Пример #1
      void generateTexCoordsSphere( VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& vas, const Sphere3f &sphere, unsigned int tu )
        Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type vertices = vas->getVertices();
        std::vector<Vec2f> texCoords( vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
        Vec2f tp;

        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          Vec3f p = vertices[i] - sphere.getCenter();
          if ( fabsf( p[1] ) > FLT_EPSILON )
            tp[0] = 0.5f * atan2f( p[0], -p[1] ) / (float) PI + 0.5f;
            tp[0] = (float)( ( p[0] >= 0.0f ) ? 0.75f : 0.25f );

          float d = sqrtf( square( p[0] ) + square( p[1] ) );
          if ( d > FLT_EPSILON )
            tp[1] = atan2f( p[2], d ) / (float) PI + 0.5f;
            tp[1] = (float)( ( p[2] >= 0.0f ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );

          texCoords[i] = tp;

        vas->setTexCoords( tu, &texCoords[0], vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
Пример #2
      void deIndexPrimitiveT( Primitive * p )
        Buffer::DataReadLock indexBuffer( p->getIndexSet()->getBuffer() );

        VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& vas = p->getVertexAttributeSet();
        unsigned int nov = vas->getNumberOfVertices();
        unsigned int noi = p->getIndexSet()->getNumberOfIndices();
        if (    ( nov != noi )
            ||  ! checkFlat( (const T *)indexBuffer.getPtr(), noi )
            ||  ! checkTrivial( (const T *)indexBuffer.getPtr(), noi ) )
          VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr newVASH = VertexAttributeSet::create();
          for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<VertexAttributeSet::DP_SG_VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT ; i++ )
            if ( vas->getSizeOfVertexData(i) )
              Buffer::DataReadLock indexBufferLock( p->getIndexSet()->getBuffer() );
              const T * idxPtr = indexBufferLock.getPtr<T>();
              dp::DataType type = vas->getTypeOfVertexData(i);
              unsigned int size = dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(vas->getSizeOfVertexData(i) * dp::getSizeOf( type ));
              unsigned int stride = vas->getStrideOfVertexData(i);
              DP_ASSERT( size <= stride );
              unsigned int numIndices = p->getIndexSet()->getNumberOfIndices();

              BufferHostSharedPtr newVertexBuffer = BufferHost::create();
              newVertexBuffer->setSize( numIndices * size );
                Buffer::DataReadLock oldBufferLock( vas->getVertexData( i ) );
                const unsigned char * oldBuffPtr = oldBufferLock.getPtr<unsigned char>();

                Buffer::DataWriteLock newBufferLock( newVertexBuffer, Buffer::MAP_WRITE );
                unsigned char * newBuffPtr = newBufferLock.getPtr<unsigned char>();

                for ( unsigned int idx=0 ; idx < numIndices ; idx++ )
                  memcpy( newBuffPtr, oldBuffPtr + stride * idxPtr[idx], size );
                  newBuffPtr += size;

              newVASH->setVertexData( i, vas->getSizeOfVertexData(i), type, newVertexBuffer, 0, stride, numIndices );

              // inherit enable states from source attrib
              // normalize-enable state only meaningful for generic aliases!
              newVASH->setEnabled(i, vas->isEnabled(i)); // conventional
              newVASH->setEnabled(i+16, vas->isEnabled(i+16)); // generic
              newVASH->setNormalizeEnabled(i+16, vas->isNormalizeEnabled(i+16)); // only generic
          p->setVertexAttributeSet( newVASH );
Пример #3
      void UnifyTraverser::unifyVertexAttributeSet( Primitive *p )
        DP_ASSERT( m_unifyTargets & UT_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_SET );
        DP_ASSERT( p && p->getVertexAttributeSet() );

        if( !optimizationAllowed( p->getSharedPtr<Primitive>() ) )

        bool found = false;
        HashKey hashKey;
        VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr vertexAttributeSet = p->getVertexAttributeSet();    // get a share count, in case it's deleted below
          hashKey = vertexAttributeSet->getHashKey();

          typedef multimap<HashKey,VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr>::const_iterator I;
          pair<I,I> itp = m_vertexAttributeSets.equal_range( hashKey );
          for ( I it=itp.first ; it!= itp.second && !found ; ++it )
            found =  ( vertexAttributeSet == it->second )
                  || vertexAttributeSet->isEquivalent( it->second, getIgnoreNames(), false );
            if ( found && ( vertexAttributeSet != it->second ) )
              p->setVertexAttributeSet( it->second );
          bool checkFound = false;
          for ( I it = m_vertexAttributeSets.begin() ; it != m_vertexAttributeSets.end() && !checkFound ; ++it )
            checkFound = ( vertexAttributeSet == it->second )
                      || vertexAttributeSet->isEquivalent( it->second, getIgnoreNames(), false );
            DP_ASSERT( !checkFound || ( vertexAttributeSet == it->second ) || ( p->getVertexAttributeSet() == it->second.getWeakPtr() ) );
          DP_ASSERT( found == checkFound );
        if ( ! found )
          m_vertexAttributeSets.insert( make_pair( hashKey, vertexAttributeSet ) );
Пример #4
      void convertQuadsToTriangles( IndicesPtrType indices, unsigned int elementCount
                                  , const VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr & vasSP, std::vector<unsigned int> & newIndices
                                  , unsigned int pri = ~0 )
        //  for each quad-face create two triangles
        Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type vertices = vasSP->getVertices();
        newIndices.reserve( 6 * ( elementCount / 4 ) );   // might reserve more than needed, due to pri

        for ( unsigned int i=3 ; i<elementCount ; i+=4 )
          if ( indices[i-3] == pri )
            i -= 3;
          else if ( indices[i-2] == pri )
            i -= 2;
          else if ( indices[i-1] == pri )
            i -= 1;
          else if ( indices[i] != pri )
            //  determine the shorter diagonal
            if (  lengthSquared( vertices[indices[i-1]] - vertices[indices[i-3]] )
                < lengthSquared( vertices[indices[i-0]] - vertices[indices[i-2]] ) )
              //  cut diagonal 0-2 => 0,1,2 & 2,3,0
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-3] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-2] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-1] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-1] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-0] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-3] );
              //  cut diagonal 1-3 => 1,2,3 & 3,0,1
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-2] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-1] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-0] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-0] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-3] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-2] );
Пример #5
      void  generateTexCoordsPlane( VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& vas, const Sphere3f &sphere, unsigned int tu )
        Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type vertices = vas->getVertices();

        // get the bounding box of vas and determine the axes u,v to use to texture along
        unsigned int u, v, w;
        getSortedAxes( vertices, vas->getNumberOfVertices(), u, v, w );

        // create the texture coordinates
        std::vector<Vec2f> texCoords( vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
        Vec2f tp;
        float oneOverTwoR = 0.5f / sphere.getRadius();
        Vec2f tpMin( 1.0f, 1.0f );
        Vec2f tpMax( 0.0f, 0.0f );
        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          Vec3f p = vertices[i] - sphere.getCenter();
          tp[0] = p[u] * oneOverTwoR + 0.5f;  // 0.0 <= tp[0] <= 1.0
          if ( tp[0] < tpMin[0] )
            tpMin[0] = tp[0];
          else if ( tp[0] > tpMax[0] )
            tpMax[0] = tp[0];

          tp[1] = p[v] * oneOverTwoR + 0.5f;   //  0.0 <= tp[1] <= 1.0
          if ( tp[1] < tpMin[1] )
            tpMin[1] = tp[1];
          else if ( tp[1] > tpMax[1] )
            tpMax[1] = tp[1];

          texCoords[i] = tp;

        // scale the texcoords to [0..1]
        DP_ASSERT( ( FLT_EPSILON < ( tpMax[0] - tpMin[0] ) ) && ( FLT_EPSILON < ( tpMax[1] - tpMin[1] ) ) );
        Vec2f tpScale( 1.0f / ( tpMax[0] - tpMin[0] ), 1.0f / ( tpMax[1] - tpMin[1] ) );
        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          texCoords[i] = Vec2f( ( texCoords[i][0] - tpMin[0] ) * tpScale[0],
                                ( texCoords[i][1] - tpMin[1] ) * tpScale[1] );

        vas->setTexCoords( tu, &texCoords[0], vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
Пример #6
      void  generateTexCoordsCylinder( VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& vas, const Sphere3f &sphere, unsigned int tu )
        Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type vertices = vas->getVertices();

        // get the bounding box of vas and determine the axes u,v to use to texture along
        unsigned int u, v, w;
        getSortedAxes( vertices, vas->getNumberOfVertices(), u, v, w );

        // create the texture coordinates
        std::vector<Vec2f> texCoords( vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
        Vec2f tp;
        float oneOverTwoR = 0.5f / sphere.getRadius();
        float tpuMin = 1.0f;
        float tpuMax = 0.0f;
        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          Vec3f p = vertices[i] - sphere.getCenter();

          // largest axis as the cylinder axis
          tp[0] = p[u] * oneOverTwoR + 0.5f;   //  0.0 <= tp[1] <= 1.0
          if ( tp[0] < tpuMin )
            tpuMin = tp[0];
          else if ( tpuMax < tp[0] )
            tpuMax = tp[0];

          if ( FLT_EPSILON < fabsf( p[v] ) )
            tp[1] = 0.5f * atan2f( p[w], -p[v] ) / (float) PI + 0.5f;
            tp[1] = (float)( ( 0.0f <= p[w] ) ? 0.75f : 0.25f );

          texCoords[i] = tp;

        // scale the texcoords to [0..1]
        DP_ASSERT( FLT_EPSILON < ( tpuMax - tpuMin ) );
        float tpuScale = 1.0f / ( tpuMax - tpuMin );
        for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<vas->getNumberOfVertices() ; i++ )
          texCoords[i][0] = ( texCoords[i][0] - tpuMin ) * tpuScale;
        vas->setTexCoords( tu, &texCoords[0], vas->getNumberOfVertices() );
Пример #7
      void UnifyTraverser::handleVertexAttributeSet( VertexAttributeSet * p )
        pair<set<const void *>::iterator,bool> pitb = m_objects.insert( p );
        if ( pitb.second )
          OptimizeTraverser::handleVertexAttributeSet( p );
          // Check if optimization is allowed
          if ( optimizationAllowed( p->getSharedPtr<VertexAttributeSet>() ) && (m_unifyTargets & UT_VERTICES) )
            VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr vas = p->getSharedPtr<VertexAttributeSet>();
            unsigned int n = p->getNumberOfVertices();

            //  handle VAS with more than one vertex only
            if ( 1 < n )
              // ***************************************************************
              // the algorithm currently only works for float-typed vertex data!
              // ***************************************************************
              for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<VertexAttributeSet::DP_SG_VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT ; i++ )
                unsigned int type = p->getTypeOfVertexData(i);
                if (  type != dp::DT_UNKNOWN // no data is ok!
                   && type != dp::DT_FLOAT_32 )  
                  DP_ASSERT( !"This algorithm currently only works for float-typed vertex data!" );
              // ***************************************************************
              // ***************************************************************

              //  count the dimension of the VertexAttributeSet
              unsigned int  dimension = 0;
              for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<VertexAttributeSet::DP_SG_VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT ; i++ )
                if ( p->getNumberOfVertexData( i ) )
                  dimension += p->getSizeOfVertexData( i );

              vector<float> valueDataIn( n * dimension );
              vector<float*> valuesIn( n );
              for ( size_t i=0, j=0 ; i<valuesIn.size() ; i++, j+=dimension )
                valuesIn[i] = &valueDataIn[j];

              //  fill valuesIn with the vertex attribute data
              for ( unsigned int i=0, j=0 ; i<VertexAttributeSet::DP_SG_VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT ; i++ )
                if ( p->getNumberOfVertexData( i ) != 0 )
                  unsigned int dim = p->getSizeOfVertexData( i );
                  Buffer::ConstIterator<float>::Type vad = p->getVertexData<float>( i );
                  for ( unsigned int k=0 ; k<n ; k++ )
                    const float *value = &vad[k];
                    for ( unsigned int l=0 ; l<dim ; l++ )
                      valuesIn[k][j+l] = value[l];
                  j += dim;

              VUTOctreeNode * octree = new VUTOctreeNode();
              octree->init( boundingBox<3, float, Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type >( p->getVertices(), p->getNumberOfVertices() )
                          , std::max( (unsigned int)32, (unsigned int)pow( p->getNumberOfVertices(), 0.25 ) ) );
              unsigned int count = dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(valuesIn.size());
              for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<count ; i++ )
                octree->addVertex( valuesIn, i, dimension, m_epsilon );
              unsigned int pointCount = octree->getNumberOfPoints();

              //  if there are less points only
              if ( pointCount < n )
                //  initialize the index mapping to undefined
                vector<unsigned int>  indexMap( n );
                for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<n ; i++ )
                  indexMap[i] = ~0;

                //  create the vector of vertex attribute valuesIn
                vector<float> valueDataOut( pointCount * dimension );
                vector<float*> valuesOut( pointCount );
                for ( size_t i=0, j=0 ; i<valuesOut.size() ; i++, j+=dimension )
                  valuesOut[i] = &valueDataOut[j];

                // fill valuesOut and the indexMap
                unsigned int index = 0;
                octree->mapValues( valuesIn, valuesOut, dimension, indexMap, index );
                delete octree;

                //  create a new VertexAttributeSet with the condensed data
                VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr newVAS = VertexAttributeSet::create();
                for ( unsigned int i=0, j=0 ; i<VertexAttributeSet::DP_SG_VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT ; i++ )
                  if ( p->getNumberOfVertexData( i ) )
                    unsigned int dim = p->getSizeOfVertexData( i );
                    vector<float> vad( dim * valuesOut.size() );
                    for ( size_t k=0 ; k<valuesOut.size() ; k++ )
                      for ( unsigned int l=0 ; l<dim ; l++ )
                        vad[dim*k+l] = valuesOut[k][j+l];
                    newVAS->setVertexData( i, dim, dp::DT_FLOAT_32, &vad[0], 0, dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(vad.size()/dim) );

                    // inherit enable states from source attrib
                    // normalize-enable state only meaningful for generic aliases!
                    newVAS->setEnabled(i, p->isEnabled(i)); // conventional
                    newVAS->setEnabled(i+16, p->isEnabled(i+16)); // generic
                    newVAS->setNormalizeEnabled(i+16, p->isNormalizeEnabled(i+16)); // generic only!
                    j += dim;

                DP_ASSERT( m_vasReplacements.find( vas ) == m_vasReplacements.end() );
                m_vasReplacements[vas] = VASReplacement( newVAS, indexMap );
                delete octree;
Пример #8
static PrimitiveSharedPtr createGeoSphereObject()
  static const float X = 0.525731112119133606f;
  static const float Z = 0.850650808352039932f;

  // Setup vertices. Initial vertex pool, subdivision level zero.
  static const Vec3f verticesBase[12] =
    Vec3f(   -X, 0.0f,    Z ),
    Vec3f(    X, 0.0f,    Z ),
    Vec3f(   -X, 0.0f,   -Z ),
    Vec3f(    X, 0.0f,   -Z ),
    Vec3f( 0.0f,    Z,    X ),
    Vec3f( 0.0f,    Z,   -X ),
    Vec3f( 0.0f,   -Z,    X ),
    Vec3f( 0.0f,   -Z,   -X ),
    Vec3f(    Z,    X, 0.0f ),
    Vec3f(   -Z,    X, 0.0f ),
    Vec3f(    Z,   -X, 0.0f ),
    Vec3f(   -Z,   -X, 0.0f )

  // Setup triangles
  static const unsigned int triangles[20 * 3] =
     0,  1,  4, //  0
     0,  4,  9, //  1
     0,  9, 11, //  2
     0,  6,  1, //  3
     0, 11,  6, //  4
     1,  6, 10, //  5
     1, 10,  8, //  6
     1,  8,  4, //  7
     2,  3,  7, //  8
     2,  5,  3, //  9
     2,  9,  5, // 10
     2, 11,  9, // 11
     2,  7, 11, // 12
     3,  5,  8, // 13
     3,  8, 10, // 14
     3, 10,  7, // 15
     4,  5,  9, // 16
     4,  8,  5, // 17
     6,  7, 10, // 18
     6, 11,  7  // 19

  unsigned int src = 0;
  unsigned int dst = 1;

  vector<Vec3f> vertices;

  vector<unsigned int> indices[2];
  vector<unsigned int> indicesPong;

  // Seed the initial input vectors.
  for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 12; ++i )
    vertices.push_back( verticesBase[i] );

  for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 20 * 3; ++i )
    indices[src].push_back( triangles[i] );

  // Indices are completely regenerated each time.
  // New vertices are appended to the input vertices.
  for (unsigned int subdivisions = 0; subdivisions < NUM_SUBDIVISIONS; ++subdivisions )
    doSubdivision( indices[src], indices[dst], vertices );
    src ^= 1;
    dst ^= 1;

  // Find the indices and edges building the twelve holes.
  // The number of vertices does NOT change during this step, which means all indices stay valid.
  std::set<unsigned int> holeIndices[12];
  std::set<TriangleEdge> holeEdges[12];

  // First generate the outer shell with all twelve holes with circular hole edges.
  float radius = HOLE_RADIUS_SCALE * acos( verticesBase[0] * verticesBase[1] );
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; ++i )
    doHole( verticesBase[i], radius,
            indices[src], vertices,
            indices[dst], holeIndices[i], holeEdges[i] ); // Output.
    src ^= 1;
    dst ^= 1;

  // Generate the inner shell vertices and normals.
  unsigned int countVertices = dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>( vertices.size() ); // Important, this is the offset for all inner triangle indices.
  std::vector<Vec3f> normals = vertices; // The unit vectors of the outer shell are the normals.
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < countVertices; ++i )
    Vec3f v = vertices[i];
    normals.push_back( -v );
    vertices.push_back( v * (1.0f - THICKNESS_HALF - THICKNESS_HALF) );

  // Now add the inner shell triangles.
  size_t countTriangles = indices[src].size() / 3;
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < countTriangles; ++i )
    unsigned int a = indices[src][i * 3    ];
    unsigned int b = indices[src][i * 3 + 1];
    unsigned int c = indices[src][i * 3 + 2];

    // Inverse the winding for the inner shell and use the vertices behind the outer shell.
    indices[src].push_back( a + countVertices );
    indices[src].push_back( c + countVertices );
    indices[src].push_back( b + countVertices );

  // Build the rims.
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; ++i )
    doRim( verticesBase[i], radius,
           holeIndices[i], holeEdges[i], countVertices,
           indices[src], vertices, normals );

  // Remove the unused vertices and normals from the array here. (At subdivision level 5 these are over 7200.)
  // The ones trivially inside the holes are still in the two arrays, but the triangles don't index any of them.
  std::vector<Vec3f> verticesFinal;
  std::vector<Vec3f> normalsFinal;
  std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> remapper;
  unsigned int k = 0; // New index.
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < indices[src].size(); ++i )
    unsigned int j = indices[src][i]; // Old index.
    std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::const_iterator it = remapper.find( j );
    if ( it == remapper.end() )
      // remap j to k
      verticesFinal.push_back( vertices[j] ); // This is the kth vertex now.
      normalsFinal.push_back( normals[j] );
      indices[dst].push_back( k );
      remapper[j] = k++;
      indices[dst].push_back( it->second );
  src ^= 1;
  dst ^= 1;

  // Create a VertexAttributeSet with vertices and normals
  VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr vertexAttributeSet = VertexAttributeSet::create();
  vertexAttributeSet->setVertices( &verticesFinal[0], dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(verticesFinal.size()) );
  vertexAttributeSet->setNormals( &normalsFinal[0], dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(normalsFinal.size()) );

  // Create a Primitive
  IndexSetSharedPtr indexSet = IndexSet::create();
  indexSet->setData( &indices[src][0], dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(indices[src].size()) );

  // create pointer to return
  PrimitiveSharedPtr primitive = Primitive::create( PrimitiveType::TRIANGLES );
  primitive->setVertexAttributeSet( vertexAttributeSet );
  primitive->setIndexSet( indexSet );

  return primitive;
Пример #9
      void copySelectedVertices( const VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr & from, const VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr & to
                               , std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > &indices )
        // indexMap below is intended to hold vertex indices, which should not exceed 32-bit precision by definition!
        std::vector<unsigned int> indexMap( from->getNumberOfVertices(), ~0 );
        std::vector<unsigned int> iFrom; iFrom.reserve(from->getNumberOfVertices());
        for ( size_t i=0 ; i<indices.size() ; i++ )
          for ( size_t j=0 ; j<indices[i].size() ; j++ )
            if ( indexMap[indices[i][j]] == ~0 )
              indexMap[indices[i][j]] = dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(iFrom.size());

        for ( unsigned int slot=0 ; slot<static_cast<unsigned int>(VertexAttributeSet::AttributeID::VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT) ; slot++ )
          VertexAttributeSet::AttributeID id = static_cast<VertexAttributeSet::AttributeID>(slot);
          if ( from->getSizeOfVertexData( id ) )
            BufferSharedPtr oldData = from->getVertexBuffer(id);
            Buffer::DataReadLock lock( oldData );

            unsigned int size = from->getSizeOfVertexData( id );
            dp::DataType type = from->getTypeOfVertexData( id );

            to->setVertexData( id, NULL, &iFrom[0], size, type, lock.getPtr()
                             , from->getStrideOfVertexData( id )
                             , dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(iFrom.size()) );

            // inherit enable states from source id
            // normalize-enable state only meaningful for generic aliases!
            to->setEnabled(id, from->isEnabled(id)); // conventional

            id = static_cast<VertexAttributeSet::AttributeID>(slot+16);    // generic
            to->setEnabled(id, from->isEnabled(id));
            to->setNormalizeEnabled(id, from->isNormalizeEnabled(id));

        for ( size_t i=0 ; i<indices.size() ; i++ )
          for ( size_t j=0 ; j<indices[i].size() ; j++ )
            indices[i][j] = indexMap[indices[i][j]];
Пример #10
      void copy( VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& src, VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr const& dst )
        if ( src != dst )
          dst->setName( src->getName() );
          dst->setAnnotation( src->getAnnotation() );
          dst->setHints( src->getHints() );
          dst->setUserData( src->getUserData() );

          for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i<2*static_cast<unsigned int>(VertexAttributeSet::AttributeID::VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT) ; ++i )
            VertexAttributeSet::AttributeID id = static_cast<VertexAttributeSet::AttributeID>(i);
            if ( src->getSizeOfVertexData( id ) )
              DP_ASSERT( ( src->getOffsetOfVertexData( id ) == 0 ) && src->isContiguousVertexData( id ) );
              dst->setVertexData( id, src->getSizeOfVertexData( id ), src->getTypeOfVertexData( id )
                                , src->getVertexBuffer( id ), src->getOffsetOfVertexData( id )
                                , src->getStrideOfVertexData( id ), src->getNumberOfVertexData( id ) );
              dst->setEnabled( id, src->isEnabled( id ) );
              if ( id >= VertexAttributeSet::AttributeID::VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT )
                dst->setNormalizeEnabled( id, src->isNormalizeEnabled( id ) );