/*! Destructor. */ CameraKeyListener::~CameraKeyListener() { if (!m_widget) return; // Get view's native Symbian window WId windowId = 0; if (m_widget->internalWinId()) windowId = m_widget->internalWinId(); else if (m_widget->parentWidget() && m_widget->effectiveWinId()) windowId = m_widget->effectiveWinId(); RWindowBase *window = windowId ? static_cast<RWindowBase*>(windowId->DrawableWindow()) : 0; // Get hold of the window group TInt wGroupId = window ? window->WindowGroupId() : 0; if (!wGroupId) return; RWsSession &wsSession = CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession(); TUint wGroupHandle = wsSession.GetWindowGroupHandle(wGroupId); if (wGroupHandle) { RWindowGroup wGroup(wsSession); wGroup.Construct(wGroupHandle); wGroup.CancelCaptureKey(EKeyCamera); wGroup.CancelCaptureKeyUpAndDowns(EKeyCamera); } }
/*! Constructor, captures the HW camera (shutter) button events and directs them to the given widget. Note that the widget must be visible before this constructor is called. */ CameraKeyListener::CameraKeyListener(QWidget *widget) : QObject(widget), m_widget(widget) { if (!m_widget) { return; } // Get view's native Symbian window WId windowId = 0; if (m_widget->internalWinId()) { windowId = m_widget->internalWinId(); } else if (m_widget->parentWidget() && m_widget->effectiveWinId()) { windowId = m_widget->effectiveWinId(); } RWindowBase *window = windowId ? static_cast<RWindowBase*>(windowId->DrawableWindow()) : 0; // Get hold of the window group TInt wGroupId = window ? window->WindowGroupId() : 0; if (!wGroupId) { return; } RWsSession &wsSession = CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession(); TUint wGroupHandle = wsSession.GetWindowGroupHandle(wGroupId); if (wGroupHandle) { RWindowGroup wGroup(wsSession); wGroup.Construct(wGroupHandle); TBool captureOK = ETrue; // Capture camera key, in Symbian Belle the key up and downs must // be also handled in order to prevent the native camera application // to start. captureOK = captureOK && (wGroup.CaptureKey(EKeyCamera, 0, 0, 100) > 0); captureOK = captureOK && (wGroup.CaptureKeyUpAndDowns(EStdKeyDevice7, 0, 0, 100) > 0); if (!captureOK) qWarning() << "Unable to register for camera capture key events, " << "SwEvent capability may be missing"; } }
/*! Constructs the CVideoPlayerUtility2 object with given \a service and \a object. And Registers for Video Loading Notifications. */ S60VideoPlayerSession::S60VideoPlayerSession(QMediaService *service, S60MediaNetworkAccessControl *object) : S60MediaPlayerSession(service) , m_accessPointId(0) , m_wsSession(&CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession()) , m_screenDevice(CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()) , m_service(service) , m_player(0) #ifndef VIDEOOUTPUT_GRAPHICS_SURFACES , m_dsaActive(false) , m_dsaStopped(false) #endif , m_videoOutputControl(0) , m_videoOutputDisplay(0) , m_displayWindow(0) #ifdef HAS_AUDIOROUTING_IN_VIDEOPLAYER , m_audioOutput(0) #endif , m_audioEndpoint(DefaultAudioEndpoint) , m_pendingChanges(0) , m_backendInitiatedPause(false) { DP0("S60VideoPlayerSession::S60VideoPlayerSession +++"); m_networkAccessControl = object; #ifdef VIDEOOUTPUT_GRAPHICS_SURFACES QT_TRAP_THROWING(m_player = CVideoPlayerUtility2::NewL( *this, 0, EMdaPriorityPreferenceNone )); m_player->RegisterForVideoLoadingNotification(*this); #else RWindow *window = 0; QRect extentRect; QWidget *widget = QApplication::activeWindow(); if (!widget) widget = QApplication::allWidgets().at(0); Q_ASSERT(widget); WId wid = widget->effectiveWinId(); if (!wid) wid = widget->winId(); window = static_cast<RWindow *>(wid->DrawableWindow()); extentRect = QRect(widget->mapToGlobal(widget->pos()), widget->size()); TRect clipRect = QRect2TRect(extentRect); const TRect desktopRect = QRect2TRect(QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry()); clipRect.Intersection(desktopRect); QT_TRAP_THROWING(m_player = CVideoPlayerUtility::NewL( *this, 0, EMdaPriorityPreferenceNone, *m_wsSession, *m_screenDevice, *window, QRect2TRect(extentRect), clipRect)); m_dsaActive = true; m_player->RegisterForVideoLoadingNotification(*this); #endif // VIDEOOUTPUT_GRAPHICS_SURFACES S60VideoPlayerEventHandler::instance()->addApplicationFocusObserver(this); DP0("S60VideoPlayerSession::S60VideoPlayerSession ---"); }
void QWidgetPrivate::create_sys(WId window, bool /* initializeWindow */, bool destroyOldWindow) { Q_Q(QWidget); Qt::WindowType type = q->windowType(); Qt::WindowFlags &flags = data.window_flags; QWidget *parentWidget = q->parentWidget(); bool topLevel = (flags & Qt::Window); bool popup = (type == Qt::Popup); bool dialog = (type == Qt::Dialog || type == Qt::Sheet || (flags & Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint)); bool desktop = (type == Qt::Desktop); //bool tool = (type == Qt::Tool || type == Qt::Drawer); if (popup) flags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; // a popup stays on top TRect clientRect = static_cast<CEikAppUi*>(S60->appUi())->ClientRect(); int sw = clientRect.Width(); int sh = clientRect.Height(); if (desktop) { TSize screenSize = S60->screenDevice()->SizeInPixels(); data.crect.setRect(0, 0, screenSize.iWidth, screenSize.iHeight); q->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen); } else if (topLevel && !q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized)){ int width = sw; int height = sh; if (extra) { width = qMax(qMin(width, extra->maxw), extra->minw); height = qMax(qMin(height, extra->maxh), extra->minh); } data.crect.setSize(QSize(width, height)); } CCoeControl *const destroyw = destroyOldWindow ? data.winid : 0; createExtra(); if (window) { setWinId(window); TRect tr = window->Rect(); data.crect.setRect(tr.iTl.iX, tr.iTl.iY, tr.Width(), tr.Height()); } else if (topLevel) { if (!q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Moved) && !q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen)) data.crect.moveTopLeft(QPoint(clientRect.iTl.iX, clientRect.iTl.iY)); QScopedPointer<QSymbianControl> control( q_check_ptr(new QSymbianControl(q)) ); QT_TRAP_THROWING(control->ConstructL(true, desktop)); control->SetMopParent(static_cast<CEikAppUi*>(S60->appUi())); // Symbian windows are always created in an inactive state // We perform this assignment for the case where the window is being re-created // as a result of a call to setParent_sys, on either this widget or one of its // ancestors. extra->activated = 0; if (!desktop) { TInt stackingFlags; if ((q->windowType() & Qt::Popup) == Qt::Popup) { stackingFlags = ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys | ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus; } else { stackingFlags = ECoeStackFlagStandard; } control->MakeVisible(false); QT_TRAP_THROWING(control->ControlEnv()->AppUi()->AddToStackL(control.data(), ECoeStackPriorityDefault, stackingFlags)); // Avoid keyboard focus to a hidden window. control->setFocusSafely(false); RDrawableWindow *const drawableWindow = control->DrawableWindow(); // Request mouse move events. drawableWindow->PointerFilter(EPointerFilterEnterExit | EPointerFilterMove | EPointerFilterDrag, 0); drawableWindow->EnableVisibilityChangeEvents(); } q->setAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_Created); int x, y, w, h; data.crect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); control->SetRect(TRect(TPoint(x, y), TSize(w, h))); // We wait until the control is fully constructed before calling setWinId, because // this generates a WinIdChanged event. setWinId(control.take()); if (!desktop) s60UpdateIsOpaque(); // must be called after setWinId() } else if (q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_NativeWindow) || paintOnScreen()) { // create native child widget QScopedPointer<QSymbianControl> control( q_check_ptr(new QSymbianControl(q)) ); QT_TRAP_THROWING(control->ConstructL(!parentWidget)); // Symbian windows are always created in an inactive state // We perform this assignment for the case where the window is being re-created // as a result of a call to setParent_sys, on either this widget or one of its // ancestors. extra->activated = 0; TInt stackingFlags; if ((q->windowType() & Qt::Popup) == Qt::Popup) { stackingFlags = ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys | ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus; } else { stackingFlags = ECoeStackFlagStandard; } control->MakeVisible(false); QT_TRAP_THROWING(control->ControlEnv()->AppUi()->AddToStackL(control.data(), ECoeStackPriorityDefault, stackingFlags)); // Avoid keyboard focus to a hidden window. control->setFocusSafely(false); q->setAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_Created); int x, y, w, h; data.crect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); control->SetRect(TRect(TPoint(x, y), TSize(w, h))); RDrawableWindow *const drawableWindow = control->DrawableWindow(); // Request mouse move events. drawableWindow->PointerFilter(EPointerFilterEnterExit | EPointerFilterMove | EPointerFilterDrag, 0); drawableWindow->EnableVisibilityChangeEvents(); if (q->isVisible() && q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Mapped)) { activateSymbianWindow(control.data()); control->MakeVisible(true); } // We wait until the control is fully constructed before calling setWinId, because // this generates a WinIdChanged event. setWinId(control.take()); } if (destroyw) { destroyw->ControlEnv()->AppUi()->RemoveFromStack(destroyw); // Delay deletion of the control in case this function is called in the // context of a CONE event handler such as // CCoeControl::ProcessPointerEventL QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_delayedDestroy", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(WId, destroyw)); } if (q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents)) registerTouchWindow(); }