void Host:: InfectWithMoreWildType(Virus& newVirus, double simulationTime, int maxNumberInfections) //function of the host receiving a new virus
	//cout << "do i get stuck here??? InfectWith()"<<endl;
	Infection newInfection;
	list<Infection>::iterator it;
	list<Infection>::iterator end = infections.end();

	if(!IsInfected()) // if the host is NOT infected yet
		newInfection.TransmitInfection(newVirus,simulationTime);//set the parameters to the new infection!
	else //but if the host IS infected with some viruses
		if(infections.size()<maxNumberInfections) //check first whether it is already at its maximum
				newInfection.TransmitInfection(newVirus,simulationTime);//set the parameters to the new infection!