Пример #1
void PanDustSystem::setupSelfAfter()

    PeerToPeerCommunicator* comm = find<PeerToPeerCommunicator>();
    bool dataParallel = comm->dataParallel();

    if (dataParallel) // assign this process to work with a subset of dust cells
        _assigner = new StaggeredAssigner(_Ncells, this);

    WavelengthGrid* wg = find<WavelengthGrid>();

    // resize the tables that hold the absorbed energies for each dust cell and wavelength
    // - absorbed stellar emission is relevant for calculating dust emission
    // - absorbed dust emission is relevant for calculating dust self-absorption
    _haveLabsStel = false;
    _haveLabsDust = false;
    if (dustemission())
        if (dataParallel)
            _LabsStelvv.initialize("Absorbed Stellar Luminosity Table", ParallelTable::WriteState::COLUMN,
                                   wg->assigner(), _assigner, comm);
            _LabsStelvv.initialize("Absorbed Stellar Luminosity Table", ParallelTable::WriteState::COLUMN,
                                   _Nlambda, _Ncells, comm);
        _haveLabsStel = true;

        if (selfAbsorption())
            if (dataParallel)
                _LabsDustvv.initialize("Absorbed Dust Luminosity Table", ParallelTable::WriteState::COLUMN,
                                       wg->assigner(), _assigner, comm);
                _LabsDustvv.initialize("Absorbed Dust Luminosity Table", ParallelTable::WriteState::COLUMN,
                                       _Nlambda, _Ncells, comm);
            _haveLabsDust = true;

    // write emissivities if so requested
    if (writeEmissivity())
        // write emissivities for a range of scaled Mathis ISRF input fields
        Array Jv = ISRF::mathis(this);
        for (int i=-4; i<7; i++)
            double U = pow(10.,i);
            writeEmissivitiesForField(this, U*Jv, "Mathis_U_" + QString::number(U,'e',0),
                                      QString::number(U) + " * Mathis ISRF");

        // write emissivities for a range of diluted Black Body input fields
        const int Tv[] = { 3000, 6000, 9000, 12000, 15000, 18000 };
        const double Dv[] = { 8.28e-12, 2.23e-13, 2.99e-14, 7.23e-15, 2.36e-15, 9.42e-16 };
        for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
            Jv = Dv[i] * ISRF::blackbody(this, Tv[i]);
            writeEmissivitiesForField(this, Jv,
                                      QString("BlackBody_T_%1").arg(Tv[i], 5, 10, QChar('0')),
                                      QString("%1 * B(%2K)").arg(Dv[i],0,'e',2).arg(Tv[i]) );

        find<Log>()->info("Done writing emissivities.");