0; i < tuple_num; ++i)
			if (m_vecStatus[i] != anony::NORMAL)
				m_vecRisk[i] = 0;
	catch( AnonyException e )
		cout << e.GetMsg() << endl;
		throw( e );

	return true;
bool Generalization::Anonymize( Verifier& rVerifier )
		AnonyException temp_exception;
		temp_exception.m_bShallContinue = true;
		stringstream temp_sstream;

		if (m_pMicrodata == NULL)
			temp_sstream << "Generalization::Anonymize Error: Pointer to the microdata is NULL";
			temp_exception.SetMsg( temp_sstream.str() );
			throw( temp_exception );		

		if (m_eqvRootClass.m_lstTplId.size() == 0)
			temp_sstream << "Generalization::Anonymize Error: Root equivalence class has not been initialized";
			temp_exception.SetMsg( temp_sstream.str() );
			throw( temp_exception );			

		//	Check whether the tuples in the "root" equivalence class need to be reloaded or not
		if (m_bRootDirty == true)
			m_bRootDirty = false;

		long i, j, k;
		long temp_cnt;
		temp_cnt = 0;

		//	If the "root" equivalence class does not satisfy the privacy criterion, stop here
		if (rVerifier.Verify( m_eqvRootClass ) == false)
			temp_sstream << "Generalization::Anonymize Error: No generalization satisfies the given requirement";
			temp_exception.SetMsg( temp_sstream.str() );
			throw( temp_exception );

		const vector<Metadata>& r_meta = m_pMicrodata->GetVecMeta();
		const vector<UnitValue>& r_micro = m_pMicrodata->GetVecTuple();
		const long attr_num = r_meta.size();
		const long tuple_num = r_micro.size() / attr_num;
		const long qi_num = m_vecQiAttr.size();

		//	Initialize m_vecGenLevel
		m_vecGenLevel.insert( m_vecGenLevel.end(), attr_num, -1 );
		for (i = 0; i < qi_num; ++i)
			const vector<long>& r_vec_level = m_vecHrch[m_vecQiAttr[i].m_nAttr].GetVecLevel();
			m_vecGenLevel[m_vecQiAttr[i].m_nAttr] = r_vec_level.size();

		//	Starts from the coarsest generalization, i.e., a generalization based on the "root" equivalence class
		m_lstEqvClass.push_back( m_eqvRootClass );

		list<EqvClass> temp_lst_eqvcls;
		list<EqvClass> done_lst_eqvcls;
		vector<AttrWghtPair> vec_attr_order = m_vecQiAttr;
		map<UnitValue, list<EqvClass>::iterator> map_eqvcls;
		map<UnitValue, list<EqvClass>::iterator>::iterator map_pos;
		pair<long, list<EqvClass>::iterator> temp_pair;
		long failure_cnt = 0;
		bool gen_failed;
		HrchNode temp_node;

		//	Iteratively refine the generalization
		while (failure_cnt < qi_num)
			//	Sort the attributes according to their weights
			long cur_attr;
			sort( vec_attr_order.begin(), vec_attr_order.end(), CompareByWght() );

			//	Try to refine the attribute with the highest weight; if fail, try the attribute with the second highest weight, and so on
			for (i = 0; i < qi_num; ++i)
				cur_attr = vec_attr_order[i].m_nAttr;
				if (m_vecGenLevel[cur_attr] == 0)
					++failure_cnt;	//	If we have reached the leaf level of attribute cur_attr, we are done with it
					vec_attr_order[i].m_fWght = 0;

				//	Try to refine attribute cur_attr
				list<EqvClass>::iterator cls_pos;
				gen_failed = false;
				for (cls_pos = m_lstEqvClass.begin(); cls_pos != m_lstEqvClass.end(); ++cls_pos)	//	Check each equivalence class
					//	Refine the equivalence class along attribute cur_attr
					const EqvClass& r_eqvcls = *cls_pos;
					const vector<HrchNode> r_vec_hrch = m_vecHrch[cur_attr].GetVecNode();
					long node_begin, node_end;
					if (r_eqvcls.m_vecNodePos[cur_attr] < 0)
						node_begin = node_end = -1;
						node_begin = r_vec_hrch[r_eqvcls.m_vecNodePos[cur_attr]].m_nChildLeft;
						node_end = r_vec_hrch[r_eqvcls.m_vecNodePos[cur_attr]].m_nChildRight;
					list<long>::const_iterator tpl_pos;
					vector<HrchNode>::const_iterator node_pos;
					map<UnitValue, long>::iterator sen_pos;
					UnitValue eqvcls_key;
					for (tpl_pos = r_eqvcls.m_lstTplId.begin(); tpl_pos != r_eqvcls.m_lstTplId.end(); ++tpl_pos)
						long tpl_no = *tpl_pos;
						if (node_begin == -1)
							eqvcls_key = r_micro[tpl_no * attr_num + cur_attr];
							temp_node.m_uInterval.m_uLeft = temp_node.m_uInterval.m_uRight = r_micro[tpl_no * attr_num + cur_attr];
							node_pos = lower_bound( r_vec_hrch.begin() + node_begin, r_vec_hrch.begin() + node_end + 1, temp_node );
							eqvcls_key = long( distance( r_vec_hrch.begin(), node_pos ) );

							if (eqvcls_key.l == node_end + 1)
								temp_sstream << "Generalization::Anonymize Error: Value " << cur_attr << " of tuple " << tpl_no << " is not covered in level " << m_vecGenLevel[cur_attr] << " of the hierarchy";
								temp_exception.SetMsg( temp_sstream.str() );
								throw( temp_exception );
						map_pos = map_eqvcls.find( eqvcls_key );
						if (map_pos != map_eqvcls.end())
							EqvClass& r_target = *((*map_pos).second);
							r_target.m_lstTplId.push_back( tpl_no );
							map<UnitValue, long>& r_sen_map = r_target.m_mapSenCnt;
							sen_pos = r_sen_map.find( r_micro[tpl_no * attr_num + m_nSenAttr] );
							if (sen_pos == r_sen_map.end())
								r_sen_map.insert( pair<UnitValue, long>( r_micro[tpl_no * attr_num + m_nSenAttr], 1 ) );
							temp_lst_eqvcls.push_front( EqvClass() );
							EqvClass& r_target = *temp_lst_eqvcls.begin();
							r_target.m_lstTplId.push_back( tpl_no );
							r_target.m_mapSenCnt.insert( pair<UnitValue, long>( r_micro[tpl_no * attr_num + m_nSenAttr], 1 ) );
							r_target.m_vecNodePos = r_eqvcls.m_vecNodePos;
							if (node_begin == -1)
								r_target.m_vecNodePos[cur_attr] = -1;
								r_target.m_vecNodePos[cur_attr] = eqvcls_key.l;
							map_eqvcls.insert( pair<UnitValue, list<EqvClass>::iterator>( eqvcls_key, temp_lst_eqvcls.begin() ) );

					list<EqvClass>::iterator temp_cls_pos;
					for (temp_cls_pos = temp_lst_eqvcls.begin(); temp_cls_pos != temp_lst_eqvcls.end(); ++temp_cls_pos)
						EqvClass& r_test = *temp_cls_pos;

						if (rVerifier.Verify( r_test ) == false)
							gen_failed = true;

					if (gen_failed == true)

					done_lst_eqvcls.splice( done_lst_eqvcls.end(), temp_lst_eqvcls );

				if (gen_failed == true)
					vec_attr_order[i].m_fWght = 0;
					vec_attr_order[i].m_fWght /= 2;
					m_lstEqvClass.swap( done_lst_eqvcls );
			cout << "Current attribute: " << cur_attr << endl;

		m_vecPtEqv.insert( m_vecPtEqv.begin(), m_pMicrodata->GetTupleNum(), NULL );
		list<EqvClass>::iterator eqv_pos;
		list<long>::const_iterator tpl_pos;
		for (eqv_pos = m_lstEqvClass.begin(); eqv_pos != m_lstEqvClass.end(); ++eqv_pos)
			EqvClass& r_eqv = *eqv_pos;
			for (tpl_pos = r_eqv.m_lstTplId.begin(); tpl_pos != r_eqv.m_lstTplId.end(); ++tpl_pos)
				m_vecPtEqv[*tpl_pos] = &r_eqv;

		m_bGenExists = true;
	catch( AnonyException e )
		cout << e.GetMsg() << endl;
		m_bGenExists = false;
		throw( e );

	return true;