void testgeo(const char* rootfile) { // Clear global scope gROOT->Reset(); // Load the library with class dictionary info gSystem->Load("libWCSimRoot.so"); // Open the file, replace if you've named it something else TFile file(rootfile); // Get the a pointer to the tree from the file TTree *gtree = (TTree*)file.Get("wcsimGeoT"); // Get the number of events int nevent = gtree->GetEntries(); printf("geo nevent %d\n",nevent); // Create a WCSimRootGeom to put stuff from the tree in WCSimRootGeom* wcsimrootgeom = new WCSimRootGeom(); // Set the branch address for reading from the tree TBranch *branch = gtree->GetBranch("wcsimrootgeom"); branch->SetAddress(&wcsimrootgeom); // Now loop over "events" (should be only one for geo tree) int ev; for (ev=0;ev<nevent; ev++) { // Read the event from the tree into the WCSimRootGeom instance gtree->GetEntry(ev); printf("Cyl radius %f\n", wcsimrootgeom->GetWCCylRadius()); printf("Cyl length %f\n", wcsimrootgeom->GetWCCylLength()); printf("PMT radius %f\n", wcsimrootgeom->GetWCPMTRadius()); printf("Offset x y z %f %f %f\n", wcsimrootgeom->GetWCOffset(0), wcsimrootgeom->GetWCOffset(1),wcsimrootgeom->GetWCOffset(2)); int numpmt = wcsimrootgeom->GetWCNumPMT(); printf("Num PMTs %d\n", numpmt); int i; for (i=0;i<((numpmt<20)?numpmt:20);i++){ WCSimRootPMT pmt; pmt = wcsimrootgeom->GetPMT(i); printf ("pmt %d %d %d\n",i,pmt.GetTubeNo(), pmt.GetCylLoc()); printf ("position: %f %f %f\n", pmt.GetPosition(0), pmt.GetPosition(1),pmt.GetPosition(2)); printf ("orientation: %f %f %f\n", pmt.GetOrientation(0), pmt.GetOrientation(1),pmt.GetOrientation(2)); } } // End of loop over events }
void compare_wls1(TString filename="../p15m_nwls/wcsim.root",TString histoname="p15m_nwls", Int_t *flag, TString rootfile = "temp.root") { TFile *file1; if (*flag!=0) { //file1 = new TFile(rootfile,"Update"); file1 = new TFile(rootfile,"RECREATE"); } else { file1 = new TFile(rootfile,"RECREATE"); } TString filename1; filename1 = histoname + "_digi"; TTree *T = new TTree(filename1,filename1); T->SetDirectory(file1); Double_t diginpe,digitime,cor_digitime,digitheta,dis_digihit; Int_t neve; Double_t mom; Double_t pos_x,pos_y,pos_z; Double_t dir_x,dir_y,dir_z; Double_t tube_x,tube_y,tube_z; Double_t totankdis; Double_t vertex[3],dir[3]; Double_t tube_pos[3]; T->Branch("digi_eve",&neve,"data/I"); T->Branch("diginpe",&diginpe,"data/D"); T->Branch("digitime",&digitime,"data/D"); T->Branch("cor_digitime",&cor_digitime,"data/D"); T->Branch("digitheta",&digitheta,"data/D"); T->Branch("dis_dighit",&dis_digihit,"data/D"); T->Branch("mom",&mom,"data/D"); T->Branch("totankdis",&totankdis,"data/D"); T->Branch("pos_x",&vertex[0],"data/D"); T->Branch("pos_y",&vertex[1],"data/D"); T->Branch("pos_z",&vertex[2],"data/D"); T->Branch("dir_x",&dir[0],"data/D"); T->Branch("dir_y",&dir[1],"data/D"); T->Branch("dir_z",&dir[2],"data/D"); T->Branch("tube_x",&tube_pos[0],"data/D"); T->Branch("tube_y",&tube_pos[1],"data/D"); T->Branch("tube_z",&tube_pos[2],"data/D"); filename1 = histoname + "_hit"; TTree *t1 = new TTree(filename1,filename1); t1->SetDirectory(file1); Double_t wavelength, truetime, corr_time,theta,distance,index; Int_t qe_flag,parentid,tubeid,totalpe; Int_t ntracks; t1->Branch("ntracks",&ntracks,"data/I"); t1->Branch("neve",&neve,"data/I"); t1->Branch("wavelength",&wavelength,"data/D"); t1->Branch("truetime",&truetime,"data/D"); t1->Branch("corr_time",&corr_time,"data/D"); t1->Branch("theta",&theta,"data/D"); t1->Branch("distance",&distance,"data/D"); t1->Branch("index",&index,"data/D"); t1->Branch("mom",&mom,"data/D"); t1->Branch("totankdis",&totankdis,"data/D"); t1->Branch("pos_x",&vertex[0],"data/D"); t1->Branch("pos_y",&vertex[1],"data/D"); t1->Branch("pos_z",&vertex[2],"data/D"); t1->Branch("dir_x",&dir[0],"data/D"); t1->Branch("dir_y",&dir[1],"data/D"); t1->Branch("dir_z",&dir[2],"data/D"); t1->Branch("tube_x",&tube_pos[0],"data/D"); t1->Branch("tube_y",&tube_pos[1],"data/D"); t1->Branch("tube_z",&tube_pos[2],"data/D"); // t1->Branch("pos_x",&pos_x,"data/D"); // t1->Branch("pos_y",&pos_y,"data/D"); // t1->Branch("pos_z",&pos_z,"data/D"); // t1->Branch("dir_x",&dir_x,"data/D"); // t1->Branch("dir_y",&dir_y,"data/D"); // t1->Branch("dir_z",&dir_z,"data/D"); // t1->Branch("tube_x",&tube_x,"data/D"); // t1->Branch("tube_y",&tube_y,"data/D"); // t1->Branch("tube_z",&tube_z,"data/D"); t1->Branch("qe_flag",&qe_flag,"data/I"); t1->Branch("parentid",&parentid,"data/I"); t1->Branch("tubeid",&tubeid,"data/I"); t1->Branch("totalpe",&totalpe,"data/I"); TFile *file = new TFile(filename); TTree *wcsimT = file->Get("wcsimT"); WCSimRootEvent *wcsimrootsuperevent = new WCSimRootEvent(); wcsimT->SetBranchAddress("wcsimrootevent",&wcsimrootsuperevent); wcsimT->GetBranch("wcsimrootevent")->SetAutoDelete(kTRUE); TTree *gtree = file->Get("wcsimGeoT"); WCSimRootGeom *wcsimrootgeom = new WCSimRootGeom(); gbranch = gtree->GetBranch("wcsimrootgeom"); gbranch->SetAddress(&wcsimrootgeom); gtree->GetEntry(0); WCSimRootPMT *pmt; Double_t pmt_pos[500000][3]; for (Int_t i=0; i!=wcsimrootgeom->GetWCNumPMT(); i++) { pmt_pos[i][0] = (wcsimrootgeom->GetPMT(i)).GetPosition(0); pmt_pos[i][1] = (wcsimrootgeom->GetPMT(i)).GetPosition(1); pmt_pos[i][2] = (wcsimrootgeom->GetPMT(i)).GetPosition(2); } //in terms of wavelength (total NPE) real hit filename1 = histoname + "_total_wl"; TH1F *hqx = new TH1F(filename1,filename1,600,200,800); //NPE in each event sum over digi hit filename1 = histoname + "_total_npe"; TH1F *hqx2 = new TH1F(filename1,filename1,1000,0.,10000); //digitized hit time filename1 = histoname + "_digitime"; TH1F *hqx1 = new TH1F(filename1,filename1,500,900,1400); //corrected digitized hit time filename1 = histoname + "_cor_digitime"; TH1F *hqx4 = new TH1F(filename1,filename1,1000,400,1400); //digitized hit angle filename1 = histoname + "_digitheta"; TH1F *hqx5 = new TH1F(filename1,filename1,180,0,180); //TH2F *h1 = new TH2F("h1","h1",100,1000,20000,100,90000,140000); Double_t index = 1.333; neve = *flag; cout << histoname << "\t" << wcsimT->GetEntries() << endl; for (Int_t j=0; j!=wcsimT->GetEntries(); j++) { //for (Int_t j=0;j!=90;j++){ // cout << j << endl; wcsimT->GetEvent(j); neve ++; WCSimRootTrigger *wcsimrootevent = wcsimrootsuperevent->GetTrigger(0); temp = (TClonesArray*)wcsimrootevent->GetTracks(); Int_t ntrack = wcsimrootevent->GetNtrack(); //cout << ntrack << endl; ntracks = ntrack; mom = ((WCSimRootTrack*)temp->At(ntrack-1))->GetP(); //get the vertex information vertex[0] = ((WCSimRootTrack*)temp->At(ntrack-1))->GetStart(0); vertex[1] = ((WCSimRootTrack*)temp->At(ntrack-1))->GetStart(1); vertex[2] = ((WCSimRootTrack*)temp->At(ntrack-1))->GetStart(2); //get position information dir[0] = ((WCSimRootTrack*)temp->At(ntrack-1))->GetDir(0); dir[1] = ((WCSimRootTrack*)temp->At(ntrack-1))->GetDir(1); dir[2] = ((WCSimRootTrack*)temp->At(ntrack-1))->GetDir(2); totankdis=ToTankDistance(vertex,dir); TVector3 vertex3(vertex[0],vertex[1],vertex[2]); TVector3 dir3(dir[0],dir[1],dir[2]); //loop through digi hit int max = wcsimrootevent->GetNcherenkovdigihits(); double sum = 0; for (int i=0; i<max; i++) { // cout << max << "\t" << i << endl; WCSimRootCherenkovDigiHit *cDigiHit = ((WCSimRootCherenkovDigiHit*)wcsimrootevent->GetCherenkovDigiHits()->At(i)); hqx1->Fill(cDigiHit->GetT()); tube_pos[0] = pmt_pos[(cDigiHit->GetTubeId()-1)][0]; tube_pos[1] = pmt_pos[(cDigiHit->GetTubeId()-1)][1]; tube_pos[2] = pmt_pos[(cDigiHit->GetTubeId()-1)][2]; TVector3 hit3(tube_pos[0],tube_pos[1],tube_pos[2]); TVector3 dis = hit3-vertex3; diginpe = cDigiHit->GetQ(); digitime = cDigiHit->GetT(); cor_digitime = digitime-dis.Mag()/299792458.*1.333*1.e7; digitheta = dis.Angle(dir3)/3.1415926*180.; dis_digihit = dis.Mag(); hqx4->Fill(cor_digitime,diginpe); hqx5->Fill(digitheta,diginpe); sum += diginpe; T->Fill(); } hqx2->Fill(sum); //loop through real hit //loop through PMT hit first max = wcsimrootevent-> GetNcherenkovhits(); //cout << max << endl; if (max ==0) { t1->Fill(); } for (int i=0; i<max; i++) { WCSimRootCherenkovHit* wcsimrootcherenkovhit = dynamic_cast<WCSimRootCherenkovHit*>((wcsimrootevent->GetCherenkovHits())->At(i)); totalpe = wcsimrootcherenkovhit->GetTotalPe(1); tubeid = wcsimrootcherenkovhit->GetTubeID() ; //loop through hit time etc for (int k=0; k<totalpe; k++) { TObject *element2 = (wcsimrootevent->GetCherenkovHitTimes())-> At(wcsimrootcherenkovhit->GetTotalPe(0)+k); WCSimRootCherenkovHitTime *wcsimrootcherenkovhittime = dynamic_cast<WCSimRootCherenkovHitTime*>(element2); wavelength =wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetWavelength(); qe_flag = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetQe_flag(); truetime = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetTruetime(); parentid = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetParentID(); pos_x = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetPosX() ; pos_y = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetPosY() ; pos_z = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetPosZ() ; dir_x = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetDirX() ; dir_y = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetDirY() ; dir_z = wcsimrootcherenkovhittime->GetDirZ() ; tube_pos[0] = pmt_pos[tubeid-1][0]; tube_pos[1] = pmt_pos[tubeid-1][1]; tube_pos[2] = pmt_pos[tubeid-1][2]; tube_x = tube_pos[0]; tube_y = tube_pos[1]; tube_z = tube_pos[2]; TVector3 hit3(tube_pos[0],tube_pos[1],tube_pos[2]); TVector3 dis = hit3-vertex3; distance = dis.Mag(); theta = dis.Angle(dir3)/3.1415926*180.; //index = index(wavelength); index = 1.34; corr_time = truetime - distance/299792458.*1e7*index; if (qe_flag==1) { hqx->Fill(wavelength); } t1->Fill(); } } } if (flag==1) { hqx->SetDirectory(file1); hqx2->SetDirectory(file1); hqx1->SetDirectory(file1); hqx4->SetDirectory(file1); hqx5->SetDirectory(file1); file1->Write(); file1->Close(); } else { hqx->SetDirectory(file1); hqx2->SetDirectory(file1); hqx1->SetDirectory(file1); hqx4->SetDirectory(file1); hqx5->SetDirectory(file1); file1->Write(); file1->Close(); } *flag = neve; }
void pmtremove(TString infile, TString outfile, double removefrac) { // read old geometry from the input rootfile TFile *f2 = new TFile(infile); TTree *oldtree = (TTree*)f2->Get("wcsimGeoT"); WCSimRootGeom* oldgeom = new WCSimRootGeom(); TBranch *gb = oldtree->GetBranch("wcsimrootgeom"); gb->SetAddress(&oldgeom); oldtree->GetEntry(0); int oldpmtnum = oldgeom->GetWCNumPMT(); Printf("Initial Number of PMTs: %d", oldpmtnum); // set up the new output file TFile *f3 = new TFile(outfile,"RECREATE"); TTree *newtree = oldtree->CloneTree(0); WCSimRootGeom* newgeom = new WCSimRootGeom(); newtree->SetBranchAddress("wcsimrootgeom",&newgeom); newgeom->SetWCCylRadius(oldgeom->GetWCCylRadius()); newgeom->SetWCCylLength(oldgeom->GetWCCylLength()); newgeom->SetMailBox_x(oldgeom->GetMailBox_x()); newgeom->SetMailBox_y(oldgeom->GetMailBox_y()); newgeom->SetMailBox_z(oldgeom->GetMailBox_z()); newgeom->SetGeo_Type(oldgeom->GetGeo_Type()); newgeom->SetWCOffset(oldgeom->GetWCOffset(0), oldgeom->GetWCOffset(1), oldgeom->GetWCOffset(2)); newgeom->SetOrientation(oldgeom->GetOrientation()); newgeom->SetWCPMTRadius(oldgeom->GetWCPMTRadius()); // associates old PMTs with new PMTs Index into it is the old pmt number, // gives back new PMT number. If PMT is removed, this array has -1 in it. const int asize = oldpmtnum + 1; int pmtassoc[asize]; int newpmtnum = 0; int ict = 0; // old floor count for (int i=0;i<oldpmtnum;i++) { WCSimRootPMT pmt = oldgeom->GetPMT(i); int oldtubeno = pmt.GetTubeNo(); double ft = removefrac*( (double) i); int icc = (int) floor(ft); // check to see when this rolls around another integer if ( ict != icc) { ict = icc; pmtassoc[oldtubeno] = -1; // and remove this tube } else { pmtassoc[oldtubeno] = newpmtnum+1; float rot[3]; float pos[3]; for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { rot[j] = pmt.GetOrientation(j); pos[j] = pmt.GetPosition(j); } newgeom->SetPMT(newpmtnum,newpmtnum+1,pmt.GetCylLoc(),rot,pos,true); newpmtnum++; } //if (i<100) std::cout << "input pmt: " << i << " " << oldtubeno << " assoc: " << pmtassoc[oldtubeno] << std::endl; } newgeom->SetWCNumPMT(newpmtnum); std::cout << "New PMT count: " << newpmtnum << std::endl; newtree->Fill(); newtree->Write(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------- Go through events -- drop PMT hits and renumber PMTs with the ones we have. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TTree *oldevtree = (TTree*) f2->Get("wcsimT"); int nevent = oldevtree->GetEntries(); std::cout << "Number of events: " << nevent << std::endl; // Create a WCSimRootEvent to put stuff from the old tree in WCSimRootEvent* oldsuperevent = new WCSimRootEvent(); TBranch *branch = oldevtree->GetBranch("wcsimrootevent"); branch->SetAddress(&oldsuperevent); // Force deletion to prevent memory leak oldevtree->GetBranch("wcsimrootevent")->SetAutoDelete(kTRUE); // Initialize the output tree TTree *newevtree = oldevtree->CloneTree(0); WCSimRootEvent *newsuperevent = new WCSimRootEvent(); newsuperevent->Initialize(); newevtree->SetBranchAddress("wcsimrootevent",&newsuperevent); // Now loop over events for (int ev=0; ev<nevent; ev++) { // Read the event from the tree into the WCSimRootEvent instance oldevtree->GetEntry(ev); // new output event -- allocate memory here and let it go out of scope at the end of the loop. // performance isn't so much an issue here. for (int itrigger = 0; itrigger < oldsuperevent->GetNumberOfEvents(); itrigger++) { //std::cout << "about to get a trigger: Event: " << ev << " Trigger: " << itrigger << std::endl; WCSimRootTrigger *oldtrigger; oldtrigger = oldsuperevent->GetTrigger(itrigger); if (itrigger > 0) newsuperevent->AddSubEvent(); // don't have to add the first trigger, done by initialize WCSimRootTrigger *newtrigger = newsuperevent->GetTrigger(itrigger); WCSimRootEventHeader *oldheader = oldtrigger->GetHeader(); newtrigger->SetHeader(oldheader->GetEvtNum(),oldheader->GetRun(),oldheader->GetDate(),oldheader->GetSubEvtNumber()); newtrigger->SetMode(oldtrigger->GetMode()); newtrigger->SetVtxvol(oldtrigger->GetVtxvol()); for (int i=0;i<3;i++) newtrigger->SetVtx(i,oldtrigger->GetVtx(i)); newtrigger->SetJmu(oldtrigger->GetJmu()); newtrigger->SetJp(oldtrigger->GetJp()); newtrigger->SetNpar(oldtrigger->GetNpar()); WCSimRootPi0 *pi0info = oldtrigger->GetPi0Info(); float pi0vtx[3],gammae[2],gammavtx[2][3]; int gammaid[2]; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { pi0vtx[i] = pi0info->GetPi0Vtx(i); gammavtx[0][i] = pi0info->GetGammaVtx(0,i); gammavtx[1][i] = pi0info->GetGammaVtx(1,i); } for (int i=0;i<2;i++) { gammaid[i] = pi0info->GetGammaID(i); gammae[i] = pi0info->GetGammaE(i); } newtrigger->SetPi0Info(pi0vtx,gammaid,gammae,gammavtx); // Get the number of tracks int ntrack = oldtrigger->GetNtrack(); //printf("ntracks=%d\n",ntrack); // Loop through elements in the TClonesArray of WCSimTracks for (int i=0; i<ntrack; i++) { TObject *element = (oldtrigger->GetTracks())->At(i); WCSimRootTrack *track = dynamic_cast<WCSimRootTrack*>(element); float dir[3],pdir[3],stop[3],start[3]; for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { dir[j] = track->GetDir(j); pdir[j] = track->GetPdir(j); stop[j] = track->GetStop(j); start[j] = track->GetStart(j); } newtrigger->AddTrack(track->GetIpnu(), track->GetFlag(), track->GetM(), track->GetP(), track->GetE(), track->GetStartvol(), track->GetStopvol(), dir, pdir, stop, start, track->GetParenttype(), track->GetTime(), track->GetId()); } // End of loop over tracks // stopped here March 22 -- keep copying info from the old trigger to the new trigger // Now look at the Cherenkov hits // Get the number of Cherenkov hits. // Note... this is *NOT* the number of photons that hit tubes. // It is the number of tubes hit with Cherenkov photons. // The number of digitized tubes will be smaller because of the threshold. // Each hit "raw" tube has several photon hits. The times are recorded. // See chapter 5 of ../doc/DetectorDocumentation.pdf // for more information on the structure of the root file. // // For digitized info (one time/charge tube after a trigger) use // the digitized information. // int ncherenkovhits = oldtrigger->GetNcherenkovhits(); int ncherenkovdigihits = oldtrigger->GetNcherenkovdigihits(); // Grab the big arrays of times and parent IDs TClonesArray *timeArray = oldtrigger->GetCherenkovHitTimes(); // Loop through elements in the TClonesArray of WCSimRootCherenkovHits and copy info for non-removed PMT's for (int i=0; i< ncherenkovhits; i++) { TObject *Hit = (oldtrigger->GetCherenkovHits())->At(i); WCSimRootCherenkovHit *wcsimrootcherenkovhit = dynamic_cast<WCSimRootCherenkovHit*>(Hit); int tubeNumber = wcsimrootcherenkovhit->GetTubeID(); int timeArrayIndex = wcsimrootcherenkovhit->GetTotalPe(0); int peForTube = wcsimrootcherenkovhit->GetTotalPe(1); if (tubeNumber < 1 || tubeNumber > oldpmtnum) { std::cout << "Error in pmtremove: tube number out of range: " << tubeNumber << " max: " << oldpmtnum << std::endl; exit(0); // die if we get a bad tube number } int newtubenumber = pmtassoc[tubeNumber]; if (newtubenumber > 0) // keep the tube's hits { vector<float> truetime; vector<int> ppid; for (int j=0; j<peForTube; j++) { WCSimRootCherenkovHitTime *HitTime = dynamic_cast<WCSimRootCherenkovHitTime*>(timeArray->At(timeArrayIndex+j)); truetime.push_back(HitTime->GetTruetime()); ppid.push_back(HitTime->GetParentID()); } newtrigger->AddCherenkovHit(newtubenumber,truetime,ppid); } } // End of loop over Cherenkov hits // Copy digitized hits for non-removed PMT's, and recompute sumq float sumq = 0; for (int i=0;i<ncherenkovdigihits;i++) { // Loop through elements in the TClonesArray of WCSimRootCherenkovDigiHits TObject *element = (oldtrigger->GetCherenkovDigiHits())->At(i); WCSimRootCherenkovDigiHit *wcsimrootcherenkovdigihit = dynamic_cast<WCSimRootCherenkovDigiHit*>(element); int tubeNumber = wcsimrootcherenkovdigihit->GetTubeId(); if (tubeNumber < 1 || tubeNumber > oldpmtnum) { std::cout << "Error in pmtremove: tube number out of range: " << tubeNumber << " max: " << oldpmtnum << std::endl; exit(0); // die if we get a bad tube number } int newtubenumber = pmtassoc[tubeNumber]; if (newtubenumber > 0) // keep the tube's hits { newtrigger->AddCherenkovDigiHit(wcsimrootcherenkovdigihit->GetQ(), wcsimrootcherenkovdigihit->GetT(), newtubenumber); sumq += wcsimrootcherenkovdigihit->GetQ(); } //if ( i < 10 ) // Only print first XX=10 tubes //printf("q, t, tubeid: %f %f %d \n",wcsimrootcherenkovdigihit->GetQ(), // wcsimrootcherenkovdigihit->GetT(),wcsimrootcherenkovdigihit->GetTubeId()); } // End of loop over Cherenkov digihits newtrigger->SetSumQ(sumq); //if (ev<100) { std::cout << "Sum charge: " << ev << " " << itrigger << " " << oldtrigger->GetSumQ() << " " << sumq << std::endl; } } // End of loop over triggers in the event newevtree->Fill(); newevtree->Write(); // reinitialize super events between loops. oldsuperevent->ReInitialize(); newsuperevent->ReInitialize(); } // End of loop over events delete f2; delete f3; }
// Simple example of reading a generated Root file void testgeo(char *filename=NULL) { // Clear global scope gROOT->Reset(); // Load the library with class dictionary info // (create with "gmake shared") char* wcsimdirenv; wcsimdirenv = getenv ("WCSIMDIR"); if(wcsimdirenv != NULL){ gSystem->Load("${WCSIMDIR}/libWCSimRoot.so"); }else{ gSystem->Load("../libWCSimRoot.so"); } // Open the file TFile *file; if (filename==NULL){ file = new TFile("../wcsim.root","read"); }else{ file = new TFile(filename,"read"); } if (!file->IsOpen()){ cout << "Error, could not open input file: " << filename << endl; return -1; } // Get the a pointer to the tree from the file TTree *gtree = (TTree*)file->Get("wcsimGeoT"); // Get the number of events int nevent = gtree->GetEntries(); printf("geo nevent %d\n",nevent); // Create a WCSimRootGeom to put stuff from the tree in WCSimRootGeom* wcsimrootgeom = new WCSimRootGeom(); // Set the branch address for reading from the tree TBranch *branch = gtree->GetBranch("wcsimrootgeom"); branch->SetAddress(&wcsimrootgeom); // Now loop over "events" (should be only one for geo tree) int ev; for (ev=0;ev<nevent; ev++) { // Read the event from the tree into the WCSimRootGeom instance gtree->GetEntry(ev); printf("Cyl radius %f\n", wcsimrootgeom->GetWCCylRadius()); printf("Cyl length %f\n", wcsimrootgeom->GetWCCylLength()); printf("PMT radius %f\n", wcsimrootgeom->GetWCPMTRadius()); printf("Offset x y z %f %f %f\n", wcsimrootgeom->GetWCOffset(0), wcsimrootgeom->GetWCOffset(1),wcsimrootgeom->GetWCOffset(2)); int numpmt = wcsimrootgeom->GetWCNumPMT(); printf("Num PMTs %d\n", numpmt); int i; for (i=0;i<((numpmt<20)?numpmt:20);i++){ WCSimRootPMT pmt; pmt = wcsimrootgeom->GetPMT(i); printf ("pmt %d %d %d\n",i,pmt.GetTubeNo(), pmt.GetCylLoc()); printf ("position: %f %f %f\n", pmt.GetPosition(0), pmt.GetPosition(1),pmt.GetPosition(2)); printf ("orientation: %f %f %f\n", pmt.GetOrientation(0), pmt.GetOrientation(1),pmt.GetOrientation(2)); } } // End of loop over events }